[SHOGO - Mobile Armor Division]
There isn't a music object. Dynamic music is changed using Trigger objects. To change the level of the music, send a message to the object that represents the client (PlayerObj). Here is a list messages that perform the operations:

Operation Message Description
Intensity level music level <n> Switches the music level to n. Where n is 0 (silence), 1 (ambient), 2 (cruising) or 3 (harddriving).

The intensity is separated into 4 different levels: silence, ambient, cruising and harddriving. Silence plays no music at all. The other levels have a playlist of sections that are looped while in that level. Switching from one level to the other will play a single transition section. The transitions sections are hardcoded into the game. The playlists are specified in the WorldProperties object.

Quick cinematic tutorial
Start with a trigger. Have it trigger tracking1 On and camera1 On.

tracking1 is a
KeyFramer that points to camera1 as the ObjectName and use cama as the base key name.

Create a camera called camera1 at the same exact spot. Give it whatever active time you want. -1 means it stays on permanently.

Create a key named cama0 at the same spot.

Select all three objects by going into Object mode, holding down B, and dragging a box around them.

Change their rotation to point where you want.

Create another key called cama1 and place it where you want the camera to move. The
TimeStamp determines how long it takes the camera to get to that point.

AI Scripting
In a trigger, the
TargetName should be the name of the AI you want to script. The MessageName will be the script itself, which has to start with "Script" and end with a semi-colon.

Script parameters affect how the script is executed. Here are the flags:

  • 0 No modifier. AI will follow script until finished or killed
  • 1 Looping. AI repeats script until interrupted or killed.
  • 2 Interruptable. AI will stop if damaged or killed.
  • 4 Don't use
  • 8 Opportunity fire. AI will attack any valid target while performing the script.

So if you wanted to script a guy to loop and be interruptable, you'd start the script with "Script 3;"

Script commands include:

  • Target [name]
    AI targets the specified character. If the target is of an enemy alignment, the AI will attack.
  • SetMovement [RUN or WALK]
    When moving, AI will either run or walk, depending on this command. Walking is the default.
  • FollowPath [pathname]
    AI will follow the specified path to the best of its ability.
  • ChangeWeapon [weapon ID]
    AI switches weapons.
  • SetAnimationState Loop
    When this command precedes a PlayAnimation command, the AI will loop the animation until interrupted.
  • PlayAnimation [animation name]
    AI plays specified animation.
  • Wait [time]
    AI waits the specified amount of time.
    AI changes to the specified state. This command effectively interrupts script.

So here's an example of a script:

Script 10;SetMovement RUN;FollowPath ab;Target Sanjuro;Wait 2;FollowPath ac;SetState PANICKED;

The AI would run along path ab (using AIKeys named ab0, ab1, etc.), target and attack the player for about 2 seconds, then start following path ac, at which point it would panic.