[DB|KA] BeerGod

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Player Statistics
Kill assistances:
Recon-ided kills:
Kills per death:
Kills per minute:
Player skill:
Completed objectives:
398 (398)
282 (275)
Friendly fire (TK/HK/VK):
Killed by team:
Health points given:
Health points received:
Cash earned:
Cash spent:
Time on server:
0 (0/0/0)

Mission Statistics
Victories: Defeats:
38%13 2162%

Weapon Usage Chart
Rank: Weapon: Kills: Kill %: Deaths: Death %:
1 AK 47 AK 47 107 26.9% 16 5.8%
2 MP5/10 MP5/10 56 14.1% 34 12.4%
3 SP2340 SP2340 42 10.6% 64 23.3%
4 Olympic Arms M4 Olympic Arms M4 35 8.8% 44 16.0%
5 MicroUzi MicroUzi 34 8.5% 22 8.0%
6 FAL FAL 20 5.0% 11 4.0%
7 UMP45 UMP45 16 4.0% 4 1.5%
8 Frag Grenade Frag Grenade 14 3.5% 8 2.9%
9 P90 P90 11 2.8% 10 3.6%
10 96 96 11 2.8% 0 0.0%
11 G36 G36 11 2.8% 2 0.7%
12 18C 18C 9 2.3% 14 5.1%
13 21E 21E 9 2.3% 0 0.0%
14 LAW LAW 4 1.0% 3 1.1%
15 Knife Knife 4 1.0% 8 2.9%
16 MP5KPDW MP5KPDW 3 0.8% 3 1.1%
17 M249SAW M249SAW 3 0.8% 1 0.4%
18 Dragunov SVD Dragunov SVD 2 0.5% 5 1.8%
19 P14 P14 2 0.5% 4 1.5%
20 870 870 1 0.3% 0 0.0%
21 SG550 SG550 1 0.3% 1 0.4%
22 92F 92F 1 0.3% 5 1.8%
23 USP45 USP45 1 0.3% 1 0.4%
24 C4 Bomb C4 Bomb 1 0.3% 0 0.0%
25 G11 G11 0 0.0% 9 3.3%
26 TimedC4 TimedC4 0 0.0% 3 1.1%
27 Remote C4 Remote C4 0 0.0% 1 0.4%
28 710 710 0 0.0% 1 0.4%
29 12S 12S 0 0.0% 1 0.4%

Specialty Selection Chart
Rank: Specialty: Usage: Usage %: Duration: Objectives: Objectives %:
1 medic medic 74 46.25% 6h22m53s 2 40.00%
2 recon recon 50 31.25% 3h56m43s 3 60.00%
3 heavygunner heavygunner 14 8.75% 0h17m50s 0 0.00%
4 sniper sniper 8 5.00% 0h19m5s 0 0.00%
5 vip vip 6 3.75% 0h6m37s 0 0.00%
6 commando commando 4 2.50% 0h1m36s 0 0.00%
7 demoman demoman 3 1.88% 0h3m14s 0 0.00%
8 intelofficer intelofficer 1 0.62% 0h0m40s 0 0.00%

Map Statistics
Rank Map Name Last Played Kills Deaths KPD
1 worlds/antarctica 01/15/07 @ 07:18PM 205 124 1.65
2 worlds/srilanka2004 01/15/07 @ 11:39PM 70 71 0.99
3 worlds/uganda 01/15/07 @ 06:26PM 45 24 1.88
4 worlds/quebec 01/14/07 @ 04:47PM 34 25 1.36
5 worlds/nafrica 01/05/07 @ 09:56PM 25 16 1.56
6 worlds/colombia 01/14/07 @ 02:29PM 8 4 2.00
7 worlds/mexico 01/15/07 @ 05:45PM 6 11 0.55
8 worlds/tunnel 01/05/07 @ 08:04PM 4 5 0.80
9 worlds/usa 01/07/07 @ 08:40PM 1 2 0.50

Opponent Matchup Listing
# Name Kills Deaths Kills per Death Favorite Weapon
1 FU || Dutch Bastard26 30 0.87 SP2340 SP2340 x 14
2 Marko_cro15 16 0.94 MicroUzi MicroUzi x 6
3 =|[FTR]|= F l 0 � e n t [�]14 28 0.50 Olympic Arms M4 Olympic Arms M4 x 14
4 EU | kruX14 11 1.27 SP2340 SP2340 x 5
5 LeBron12 0 12.00 None
6 ~}SoL{~ Kamikaze12 6 2.00 TimedC4 TimedC4 x 3
7 Akis_HUN12 1 12.00 AK 47 AK 47 x 1
8 [mini]Manx11 24 0.46 SP2340 SP2340 x 8
9 --[Mo$aDz]--FFF10 2 5.00 18C 18C x 1
10 Invincible10 0 10.00 None
11 [BR]predador9 1 9.00 AK 47 AK 47 x 1
12 =|UFO|= Imrik.be9 7 1.29 Olympic Arms M4 Olympic Arms M4 x 2
13 kolec pl9 0 9.00 None
14 Kawek8 4 2.00 18C 18C x 2
15 [Fin]Pro-team8 8 1.00 MP5/10 MP5/10 x 2
16 Aapke8 11 0.73 Olympic Arms M4 Olympic Arms M4 x 5
17 [est]globaloperations7 4 1.75 AK 47 AK 47 x 2
18 =|UFO|=blackmetaleggs.be7 2 3.50 MP5/10 MP5/10 x 2
19 @@@!!!???ANIR7 0 7.00 None
20 Janez7 5 1.40 UMP45 UMP45 x 2
21 Hun Rebbel7 0 7.00 None
22 Class |TDW|6 14 0.43 SP2340 SP2340 x 9
23 Mykola6 1 6.00 P14 P14 x 1
24 Alex6 11 0.55 MP5/10 MP5/10 x 4
25 EagleMan6 3 2.00 MP5/10 MP5/10 x 2

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