[SHOGO - Mobile Armor Division]
Property Summary

The ID of a resource string that is displayed when the Trigger is locked and something tries to activate it.
1025 Access Denied

The filename of the sound that will be played when the Trigger is locked and something tries to activate it.

The ID of a resource string that is displayed when an unlocked Trigger is activated.
1024 Access Granted

The filename of the sound that will be played when an unlocked Trigger is activated.

If this value is set in an object, the object will only be loaded if the value matches an existing story variable. For example, say that you have an alarm in level one. The idea is that if the player trips the alarm, there will be additional guards waiting in level two.

In level one, you would set up the alarm so that if it is activated, it sends a message to Story, which is used for setting global variables.

The MessageName must consist of a variable and a value, both of which can be anything you want. When a level is loaded, the game will compare any object with an ActivateCondition set to a list of global variables. If the value in memory matches the value specified in the ActivateCondition field, the object will be loaded. Otherwise, it will be ignored.

So in this case, let’s say that the alarm sets "alarm TRUE" in level one. In level two, the extra guards are given the ActivateCondition of "alarm TRUE". If "alarm" isn’t set or is set to something other than "TRUE", the guards will not appear in the level.

NOTE: An activation condition can ONLY be set in a previous level.

The filename of a sound played when a trigger is activated. Include the pathname (e.g. "sounds\doors\door1.wav").

Specifies how long (in seconds) a camera object remains active. When this time elapses (or when the camera receives an Off message), the game reverts to the player’s view. A value of –1 indicates that the camera stays on until turned off by a trigger message.

Used to set additional flags on a ScaleSprite.


8 Align sprite perpendicular to forward vector (good for aligning with world)
32 Shrinks the sprite as the viewer gets nearer
64 Biases the Z towards the view so a sprite doesn't clip as much
128 Disable Z read/write on sprite (good for lens flares)

NOTE: These flags can be added together (howerver, not all combinations make sense.)

Adds objectives to the player’s mission log. Enter the string IDs of objectives you wish to add. Separate string IDs with spaces.

Incomplete objectives appear in white.

Determines whether or not an AI can activate an object by touching it.

Allows you to specify an individual AI or select group of AIs that can activate an object. Enter the name of the AI or AIs.

If True, the player can move around freely while the camera is active.

Affects the translucency of a polygrid. The spectrum runs from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).

Not supported. Must be false.

Sound, TriggerSound
Setting Ambient to TRUE means that the sound will play as if it were coming from everywhere around you, but will get quieter as you move farther away from it. Setting Ambient to FALSE means that the sound will play from a specific point.

Specifies the files to use as an IMA playlist. Up to 30 files can be specified.

Specifies the number of armor points the object has.

BaseAI derived classes
Same as Armor.
Note: Any non-negative value will be used as the exact armor point value. Setting ArmorPoints to –1 will use the default for the AI subclass.

Attaches a Trigger to an object, such as a Prop or a WorldModel. If the object moves, so does the trigger.

Specifies which sounds a specific AI will be able to play. Because an AI can only play one sound at a time, new sounds interrupt sounds that are currently playing. Therefore, it is advisable to disable most sounds for an AI that will be speaking to the player in order to avoid possible interruptions.

States set to True are available to the AI. Any state set to False is ignored when the AI calculates its state.

The base name of the key series. The keyframer will look for a key with that base name followed by 0, then look for the base name followed by 1. It will continue until it finds no more keys in the series.

Door, RotatingWorldModel
If True, the object will use box physics rather than accurate physics for object collision. Box physics are more optimal, so leave this flag True unless the object is angled or can rotate.

Don’t use.

BaseAI derived classes
Bravado is used in the ai state change calculation. The higher the bravado the more likely the AI will be aggressive, the lower the bravado the more likely the AI will retreat.
Bravado can range from 0 to 4.

Indicates the relative brightness scale of the light. Values greater than 1.0 will create oversaturated-looking effects, while values less than 1.0 will merely dim the light.

Message sent when player touches the AI.

How many times the message is sent.

Target for trigger message sent when player touches AI.

Vestigial property. Don’t worry about it.

Points to the bumper screen ID for the next level.

The delay between particle bursts in a particle system.

Looping sound played while WorldModel is at full velocity.

Specifies whether or not an AI will take damage. If set to False, no damage messages will be sent.

Specifies whether or not the object can be healed (can pick up/use first aid).

Specifies whether or not the object can be repaired (can pick up/use armor)

If CastShadowsFlag is True the LithTech FLAG_CASTSHADOWS will be set. The light will cast shadows.

Not supported.

If the model’s texture map has an alpha mask, this property will apply the world’s environment map (see EnvironmentMap) for a chrome effect.

Clips light to the world geometry so that only those surfaces facing the Light’s center are illuminated. If False, the Light’s illumination ignores world geometry.

Sound played while door object is moving to its closed position.

Sound played when door object is activated to return to its start position.

Sound played when door reaches its closed position.

How long the door remains in its closed position before it can be re-opened.

Overrides the door’s move speed when it is closing. Leave this value 0 if you want it to open and close at the same rate.

Color specifies the base color to use for the ClientLightFX.

ParticleSystem, Polygrid
Defines one end of a color range.

All particles will range between Color1 and Color2. Grayscale particle textures will respond to color variations more predictably than colored particle textures.

One end of a color range that will cycle across the polygrid. The surface of the polygrid will shift non-linearly between Color1 and Color2.

ParticleSystem, Polygrid
Defines the other end of a color range

All particles will range between Color1 and Color2. Grayscale particle textures will respond to color variations more predictably than colored particle textures.

The other end of a color range that will cycle across the polygrid. The surface of the polygrid will shift non-linearly between Color1 and Color2.

Enter the string IDs of objectives you wish to mark as completed in the player’s mission log. Completed objectives are grayed out. Separate string IDs with spaces.

BaseAI derived classes
Used in calculating the AI’s state. Don’t set this value (it is calculated internally, so setting it will not do anything).

Specifies the files to use as a playlist. Up to 30 files can be specified.

A force that pushes against the player. Use positive or negative values along each axis (x, y, and z) to indicate the direction and strength of the current. In general, you’ll need values in the thousands in order to lift a player off the ground.

The amount of damage applied by a VolumeBrush every second.

The name of the sprite file used when the object receives a Damage message (see ScaleSprite)

The message that is sent to the object responsible for damaging this object.

Message sent when AI is damaged.

How many times a damage trigger may be sent. A value of –1 indicates that message is always sent.

Target for trigger message sent when AI is damaged.

Indicates the type of damage caused by a VolumeBrush.
Damage types:

  • Melee 1
  • Puncture 2
  • Burn 3
  • Impact 4
  • Electrocute 5
  • Choke 6
  • Energy 7
  • Explosion 8
  • Freeze 9
  • Squeaky (squeaky toy) 10
  • Kato 11
  • Burst 12
  • Endless fall 13

Message sent when AI is killed.

Target for trigger message sent when AI is killed.

Used to specify the material the object is made of for impact sounds, footsteps, and debris effects.
Debris types:

  • Generic debris 0
  • Generic flat debris 1
  • Wood boards 2
  • Big Tree/bush branches 3
  • Small Tree/bush branches 4
  • Small wood chips 5
  • Plastic debris 6
  • Big glass debris 7
  • Small glass debris 8
  • Feathers (for furniture) 9
  • Big stone debris 10
  • Small stone debris 11
  • Big metal debris 12
  • Small metal debris 13
  • Car parts 14
  • Mecha parts 15
  • Vehicle parts 16
  • Human parts 17

The default spawn string that will be used if "default" is specified as the spawn value.

The world that is loaded next when you hit an exit trigger. Enter the filename without path or file extension information (e.g. "nextworld" as opposed to "worlds\nextworld.dat").

The sprite file that is used if the ScaleSprite receives the Destroy message.

Allows you to swap models when the prop is destroyed. For example, you could switch from a car to a wrecked car. If no model is specified, the prop will vanish when destroyed.

Allows you to swap skins when the prop is destroyed.

This is a vestigial property that should be left alone.

This is a vestigial property. Best to avoid it.

Used to speed up vis times. Any brush with a detail level of 0 will be included in calculating the visibility list. Setting this value to 1 tells the processor to treat the brush as detail, which excludes it from the vis list calculation, speeding up the process. Primarily useful with light fixtures, railings, and other small detail work.

Be careful with detail brushes. You may experience problems with leaks and other geometry issues if a detail brush abuts the edge of the world. Experiment with detail settings and pay attention to the results. If your poly counts go up drastically in an area, you should consider setting potential culprits back to zero.

specifies the bounding box (dimensions) of the object. The box is relative to the position of the object. When two object’s dims are overlapping the objects are considered touching.

Dims are calculated from the object’s center, so (32, 32, 32) would create a bounding box of 64x64x64.

Specifies the x, y, and z dimensions of the polygrid object.

Applies the light values from a GlobalDirectionalLight to the brush. Only works with flat shaded brushes.

If DontLightBackfacingFlag is True the LithTech FLAG_DONTLIGHTBACKFACING will be set for the light. The light will not light backfacing polies. Useful to keep lights from shining through walls, for instance.

A surface effect applied to a brush. See EffectParam for usage.

  • Pan
  • Rotate
  • Warble

Parameters for a brush effect (see Effect).

  • Effect: Pan
    EffectParam: <left/right pan speed> <up/down pan speed>
  • Effect: Rotate
    EffectParam: <center> <speed> (reasonable speed is 0.1)
  • Effect: Warble
    EffectParam: <center> <x speed> <y speed> (reasonable speed is 0.3)

Warble center 1 0.3
Warble bbf 3 2

Indicates the radius in which particles are generated.

Pretty much what you’d expect. Enables fog.

Vestigial property. Ignore.

The name of the environment map to be used in the world. Environment maps are used for chrome effects on models.

BaseAI derived classes
Determines how likely an AI is to strafe back and forth once engaged with an enemy. Valid range is 0 to 5, with 5 indicating no strafing at all.

BaseAI derived classes
Used when calculating the AI’s state. Valid range is 0 to 4, with 4 causing the AI to be more likely not to panic.

Sets the explosion effects (if any) used when the prop is destroyed or receives a Fire message.

  • CreateExplosion
    If True, an explosion will be created.
  • WeaponID
    Specifies which weapon effect is created.
    Vector weapons may have some issues, since their impact effects are generated at the impact point of a vector. If you use a vector weapon ID, a vector will be fired straight down when the prop is destroyed. The impact effect will be created wherever the vector hits. Therefore, if you’ve got an airborne prop, it’s best to use the default (Bullgut) weapon ID.
  • ExplosionSize
    Adjust the damage radius of the explosion.
  • FireAlongForward
    Fires the weapon effect along the prop’s forward vector instead of generating it at the prop’s center. See WeaponID for additional information.
  • DamageFactor
    Scales the amount of damage caused by the explosion.

Vestigial property.

The filename of the object. Must be the full path with the .abc file extension (e.g. "models\props\myprop.abc", "sprites\mysprite.spr", etc.).

Sets a sound to stream rather every time it is played rather than be retained in memory. This is best used for large sounds

The brush uses flat shading, which, as the name implies, lights each surface one flat shade based on an average of the light across the entire face.
It is also possible to manually set a light value per surface with flat shaded brushes. You can do so either in brush mode or geometry mode by selecting the brush/face and right clicking. Choose Edit Surface Color… and set the color appropriately. Note that you will most likely have to use very dark colors (10 10 15, for example) in order to get decent-looking results.
Flat shaded brushes can also be lit with a GlobalDirectionalLight, which requires FlatShade, DirectionalLight (see below), and a GlobalDirectionalLight object (see below).

Make sure to turn off GouraudShade, LightMap, and Subdivide.

If this value is true, the object will be aligned flush with the world (wall, floor, etc.) directly behind (i.e., opposite the object’s forward vector) the object.

Sets the fog color.

Sets the fog’s far clip plane

Sets the fog’s near clip plane

If FogLightFlag is True the LithTech FLAG_FOGLIGHT will be set for the light. This will generate fog instead of light.

The field of view of a DirLight. The greater the number, the wider the light’s cone will be.

It’s probably a good idea to leave this at its default value.

The brush is fully bright. Lighting does not affect it.

You probably won’t use this flag very often, but if you do, make sure to turn off LightMap and Subdivide.

Determines which type of game the start point is used for.

  1. Singleplay
  2. Deathmatch

The brush uses Gouraud shading, which is essentially vertex lighting. You may experience some "swimming" effects with Gouraud shaded surfaces if the light value on a given surface is greatly different from that on another.
Gouraud shading is definitely the way to go on terrain maps and other natural-looking areas, as it creates a smoother, more organic look and blends the seams between polygons. For best results, try to make the lighting even.
Note: The GouraudShade flag can and should co-exist with the LightMap and Subdivide flags if you plan to allow users to turn off lightmapping, since it generally looks better (i.e. smoother and more consistent) unless you’ve specifically lit an area for flat shading. The problem with flat shading is that because it uses the average lighting on a surface, you can end up with ugly blocky patterns on walls and floors where adjacent polygons are lit differently. Gouraud shading will smooth out the transition between the two faces for a more natural look.

Specifies whether or not the object has gravity.
Note: (RotatingWorldModel) Turn off Gravity for best results.

Specifies the files to use as a playlist. Up to 30 files can be specified.

Indicates AI’s hearing radius in world units.

Is the object visible (or active)

Specifies how many hit points the object has.

Any non-negative value will be used as the exact hit point value. Setting HitPoints to –1 will use the default for the AI subclass.

This is a tricky one.
First off, a hullmaker is a "brush" that creates a manual hull, which is used by the visibility list to determine what you can see from any given point in a level. Carefully placed hullmakers can reduce polycounts, overdraw, and texture memory usage.
A hullmaker has to be a zero thickness brush, which you must create in geometry mode the same way you’d create a regular brush. The difference is that when you connect the dots, you won’t be prompted to give the brush dimension. You will only be able to select the brush from the visible side.
Do yourself a favor and name all your hullmakers consistently. "Hullmaker" will work fine. Then group them, name the node "hullmakers", and hide it.

Hullmakers should be non-solid, invisible, and have no lighting. Also, be sure to set the HullMaker flag to true.

The name of the PCX image displayed when a transmission trigger occurs. This filename does not include the path to the file, it is assumed to be located in Interface\TranPix\ (e.g., hank.pcx)

The core color of the light.
Note: InnerColor is applied to surfaces facing a GlobalDirLight object.

The inner radius of the sound. In other words, the farthest distance away from the origin of the sound where the sound is still played at full volume.

Specifies the 2 files for the DLS information. Separate file names with spaces. The first file is the DLS file that contains the instrument data. The second file is a style file. The style file must contain bands that use all the instruments of the DLS file.

IntensityFreq specifies the frequency that the IntensityWaveform follows. The higher the value, the faster the light will cycle. Fractional values accepted.

IntensityMax specifies the maximum value for the ClientLightFX’s intensity.

IntensityMin specifies the minimum value for the ClientLightFX’s intensity. The intensity will cycle between IntensityMin and IntensityMax based on the IntensityFreq and IntensityPhase settings.

IntensityPhase specifie the phase offset that the IntensityWaveform follows. Values are in degrees between 0 and 360. A value of 180 will cycle exactly out of phase with a ClientLightFX with the same frequency and an offset of 0. ClientLightFX objects with the same IntensityFreq and IntensityPhase will play in sync.

IntensityWaveform specifies the waveform to use to vary the intensity.. Valid waveform values are:

  • 0 No waveform, light will not cycle.
  • 1 Square waveform: Light will cycle instantly between Min to Max values.
  • 2 Saw waveform: Light will cycle from Min to Max along linear values.
  • 3 Ramp Up: Light will ramp up from Min to Max values and then reset directly to Min.
  • 4 Ramp Down: Light will ramp down from Max to Min values and then reset to Max.
  • 5 Sine: Light value follows a Sine wave path between Min and Max,
  • 6 Flicker 1: Light follows a flicker pattern that only has Min and Max values.
  • 7 Flicker 2: Light follows a more "organic" flicker pattern (accoring to the Blood source)
  • 8 Flicker 3: mostly on flicker -- good for flaky fluourescents.
  • 9 Flicker 4: mostly off flicker -- good for really flaky fluourescents
  • 10 Strobe: Light pulses from Max to Min.
  • 11 Search: Light follows a Sine pattern with some wait time in the Min state.

Won’t be drawn, but will still block the player and AIs.

If an invisible brush intersects with another brush, there will be a visible hole in the level at the junction point. In general, it’s probably safer to use a WorldModel, since WorldModels don’t subdivide geometry.

If True, the camera position, rather than the player position, acts as the microphone.

The message sent to the object that killed this object.

If True, creates a scaled-up version of the AI for use in on foot levels.

If LifeTime is non-zero it specifies the amount of time that the ClientLightFX will exist after it is created or triggered on.

The brush uses lightmapping, which, while slower to render than Gouraud shading or flat shading, looks more natural. This should be your default in most indoor structures.

Specifies whether or not the light illuminates objects.

Specifies the radius of illumination. In the editor, the radius of a selected Light is graphically represented by a ring around the light object.

Sets the global light scale for a level. This property was originally implemented in order to make in-game flashbacks look different from regular gameplay (for example, a bluish tint).

LightSwitch sets whether or not the ClientLightFX object is in the on state when it is created.

If Locked is 1 the Trigger cannot be activated.

If True, the keyframer will continue to loop until turned off.

if you want a keyframed object to loop, it may be necessary to place the last key in the series in the same exact position as the initial key, as the initial key’s TimeStamp is 0, which will cause the object to snap back to this position.

A looping sound played after a TriggerSound’s StartSound. If no StartSound is specified, the LoopSound will commence immediately. The LoopSound plays until the TriggerSound receives a Stop message, at which point the StopSound is played.

Message sent when AI loses sight of the player.

How many times the message is sent.

Target for trigger message sent when AI loses sight of the player.

Specifies the accuracy of an AI’s aim. The valid range is 0 to 6, 0 being the most accurate and 6 being the least. These are the default values for the Hard difficulty setting and are adjusted for other difficulties.

The mass of the object. In general, leave this value alone. Some objects (like

Same as Mass.

The maximum velocity for a given particle in the system.

The maximum number of debris objects that will be generated when the prop is destroyed. The actual number will be between the min and max debris numbers.

Message1 (Message2, Message3)
The message sent if string 1 is selected.

The message sent when a keyframed object reaches the key.

MessageName1 (MessageName2, etc.)
MessageName1 is the message that will be sent to all objects named "TargetName1" when the Trigger is activated.

Target for trigger message sent when a keyframed object reaches the key. Note that you can do some cool stuff with destructible keyframed objects, since they won’t send a trigger message if they get blown up before they reach the next key.

The minimum velocity for a given particle in the system.

The minimum number of debris objects that will be generated when the prop is destroyed. The actual number will be between the min and max debris numbers.

Not supported.

How long the door waits before moving once it is triggered. This property is especially useful for lifts, as it makes it much easier for a player get onto a platform before it starts moving. For most doors, you’ll probably want to leave this 0, but 0.5 is a good value for lifts.

The vector in which the door moves when activated.

0 No movement along this vector
-1 Moves along the negative vector (e.g. negative y is down)
1 Moves along the positive vector (e.g. positive y is up)

Note that you can use these vectors to make doors that move at angles (for example, 1, -1, 0 will move the door simultaneously along positive x and negative y.

How far the door moves in world units. It’s usually advisable to leave about 4 units of the door visible in its open position since moving it flush with a door frame will create z-buffering issues (since the engine will draw both the surface of the door and the surface of the door frame). For example, if a door frame is 128 units tall, have the door move 124 units up.

If True, object is moved to floor on initial update. Should be set to False for objects that are supposed to start in the air.

Specifies the path to the data files used for IMA.

Name is used to give the object a unique name. This property should be set if the level designer wants to refer to this object (i.e. send it a message). Multiple objects may share the same name, which is often useful for triggering multiple objects at the same time.

Note: WorldModels (i.e. brushes converted to objects such as doors, volume brushes, etc.) must have unique names.

Note: Keys must be named with a base name and a number, which indicates their position in the series. The initial key, which indicates the keyframed object’s starting point, must be 0 in the series.

Note: Names are CASE SENSITIVE. John is not the same as john (this is very important when sending trigger messages to objects)

Specifies whether or not an AI can be destroyed. If set to True, AI will be immortal, but damage messages will still be sent. This property effectively replaces CanDamage.

If this flag is set, the brush will be removed during preprocessing.

Used on terrain maps to prevent geometry errors. If you have a terrain, set this flag to True.

The number of polygons used to make the surface mesh of a polygrid. The higher the number, the smoother and more intricate the surface plasma will be.

The number of polygons used to make the surface mesh of a polygrid. The higher the number, the smoother and more intricate the surface plasma will be.

The name of the object you are keyframing.

Not implemented. Was originally going to be used for the Guarding state, but we never got around to adding that.

Specifies whether or not the object starts active.

If True, the camera can only be activated once. Otherwise, it can be activated repeatedly.

If OnlyLightWorldFlag is True the LithTech FLAG_ONLYLIGHTWORLD will be set for the light. This will keep the light from lighting objects.

Sound played while door object is moving to its open position.

Sound played when door object is activated. Use the path name (for example: "sounds\doors\open1.wav").

Sound played when door object reaches its open position.

How long the door remains in its open position before closing. This property is ignored if the door’s state is 8 (remains open) or 4 (must be triggered to close).

The color of the light’s penumbra, or fringe. Selecting a color other than black can cause interesting (although not particularly realistic) effects. In general, it’s advisable to leave this color black unless you’re striving for a deliberate effect.

Note: OuterColor is used as the shadow color for a GlobalDirLight object and is applied to surfaces facing away from the GlobalDirLight.

All other surfaces are lit somewhere in between the InnerColor and OuterColor. Experimentation is advisable.

The farthest distance away from the origin of the sound that it can still be heard.


  • Bounce 1 (hard on performance)
  • Shadows 2 (hard on performance)
  • Never die 4 (hard on performance)
  • Dumb 8 (game must update and move particles)

Note: These flags can be added together.

Note: None of these are used in Shogo.

Specifies the amount of gravity applied to the particles in the system. Use 0 if you don’t want any gravity to be applied.

How long each particle exists before being removed.

How many particles are produced per second.

The radius of each particle in the system. This value is relative to the size of the texture used for the particle.

See PlasmaType.

Indicates the type of plasma to use to generate motion on the polygrid. Valid values are 0 for normal plasma and 1 for 4 ring plasma (see Ring1Rate for more information about 4 ring plasma)

Sets the mode the player starts in.

  • 0 On foot
  • 1 Predator
  • 2 Enforcer
  • 3 Ordog
  • 4 Akuma
  • 5 Kid
  • Current MCA
  • Multiplayer MCA

Note: Mode 6 (Current MCA) is used for most MCA levels, as the level designer cannot predict which MCA the player selected. If you are assigning the player a specific MCA, use its corresponding value.

Note: Mode 7 should be used for Multiplayer levels if you want to allow players to select specific MCAs. However, if you want to force ALL players to use the same MCA you can use Mode 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Determines whether or not the player can activate the trigger by touching it.

Used in conjunction with doors to create dynamic hullmakers. When the door is closed, nothing beyond it will be drawn.

Note: Give the portal a name (a door object must point to the portal by name) and set it up just like a hullmaker.

Specifies the name of the door’s portal (see Brush above for more information on portals).

Pos describes the location of the object in the world. Level designers usually won’t need to adjust this value manually (it is automatically adjusted by moving the object in DEdit).

Sounds have priorities within their SoundType. The valid numbers are 0, 1, and 2. Lower numbers have lower priority.

RadiusFreq specifies the fequency that the RadiusWaveform follows. The higher the value, the faster the light will cycle. Fractional values accepted.

RadiusMax specifies the maximum value for the ClientLightFX’s Radius.

RadiusMin specifies the minimum value for the ClientLightFX’s radius. The radius will cycle between RadiusMin and RadiusMax based on the RadiusFreq and RadiusPhase settings.

RadiusPhase specifie the phase offset that the RadiusWaveform follows. Values are in degrees between 0 and 360. A value of 180 will cycle exactly out of phase with a ClientLightFX with the same frequency and an offset of 0. ClientLightFX objects with the same RadiusFreq and RadiusPhase will play in sync.

RadiusWaveform specifies the waveform to use to vary the Radius.. Valid waveform values are are the same as for the IntensityWaveform. The radius can have a completely different waveform than the intensity for some weird effects.

RampDownSound specifies the sound file to play when the ClientLightFX starts to cycle from Max to Min.

RampUpSound specifies the sound file to play when the ClientLightFX starts to cycle from Min to Max.

Enter the string IDs of objectives you wish to remove from the player’s mission log. Separate string IDs with spaces.

Ring1Rate, Ring2Rate, Ring3Rate, Ring4Rate
Used when PlasmaType is set to 1 in the polygrid. These values determine the rate at which the first, second, thrid, and forth plamsa rings change.

Tell the sprite to use the LithTech FLAG_ROTATEABLESPRITE flag (this is the same as adding 8 to the ScaleSprite’s AdditionFlags property). See AdditionalFlags.

Rotation describes the rotation (Yaw, Pitch, and Roll) of the object. In the editor, objects are displayed as gray boxes with colored lines emanating from the center to indicate the object’s orientation. The blue line is z (forward and backward), red is y (up and down), and green is x (left and right).

Allows you to adjust the scale of the object. The default is 1 1 1.

Adjusts the X dimension of the sprite. The default is 0.5.

Adjusts the Y dimension of the sprite. The default is 0.5.

SendDelay indicates the amount of time that the Trigger waits after it is activated to send its messages.

Specifies whether or not the prop casts a shadow. Not that model shadows are handled the same way as character shadows.

If set to False, the AI will vanish immediately when killed. Primarily used for boss fights. Basically, if you’re fighting a boss who will appear again later in the game, you can remove the AI immediately upon its defeat and spawn a new version which you can script in a cinematic.

Specifies whether or not a PolyGrid surface is drawn on the VolumeBrush.

The filename of the model’s texture map. Must be the full path with the .dtx file extension (e.g. "skins\props\myprop.dtx"). For the sake of convenience, you should name models and skins identically.

Specifies whether or not the level contains sky fog.

The SkyFog’s far z value (see FogFarZ)

The SkyFog’s near z value (see FogNearZ)

Any brush with this flag set can be affected by skypanning (i.e. cloud shadows). In order for it to work, the brush can’t have lightmapping. Either Gouraud shading or flat shading will work fine.

Note: In order for this flag to work, at least one brush in the level must have the LightMap flag set to True.

Sets whether or not skypanning will be used in the level.

Indicates that the brush is a sky portal (i.e. instead of seeing a texture mapped brush, you’ll see the world’s sky).

Note: SkyPortal brushes should only have Solid and SkyPortal set to True. All other flags should be False.

Creates a scaled-down version of the AI for use in MCA levels.

Points to a sky box used in software mode.

Specifies whether or not an object is solid. Non-solid objects will not block base characters or projectiles.

Notes: You should generally avoid using this flag on Brushes. If you want a non-solid object within a level, it’s generally advisable to bind it to a WorldModel of some sort (door, volume brush, etc.) and make the WorldModel object non-solid instead. Trust me.

If CastShadowsFlag is True the LithTech FLAG_SOLIDLIGHT will be set. Use the 'fastlight' method for this light.

Specifies the name of a sound to play when a specific keyframer key is processed. See KeyFramer.

Allows you to override the position at which door sounds are played in the case of a very large door. Enter the x, y, and z coordinates of the desired sound position. (Note: a good way to locate a position is to place a temporary object there—it can be any object you like—and write down its Pos values. Then delete the temp object.)

The total radius of a sound generated by the object. The radius of a selected object will be displayed as a ring in the editor. SoundRadius is the distance away from the trigger object that the sound can be heard (approx.)

Note: (key) I don’t think this property works.

Note: (prop) This is a vestigial property. Best to avoid it.

Used for overriding default sounds in a particular category. Value should be the sound that is to be played.

Used for spawning specific pickup items. Simply specify the name of the pickup item you want to spawn exactly as it appears in the object list in DEdit (e.g. FirstAid_25).

Used for spawning specific pickup items. Simply specify the name of the pickup item you want to spawn exactly as it appears in the object list in DEdit (e.g. FirstAid_25).

The sound that is played when the object is spawned.

Indicates how fast the door moves in world units per second.

Sound plyaed while WorldModel is spinning down to a stop.

Sound played while WorldModel is spinning up to full velocity.

Message sent when AI spots the player.

How many times the spot trigger message is sent.

Target for trigger message sent when AI spots the player.

Specifies the sprite file to be used as a texture on the polygrid surface. Note: you can achieve very cool results with animating sprites and alpha-masked textures.

The object will be active from the moment the level loads.

Specifies whether or not the particle system starts active.

Sets the name of the start point the player will begin the next level at. Used primarily in cases in which a player may enter a level from two different points.

The sound played when a TriggerSound receives a Start message. Once the StartSound plays, the LoopSound will begin unless none is specified.

Determines the AI’s starting state (see AI section for detail on how the state system works).

  1. IDLE
  5. GUARDING (not implemented)
  7. PSYCHO (not implemented)

Determines how the door behaves.

  • Self Triggerable 1
  • Start in open position 2
  • Trigger to close 4
  • Remains open 8

These flags can be added together (i.e., Self triggerable and starts in open position = 3)

The sound a TriggerSound plays when it receives a Stop message.

String1ID (String2ID, String3ID)
The ID points to a text string that is displayed on the screen by a DialogTrigger. Players may cycle among available text strings (up to three) and select the one they prefer by hitting the Enter key.

Points to a text string that is displayed on the screen.

Subdivides a surface for lightmapping. Leave True for lightmapping. Set to False for any other type of lighting.

Affects the transparency of the surface, from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).

One end of a color range that will cycle across the polygrid. The surface of the polygrid will shift non-linearly between Color1 and Color2.

The other end of a color range that will cycle across the polygrid. The surface of the polygrid will shift non-linearly between Color1 and Color2.

Sets the turbulence of a polygrid surface: ranges from 0 (flat) on up.

Target1 (Target2, Target3)
The target for the trigger message corresponding to string 1.

TargetName1 (TargetName2, etc.)
TargetName1 is the name of the object(s) that will receive the MessageName1 message (NOTE: all objects with this name will receive this message).

The texture used by the particle. Can be anything you want.

Not used.

How long it takes the keyframed object to reach the key from its current position. Note that the initial key must have a TimeStamp of 0.

Changes the color of the prop.

If the model’s texture map has an alpha mask, this property will allow you to adjust the translucency of the prop. The range runs from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).

The brush will be translucent IF AND ONLY IF it is bound to a WorldModel of some sort (door, volume brush, etc.) and if the texture applied to it has some sort of alpha masking.

To verify that a texture has an alpha mask, select it in the texture view, right click on the filename, and select Texture Properties. Look for the Alpha Masks flag.

Note: In case it isn’t obvious, this flag should only be used with WorldModel subclasses.

TriggerDelay indicates the amount of time after the Trigger has been activated before the Trigger can be activated again.

By default, a door will be triggered when a player or AI touches it. This property allows you to create a larger trigger radius for the door. See Trigger for more information on how to set Trigger dims.

The message that is sent to the object specified by TriggerTarget. Some common messages are: Trigger, Start, Stop, On, Off, etc.

The name of the object that should receive the TriggerMessage.

Note: Object names are CASE SENSITIVE.

Specifies the type of camera to use.
Supported types are:

  1. Full screen
  2. Cinematic (i.e., Letterbox)

UnlockKey is the name of the key used to unlock this Trigger. If the Trigger is locked and the Player (or AI) has a key that matches UnlockKey, the Trigger will be unlocked. NOTE: If the Trigger receives an "UNLOCK" message, it will be unlocked regardless of the value of UnlockKey.

This is the velocity offset (i.e., a random value between –velocityOffset and +velocityOffset) in both the x and z directions (relative to the ParticleSystem) that the each particle may travel.

Specifies whether or not the object is visible.

Note: Invisible props can be useful either for creating simple barriers for the player or explosions (see ExplosionStuff).

Affects the resistance of a volume.

Indicates how far an AI can see in world units.

Each sound belongs to a specific voice type. Shogo has 3 voice types: miscellaneous (type 0), player (type 1), enemies (type 2).

The amplitude of a sound.

Specifies a movement waveform for the door.

  • 0 Linear (door moves at a constant rate)
  • 1 Sine (starts slow, speeds up, then slows down)
  • 2 Slow off (ends slow)
  • 3 Slow on (starts slow)

Indicates which weapon an AI has.

This is a global (per level) wind velocity that is added to some special effects. This velocity affects mainly rocket smoke trails and explosion smoke drift.

XAxisRevTime (YAxisRevTime, ZAxisRevTime)
The amount of time it takes for the object to complete one full revolution around the specified axis.

XAxisSpinUpTime (YAxisSpinUpTime, ZAxisSpinUpTime)
How long it takes the object to accelerate to full velocity.

XAxisSpinDownTime (YAxisSpinDownTime, ZAxisSpinDownTime)
How long it takes the object to decelerate to a complete stop

XRotateForward (YRotateForward, ZRotateForward)
Specifies whether object rotates forward or backward around its axis.

Polygrid, VolumeBrush
This value indicates how long it takes (in seconds) the polygrid surface to scale from XScaleMin to XScaleMax.

Polygrid, VolumeBrush
The maximum polygrid scale value in the X dimension. This value is used to scale the surface texture of the polygrid.

Polygrid, VolumeBrush
The minimum polygrid scale value in the X dimension. This value is used to scale the surface texture of the polygrid.

Polygrid, VolumeBrush
The time it takes the polygrid surface to complete a full pan in the X dimension.

Polygrid, VolumeBrush
This value indicates how long it takes (in seconds) the polygrid surface to scale from YScaleMin to YScaleMax.

Polygrid, VolumeBrush
The maximum polygrid scale value in the Y dimension. This value is used to scale the surface texture of the polygrid.

Polygrid, VolumeBrush
The minimum polygrid scale value in the Y dimension. This value is used to scale the surface texture of the polygrid.

Polygrid, VolumeBrush
The time it takes the polygrid surface to complete a full pan in the Y dimension.