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Player Statistics
Kill assistances:
Recon-ided kills:
Kills per death:
Kills per minute:
Player skill:
Completed objectives:
60 (60)
43 (43)
Friendly fire (TK/HK/VK):
Killed by team:
Health points given:
Health points received:
Cash earned:
Cash spent:
Time on server:
0 (0/0/0)

Mission Statistics
Victories: Defeats:
50%6 650%

Weapon Usage Chart
Rank: Weapon: Kills: Kill %: Deaths: Death %:
1 AK 47 AK 47 15 25.0% 5 11.6%
2 P90 P90 12 20.0% 1 2.3%
3 MicroUzi MicroUzi 7 11.7% 11 25.6%
4 Olympic Arms M4 Olympic Arms M4 5 8.3% 2 4.7%
5 96 96 4 6.7% 0 0.0%
6 MP5/10 MP5/10 4 6.7% 5 11.6%
7 LAW LAW 3 5.0% 0 0.0%
8 P14 P14 2 3.3% 0 0.0%
9 MP5KPDW MP5KPDW 2 3.3% 3 7.0%
10 Frag Grenade Frag Grenade 2 3.3% 1 2.3%
11 18C 18C 2 3.3% 0 0.0%
12 G11 G11 1 1.7% 0 0.0%
13 SP2340 SP2340 1 1.7% 6 14.0%
14 UMP45 UMP45 0 0.0% 2 4.7%
15 Remote C4 Remote C4 0 0.0% 2 4.7%
16 C4 Bomb C4 Bomb 0 0.0% 1 2.3%
17 DesertEagle DesertEagle 0 0.0% 1 2.3%
18 PSG1 PSG1 0 0.0% 2 4.7%
19 USP45 USP45 0 0.0% 1 2.3%

Specialty Selection Chart
Rank: Specialty: Usage: Usage %: Duration: Objectives: Objectives %:
1 medic medic 17 40.48% 1h20m54s 1 100.00%
2 recon recon 9 21.43% 0h31m14s 0 0.00%
3 heavygunner heavygunner 8 19.05% 0h17m43s 0 0.00%
4 commando commando 7 16.67% 0h15m7s 0 0.00%
5 sniper sniper 1 2.38% 0h0m0s 0 0.00%

Map Statistics
Rank Map Name Last Played Kills Deaths KPD
1 worlds/antarctica 01/19/07 @ 03:28AM 31 27 1.15
2 worlds/colombia 01/19/07 @ 02:25AM 16 3 5.33
3 worlds/quebec 01/19/07 @ 02:53AM 11 7 1.57
4 worlds/usa 01/19/07 @ 02:42AM 2 6 0.33

Opponent Matchup Listing
# Name Kills Deaths Kills per Death Favorite Weapon
1 DaBitchNo18 3 2.67 UMP45 UMP45 x 2
2 Headbanger7 5 1.40 MicroUzi MicroUzi x 4
3 warrior16 1 6.00 MP5/10 MP5/10 x 1
4 [BMF] Wizard Level 1006 2 3.00 MicroUzi MicroUzi x 1
5 xXx Infidel xXx5 2 2.50 PSG1 PSG1 x 2
6 The Rapist4 6 0.67 AK 47 AK 47 x 2
7 ���M—� Bullet Head3 4 0.75 MP5/10 MP5/10 x 2
8 Alex3 4 0.75 MicroUzi MicroUzi x 3
9 Gfellas3 0 3.00 None
10 =|[FTR]|= F l 0 � e n t [�]2 1 2.00 MP5KPDW MP5KPDW x 1
11 [STD]SHADE2 0 2.00 None
12 Bubbles2 1 2.00 AK 47 AK 47 x 1
13 ST~SKYLINE2 0 2.00 None
14 ShINoBI2 4 0.50 AK 47 AK 47 x 2
15 []NRD[]Player771 0 1.00 None
16 Spliff1 1 1.00 MP5/10 MP5/10 x 1
17 euros` are trash1 1 1.00 Olympic Arms M4 Olympic Arms M4 x 1
18 gay.go011 0 1.00 None
19 james123abc1 1 1.00 USP45 USP45 x 1
20 Kira0 1 0.00 MicroUzi MicroUzi x 1
21 {FMS}-INTESTINES0 1 0.00 SP2340 SP2340 x 1
22 welldone0 2 0.00 Remote C4 Remote C4 x 1
23 Etch0 1 0.00 C4 Bomb C4 Bomb x 1
24 �F�T�plittle�0 1 0.00 Remote C4 Remote C4 x 1
25 max0 1 0.00 DesertEagle DesertEagle x 1

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