[FN] Dead Light{pl}

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Player Statistics
Kill assistances:
Recon-ided kills:
Kills per death:
Kills per minute:
Player skill:
Completed objectives:
309 (310)
187 (182)
Friendly fire (TK/HK/VK):
Killed by team:
Health points given:
Health points received:
Cash earned:
Cash spent:
Time on server:
1 (1/0/0)

Mission Statistics
Victories: Defeats:
27%6 1673%

Weapon Usage Chart
Rank: Weapon: Kills: Kill %: Deaths: Death %:
1 MP5/10 MP5/10 147 47.6% 24 13.2%
2 SP2340 SP2340 41 13.3% 32 17.6%
3 MP5KPDW MP5KPDW 37 12.0% 3 1.6%
4 Frag Grenade Frag Grenade 25 8.1% 7 3.8%
5 P14 P14 20 6.5% 3 1.6%
6 M240G M240G 11 3.6% 0 0.0%
7 Olympic Arms M4 Olympic Arms M4 8 2.6% 11 6.0%
8 P90 P90 5 1.6% 14 7.7%
9 MicroUzi MicroUzi 4 1.3% 28 15.4%
10 LAW LAW 3 1.0% 4 2.2%
11 Knife Knife 2 0.6% 0 0.0%
12 G36 G36 2 0.6% 4 2.2%
13 18C 18C 1 0.3% 10 5.5%
14 SG550 SG550 1 0.3% 1 0.5%
15 Five seveN Five seveN 1 0.3% 2 1.1%
16 92F 92F 1 0.3% 1 0.5%
17 AK 47 AK 47 0 0.0% 21 11.5%
18 SPAS15 SPAS15 0 0.0% 2 1.1%
19 FAL FAL 0 0.0% 1 0.5%
20 M249SAW M249SAW 0 0.0% 3 1.6%
21 96 96 0 0.0% 2 1.1%
22 Remote C4 Remote C4 0 0.0% 2 1.1%
23 G11 G11 0 0.0% 1 0.5%
24 PSG1 PSG1 0 0.0% 1 0.5%
25 AW50 AW50 0 0.0% 1 0.5%
26 M1 M1 0 0.0% 2 1.1%
27 USP45 USP45 0 0.0% 2 1.1%

Specialty Selection Chart
Rank: Specialty: Usage: Usage %: Duration: Objectives: Objectives %:
1 recon recon 89 75.42% 7h12m47s 0 0.00%
2 sniper sniper 25 21.19% 0h26m0s 0 0.00%
3 commando commando 3 2.54% 0h9m59s 0 0.00%
4 demoman demoman 1 0.85% 0h2m9s 0 0.00%

Map Statistics
Rank Map Name Last Played Kills Deaths KPD
1 worlds\antarctica 04/13/07 @ 05:13PM 276 170 1.62
2 worlds\mexico 03/31/07 @ 09:37PM 20 9 2.22
3 worlds\uganda 04/03/07 @ 01:36PM 11 3 3.67
4 worlds\nafrica 03/08/07 @ 08:38PM 2 2 1.00
5 worlds\srilanka2004 03/27/07 @ 06:11PM 0 3 0.00

Opponent Matchup Listing
# Name Kills Deaths Kills per Death Favorite Weapon
1 Black Eagel12 6 2.00 SP2340 SP2340 x 5
2 [DB|KA]Bluesman12 7 1.71 MicroUzi MicroUzi x 4
3 [FN] =kucyk=11 8 1.38 MP5/10 MP5/10 x 2
4 Sawyer10 3 3.33 MicroUzi MicroUzi x 2
5 DoomDestroyer9 2 4.50 Olympic Arms M4 Olympic Arms M4 x 1
6 [FN]=DarkSoho=7 2 3.50 MicroUzi MicroUzi x 2
7 Laszlo [HUN]6 1 6.00 LAW LAW x 1
8 senkosya5 0 5.00 None
9 [FN] =michu= 5 2 2.50 MP5/10 MP5/10 x 1
10 [KMA] Madne$$5 1 5.00 M249SAW M249SAW x 1
11 Elikio[AZ] [RU]5 1 5.00 Frag Grenade Frag Grenade x 1
12 Fqwer5 2 2.50 AK 47 AK 47 x 1
13 X-Unite(S)5 3 1.67 SP2340 SP2340 x 2
14 Major5 1 5.00 AK 47 AK 47 x 1
15 |=[vVv]=| EverSexXxy™4 3 1.33 MP5/10 MP5/10 x 2
16 Syg4 2 2.00 18C 18C x 2
17 Madness4 1 4.00 FAL FAL x 1
18 Razzel4 2 2.00 P14 P14 x 2
19 Major Sike4 1 4.00 P90 P90 x 1
20 LeZarD4 1 4.00 AK 47 AK 47 x 1
21 [FN] =Magik.pl=S4 2 2.00 MicroUzi MicroUzi x 2
22 PwnStars * F l 0 ® e n t [™]4 1 4.00 MP5/10 MP5/10 x 1
23 Primoz4 1 4.00 G11 G11 x 1
24 PwnStars * Alex3 3 1.T">MP5/10 MP5/10 x 1
23 Primoz4 1 4.00 G11 G11 x 1
24 PwnStars * Alex3 3 1.00 MicroUzi MicroUzi x 2
25 PwnStars* TWisM3 1 3.00 SP2340 SP2340 x 1

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