a_glowBaseScaleOriginal image contribution factor
type: float (cheat)
a_glowLuminanceDependencyDependency of the glow on the luminance(brightness)
type: float (cheat)
a_glowScaleBlurred image contribution factor
type: float (cheat)
a_glowSpriteMintype: string (cheat)
a_glowSpriteSizetype: float (cheat)
a_glowSunBaseScaleFactor to scale to sun factor with
type: float (cheat)
a_glowSunPowerPower to raise to sun factor to
type: float (cheat)
a_glowSunScaleFactor to scale to sun factor with
type: float (cheat)
a_glowThreshThreshold above which part of the scene starts glowing
type: float (cheat)
a_specularMultiplytype: float (cheat)
a_suntype: float (cheat)
a_windTimeScaleSpeed at which wind effects change
type: float (cheat)
aas_extendFlyPathsset to 1 to enable extending fly paths
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
aas_locationMemoryused to remember a particular location, set to 'current' to store the current x,y,z location
type: string (cheat)
aas_optimizePathsset to 1 to enable path optimization
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
aas_pullPlayerpull the player to the specified area
type: string (cheat)
aas_randomPullPlayerpull the player to a random area
type: int (cheat)
aas_showAreaNumbershow the specific area number set
type: int (cheat)
aas_showAreasshow the areas in the selected aas
type: int [0, 2] (cheat)
aas_showBadAreasshow bad AAS areas
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
aas_showEdgeNumsshow edge nums
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
aas_showFloorTraceshow floor trace
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
aas_showFuncObstaclesshow the AAS func_obstacles on the map
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
aas_showHopPathshow hop path to specified area
type: string (cheat)
aas_showManualReachabilitiesshow manually placed reachabilities
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
aas_showNearestCoverAreashow the nearest area with cover from the selected area (aas_showHideArea 4 will show the nearest area in cover from area 4)
type: int (cheat)
aas_showNearestInsideAreashow the nearest area that is inside
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
aas_showObstacleAvoidanceshows obstacles along paths
type: int (cheat)
aas_showObstaclePVSshow obstacle PVS for the given area
type: int (cheat)
aas_showPathshow the path to the walk specified area
type: string (cheat)
aas_showPushIntoAreashow an arrow going to the closest area
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
aas_showTravelTimeprint the travel time to the specified goal area (only when aas_showAreas is set)
type: int (cheat)
aas_showWallEdgeNumsshow the number of the edges of walls
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
aas_showWallEdgesshow the edges of walls, 2 = project all to same height, 3 = project onscreen
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
aas_skipObstacleAvoidanceignore all dynamic obstacles along paths
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
aas_subSampleWalkPathsset to 1 to enable walk path sub-sampling
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
aas_testselect which AAS to test
type: string [aas_player, aas_vehicle] (cheat)
af_contactFrictionScalescales the contact friction
type: float (cheat)
af_forceFrictionforce the given friction value
type: float (cheat)
af_highlightBodyname of the body to highlight
type: string (cheat)
af_highlightConstraintname of the constraint to highlight
type: string (cheat)
af_jointFrictionScalescales the joint friction
type: float (cheat)
af_maxAngularVelocitymaximum angular velocity
type: float (cheat)
af_maxLinearVelocitymaximum linear velocity
type: float (cheat)
af_showActiveshow tree-like structures of articulated figures not at rest
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showBodiesshow bodies
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showBodyNamesshow body names
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showConstrainedBodiesshow the two bodies contrained by the highlighted constraint
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showConstraintNamesshow constraint names
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showConstraintsshow constraints
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showInertiashow the inertia tensor of each body
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showLimitsshow joint limits
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showMassshow the mass of each body
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showPrimaryOnlyshow primary constraints only
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showTimingsshow articulated figure cpu usage
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showTotalMassshow the total mass of each articulated figure
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showTreesshow tree-like structures
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showVelocityshow the velocity of each body
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_skipFrictionskip friction
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_skipLimitsskip joint limits
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_skipSelfCollisionskip self collision detection
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_testSolidtest for bodies initially stuck in solid
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
af_timeScalescales the time
type: float (cheat)
af_useImpulseFrictionuse impulse based contact friction
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_useJointImpulseFrictionuse impulse based joint friction
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_useLinearTimeuse linear time algorithm for tree-like structures
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
af_useSymmetryuse constraint matrix symmetry
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
ai_debugAnimStatedisplays animState changes for the specified monster entity number
type: int (cheat)
ai_debugMovedraws movement information for monsters
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
ai_debugScriptdisplays script calls for the specified monster entity number
type: int (cheat)
ai_debugTrajectorydraws trajectory tests for monsters
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
ai_fallTimeNumber of seconds before the player plays the falling animation
type: float (cheat)
anim_forceUpdatetype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
anim_maxBodyPitchmax pitch of body adjustment
type: float
anim_minBodyPitchmin pitch of body adjustment
type: float
anim_reducedtype: bool
default: 0 (false)
anim_showMissingAnimsShow warnings for missing animations
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
type: int (cheat)
aor_animationCutoffScalescale the aor animation cutoff distance
type: float
aor_ikCutoffScalescale the aor ik cutoff distance
type: float
aor_physicsCutoffScalescale the aor physics cutoff distance
type: float
aor_physicsLod1StartScalescale the aor physics lod 1 distance
type: float
aor_physicsLod2StartScalescale the aor physics lod 2 distance
type: float
aor_physicsLod3StartScalescale the aor physics lod 3 distance
type: float
bot_aimSkillSets the bot's default aiming skill. 0 = EASY, 1 = MEDIUM, 2 = EXPERT, 3 = MASTER
type: int [0, 3]
bot_allowClassChanges0 = bots won't ever change their class. 1 = Bots can change their class thru script/code.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
bot_allowObstacleDecay0 = dont allow obstacle decay. 1 = allow obstacle decay.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
bot_balanceCriticalClassHave the bots try to keep someone playing the critical class at all times. 0 = keep the class they spawn in as. Default = 1.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
bot_breakPointCause a program break to occur inside the bot's AI
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_debugDebug various bot subsystems. Many bot debugging features are disabled if this is not set to 1
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_debugActionGoalNumberSet to any action number on the map to have the bot ALWAYS do that action, for debugging. -1 = disabled. NOTE: The bot will treat the goal as a camp goal. This is useful for path testing.
type: int (cheat)
bot_debugAirVehiclesDebug bot air vehicle usage. -1 = disable
type: int (cheat)
bot_debugGroundVehiclesDebug bot ground vehicle usage. -1 = disable
type: int (cheat)
bot_debugMapScriptAllows you to debug the bot script.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_debugObstacleAvoidanceDebug obstacle avoidance
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_debugObstaclesDebug bot obstacles in the world
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_debugPersonalVehiclesOnly used for debugging the use of the husky/icarus.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_debugSpeedDebug bot's move speed. -1 = disable
type: int (cheat)
bot_debugWeaponsOnly used for debugging bots weapons.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_doObjectives0 = bots let the player play the hero, with the bots filling a supporting role, 1 = bots do all the major objectives along with the player
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
bot_drawActionDistHow far away to draw the bot action info. Default is 2048
type: float (cheat)
bot_drawActionGroupNumFilter what action groups to draw with the bot_drawAction cmd. -1 = disabled.
type: int (cheat)
bot_drawActionNumberDraw a specific bot action only. -1 = disable
type: int (cheat)
bot_drawActionRoutesOnlyDraw only the bot actions that have the defined route.
type: int (cheat)
bot_drawActionsDraw the bot's actions.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_drawActionSizeHow big to draw the bot action info. Default is 0.2
type: float (cheat)
bot_drawActionTypeOnlyDraw only actions that have a gdf/strogg goal number matching the cvar value. Check the bot manual for goal numbers. -1 = disabled.
type: int (cheat)
bot_drawActionVehicleTypeDraw only the actions that have this vehicleType set. -1 = disable
type: int (cheat)
bot_drawActionWithClassesDraw only actions that have a validClass set to anything other then 0 ( 0 = any class ).
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_drawActiveActionsOnlyDraw only active bot actions. 1 = all active actions. 2 = only GDF active actions. 3 = only Strogg active actions. Combo actions, that have both GDF and strogg goals, will still show up.
type: int (cheat)
bot_drawActiveRoutesOnlyOnly draw the active routes on the map.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_drawBadIcarusActionsDraw actions with an icarus flag, that aren't in a valid vehicle AAS area.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_drawClientNumbersDraw every clients number above their head
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_drawDefuseHintsdraw the bot's defuse hints.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_drawIcarusActionsDraw actions with an icarus flag, that appear valid to the AAS.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_drawNodeNumberdraw a specific vehicle path node
type: int (cheat)
bot_drawNodesdraw vehicle path nodes
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_drawObstaclesDraw the bot's dynamic obstacles in the world
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_drawRearSpawnLocationsDraw the rear spawn locations for each team
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_drawRouteGroupOnlyOnly draw routes that have the groupID specified.
type: int (cheat)
bot_drawRoutesDraw the routes on the map.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_enable0 = bots will not be loaded in the game. 1 = bots are loaded.
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
bot_fakePingHave the bots display fake pings in the scoreboard
type: int
bot_followMeHave the bots follow you in debug mode
type: int (cheat)
bot_godModeSet to the bot client you want to enter god mode. -1 = disable.
type: int (cheat)
bot_hudPrint out the bots debug info onto the players HUD. Set to the clientNum of the bot to debug. 0 = disable. Make sure bot_debug is 1.
type: int (cheat)
bot_ignoreEnemiesIf set to 1, bots will ignore all enemies. Useful for debugging bot behavior
type: int (cheat)
bot_ignoreGoalsIf set to 1, bots will ignore all map objectives. Useful for debugging bot behavior
type: int (cheat)
bot_knifeOnlygoofy mode where the bots only use their knifes in combat.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_minClientsKeep a minimum number of clients on the server with bots and humans. -1 to disable
type: int [-1, 16]
bot_minClientsMaxMaximum allowed value of bot_minClients. Only affects the in-game UI.
type: int [-1, 16] (init)
bot_noChat0 = bots chat, 1 = bots never chat
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
bot_noRandomJumpmakes bots not randomly jump
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_noTapOutmakes bots not want to ever tap out, for debug purposes
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_noTaunt0 = bots taunt, 1 = bots never taunt
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
bot_pausePause the bot's thinking - useful for screenshots/debugging/etc
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_showPathShow the path for the bot's client number. -1 = disable.
type: int (cheat)
bot_sillyWarmup0 = bots play the game like normal, 1 = bots shoot each other and act silly during warmup
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
bot_skillSets the bot's default AI skill. 0 = EASY, 1 = NORMAL, 2 = EXPERT
type: int [0, 2]
bot_skipThinkClientA debug only cvar that skips thinking for a particular bot with the client number entered. -1 = disabled.
type: int (cheat)
bot_sleepWhenServerEmptyhas the bots stop thinking when the server is idle and there are no humans playing, to conserve CPU.
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
bot_spectateDebugIf enabled, automatically sets the debug hud to the bot being spectated
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_stayInVehicles1 = bots will never leave their vehicle. Only useful for debugging. Default is 0
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_testObstacleAvoidancetest obstacle avoidance
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_testObstacleQuerytest a previously recorded obstacle avoidance query
type: string (cheat)
bot_testPathToBotActionbased on which aas type aas_test is set to, will test to see if a path is available from the players current origin, to the bot action in question. You need to join a team for this to work properly! -1 = disabled.
type: int (cheat)
bot_threadingenable running the bot AI in a separate thread
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
bot_threadMaxFrameDelaymaximum number of game frames the bot AI can trail behind
type: int [0, 4]
bot_threadMinFrameDelayminimum number of game frames the bot AI trails behind
type: int [0, 4]
bot_uiNumGDFThe number of gdf bots to add to the server. -1 to disable
type: int
bot_uiNumStroggThe number of strogg bots to add to the server. -1 to disable
type: int
bot_uiSkillThe overall skill the bots should play at in the game. 0 = EASY, 1 = MEDIUM, 2 = EXPERT, 3 = MASTER
type: int
bot_useAltRoutesDebug the bot's alternate path use.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
bot_useDeployables0 = bots dont drop deployables of any kind, 1 = bots can drop all deployables
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
bot_useRearSpawndebug bots using rear spawn points
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
bot_useShotguns0 = bots wont use shotguns/nailguns. 1 = bots will use shotguns/nailguns.
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
bot_useSniperWeapons0 = bots wont use sniper rifles. 1 = bots will use sniper rifles.
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
bot_useSpawnHosts0 = strogg bots can't use spawn host bodies, 1 = bots can use spawnhosts
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
bot_useStrafeJump0 = bots can't strafe jump, 1 = bots CAN strafe jump to goal locations that are far away
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
bot_useSuicideWhenStuck0 = bots never suicide when stuck. 1 = bots suicide if they detect that they're stuck
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
bot_useTKReviveAllows the bots to use the advanced tactic of TK reviving if their teammate is weak. 0 = disabled. Default is 1
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
bot_useUniforms0 = bots won't steal uniforms, 1 = bots take uniforms
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
bot_useVehicles0 = bots dont use vehicles, 1 = bots do use vehicles
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
bse_debrisdisable effect debris
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
bse_debugdisplay debug info about effect
type: int (cheat)
bse_detailLevelDetail setting for effects
type: float
bse_effectsStatstype: string (cheat)
bse_enabledset to false to disable all effects
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
bse_maxDecalDistanceMaximum distance from the viewer to spawn decals
type: float (cheat)
bse_physicsdisable effect physics
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
bse_projectileEffectthis effect will replace projectile explosions
type: string (cheat)
bse_rateCostrate cost multiplier for spawned effects
type: float
bse_rateLimitrate limit for spawned effects
type: float
bse_renderdisable effect rendering
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
bse_showBoundsdisplay debug bounding boxes effect
type: int (cheat)
bse_simplesimple versions of effects
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
bse_singleEffectset to the name of the effect that is only played
type: string (cheat)
bse_speedsprint bse frame statistics
type: int (cheat)
cm_backFaceCullcull back facing polygons
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_debugCollisiondebug the collision detection
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_debugRotationdebug rotation failure
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
cm_debugSetParmsdebug set parameters
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
cm_debugTranslationdebug translation failure
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
cm_drawColorcolor used to draw the collision models
type: string (cheat)
cm_drawFilleddraw filled polygons
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_drawIndexScalescale of primitive indices
type: float (cheat)
cm_drawIndicesdraw primitive indices
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_drawInternaldraw internal edges green
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
cm_drawMaskcollision mask
type: string [none, solid, opaque, water, playerclip, moveableclip, ikclip, slidemover, body, corpse, trigger, vehicleclip, rendermodel, projectile, explosion, monster, forcefield, crosshair, playerclip_axis, playerclip_allied] (cheat)
cm_drawNormalsdraw polygon and edge normals
type: float (cheat)
cm_drawSTMUsagedraw filled polygons for triangles using surface types maps
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_drawTextureVectorsdraw texture vectors
type: float (cheat)
cm_drawTracesdraw polygon and edge normals
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_loadRenderModelsallow loading of render models for collision at run time
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
cm_showCompiledModelstatsshow stats for all compiled collision models
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_showConversionWarningssets whether to show warnings when converting models to trace models
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_storeCollisionModelStatsany models converted will be stored for output later using the command dumpCollisionModelStats
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_testAngletype: float (cheat)
cm_testBoxtype: string (cheat)
cm_testBoxRotationtype: string (cheat)
cm_testCollisiontype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_testLengthtype: float (cheat)
cm_testModeltype: int (cheat)
cm_testOrigintype: string (cheat)
cm_testRadiustype: float (cheat)
cm_testRandomManytype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_testResettype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_testRotationtype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
cm_testTimestype: int (cheat)
cm_testTranslationtype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
cm_testWalktype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
cm_writeCompiledCollisionModelswrite out generated collision models to disk
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_allowConsoleallow toggling console with the tilde key
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_allowFullConsoleallow a full-screen console when running the game with command line commands
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_asyncInputsample input from the async thread
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_asyncSound0: mix sound inline, 1: memory mapped async mix, 2: callback mixing, 3: write async mix
type: int [0, 1] (cheat)
com_aviDemoHeighttype: int (cheat)
com_aviDemoSamplestype: int (cheat)
com_aviDemoTicstype: int (cheat)
com_aviDemoWidthtype: int (cheat)
com_clientPunkbusterAvailableis client side PunkBuster available?
type: bool (read only)
default: 0 (false)
com_compressDemostype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_forceGenericSIMDforce generic platform independent SIMD
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_gpuSpechardware classification, -1 = not detected, 0 = low quality, 1 = medium quality, 2 = high quality, 3 = ultra quality
type: int
com_journal1 = record journal, 2 = play back journal
type: int [0, 2] (init)
com_logDemostype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_machineSpechardware classification, -1 = not detected, 0 = low quality, 1 = medium quality, 2 = high quality
type: int
com_makingBuild1 when making a build
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_makingRC1 when making a release candidate
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_minTicstype: int (cheat)
com_preciseTicrun one game tick every async thread update
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
com_preloadDemostype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
com_purgeAllpurge everything between level loads
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_serverPunkbusterAvailableis server side PunkBuster available?
type: bool (read only)
default: 0 (false)
com_showAnglestype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_showBPSshow bot think frames per second
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_showDemotype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_showFPSshow frames rendered per second
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_showMemoryUsageshow total and per frame memory usage
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_showSoundDecodersshow sound decoders
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_showTicstype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_showTPSshow mega tiles loaded per second
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_showVersionNumberprint out the Version Number
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
com_skipGameDrawtype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_skipRendererskip the renderer completely
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_skipWarningsskip all warnings
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
com_speedsshow engine timings
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_testHitchesshow hitches
type: int
com_timeServertype: int
com_timestampPrintsprint time with each console print, 1 = msec, 2 = sec
type: string (cheat)
com_unlock_avgFramesaverage out render times over n frames for extra renders management
type: int [1, 10]
com_unlock_maxFPSmaximum FPS unlock will try to reach (only works in timing methods 1 & 2) - zero = no limit
type: int
com_unlock_safetyMarginpercentage safety margin under which not to trigger an extra render
type: float
com_unlock_timingMethodmethod of timing interpolated/extrapolated frames: 0 = whenever they fit; 1 = on boundaries of framerate multiples of 30; 2 = like 1, but using total previous everything time to estimate, not just render time
type: int
com_unlockFPSallow renderer to go faster than game ticks
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
com_useBinaryDecls 1 = Load binary versions of declarations, falling back to text if not found
2 = Allow text to override binary versions
type: int (cheat)
com_useFastVidRestartAllow use of fast vid restarts
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_videoRamholds the last amount of detected video ram
type: int
com_wipeSecondstype: float (cheat)
com_writeBinaryDeclsWrite binary versions of declarations
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
con_noPrintprint on the console but not onscreen when console is pulled up
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
con_notifyTimetime messages are displayed onscreen when console is pulled up
type: float
con_speedspeed at which the console moves up and down
type: float
controller_sensitivity_xcontroller view sensitivity
type: float
controller_sensitivity_ycontroller view sensitivity
type: float
decl_prefixprefer to load decls with a prefix. for example, set to 'ps3' and it will try to load 'ps3/weapon/gun' when you do a find for 'weapon/gun'
type: string (cheat)
decl_showset to 1 to print parses, 2 to also print references, 3 only prints out of level load, 4 only prints out of level load but also prints references
type: int [0, 4] (cheat)
decl_singleFileReadtype: int (cheat)
decl_singleFileWritetype: int (cheat)
decl_usageLogcreates a log of all declarations touched
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
demo_debugdebug demo replay system
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
demo_finishCmdcommands to execute once demo playback has finished
type: string
demo_forceMegaforce the megatexture to load in full when doing a timeNetDemo run
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
demo_noclipnoclip through a demo
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
demo_predictionprediction when playing back a server demo in milliseconds
type: int
demo_scalespeed scaling of demo replays
type: float [0.01, 100]
demo_snapshotDelaydelay between snapshots for server side demo recordings
type: int
developerdeveloper mode
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
fs_basepathtype: string (init)
fs_caseSensitiveOStype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
fs_cdpathtype: string (init)
fs_checkForGDF_Stroggtype: bool (init)
default: 0 (false)
fs_copyfilestype: int [0, 5] (init)
fs_debugtype: int [0, 2] (cheat)
fs_devpathtype: string (init)
fs_gamemod path
type: string (init)
fs_game_basealternate mod path, searched after the main fs_game path, before the basedir
type: string (init)
fs_noLocktype: bool (init)
default: 0 (false)
fs_restricttype: bool (init)
default: 0 (false)
fs_savepathtype: string (init)
fs_searchAddonssearch all addon pk4s ( disables addon functionality )
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
fs_toolsPathquoted paths that are searched for tools
type: string (cheat)
fs_touchFiletype: string (init)
fs_userpathtype: string (init)
g_aAimAngleModThe speed at which the players aim is moved
type: float (cheat)
g_aAimDampenMaxtype: float [0, 1] (cheat)
g_aAimLungeAngleModThe speed at which the players aim is moved when lunging
type: float
g_aAimMaxDistanceThe max distance to start or stop auto-aim
type: float (cheat)
g_aAimTestEnable Testing Auto Aim
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_aAimViewAssistBreakAngletype: float (cheat)
g_aAimViewAssistModtype: float (cheat)
g_aAimViewAssistScaletype: float [0, 100] (cheat)
g_aAimZoomAssistScaletype: float [0, 100] (cheat)
g_allowComplaint_chargeAllow complaints for teamkills with charges
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_allowComplaint_explosivesAllow complaints for teamkills with explosive weapons and items
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_allowComplaint_firesupportAllow complaints for teamkills with fire support
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_allowComplaint_vehiclesAllow complaints for teamkills with vehicle
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_allowDeployableIconEnemyEnables/Disables deployable enemy icons
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_allowDeployableIconFriendlyEnables/Disables deployable friendly icons
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_allowPlayerEnemyIconEnables/Disables player enemy icons
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_allowPlayerFriendlyIconEnables/Disables player friendly icons
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_allowSpecPauseFreeFlyAllow spectators to free fly when the game is paused
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_allowSpectatorDeployableIconEnemyEnables/Disables spectator deployableenemy icons
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_allowSpectatorDeployableIconFriendlyEnables/Disables spectator deployable friendly icons
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_allowSpectatorIconEnemyEnables/Disables spectator enemy icons
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_allowSpectatorIconFriendlyEnables/Disables spectator friendly icons
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_ammoIndicatorColorcolor of the damage indicators
type: string
g_ammoIndicatorOffsetoffset from centre of screen to ammo indicator ring
type: float
g_autoAimEnabledEnable Auto Aim
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_autoFireTeamPrompt to join a fireteam when switching to a new team.
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_autoReadyPercentPercentage of a full server that must be in game for auto ready to start
type: float
g_autoReadyWaitLength of time auto ready will wait before starting the countdown
type: float
g_banner_1banner message 1
type: string
g_banner_10banner message 10
type: string
g_banner_11banner message 11
type: string
g_banner_12banner message 12
type: string
g_banner_13banner message 13
type: string
g_banner_14banner message 14
type: string
g_banner_15banner message 15
type: string
g_banner_16banner message 16
type: string
g_banner_2banner message 2
type: string
g_banner_3banner message 3
type: string
g_banner_4banner message 4
type: string
g_banner_5banner message 5
type: string
g_banner_6banner message 6
type: string
g_banner_7banner message 7
type: string
g_banner_8banner message 8
type: string
g_banner_9banner message 9
type: string
g_banner_delaydelay between banner messages
type: int
g_banner_loopdelaydelay before banner messages repeat, 0 = off
type: int
g_blockChatSpamEnable chat spam blocking
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_cacheDictionaryMediaPrecache all media from entity dictionaries
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_chatDefaultColorRGBA value for normal chat prints
type: string
g_chatFireTeamColorRGBA value for fire team chat prints
type: string
g_chatLineTimeoutnumber of seconds that each chat line stays in the history
type: float
g_chatTeamColorRGBA value for team chat prints
type: string
g_cheapDecalsMaxDistancemax distance decals are created
type: string
g_collisionModelMasktype: int (cheat)
g_commandMapZoomcommand map zoom level
type: float [0.125, 0.75]
g_commandMapZoomSteppercent to increase/decrease command map zoom by
type: float
g_commandMapZoomUpgradeUpgrade for Campaign Star
type: float (cheat)
g_compiledScriptSafetyenables extra safety checks in exported scripts
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_complaintGUIDLimitTotal unique complaints at which a player will be kicked
type: int
g_complaintLimitTotal complaints at which a player will be kicked
type: int
g_controllerRotationModmodifies the pitch and yaw speed
type: float
g_curseHealthRateSecondsthe rate at which health decay when cursed
type: float
g_damageIndicatorAlphaScalealpha of the damage indicators
type: float
g_damageIndicatorColorcolor of the damage indicators
type: string
g_damageIndicatorFadeTimenumber of seconds that a damage indicator stays visible
type: float
g_damageIndicatorHeightheight of the damage indicators
type: float
g_damageIndicatorOffsetoffset from centre of screen to damage indicator ring
type: float
g_damageIndicatorWidthwidth of the damage indicators
type: float
g_debugAnimdisplays information on which animations are playing on the specified entity number. set to -1 to disable.
type: int (cheat)
g_debugAnimLookupsprints successful animation lookups
type: int (cheat)
g_debugAnimStancedisplays information on which stances are set on the specified entity number. set to -1 to disable.
type: int (cheat)
g_debugAnimUsesaves info on unused anims
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugAutoChatPrints out auto chat events as they are called
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugBoundschecks for models with bounds > 2048
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugBulletFiringspam info about bullet traces
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugCinematictype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugClientEntitiestype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugCrosshairDamageIndicatorprints info on crosshair damage indicator to help track down issues with it
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugDamagetype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugFootstepsprints which surfacetype the player is walking on
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugForceFieldstype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugFrameCommandsPrints out frame commands as they are called
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugFrameCommandsFilterFilter the type of framecommands
type: string (cheat)
g_debugGUIShow GUI window outlines
type: int (cheat)
g_debugGUIEventsShow the results of events
type: int (cheat)
g_debugGUIRenderWorldOutput information for GUI-based renderWorlds
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugGUITextRectShow windows' text rectangle outlines
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugGUITextScaleSize that the debug GUI info font is drawn in.
type: float (cheat)
g_debugLocationalDamageshows locational damage information on the player
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugLocationalDamageFinishAngletype: float (cheat)
g_debugLocationalDamageStartAngletype: float (cheat)
g_debugLocationstype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugMaskdebugs a deployment mask
type: string (cheat)
g_debugMemoryToFiletype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugNetworkWritetype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugPlayerListfills UI lists with fake players
type: int (cheat)
g_debugProficiencytype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugRewardManagerPrints out debug for reward manager
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugScripttype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugSpawnSpotsDraws boxes representing the valid spawn spots for deployable team spawns
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugSpecatorListfills the spectator list with fake players
type: int (cheat)
g_debugStatsSetupprints any problems with calculating a client rank when they connect to a server
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_debugVehicleDriveForcesshow info about wheeled drive forces
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugVehicleFeedbackshow info about wheeled suspension feedback
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugVehicleFrictionFeedbackshow info about wheeled surface friction feedback
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugVehicleHoverPadsshow info about hoverpads
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugVehicleHurtZonesshow info about the hurtZone component
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugVehiclePseudoHovershow info about the pseudoHover component
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugVehicleWheelForcesshow info about wheel forces
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugWakesDebug the vehicle wakes
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugWeapontype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugWeaponSpreaddisplays the current spread value for the weapon
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugWeaponStateshows the current weapon state for the client index specified
type: int (cheat)
g_debugWorldTasksdraws a sphere around ranged based tasks
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_decalsshow decals such as bullet holes
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_demoAnalyzationSectorSizesector size for stat generation
type: int (cheat)
g_demoAnalyzeanalyze demo during playback
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_demoOutputMDFoutput entity keyframe data from demo
type: int [0, 2] (cheat)
g_deployableArrowIconSizeSize of the screen space deployable arrow icons
type: float (cheat)
g_deployableIconAlphaScalealpha to apply to world-based objective icons
type: float (cheat)
g_deployableIconEnemyDistDistance that enemy deployable arrow icons will no longer be visible
type: float (cheat)
g_deployableIconSizeSize of the screen space deployable icons
type: float (cheat)
g_deployClampPitchMaxClamps the pitch looking down, increasing values looking further down
type: float
g_deployClampPitchMinClamps the pitch looking up, negative numbers looking above horizontal
type: float
g_deployClosestDistanceThe closest distance an entity can deploy
type: float
g_deployDebugBoxDebug box around deploy object
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_deployMaxDropDistanceThe distance rays are cast from each corner of deployable to check for stability
type: float
g_deployMaxLegDistanceThe distance rays are cast from each corner of deployable to check for stability
type: float
g_deployMaxSlopeThe maximum slope in radians (0.707 is 45 degrees)
type: float
g_deployOriginHeightThe height of the origin of the deploy projection ray
type: float
g_deployPitchScaleScales the view pitch for use as the deploy projection ray pitch
type: float
g_deployPlayDistanceThe closest distance an entity can deploy
type: float
g_deploySmoothIterpolated deploy position and trotation
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_deployStickyTimeThe time in msecs that an old good position will be kept before reseting
type: int
g_disableFootstepsenable/disable footsteps
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_disableGlobalAudiodisable global VOIP communication
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_disableTransportDebristype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_disableVehicleBoostdisables vehicles boost functionality
type: string
g_disableVehicleSpawnsdisables vehicles spawning from construction pads
type: string (cheat)
g_disasmdisassemble script into base/script/disasm.txt on the local drive when script is compiled
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_dofFocusRateThe rate at which the focus adjusts to reach the destination focus
type: float (cheat)
g_dofFocusTolerenceThe tolerence which the the current focus snaps to the destination focus
type: float (cheat)
g_dofLensThe rate of blur outside the focus range
type: float (cheat)
g_dofMaxBlurThe maximum radius of the blur
type: float (cheat)
g_dofRangeThe range about the focus point that is not blurred
type: float (cheat)
g_dragDampingtype: float (cheat)
g_dragEntityallows dragging physics objects around by placing the crosshair over them and holding the fire button
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_dragMaxforcetype: float (cheat)
g_dragShowSelectiontype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_drawAntiLagVisualizes the anti-lag point generation
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_drawAntiLagHitsDraws information when anti-lag generates a hit
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_drawContactsdraw physics object contacts
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_drawDeployableIconsEnables/Disables deployable icons
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_drawPlayerDamageDraws numbers above the player's head every time they take damage ( Must be enabled on the server too )
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_drawPlayerIconsEnables/Disables player icons
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_drawRouteConstraintsdraws lines showing route constraints
type: int (cheat)
g_editEntityMode0 = off
1 = lights
2 = sounds
3 = articulated figures
4 = particle systems
5 = monsters
6 = entity names
7 = entity models
type: int [0, 7] (cheat)
g_enableTestTintenable/disable test tint
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_enemyColorscolor of enemy units
type: string
g_execMapConfigsExecute map cfg with same name
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_exportMasktype: string (cheat)
g_exportMayaVersionSets the version of maya that the game checks for.
type: string (cheat)
g_fireteamColorscolor of fireteam units
type: string
g_forceClearforces clearing of color buffer on main game draw (faster)
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_fovtype: int [70, 90]
g_frametimedisplays timing information for each game frame
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_friendlyColorscolor of friendly units
type: string
g_gameReviewPauseTime (in minutes) for scores review time
type: float
g_gravitytype: float (cheat)
g_grenadeIndicatorColorcolor of the damage indicators
type: string
g_grenadeIndicatorOffsetoffset from centre of screen to grenade indicator ring
type: float
g_grenadeKickLaunchForwardsOffsetthe forwards offset from the player origin of the launch pos
type: float (cheat)
g_grenadeKickLaunchZOffsetthe z offset from the player origin of the launch pos
type: float (cheat)
g_grenadeKickMaxDistthe max distance you can be to kick a grenade
type: float (cheat)
g_grenadeKickMultiplierthe amount ot multiply to kick strength by (for tweaking)
type: float (cheat)
g_guiSpeedsShow GUI speeds
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_gun_pitchtype: float (cheat)
g_gun_yawtype: float (cheat)
g_gunXtype: float (cheat)
g_gunYtype: float (cheat)
g_gunZtype: float (cheat)
g_healthIndicatorColorcolor of the damage indicators
type: string
g_healthIndicatorOffsetoffset from centre of screen to health indicator ring
type: float
g_hitBeepplay hit beep sound when you inflict damage.
0 = do nothing
1 = beep/flash cross-hair
2 = beep
3 = flash cross-hair
type: int
g_hudIndicatorMaxScaleDistancethe scale factor when at the closest scaling distance
type: float
g_hudIndicatorMaxScaleFactorthe scale factor when at the closest scaling distance
type: float
g_hudIndicatorMinScaleDistancethe scale factor when at the furthest scaling distance
type: float
g_hudIndicatorMinScaleFactorthe scale factor when at the furthest scaling distance
type: float
g_kickAmplitudetype: float (cheat)
g_kickBanLengthlength of time a kicked player will be banned for
type: float
g_kickTimetype: float (cheat)
g_killspreecountAmmount of minutes it takes to be given a killing spree award
type: float (cheat)
g_killspreetimeNumber of kills it takes to be given a killing spree award
type: float (cheat)
g_knockbacktype: float (cheat)
g_logAwardStatsDumps player stats used for end-of-game awards to console log
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_logDebugTexttype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_logObjectiveslog objective completion info
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_logProficiencylog proficiency data
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_logServerGameplayStatsEnables logging of gameplay stats log_qstats.txt
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_lungeMinDistancethe distance to the target that a lunge stops at
type: float
g_maxPlayerWarningsmaximum warnings before player is kicked
type: int
g_maxrewardmaximum of reward points a player can have at a given time
type: float
g_maxShowDistancetype: float (cheat)
g_maxSpectateTimemaximum length of time a player may spectate for
type: float
g_maxTransportDebrisExtraHighThe maximum number of pieces of extra high priority (really large) debris. -1 means no limit.
type: int
g_maxTransportDebrisHighThe maximum number of pieces of high priority (large) debris. -1 means no limit.
type: int
g_maxTransportDebrisLowThe maximum number of pieces of low priority (small) debris. -1 means no limit.
type: int
g_maxTransportDebrisMediumThe maximum number of pieces of medium priority (middling) debris. -1 means no limit.
type: int
g_maxVoiceChatsmaximum number of voice chats a player may do in a period of time
type: int
g_maxVoiceChatsOvertime over which the maximum number of voice chat limit is applied
type: int
g_mountedGunRotationModmodifies the pitch and yaw speed of mounted gun
type: float
g_muteSpecsSend all spectator global chat to team chat
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_neutralColorscolor of neutral units
type: string
g_nextMapcommands to execute when the current map/campaign ends
type: string
g_noBotSpectatedisables the ability to spectate bots
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_noRouteConstraintKickenables/disables players being kicked for deviating from routes
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_noRouteMaskDestructionenables/disables the mcp being destroyed when driven outside the mask
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_noVehicleDecayenables / disables vehicle decay
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_numautofillsegmentsthe number of segments in the reward bar that are filled up
type: int
g_numrewardsegmentsthe number of segments in the reward bar
type: int
g_OldViewBobTurns on the old view bob for comparison
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_passwordgame password
type: string
g_pauseNoCliplets you noclip around the game while it is paused
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_pauseNoClipSpeedspeed to move when in pause noclip mode
type: float (cheat)
g_PCButtonsSchemethe button scheme selected
type: int
g_PCSticksSchemethe sticks scheme selected
type: int
g_playerArrowIconSizeSize of the screen space player arrow icons
type: float (cheat)
g_playerIconAlphaScalealpha to apply to world-based objective icons
type: float (cheat)
g_playerIconEnemyDistanceDistance that enemy player arrow icons will no longer be visible
type: float (cheat)
g_playerIconSizeSize of the screen space player icons
type: float (cheat)
g_playerMeleeSpeedMelee delay timer
type: int (cheat)
g_playerPushForceforce players can be pushed by other players
type: float
g_playerRespawnFadeenables respawn fade
type: int (cheat)
g_playTooltipSoundPlay the sound attached to a tooltip when it is shown
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_privatePasswordgame password for private slots
type: string
g_profileEntityThinkEnable entity think profiling
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_quickRespawnMaxDistancethe distance the player can move before cancelling out the quick respawn
type: float
g_radardetectmovetimethe amount of seconds it takes a player to be invisible to radars by standing still
type: float
g_radialMenuMouseInput0 - no mouse input
1 - mouse input, no view movement
2 - mouse input, view movement
type: int
g_radialMenuMouseSensitivityMouse input scale
type: float
g_radialMenuStyleSets the style of the quick chat menu: 0 = radial, 1 = vertical
type: int
g_radialMenuUseNumberShortcutsUse numbers instead of alpha-numeric shortcuts
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_readStatsread stats txt files at the begining of maps
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_removeStaticEntitiesRemove non-dynamic entities on map spawn when they aren't needed
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_returnToWarmupLength (in minutes) of time to return to warmup period
type: float
g_rewardregenamount of gameplay minutes it takes to regen the reward bar (g_numautofillsegments)
type: float
g_rotateCommandMapRotate the command map around the player
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_rotationModmodifies mouse pitch and yaw speed
type: float
g_rumbleIf true, enable controller rumble
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_showActiveDeployZonestype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showActiveEntitiesdraws boxes around thinking entities.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showAnimStateprints current anim states
type: int
g_showAreaClipSectorstype: float (cheat)
g_showcamerainfodisplays the current frame # for the camera when playing cinematics
type: string (cheat)
g_showClientNamesshows names and ids of all clients
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_showClipSectorFiltertype: string (cheat)
g_showClipSectorstype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showCollisionModelstype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showCollisionTracestype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showCollisionWorldtype: int (cheat)
g_showCommandMapNamesShow/hide location text on the commandmap
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showCompileStatssets whether to show stats at the end of compilation or not
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showCrosshairInfoshows information about the entity under your crosshair
type: int (cheat)
g_showDamagetype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showDemoHuddraw the demo hud gui
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showDemoViewshow player's calculated view when paused instead of free-fly cam
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showDeployableArrowsenable/disable arrows above the delpoyables (0=off,1=all,2=friendly only)
type: int
g_showEntityInfotype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showEntityInfoPrinttype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showHuddraw the hud gui
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_showLocationWayPointsShow/hide location waypoints in the world
type: int (cheat)
g_showPlayerArrowsenable/disable arrows above the heads of players (0=off,1=all,2=friendly only)
type: int
g_showPlayerShadowenables shadow of player model
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_showPlayerSpeeddisplays player movement speed
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showPVStype: int [0, 2] (cheat)
g_showRenderModelBoundstype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showTargetsdraws entities and their targets. hidden entities are drawn grey.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showTestModelFramedisplays the current animation and frame # for testmodels
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showTriggersdraws trigger entities (orange) and their targets (green). disabled triggers are drawn grey.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showVehicleCockpitsenables / disables vehicle cockpits
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_showVehiclePathNodestype: int (cheat)
g_showWayPointsshow or hide world-based objective icons
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_shroudDesatTimeThe length of time the shroud resaturation takes in ms
type: int (cheat)
g_skipDOFskip the post process DOF
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_skipIntroskip the opening intro movie
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_skipLocalizedPrecipitationEnable/disable precipitation effects
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_skipMotionBlurskip the post process Motion Blur
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_skipPostProcessskip the post process gui
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_skipPrecipitationEnable/disable precipitation effects
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_skipShroudBoostBlurskip the post process Shroud Boost Blur
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_skipVehicleAccelFeedbackskip acceleration effects on wheeled suspensions
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_skipVehicleFrictionFeedbackignore the effects of surface friction
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_skipVehicleTurnFeedbackskip turn ducking effects on wheeled suspensions
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_skipViewEffectsskip damage and other view effects
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_skipWeaponSwitchAnimationsIf 1, players won't play their weapon switching animations.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_smartTeamBalanceEncourages players to balance teams themselves by giving rewards.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_smartTeamBalanceRewardThe amount of XP to give people who switch teams when asked to.
type: int (cheat)
g_spectateViewLerpScaleControls view smoothing for spectators
type: float [0.2, 1]
g_stopWatchModestopwatch mode, 0 = ABBA, 1 = ABAB
type: int (cheat)
g_supplyStationAlphaDistdistance from supply deployables that hud indicator will be fully alpha(d)
type: float
g_supplyStationDistCheckdistance from supply deployables that hud indicator will be shown
type: float
g_teamSwitchDelayDelay (in seconds) before player can change teams again
type: int
g_testModelAnimatetest model animation,
0 = cycle anim with origin reset
1 = cycle anim with fixed origin
2 = cycle anim with continuous origin
3 = frame by frame with continuous origin
4 = play anim once
type: int [0, 4] (cheat)
g_testModelBlendnumber of frames to blend
type: int (cheat)
g_testModelRotatetest model rotation speed
type: string (cheat)
g_testParticletest particle visualization, set by the particle editor
type: int (cheat)
g_testParticleNamename of the particle being tested by the particle editor
type: string (cheat)
g_testPostProcessname of material to draw over screen
type: string (cheat)
g_testSpectatortype: int (cheat)
g_testViewSkinname of skin to use for the view
type: string (cheat)
g_timeoutToSpecTimeout for players who are AFK to go into spectator mode (0=disabled)
type: float
g_tooltipTimeScaleScale the amount of time that a tooltip is visible. 0 will disable all tooltips.
type: float
g_transportDebrisExtraHighCutoffBeyond this distance from the viewpoint extra high priority debris will not be spawned. -1 means no limit.
type: int
g_transportDebrisHighCutoffBeyond this distance from the viewpoint high priority debris will not be spawned. -1 means no limit.
type: int
g_transportDebrisLowCutoffBeyond this distance from the viewpoint low priority debris will not be spawned. -1 means no limit.
type: int
g_transportDebrisMediumCutoffBeyond this distance from the viewpoint medium priority debris will not be spawned. -1 means no limit.
type: int
g_unlock_interpolateMovinginterpolate moving objects in fps unlock mode
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_unlock_updateAnglesupdate view angles in fps unlock mode
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_unlock_updateViewposupdate view origin in fps unlock mode
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_unlock_viewStyle0: extrapolate view origin, 1: interpolate view origin
type: int
g_useBotsInPlayerTotalShould bots count towards the number of players required to start the game?
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_useCompiledScriptenable/disable native compiled scripts
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_useDeployCostAllow deploying without reward XP
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_useLegacyMouseSupportmakes the controller pretend its a mouse. Support gui files from the pc side
type: float
g_useSimpleStatsonly look up local server stats
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_useTraceCollectionUse optimized trace collections
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_vehicleForcetype: float (cheat)
g_vehicleSteerKeyScaleThe scale of the wheeled vehicle steering keys - 1 is standard, 2 is twice as fast, etc
type: float
g_vehicleSuspensionDampingtype: float (cheat)
g_vehicleSuspensionDowntype: float (cheat)
g_vehicleSuspensionKCompresstype: float (cheat)
g_vehicleSuspensionUptype: float (cheat)
g_vehicleTireFrictiontype: float (cheat)
g_vehicleVelocitytype: float (cheat)
g_vehicleWheelTracesPerFrameWhat fraction of the wheels are updated per frame
type: float (cheat)
g_versiongame version
type: string (read only)
g_view_foreshortentype: float
g_VODebugSoundVO context Sound debug spew
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_VODelayDelay between VO, global setting
type: float
g_VOEnableEnable contextual VO
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_VOLowHealthPercentage of a player's health for what is considered low-health
type: float
g_VONearbyGrenadeDistance at which an enemy grenade is considered nearby for VO
type: float
g_VOPlayerProximityDistance at which another player can hear a VO from another player
type: float
g_voteKeepVoteKeep vote on the HUD after having voted
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_votePassPercentagePercentage of yes votes required for a vote to pass
type: float [0, 100]
g_voteWaitDelay (in minutes) before player may perform a callvote again
type: float
g_walkerTraceDistancedistance to check for space for the walker to move
type: float
g_warmupLength (in minutes) of warmup period
type: float
g_warmupDamageEnable/disable players taking damage during warmup
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_waypointAlphaScalealpha to apply to world-based objective icons
type: float
g_waypointDistanceMaxmin distance at which to show max icon size
type: float
g_waypointDistanceMinmax distance at which to show min icon size
type: float
g_waypointSizeMaxmax world-view icon size
type: float
g_waypointSizeMinmin world-view icon size
type: float
g_weaponSwitchTimeouttype: float
g_writeStatswrite stats txt files at the end of maps
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_xpSavestores xp for disconnected players which will be given back if they reconnect
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
gamedatetype: string (read only)
gamenametype: string (read only)
gui_allowSnapshotHitchCorrectionCorrect timelines when notified of large time hitches
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
gui_chatAlphaalpha of chat text
type: float
gui_commandMapAlphaalpha of command map
type: float
gui_crosshairAlphaalpha of crosshair
type: float
gui_crosshairColorRGB color tint for crosshair elements
type: string
gui_crosshairDefname of def containing crosshair
type: string
gui_crosshairGrenadeAlphaalpha of grenade timer components
type: float
gui_crosshairKeyname of crosshair key in def specified by gui_crosshairDef
type: string
gui_crosshairSpreadAlphaalpha of spread components
type: float
gui_crosshairSpreadScaleamount to scale the spread indicator movement
type: float
gui_crosshairStatsAlphaalpha of health/ammo/reload components
type: float
gui_debugLayoutDebug UI layout classes
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
gui_debugRadialMenusShow radial menu debugging info
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
gui_doubleClickTimeDelay in seconds between considering two mouse clicks a double-click
type: float
gui_fireTeamAlphaalpha of fireteam list
type: float
gui_invertMenuPitchinvert mouse movement in in-game menus
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
gui_notificationPauselength of time between successive notifications, in seconds
type: float
gui_notificationTimelength of time a user notification is on screen, in seconds
type: float
gui_obitAlphaalpha of obituaries
type: float
gui_objectiveListAlphaalpha of objective list
type: float
gui_objectiveStatusAlphaalpha of objective status
type: float
gui_showRespawnTextshow text about respawning when in limbo or dead
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
gui_tooltipAlphaalpha of tooltips
type: float
gui_tooltipDelayDelay in seconds before tooltips pop up.
type: float
gui_vehicleAlphaalpha of vehicle information
type: float
gui_vehicleDirectionAlphaalpha of vehicle direction indicators
type: float
gui_voteAlphaalpha of vote
type: float
ik_debugshow IK debug lines
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
ik_enableenable IK
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
image_anisotropyset the maximum texture anisotropy if available
type: string
image_bumpPicMipUses a miplevel X steps down
type: int [-2, 2]
image_colorMipLevelsdevelopment aid to see texture mip usage
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
image_detailPowerControls how fast the detail textures fade out (0 = normal mipmaps, 1 is falloff after the first level)
type: string
image_diffusePicMipUses a miplevel X steps down
type: int [-2, 2]
image_editorPicMiptype: int [-4, 1] (cheat)
image_filterchanges texture filtering on mipmapped images
image_ignoreHighQualityignore high quality setting on materials
type: string
image_lodbiaschange lod bias on mipmapped images
type: float [-1, 1]
image_lodDistanceDistance at wich images don't need full resolution
type: float (cheat)
image_OverrideGetDownsizetype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
image_picMipUses a miplevel X steps down
type: int [-2, 2]
image_picMipEnableEnable picmip
type: int
image_roundDownround bad sizes down to nearest power of two
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
image_showBackgroundLoads1 = print number of outstanding background loads
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
image_skipUploadused during the build process, will skip uploads
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
image_specularPicMipUses a miplevel X steps down
type: int [-2, 2]
image_useAllFormatsallow alpha/intensity/luminance/luminance+alpha
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
image_useBackgroundLoads1 = enable background loading of images
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
image_useCompression0 = force everything to high quality
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
image_useNormalCompression2 = use rxgb compression for normal maps, 1 = use 256 color compression for normal maps if available
type: int
image_useOfflineCompressionwrite a batch file for offline compression of DDS files
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
image_usePrecompressedBaseTexturesuse .dds files from base dir if present
type: string (cheat)
image_writeNormalTGAwrite .tgas of the final normal maps for debugging
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
image_writeNormalTGAPalletizedwrite .tgas of the final palletized normal maps for debugging
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
image_writeTGAwrite .tgas of the non normal maps for debugging
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
in_anglespeedkeyangle change scale when holding down _speed button
type: float
in_car_pitch_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_car_pitch_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_car_pitch_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
in_car_pitch_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_car_pitch_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_car_pitch_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_car_pitch_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_car_steering_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_car_steering_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_car_steering_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
in_car_steering_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_car_steering_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_car_steering_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_car_steering_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_car_throttle_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_car_throttle_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_car_throttle_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
in_car_throttle_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_car_throttle_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_car_throttle_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_car_throttle_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_car_yaw_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_car_yaw_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_car_yaw_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
in_car_yaw_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_car_yaw_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_car_yaw_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_car_yaw_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_controllerDebugprint controller axis to console
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
in_controllerRepeattype: int
in_controllerTriggertype: int
in_freeLooklook around with mouse (reverse _mlook button)
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
in_heldTimetime key pressed before held event is generated
type: float
in_heli_forward_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_heli_forward_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_heli_forward_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
in_heli_forward_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_heli_forward_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_heli_forward_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_heli_forward_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_heli_side_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_heli_side_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_heli_side_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
in_heli_side_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_heli_side_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_heli_side_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_heli_side_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_heli_throttle_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_heli_throttle_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_heli_throttle_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
in_heli_throttle_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_heli_throttle_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_heli_throttle_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_heli_throttle_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_heli_yaw_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_heli_yaw_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_heli_yaw_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
in_heli_yaw_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_heli_yaw_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_heli_yaw_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_heli_yaw_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_hovertank_forward_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_hovertank_forward_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_hovertank_forward_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
in_hovertank_forward_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_hovertank_forward_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_hovertank_forward_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_hovertank_forward_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_hovertank_pitch_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_hovertank_pitch_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_hovertank_pitch_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
in_hovertank_pitch_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_hovertank_pitch_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_hovertank_pitch_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_hovertank_pitch_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_hovertank_side_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_hovertank_side_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_hovertank_side_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
in_hovertank_side_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_hovertank_side_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_hovertank_side_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_hovertank_side_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_hovertank_turn_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_hovertank_turn_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_hovertank_turn_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
in_hovertank_turn_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_hovertank_turn_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_hovertank_turn_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_hovertank_turn_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_hovertank_yaw_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_hovertank_yaw_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_hovertank_yaw_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
in_hovertank_yaw_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_hovertank_yaw_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_hovertank_yaw_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_hovertank_yaw_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_joy1_devicethe hash of the controller device named joy1
type: int
in_joy2_devicethe hash of the controller device named joy2
type: int
in_joy3_devicethe hash of the controller device named joy3
type: int
in_joy4_devicethe hash of the controller device named joy4
type: int
in_mouseenable mouse input
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
in_pitchspeedpitch change speed when holding down look _lookUp or _lookDown button
type: float
in_player_forward_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_player_forward_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_player_forward_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
in_player_forward_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_player_forward_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_player_forward_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_player_forward_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_player_pitch_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_player_pitch_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_player_pitch_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
in_player_pitch_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_player_pitch_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_player_pitch_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_player_pitch_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_player_side_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_player_side_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_player_side_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
in_player_side_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_player_side_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_player_side_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_player_side_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_player_yaw_axiswhich controller axis is used
type: int
in_player_yaw_deadZonespecifies how far large the dead-zone is on the controller axis
type: float
in_player_yaw_invertinverts the axis
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
in_player_yaw_joythe joystick number used
type: int
in_player_yaw_offsetthe step up the dead zone
type: float
in_player_yaw_powerthe power of the curve after dead zone - ie acceleration
type: float
in_player_yaw_speedspeed of the controller input
type: float
in_rumbleMasktype: int
in_rumbleMaxtype: int
in_rumbleScaletype: float
in_toggleCrouchControllerpressing _movedown_ctlr button toggles player crouching/standing
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
in_toggleCrouchKeyboardpressing _movedown_kbd button toggles player crouching/standing
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
in_toggleRunpressing _speed button toggles run on/off
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
in_toggleSprintpressing _sprint button toggles run on/off
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
in_toggleZoomControllerpressing _altattack_ctlr button toggles zoom on/off
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
in_toggleZoomKeyboardpressing _altattack_kbd button toggles zoom on/off
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
in_yawspeedyaw change speed when holding down _left or _right button
type: float
loc_ignoreWarningsenables/disables localization warnings
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
logFile1 = buffer log, 2 = flush after each print
type: string
logFileNamename of log file, if empty, console.log will be used. $Y = year, $M = month, $D = day, $h = hour, $m = minute, $s = second
type: string
logTimeStampsadd time stamps to console log
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
m_helicopterPitchhelicopter mouse pitch scale
type: float
m_helicopterYawhelicopter mouse yaw scale
type: float
m_pitchmouse pitch scale
type: float
m_rawInputuse Raw Input API for mouse input
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
m_showMouseRateshows mouse movement
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
m_smoothnumber of samples blended for mouse viewing
type: int [1, 8]
m_strafeScalemouse strafe movement scale
type: float
m_strafeSmoothnumber of samples blended for mouse moving
type: int [1, 8]
m_yawmouse yaw scale
type: float
net_accountNameAuto login account name
type: string (init)
net_accountPasswordAuto login account password
type: string (init)
net_allowCheatsAllow cheats in network game
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
net_allowTalkBacktype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
net_aorPVSScaleAoR scale for outside of PVS
type: float (cheat)
net_autoConnectServerServer to connect to after auto login is complete
type: string (init)
net_autoLANScanautomatically scan for LAN servers
type: int [0, 60]
net_channelShowDropshow dropped packets
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
net_channelShowPacketsshow all packets
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
net_checkSyncenable data synchronization
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
net_clientAORFiltertype: string (cheat)
net_clientLagOMeterdraw prediction graph
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
net_clientMaxPredictionmaximum number of milliseconds a client can predict ahead of server.
type: int
net_clientMaxRatemaximum rate requested by client from server in bytes/sec
type: int
net_clientPredictionadditional client side prediction in milliseconds
type: int
net_clientPunkbusterEnabledis client side PunkBuster enabled?
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
net_clientRemoteConsoleAddressremote console address
type: string
net_clientRemoteConsolePasswordremote console password
type: string
net_clientSelfSmoothingsmooth local client position
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
net_clientServerTimeoutserver time out in seconds
type: int
net_clientShowAORtype: int [0, 3] (cheat)
net_clientShowSnapshottype: int [0, 4] (cheat)
net_clientShowSnapshotRadiustype: float (cheat)
net_clientSkipUsercmdskip ucmds generation -
0: no skipping
1: no skipping. when multiple game frames, send single packet
2: skip. when multiple game frames send only first
3: skip. when multiple game frames send only last
type: int
net_clientUsercmdBackupnumber of usercmds to resend
type: int [0, 10]
net_demoErrorOnInvalidUserCmdsWill cause an error instead of a warning when playing back a demo with no usercmds
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
net_forceDroppercentage packet loss
type: int (cheat)
net_forceLatencymilliseconds latency
type: int (cheat)
net_httpPasswordPassword used with HTTP authentication to download server assets
type: string (cheat)
net_httpProxyUse an http proxy to download game content from servers. Use http://proxy_address:proxy_port. See net_httpProxyUser, net_httpProxyPassword, net_httpProxyMode
type: string
net_httpProxyModeProxy configuration mode, 0 - don't use a proxy, 1 - attempt to read from environment (over-write cvar settings on launch), 2 - use cvar settings
type: int
net_httpProxyPasswordPassword used with http proxy authentication
type: string (cheat)
net_httpProxyUserUsername used with http proxy authentication
type: string (cheat)
net_httpUserUsername used with HTTP authentication to download server assets
type: string (cheat)
net_iplocal IP address
type: string
net_LANForceAuthforce authentication on LAN games
type: bool (read only)
default: 1 (true)
net_LANServerconfig LAN games only - affects clients and servers
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
net_limitApparentMaxErrorAllowancefraction of the current physics speed added to the maximum apparent speed due to client prediction error
type: float
net_limitApparentMaxLagAllowancefraction of the current physics speed added to the maximum apparent speed due to client lag
type: float
net_limitApparentMinSpeedminimum value for maximum apparent speed to reach
type: float
net_limitApparentVelocitylimit the apparent velocity of objects in prediction to realistic levels
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
net_maxPlayerCollisionMergemaximum number of player collision steps to merge together during client reprediction
type: int
net_maxQoSRequestsControls the maximum number of QoS requests that can be sent at once.
type: int [1, 32]
net_portlocal IP port number
type: int
net_predictionErrorDecayEnable/disable prediction error decay
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
net_QoSTimeoutAmount of milliseconds after which to stop waiting for a QoS response packet.
type: int
net_sdnetPortlocal IP port base number used for online services
type: int
net_serverAllowServerModallow server-side mods
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
net_serverBalanceSnapshotTimesbalance snapshot times for a good repartition over game frames
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
net_serverClientTimeoutclient time out in seconds
type: int
net_serverDedicatedtype: int (read only)
net_serverDrawClientnumber of client for which to draw view on server
type: int (cheat)
net_serverMaxClientRatemaximum rate to a client in bytes/sec
type: int
net_serverMaxReservedClientSlotsmaximum number of player slots reserved for session invites
type: int [0, 16] (cheat)
net_serverMaxUsercmdRelaymaximum number of usercmds from other clients the server relays to a client
type: int [1, 10]
net_serverPunkbusterEnabledis server side PunkBuster enabled?
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
net_serverReloadEngineperform a full reload on next map restart (including flushing referenced pak files) - decreased if > 0
type: int
net_serverRemoteConsolePasswordremote console password
type: string
net_serverSnapshotDelaydelay between snapshots in number of game frames
type: int
net_serverSpeexEnabledenable/disable VoIP
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
net_serverSpeexQualityspeex quality level, 1 - 10
type: int [1, 10]
net_serverZombieTimeoutdisconnected client timeout in seconds
type: int
net_showAsyncStatsshow async network stats
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
net_socksEnabledtype: bool
default: 0 (false)
net_socksPasswordtype: string
net_socksPorttype: int
net_socksServertype: string
net_socksUsernametype: string
net_staggerPlayerGroundChecksskip every other ground check during forward prediction
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
net_updateAutoDownloadcontrol auto download of game updates. 0: no, 1: prompt on client, auto download on server 2: always auto download
type: int
net_updateAutoExecuteexecute the installer once downloaded. 0: no, 1: yes on client, not on server, 2: yes
type: int
net_useAOREnable/Disable Area of Relevance
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
net_useUPnPUse UPnP for external address identification
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
net_verbose1 = verbose output, 2,3 = even more verbose output
type: int [0, 3]
passwordclient password used when connecting
type: string
pm_bboxwidthx/y size of player's bounding box
type: float
pm_bobpitchtype: float
pm_bobrolltype: float
pm_bobuptype: float
pm_crouchbobbob much faster when crouched
type: float
pm_crouchheightheight of player's bounding box while crouched
type: float
pm_crouchratetime it takes for player's view to change from standing to crouching
type: float
pm_crouchspeedspeed the player can move while crouched
type: float
pm_crouchviewheightheight of player's view while crouched
type: float
pm_deadheightheight of player's bounding box while dead
type: float
pm_deadviewheightheight of player's view while dead
type: float
pm_deathThirdPersonAngledirection of camera from player in 3rd person in degrees (0 = behind player, 180 = in front)
type: float (cheat)
pm_deathThirdPersonHeightheight of camera from normal view height in 3rd person
type: float (cheat)
pm_deathThirdPersonRangecamera distance from player in 3rd person
type: float (cheat)
pm_democamspeedspeed the player can move while flying around in a demo
type: float (cheat)
pm_deployThirdPersonAngledirection of camera from player in 3rd person in degrees (0 = behind player, 180 = in front)
type: float
pm_deployThirdPersonHeightheight of camera from normal view height in 3rd person
type: float
pm_deployThirdPersonRangecamera distance from player in 3rd person
type: float
pm_frictionfriction applied to player on the ground
type: float
pm_jumpdelaytime allowed between jumps in millisecs
type: float
pm_jumpheightapproximate height the player can jump
type: float
pm_landingbobEnable a bob when landing
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
pm_lungeSpeedForwardspeed the player can move while lunging
type: float
pm_lungeSpeedStrafespeed strafing the player can move while lunging
type: float
pm_maxproneviewpitchamount player's view can look down when prone
type: float
pm_maxviewpitchamount player's view can look down
type: float
pm_minproneviewpitchamount player's view can look up when prone(negative values are up)
type: float
pm_minviewpitchamount player's view can look up (negative values are up)
type: float
pm_noclipspeedspeed the player can move while in noclip
type: float
pm_noclipspeedsprintspeed the player can move while in noclip and sprinting
type: float
pm_noclipspeedwalkspeed the player can move while in noclip and walking
type: float
pm_normalheightheight of player's bounding box while standing
type: float
pm_normalviewheightheight of player's view while standing
type: float
pm_nostaminadon't use stamina bar
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
pm_pausePhysicspauses physics
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
pm_powerslideadjust the push when pm_slidevelocity == 1, set power < 1 -> more speed, > 1 -> closer to pm_slidevelocity 0
type: float [0, 4]
pm_proneheightheight of player's bounding box while prone
type: float
pm_pronespeedspeed the player can move while prone
type: float
pm_proneviewdistancedistance in front of the player's view while prone
type: float
pm_proneviewheightheight of player's view while prone
type: float
pm_runbobbob faster when running
type: float
pm_runpitchtype: float
pm_runrolltype: float
pm_runspeedspeed the player can move while running
type: float
pm_runspeedbackspeed the player can move backwards while running
type: float
pm_runspeedbackshroudboostspeed the player can move backwards while running
type: float
pm_runspeedforwardspeed the player can move forwards while running
type: float
pm_runspeedforwardshroudboostspeed the player can move forwards while running
type: float
pm_runspeedforwardShroudBoostArmUpgradespeed the player can move forwards while running
type: float
pm_runspeedstrafespeed the player can move sideways while running
type: float
pm_runspeedstrafeshroudboostspeed the player can move sideways while running
type: float
pm_skipBobDisable all bobbing
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
pm_slidevelocitywhat to do with velocity when hitting a surface at an angle. 0: use horizontal speed, 1: keep some of the impact speed to push along the slide
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
pm_spectatebboxsize of the spectator bounding box
type: float
pm_spectatespeedspeed the player can move while spectating
type: float
pm_spectatespeedsprintspeed the player can move while spectating and sprinting
type: float
pm_spectatespeedwalkspeed the player can move while spectating and walking
type: float
pm_sprintspeedspeed the player can move while sprinting
type: float
pm_sprintspeedforwardspeed the player can move forwards while sprinting
type: float
pm_sprintspeedstrafespeed the player can move sideways while sprinting
type: float
pm_staminaamount of stamina the player has for sprinting
type: float
pm_staminaFillRatethe rate at which a players stamina fills when not sprinting
type: float
pm_staminaPenaltythe penalty to have to wait to sprint for if you completely run out of stamina
type: float
pm_staminaSoundThresholdthe stamina threshold at which breathing sound plays
type: float (cheat)
pm_staminaThresholdthe stamina threshold at which below this the player cannot sprint
type: float
pm_staminaUseRatethe rate at which a players stamina empties when sprinting
type: float
pm_stepsizemaximum height the player can step up without jumping
type: float
pm_thirdPersonenables third person view
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
pm_thirdPersonAngledirection of camera from player in 3rd person in degrees (0 = behind player, 180 = in front)
type: float (cheat)
pm_thirdPersonClipclip third person view into world space
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
pm_thirdPersonHeightheight of camera from normal view height in 3rd person
type: float (cheat)
pm_thirdPersonNoPitchignore camera pitch when in third person mode
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
pm_thirdPersonOrbitif set, will automatically increment pm_thirdPersonAngle every frame
type: float (cheat)
pm_thirdPersonRangecamera distance from player in 3rd person
type: float (cheat)
pm_usecylinderuse a cylinder approximation instead of a bounding box for player collision detection
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
pm_vehicleSoundLerpScaletype: float
pm_walkbobbob slowly when walking
type: float
pm_walkspeedspeed the player can move while walking
type: float
pm_waterFloatValuefraction of water coverage at which the player will try to float
type: float (cheat)
pm_waterSpeedspeed player will be pushed up in water when totally under water
type: float (cheat)
type: float (cheat)
r_32ByteVtxUses 64bit vtx
type: string (cheat)
r_ambientARB0 = ambient cube map rendering done through ff pipeline, 1 = ambient cube map rendering done through ARB program
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_ambientLightDrawMode0 is blended sphere, 1 is circle outline, 2 is completely off
type: int (cheat)
r_ambientMapambient cube map base name
type: string (cheat)
r_ambientMapNoUpdatedisabled dynamic ambient cubemap texture uploading
type: string (cheat)
r_ambientScaleambient cube mapping brightness
type: float (cheat)
r_aspectRatioaspect ratio. 0 is 4:3, 1 is 16:9, 2 is 16:10, 3 is 5:4. -1 uses r_customAspectRatioH and r_customAspectRatioV
type: int
r_AtmospherePostprocessUse post processing pass for atmosphere
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
r_atmosScaleatmosphere brightness
type: float (cheat)
r_biasSurfaceMaterialResshow surface material name under crosshair
type: int (cheat)
r_brightnesschanges gamma tables
type: float [0.5, 2]
r_characterHighlightEnable/disable character highlights
type: string (cheat)
r_characterHighlightEndControls the distance at which character highlights and ambient boost is at a maximum
type: float [0, 10000] (cheat)
r_characterHighlightExponentControls the exponent for the highlight
type: float (cheat)
r_characterHighlightStartControls the start distance for character highlight and ambient boost
type: float [0, 10000] (cheat)
r_checkBoundscompare all surface bounds with precalculated ones
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_clearforce screen clear every frame, 1 = purple, 2 = black, 'r g b' = custom
type: string (cheat)
r_combinedReflectDistDistance where the planar reflection gets cut of
type: string (cheat)
r_customAspectRatioHhorizontal custom aspect ratio
type: float
r_customAspectRatioVvertical custom aspect ratio
type: float
r_customHeightcustom screen height
type: int
r_customWidthcustom screen width
type: int
r_debugArrowStepstep size of arrow cone line rotation in degrees
type: int [0, 120]
r_debugAxisLengthused to set the length of drawn debug axis
type: string (cheat)
r_debugEntityRefstype: int (cheat)
r_debugFlareDeformdisplay debug point at place of failing deform
type: string (cheat)
r_debugImpostersShow some extra information on imposter rendering
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_debugLineDepthTestperform depth test on debug lines
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
r_debugLineWidthwidth of debug lines
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
r_debugPolygonFilleddraw a filled polygon
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_debugViewEntitiestype: int (cheat)
r_deferredRendertype: string (cheat)
r_depthFillEnable depth only pass
type: string (cheat)
r_depthFillCutoffScreen Rect Area required to render
type: string (cheat)
r_depthFillNoColourDisable depth fill colour write
type: string (cheat)
r_depthRangeStartDefaulttype: string (cheat)
r_depthRangeWeaponHackEndtype: string (cheat)
r_depthRangeWeaponHackScaletype: string (cheat)
r_detailFadeDistance fading control ('reloadImages all' needed)
type: float [0, 1]
r_detailRatioRatio of detail texture to main texture
type: int (cheat)
r_detailTextureDetail texture on landscape ('reparseDecls renderProgram' needed)
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
r_displayRefreshoptional display refresh rate option for vid mode
type: int [0, 200]
r_dumpShadersDump compiled and preprocessed shaders to text files
type: string (cheat)
r_dynamicModelCacheMegsNumber of megabytes to cache dynamic model instantiations in.
type: int (cheat)
r_elevateForceCleartype: int
r_farPlaneDistOptional far plane clipping
type: float (cheat)
r_finishforce a call to glFinish() every frame
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_flareSizescale the flare deforms from the material def
type: float (cheat)
r_flushPurgeableModelsDelete all cached purgeable models

type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_forceDistancePortalCulltype: float (cheat)
r_forceGLFinishforce finish within backend
type: int (cheat)
r_forceLoadImagesdraw all images to screen after registration
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
r_frontBufferdraw to front buffer for debugging
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_fullscreen0 = windowed, 1 = full screen
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
r_gammachanges gamma tables
type: float [0.5, 3]
r_generateInteractionsGenerate all interactions after a map load

type: string (cheat)
r_glDriver"opengl32", etc.
type: string (cheat)
r_glDriverVendorOpenGL driver vendor
type: string (cheat)
r_glowbasebase glare level
type: float (cheat)
r_ignoreused for random debugging without defining new vars
type: string (cheat)
r_ignore2used for random debugging without defining new vars
type: string (cheat)
r_ignoreGLErrorsignore GL errors
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_imposterCoveragetype: float (cheat)
r_imposterCutoffSize in pixels at which imposters stop drawing
type: float [1, 200]
r_imposterFadeSize in pixels at which imposters are fully faded in (and the original stops drawing)
type: int [1, 200]
r_imposterFadeStartSize in pixels at which imposters start to fade in
type: int [1, 200]
r_inhibitEXTGPPDisable the GPU program params extension.
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
r_inhibitFBODisable the fbo extension.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_inhibitGLSLDisable glsl extensions.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_jitterrandomly subpixel jitter the projection matrix
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_jitterBiasjitter radius bias
type: float [0, 1] (cheat)
r_jitterRadialradial jitter view matrix around the specified distance
type: float (cheat)
r_jitterRadiusoffset from screen origin for jitter
type: float (cheat)
r_jointNameOffsetoffset of joint names when r_showskel is set to 1
type: float (cheat)
r_jointNameScalesize of joint names when r_showskel is set to 1
type: float (cheat)
r_keepOldViewEntitiestype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_lightAllBackFaceslight all the back faces, even when they would be shadowed
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_lightScaleall light intensities are multiplied by this
type: float (cheat)
r_lightSourceRadiusfor soft-shadow sampling
type: float (cheat)
r_lispAlternateOriginUse alternative ways of calculating the shadow view origin.
type: int (cheat)
r_lispAlternateZfarUse a different calculation for the warp factor.
type: int (cheat)
r_lispAngleAngle to rotate the shadowview in ndc space
type: int (cheat)
r_lispCorrectForViewAngleCorrect warp factor based on the angle with the light.
type: int (cheat)
r_lispDebugFrustumAllow the use of the existing projeciton matrix to debug certain lightspace cases.
type: int (cheat)
r_lispflipxTest some stuff
type: float (cheat)
r_lispflipyTest some stuff
type: float (cheat)
r_lispflipzTest some stuff
type: float (cheat)
r_lisptestTest some stuff
type: int (cheat)
r_lispUseBodyVectorUse body vector instead of the view vector

type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_listMissingInstanceProgslist mia render programs for instancing
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_loadAnimBAttempt loading of binary version of animations.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_loadModelBsallow loading of modelb render models
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_lockDebugLinestype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_lockedViewtype: int (cheat)
r_lockSurfacesallow moving the view point without changing the composition of the scene, including culling
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_logFilenumber of frames to emit GL logs
type: int (cheat)
r_mapShotAnglesPitch Yaw Roll of mapshot angles
type: string (cheat)
r_materialOverrideoverrides all materials
type: string (cheat)
type: string (cheat)
r_maxViewEntitiestype: int (cheat)
r_MD5FreeScaledAndBasetype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_MD5LoadBinarytype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_MD5LodAltLodNamingtype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_MD5LodBiasLOD bias for a MD5 mesh
type: int (cheat)
r_MD5LodPrintPrint a message when an LOD state changes
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_MD5LodScaleLOD scaling for a MD5 mesh
type: float
r_MD5MaxLodStagesmaximum number of LOD stages loaded for a MD5 mesh
type: int (cheat)
r_MD5UseDrawVertFasttype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_MD5UseHardwareSkinningDo MD5 skinning partially on the GPU
type: bool (read only)
default: 1 (true)
r_MD5WriteBinarytype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_megaDrawMethodtype: int (read only)
r_megaFadeTimetype: int
r_megaShowGridshow a grid pattern
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_megaShowTileSizeshow tile sizes
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_megaStreamBlockstype: int [1, 32]
r_megaStreamFromDVDtype: bool
default: 0 (false)
r_megaTextureEnableGlobal enable/disable of megatexturing and associated threads
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_megatexturePreferALUtype: bool
default: 1 (true)
r_megaTilesPerSecondonly update a limited number of mega texture tiles per second
type: int
r_megaUpscaletype: bool
default: 0 (false)
r_mergeModelSurfacescombine model surfaces with the same material
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_mirrorplaneslopAmount to offset reflection clipping planes
type: string (cheat)
r_modevideo mode number
type: int
r_multiSamplesnumber of antialiasing samples
type: int
r_noDoubleAtmosphereUses the stencil buffer to avoid atmosphere-ing
type: string
r_normalizeNormalMapsNormalize normalmaps after lookup.
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
r_notchDirrefraction plane offset direction
type: float (cheat)
r_occlusionBBDebugDisplay occlusion BB test
type: int (cheat)
r_occlusionCutoffDon't do occlusion queries if screen space in pixels is bigger than this
type: int (cheat)
r_occlusionDebugPrint debug info on occlusion queries, 2 = skip all oq gl commands, 3 = skip oq readback command
type: int (cheat)
r_occlusionFlushUse explicit glFlush after firing off queries
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_occlusionsMaxFramesMax num of frames before query is retired
type: int [10, 100]
r_occlusionSystem0 = Clever, 1 = Frame delay
type: int (cheat)
r_occlusionThresholdConsider object as occluded if less or equal than x pixels are visible.
type: int (cheat)
r_occlusionWaitPredictPredict as objects as visibe when waiting for result.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_offsetfactorpolygon offset parameter
type: float (cheat)
r_offsetunitspolygon offset parameter
type: float [-2000, 2000]
r_orderIndexesperform index reorganization to optimize vertex use
type: int (cheat)
r_refractFovChangeFOV modification used during refraction subview rendering
type: float (cheat)
r_refractOffsetrefraction plane offset
type: float (cheat)
r_renderProgramLodDistanceSets global render program lod distance
type: float [-1, 1000]
r_renderProgramLodFadeSets global render program fade distance
type: float [1, 2000]
r_rotatingDoorDebugDisplay the state of rotating doors
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_screenFractionfor testing fill rate, the resolution of the entire screen can be changed
type: int (cheat)
r_selectedAmbientLightWhich ambient light should be drawn as selected
type: int (cheat)
r_shaderPreferALUUse ALU instructions instead of textures in shaders.
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
r_shaderQualitySets the level of detail to use for shaders, 0 = highest
type: int
r_shaderSkipSpecCubeMapsUse specular cube maps.
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
r_shadowPassenable shadow pass
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_shadowPolygonFactorscale value for stencil shadow drawing
type: float
r_shadowPolygonFactorMTscale value for stencil shadow drawing (megadraw method 3)
type: float
r_shadowPolygonOffsetbias value added to depth test for stencil shadow drawing
type: float
r_shadowPolygonOffsetMTbias value added to depth test for stencil shadow drawing (megadraw method 3)
type: float
r_shadowsenable shadows
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
type: string
r_showAllocreport alloc/free counts
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showAmbientLightsshow ambient light sources
type: string (cheat)
r_showAtmosLightProjectionsshow shadow clipping maps
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showBackendSpeedsshow the backend timing split
type: int (cheat)
r_showBatchesdraw each batch with a different color
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showBatchInforeport batch counts for various types
type: int (cheat)
r_showBatchSizehighlighting of draw batches that fall below the desired polygons per draw call (purple really bad, red bad, yellow moderate, green good), 1 = only draw visible ones, 2 = draw all front facing, 3 = draw all
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_showCullreport sphere and box culling stats
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showCullSectorsShow cull sectors
type: int (cheat)
r_showCurrentAreaShow the view origin's current area
type: int (cheat)
r_showDefaultRenderEntstype: string (cheat)
r_showDefsreport the number of modeDefs and lightDefs in view
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showDemoreport reads and writes to the demo file
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showDepthdisplay the contents of the depth buffer and the depth range
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showDominantTridraw lines from vertexes to center of dominant triangles
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showDrawOrdertype: int (cheat)
r_showDynamicreport stats on dynamic surface generation
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showDynamicDefsShow dynamic updating entities i.e. freeing cached models and/or shadow volumes ( purple = entity def changed, cyan = model callback forced update )
type: string (cheat)
r_showEdgesdraw the sil edges
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showEntityScissorsshow entity scissor rectangles
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showEnvBoundsShow env bounds
type: int (cheat)
r_showFacePlanesshows shadow volume face planes
type: float (cheat)
r_showFrameTimingsdisplays threaded render and game cpu timings
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showGUISpeedsreport time spent drawing GUIs
type: int (cheat)
r_showImages1 = show all images instead of rendering, 2 = show in proportional size
type: int [0, 2] (cheat)
r_showIndexTreeBoundsShow index tree bounds
type: int (cheat)
r_showInstanceInfoShow Instance Info
type: int (cheat)
r_showIntensitydraw the screen colors based on intensity, red = 0, green = 128, blue = 255
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showInteractionFrustums1 = show a frustum for each interaction, 2 = also draw lines to light origin, 3 = also draw entity bbox
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_showInteractionsreport interaction generation activity
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showInteractionScissors1 = show screen rectangle which contains the interaction frustum, 2 = also draw construction lines
type: int [0, 2] (cheat)
r_showLightCount1 = colors surfaces based on light count, 2 = also count everything through walls, 3 = also print overdraw
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_showLightInfotype: int (cheat)
r_showLights1 = just print volumes numbers, highlighting ones covering the view, 2 = also draw planes of each volume, 3 = also draw edges of each volume
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_showLightScalereport the scale factor applied to drawing for overbrights
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showLightScissorsshow light scissor rectangles
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showMegaTexturereport megatexture upload/bind counts
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showMegaTextureLevelsDisplay the different levels using color coded textures.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showMegaTextureSTGridShow megaTexture ST grid
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showMemoryprint frame memory utilization
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showModelTypesshow model types, red - md5, blue - area, green - lodentity, white - other
type: int (cheat)
r_showNodePlanesenables portal plane drawing
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showNormalsdraws wireframe normals
type: float (cheat)
r_showOcclusionsShow occlusion queries culled by occlusion queries
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showOverDraw1 = geometry overdraw, 2 = light interaction overdraw, 3 = geometry and light interaction overdraw
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_showParentFrustumShows the frustum of the parent view in subview and shadow renders.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showPortalsdraw portal outlines in color based on passed / not passed
type: int (cheat)
r_showPrimitivesreport drawsurf/index/vertex counts
type: int (cheat)
r_showQuadTreesdraw quadtree outlines in color, 1 = 3D, 2 = 2D, 3 = depth buffered 3D
type: int (cheat)
r_showQueryTimersShow the query_timer extension results.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showShadowBBdisplays shadow volume bounding boxes
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showShadowCountcolors screen based on shadow volume depth complexity, >= 2 = print overdraw count based on stencil index values, 3 = only show turboshadows, 4 = only show static shadows
type: int [0, 4] (cheat)
r_showShadows1 = visualize the stencil shadow volumes, 2 = draw filled in
type: int [0, 30] (cheat)
r_showSilhouettehighlight edges that are casting shadow planes
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showSkeldraw the skeleton when model animates, 1 = draw model with skeleton, 2 = draw skeleton only
type: int [0, 2] (cheat)
r_showSmpshow which end (front or back) is blocking
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showStuffCacheShow allocation events of the stuff cache

type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showSurfaceAllocatedshow surface allocated 1 - planes, 2 - silIndexes, 3 - silEdges, 4 - shadowVertexes, 5 - weightCache
type: int (cheat)
r_showSurfaceInfoshow surface material name under crosshair
type: int (cheat)
r_showSurfacesreport surface/light/shadow counts
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showTangentSpaceshade triangles by tangent space, 1 = use 1st tangent vector, 2 = use 2nd tangent vector, 3 = use normal vector
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_showTexelDensitydraws all triangles with texel density as gradient
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showTextureMemoryShow texture memory usage: 1 = total; 2 = per frame
type: int (cheat)
r_showTexturePolarityshade triangles by texture area polarity
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showTextureVectors if > 0 draw each triangles texture (tangent) vectors
type: float (cheat)
r_showTraceshow the intersection of an eye trace with the world
type: int (cheat)
r_showTrisenables wireframe rendering of the world, 1 = only draw visible ones, 2 = draw all front facing, 3 = draw all
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_showUnsmoothedTangentsif 1, put all nvidia register combiner programming in display lists
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showUpdatesreport entity and light updates and ref counts
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showVertexCachetype: int (cheat)
r_showVertexColordraws all triangles with the solid vertex color
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showviewEntities1 = displays the bounding boxes of all view models, 2 = print index numbers
type: int (cheat)
r_singleAreaonly draw the portal area the view is actually in
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_singleEntitysuppress all but one entity
type: int (cheat)
r_singleLightsuppress all but one light
type: int (cheat)
r_singleSurfacesuppress all but one surface on each entity
type: int (cheat)
r_singleTriangleonly draw a single triangle per primitive
type: int (cheat)
r_skipAmbientbypasses all non-interaction drawing
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipAreaSurfacesskip rendering of mega texture surfaces
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipAtmosInteractionsskip all light/surface interaction drawing
type: int
r_skipAtmosphereskips atmosphere pass
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipBackEnddon't draw anything
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipBlendLightsskip all blend lights
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipBumpuses a flat surface instead of the bump map
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipCopyTexturedo all rendering, but don't actually copyTexSubImage2D
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipDeformsleave all deform materials in their original state
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipDepthAmbientuses legacy black depth fill (instead of ambient fill)
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
r_skipDepthOptimizeSkip depth optimizations which assumes Z prepass
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipDiffuse1 = use black for diffuse, 2 = use white for diffuse
type: int (cheat)
r_skipDynamicTexturesdon't dynamically create textures
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipFogLightsskip all fog lights
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipFrontEndbypasses all front end work, but 2D gui rendering still draws
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipImpostersSkip imposter generation and rendering
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipInstancesskip rendering of instances
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipInteractionsskip all light/surface interaction drawing
type: int (cheat)
r_skipLodEntitySurfacesskip rendering of mega texture surfaces
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipLWOSurfacesskip rendering of mega texture surfaces
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipMD5Surfacesskip rendering of mega texture surfaces
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipMegaTextureStop updating the megatexture origin
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipMegaTextureSurfacesskip rendering of mega texture surfaces
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipMegaTextureUploadDisable the actual texture uploads (backend loading etc. will still happen)
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipNotMegaTextureSurfacesskip rendering of non mega texture surfaces
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipOverlaysskip overlay surfaces
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipParticles1 = skip all particle systems
type: int [0, 1] (cheat)
r_skipRefractCopyuses copy of frame buffer
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
r_skipRenderskip 3D rendering, but pass 2D
type: int (cheat)
r_skipRenderContextNULL the rendering context during backend 3D rendering
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipROQskip ROQ decoding
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipShadowviewsSkips shadow map rendering.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipShadowViewsBackendSkip the rendering but all other setup is done.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipSpecularuse black for specular
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipStuffDon't draw stuff models

type: bool
default: 0 (false)
r_skipSubviews1 = don't render any gui elements on surfaces
type: int (cheat)
r_skipSuppressignore the per-view suppressions
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipTranslucentskip the translucent interaction rendering
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipUpdates1 = don't accept any entity or light updates, making everything static
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_slopNormalmerge normals that dot less than this
type: string (cheat)
r_slopTexCoordmerge texture coordinates this far apart
type: string (cheat)
r_slopVertexmerge xyz coordinates this far apart
type: string (cheat)
r_softParticlesEnable soft particles
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
r_sortEffectsDepth sort effects by their origin
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_sortInteractionsSort interactions per material and VBO.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_sortParticlesEnable depth sorting of certain particle systems
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_sortStuffDepth sort enable/disable

type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
type: string
r_stateCachecheck state before upload to drive
type: string (cheat)
r_stuffCacheMegsNumber of megabytes to cache stuff models.

type: int
r_stuffFadeEndMax vis distance for the stuff models

type: float
r_stuffFadeStartDistance at which stuff starts fading

type: float
r_stuffLodWhere lod models stop drawing (they start at r_stuffFadeEnd)

type: float (cheat)
r_stuffUpdateAngleCamera needs to rotate more than X degrees for stuff models to update

type: string (cheat)
r_stuffUpdateDistanceCamera needs to move more than X units for stuff models to update

type: string (cheat)
r_stuffUseFadeNoiseEnable noise in stuff fade

type: bool
default: 1 (true)
r_subviewOnly1 = don't render main view, allowing subviews to be debugged
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_swapIntervalchanges wglSwapInterval
type: int
r_testGammaif > 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels
type: float [0, 195] (cheat)
r_testGammaBiasif > 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels
type: float (cheat)
r_testStepGammaif > 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels
type: float (cheat)
r_trisColorsets color of wireframe rendering in RGBA float format or 0xRRGGBBAA hex format
type: string
r_useAlphaToCoverageUse alpha to coverage.
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
r_useARBPositionInvariantdon't replace ARBPositionInvariant
type: string (cheat)
r_useCachedDynamicModelscache snapshots of dynamic models
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useClippedLightScissors0 = full screen when near clipped, 1 = exact when near clipped, 2 = exact always
type: int [0, 2] (cheat)
r_useCombinerDisplayListsput all nvidia register combiner programming in display lists
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useConstantMaterialsuse pre-calculated material registers if possible
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useCulling0 = none, 1 = sphere, 2 = sphere + box
type: int [0, 2] (cheat)
r_useDeferredTangentsdefer tangents calculations after deform
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useDepthBoundsTestuse depth bounds test to reduce shadow fill
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useDestinationScissor1 = use scissor rectangle to only render required fragments during post-processing
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useDitherMaskDither out fading geometry
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
r_useEntityCallbacksif 0, issue the callback immediately at update time, rather than defering
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useEntityCulling0 = none, 1 = box
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useEntityScissors1 = use custom scissor rectangle for each entity
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_useExternalShadows1 = skip drawing caps when outside the light volume, 2 = force to no caps for testing
type: int [0, 2] (cheat)
r_useFBODestinationBufferUse FBOs to render to destination textures
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
r_useFrustumFarDistanceif != 0 force the view frustum far distance to this distance
type: float (cheat)
r_useIndexBuffersuse ARB_vertex_buffer_object for indexes
type: int [0, 1]
r_useIndexHiertype: string (cheat)
r_useInteractionCulling1 = cull interactions
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useInteractionScissors1 = use a custom scissor rectangle for each shadow interaction, 2 = also crop using portal scissors
type: int [-2, 2] (cheat)
r_useInteractionTablecreate a full entityDefs * lightDefs table to make finding interactions faster
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useLightCulling0 = none, 1 = box, 2 = exact clip of polyhedron faces, 3 = also areas
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_useLightPortalFlowuse a more precise area reference determination
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useLightScissors1 = use custom scissor rectangle for each light
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useMaxVisDistuse the masVisDist entity parameter (on is faster)
type: int (cheat)
r_useMegaTextureImageCompressionDXT compress megatexture data before uploading to hardware
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useMinimalGuiDrawuse minimal draw for guis
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useNodeCommonChildrenstop pushing reference bounds early when possible
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useNV20MonoLightsuse pass optimization for mono lights
type: int (cheat)
r_useOcclusionQueriesUse hardware occlusion queries
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useOcclusionQueriesCullingUse hardware occlusion queries for culling
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useOffscreenScreenshotBuffer1 = use offscreen buffer for screenshots to support post-processing
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useOptimizedShadowsuse the dmap generated static shadow volumes
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_usePortals 1 = use portals to perform area culling, otherwise draw everything
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_usePreciseTriangleInteractions1 = do winding clipping to determine if each ambiguous tri should be lit
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_useQuadTreeUse a quad tree for the cluster models

type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useRewriteVbotype: string (cheat)
r_useSampleCoverageUse multisample coverage to fade entities.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useScissorscissor clip as portals and lights are processed
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useShadowCullingtry to cull shadows from partially visible lights
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useShadowDitherMaskDither out fading shadows
type: string (cheat)
r_useShadowFastParalleluse optimized shadow rendering for parallel light sources (doesn't make a speed difference and gives render errors)
type: int
r_useShadowInfiniteuse infinite shadows
type: int
r_useShadowMapsenable shadow mapped shadows (will fall back to stencil shadows, reloadDecls + map restart needed)
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_useShadowProjectedCulldiscard triangles outside light volume before shadowing
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useShadowSurfaceScissorscissor shadows by the scissor rect of the interaction surfaces
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useShadowVisDistMulttype: float
r_useSilRemapconsider verts with the same XYZ, but different ST the same for shadows
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useStateCachingavoid redundant state changes in GL_*() calls
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useThreadedRendererEnabled multi-threaded renderer.
1 = Locked to game frames.
2 = Unlocked from game frames
type: string
r_useTripleTextureARBcards with 3+ texture units do a two pass instead of three pass
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useTwoSidedStencildo stencil shadows in one pass with different ops on each side
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useVertexBuffersuse ARB_vertex_buffer_object for vertexes
type: int [0, 1] (cheat)
r_useVertexBufferStreamUse stream instead of dynamic vbo's ( 0 = static 1 = dynamic 2 = stream
type: int (cheat)
r_useVisDebugARBProgramsuse vertex/fragment `q`programs to visualize debugging tools
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_vertexBufferMegstype: int (cheat)
r_visDistMulttype: float [0.8, 1.2]
r_visDistOfstype: float (cheat)
r_writeAnimBWrite out binary versions of animations.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_writeModelBwrite out modelb versions of static models
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_znearnear Z clip plane distance
type: float [0.001, 200] (cheat)
rb_showActiveshow rigid bodies that are not at rest
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
rb_showBodiesshow rigid bodies
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
rb_showContactsshow contact points on rigid bodies
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
rb_showInertiashow the inertia tensor of each rigid body
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
rb_showMassshow the mass of each rigid body
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
rb_showTimingsshow rigid body cpu usage
type: int (cheat)
rb_showVelocityshow the velocity of each rigid body
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
s_clipVolumestype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
s_constantAmplitudetype: float (cheat)
s_debugSoundEmittertype: int (cheat)
s_decompressionLimitspecifies maximum uncompressed sample length in seconds
type: int
s_doorDistanceAddreduce sound volume with this distance when going through a door
type: float (cheat)
s_dotbias2type: float (cheat)
s_dotbias4type: float (cheat)
s_dotbias6type: float (cheat)
s_dotbias8type: float (cheat)
s_drawSoundstype: int [0, 4] (cheat)
s_drawSoundScaletype: float (cheat)
s_driversound driver
type: string [best, openal, dsound]
s_force22kHztype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
s_headroom_dBmandatory master headroom in dB
type: float
s_headroomLFE_dBmandatory LFE headroom in dB
type: float
s_headroomMusic_dBmandatory added music headroom in dB
type: float
s_headroomSFX_dBmandatory added SFX headroom in dB
type: float
s_headroomVO_dBmandatory added VO headroom in dB
type: float
s_ignoreALErrorsignore OpenAL errors
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
s_libOpenALOpenAL DLL name/path
type: string
s_loadSoundsOnDemandenable on demand loading of sounds
type: bool (init)
default: 0 (false)
s_maxLowPrioritySoundsMaximum number of low priority sounds which can be active at once
type: int
s_maxSoundsPerShadertype: int [0, 10]
s_meterTopTimetype: int
s_micDevicesound device for voice audio input
type: string
s_minVolume2type: float (cheat)
s_minVolume4type: float (cheat)
s_minVolume6type: float (cheat)
s_minVolume8type: float (cheat)
s_noSoundtype: bool (read only)
default: 1 (true)
s_numberOfSpeakersnumber of speakers
type: string
s_playDefaultSoundplay a beep for missing sounds
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
s_primaryDevicesound device for game audio
type: string
s_quadraticFallofftype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
s_realTimeDecodingtype: bool (init)
default: 1 (true)
s_reversetype: bool
default: 0 (false)
s_showForcedStopSoundwarn when a sound channel gets forcefully stopped
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
s_showLevelMetertype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
s_showPurgedSoundsprint a warning if a purged sample is played
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
s_showStartSoundtype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
s_singleEmittermute all sounds but this emitter
type: int (cheat)
s_spatializationDecaytype: float
s_useAdpcmCompressionUse adpcm compression on single channel uncompressed samples
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
s_useDeferredSettingsuse OpenAL deferred settings
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
s_useOcclusiontype: bool
default: 1 (true)
s_voiceDevicesound device for voice audio
type: string
s_volume_dBvolume in dB
type: float [-20, 0]
s_volume_VoIPIn_dBinbound volume adjust for voip in dB
type: float
s_volume_VoIPOut_dBoutbound volume adjust for voip volume in dB
type: float
s_volume_VoIPScalepercentage of regular volume to scale game audio to when voip is active
type: float
s_volumeMusic_dBmusic volume in dB
type: float
s_volumeSFX_dBvolume for SFX in dB
type: float [-20, 0]
s_volumeVO_dBvolume for voiceover in dB
type: float [-20, 0]
sensitivitymouse view sensitivity
type: float
si_adminnameadmin name(s)
type: string
si_adminStartadmin required to start the match
type: string
si_allowLateJoinEnable/disable players joining a match in progress
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
si_antiLagServer does antilag on players
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
si_antiLagForgivingHow forgiving the antilag is - the higher, the more forgiving
type: int
si_antiLagOnlyONLY use antilag
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
si_campaigncurrent active campaign
type: string (read only)
si_campaignInfocurrent campaign map info
type: string (read only)
si_competitionModeenable compeition mode
type: bool (init)
default: 0 (false)
si_disableGlobalChatdisable global text communication
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
si_disableVotingdisable/enable all voting
type: string
si_emailcontact email address
type: string
si_enemyInfoRenderingtoggle enemy info rendering
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
si_gameReviewReadyWaitwait for players to ready up before going to the next map
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
si_ircIRC channel
type: string
si_mapcurrent active map
type: string (read only)
si_mapRotationTypemap rotation type (0 = single, 1 = random, 2 = alphabetical)
type: int
si_maxPlayersmax number of players allowed on the server
type: int [1, 16]
si_maxPlayersPerTeammaximum player on a team
type: int
si_minPlayersminimum players before a game can be started
type: int
si_minPlayersPerTeamminimum players spawned on a single team before a game can be started
type: int
si_motd_1motd line 1
type: string
si_motd_2motd line 2
type: string
si_motd_3motd line 3
type: string
si_motd_4motd line 4
type: string
si_namename of the server
type: string
si_needPassenable client password checking
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
si_noProficiencyenable/disable XP
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
si_privateClientsmax number of private players allowed on the server
type: int [0, 16]
si_pureserver is pure and does not allow modified data
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
si_rankedgame is or is not ranked
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
si_readyPercentpercentage of players that need to ready up to start a match
type: int
si_rulesruleset for game
type: string
si_spectatorsallow spectators or require all clients to play
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
si_teamDamageenable team damage
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
si_teamForceBalanceStop players from unbalancing teams
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
si_timelimittime limit (mins)
type: float
si_versionengine version
type: string (read only)
si_websitewebsite info
type: string
sm_backOffsetFactorOffet factor for shadow buffer rendering.
type: float (cheat)
sm_backOffsetUnitsOffet units for shadow buffer rendering.
type: float (cheat)
sm_boundsExpandNudge bounds a bit to account for innacuarcies
type: float (cheat)
sm_clipfrustumClip the shadow map frustum to the scene bounds
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
sm_farplaneFrustum far plane for shadow map rendering
type: float (cheat)
sm_frontFacesRender front faces as well as back faces.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
sm_frontOffsetFactorOffet factor for shadow buffer rendering.
type: float (cheat)
sm_frontOffsetUnitsOffet units for shadow buffer rendering.
type: float (cheat)
sm_mappingWhich mapping to use when generating shadow maps. (0=uniform, 1=perspective, 2=light space perspective)
type: int (cheat)
sm_mediumplaneFrustum far plane for high res shadow map rendering
type: float (cheat)
sm_occlusionQueriesUse occlusion queries in shadow map rendering.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
sm_renderBackFacesUse backfaces to render shadow maps
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
snd_lowPassAlphatype: float (cheat)
snd_reverbAlpha0type: float (cheat)
snd_reverbAlpha1type: float (cheat)
snd_reverbAlpha2type: float (cheat)
snd_reverbAlpha3type: float (cheat)
snd_reverbFactor0type: float (cheat)
snd_reverbFactor1type: float (cheat)
snd_reverbFactor2type: float (cheat)
snd_reverbFactor3type: float (cheat)
snd_reverbOfs0type: int (cheat)
snd_reverbOfs1type: int (cheat)
snd_reverbOfs2type: int (cheat)
snd_reverbOfs3type: int (cheat)
sys_archtype: string (init)
sys_cpuHTStatustype: string (init)
sys_cpuLogicalCounttype: int (init)
sys_cpuPhysicalCounttype: int (init)
sys_cpuSpeedtype: int (init)
sys_cpuStringtype: string (init)
sys_langtype: string (read only)
sys_ramtype: int (init)
sys_videoRamtype: int (init)
testLightColorthe light color to be used for a 'testlight'
type: string
timescalescales the time
type: float [0.1, 10]
ui_advancedFlightControlsif true, advanced flight controls are activated
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
ui_autoSwitchEmptyWeaponsif true, will switch to the next usable weapon when the current weapon runs out of ammo
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
ui_clanTagplayer clan tag
type: string
ui_clanTagPositionpositioning of player clan tag. 0 is before their name, 1 is after
type: int
ui_drivingCameraFreelookif true, driving cameras where there is no weapon defaults to freelook
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
ui_ignoreExplosiveWeaponsif true, weapons marked as explosive will be ignored during auto-switches
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
ui_menuMoveRepeatDelaymilliseconds to wait before starting key repetition
type: int
ui_menuMoveRepeatRatemilliseconds to wait before re-sending the menu move impulse
type: int
ui_nameplayer name
type: string
ui_postArmFindBestWeaponif true, after arming players' best weapon will be selected
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
ui_rememberCameraModeuse same camera mode as was previously used when re-entering a vehicle
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
ui_showComplaintsif true, receive complaints popups for team kills
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
ui_showGunshow gun
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
ui_voipReceiveFireTeamif true, receive voice chat sent to the fireteam channel
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
ui_voipReceiveGlobalif true, receive voice chat sent to the global channel
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
ui_voipReceiveTeamif true, receive voice chat sent to the team channel
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
voip_testtype: int (cheat)
walkCycleRatetype: float (cheat)
win_allowMultipleInstancesallow multiple instances running concurrently
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
win_mouseuse the windows mouse
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
win_mouseEnableenable mouse input
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
win_notaskkeysdisable windows task keys
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
win_outputDebugStringtype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
win_outputEditStringtype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
win_restrictWindowToMonitormove and resize window automatically to prevent it from being partially offscreen
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
win_timerUpdateallows the game to be updated while dragging the window
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
win_usernamewindows user name
type: string (init)
win_viewlogtype: int [0, 2] (cheat)
win_xposhorizontal position of window
type: int
win_yposvertical position of window
type: int