Selecting Brushes and Objects |
these items by selecting the editing mode, then holding
down T and clicking. The item closest to the cursor is
selected. While continuing to hold T, each successive
click selects a similar item farther from the cursor
until the original item is once again selected. To select brushes, first click Brush Edit on the WorldEdit toolbar. To select objects, first click Object Edit on that toolbar. To select multiple items, first click Multi-Node on the NodeView toolbar. A selected brush has a handle on each plane and one in the center. These handles are used to move and scale the brush, as described in the Moving Items and Scaling Brushes sections. To select a mixture of brushes and objects, first click Multi-Node, then click one edit mode and select those items, then click the other edit mode and select those items. Single and multiple brushes and objects can also be selected on the Nodes Tab in the Project Window, as described earlier. |
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