Chrome Console commands: The console commands need to be typed in Say window used for player communication during the game. Each command has to be preceded by '/' character. While in the game, press 'c' key to open the Say window and then type /AdminSay text to send text message to all players.
Admin Commands:
AdminLogin user password
Logs admin user
onto server (user name and password are taken from ServerAdmins.scr
file located in \Data directory - see the end of the document
for exemplary file).
Logs off admin user
AdminSay text
Sends text message
to all players
Sends warning message
to all players and closes server
Map mapname
Changes current map
to specific one
Changes current map
to next one
MapSetParam param
Changes game settings
to given ones (you can change all settings available on current
map - for example you can change time of the game - MapSetParam
GameTime 10 - sets time to 10mins)
Kick playername
Kicks player from server
Kill playername
Kills selected player
Sets map settings
to default
Saves changed settings
to file
Sets map settings
to custom ones (taken from saved file)
Player Commands:
MsgTeam text
Sends following text
message to team
Kills player
Shows how much time
is left on the map or how much time is left to the end of
the round.
Changes player's team
Example of AdminParams.scr file:
//Admin( sUserName, sPassword, iRights )
// 0 - standard
// 1 - full
!Admin( s, s, i )
Admin( "Admin name", "password", 1 )
Admin( "Admin1 name", "password1", 0 )