Class Reference

Actor, Animate, Entity, ScriptSlave, ScriptThread, Sentient, Trigger, World

ActionLogEntity (ActionLogEntity) -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

ActionLogMaster -> Listener


Begin logging.

alog_begin_end( Integer save )

Toggle between begin and end logging; optionally save and clear the log on End.


Clear the log.

alog_clock( Integer clock_ms )

Set the play-back clock.

alog_dump( )

Dump the contents of the log to the console.

alog_end( Integer save )

End logging; optionally save and clear the log.

alog_exclude( Integer entnum )

Exclude certain entity numbers from the log. Pass -1 to exclude all entities.

alog_hint( String hint, Integer value )

Set or get a hint.

alog_include( Integer entnum )

Include certain entity numbers from the log. Pass -1 to include all entities.

alog_include_client_ents( Integer entnum )

Include client-side entities (they are excluded by default).


Clear and re-load the log.


Pause event play-back.

alog_pick( )

Add or remove targeted entity from the 'pick list'.


Play back the events in the log.


Toggle between playing back events and stopping play-back.

alog_save( Integer clear )

Save and optionally clear the log.


Stop play-back of the events in the log.

alog_usage( )

Toggle usage logging.

Actor (Actor) -> SimpleActor -> Sentient -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

accuracy( Float value )

(GS)Get/Set percent to hit.  Range (0 to 100)

actorname( String name )

(GS)Get/Set an actor’s 'actorname' property for use with scripts.  N.B. I believe setting any of the following actornames to an AI will automatically add the AI to the player squad: “gaines” “sullivan” “minoso”

aimanimationlimits( Float centeryaw, [Float LimitToLeft, [Float LimitToRight, [Float LimitUp, [Float LimitDown]]]] )

Set all limits for current aiming/shooting animation.

aimat( Listener OR Vector target )

Specify the target to aim at and change actor’s “think aim”. (G) Get the target this actor is currently aiming at (NIL if aiming at nothing; Entity object with the origin of aimat vector if the actor is aiming at an entity)

aimdodge( Boolean bAimDodge )

(GS)If set to 1 (default=1), AI will likely dodge or strafe when their enemy is aiming at them. (when not behind cover)

aimtarget( String target )

Specify the target to aim at. Does not change current think. Use 'aimat' if that's what you need to do.

aimturnthresholdangle( Float angle )

(SNN)Turn is suppressed when aim target is within this angle of forward. (G)Returns aim turn threshold angle.

ainocrouch( Boolean bNoCrouch )

(S)If set to 1, AI won't go crouch out in the open. (G)Get value of ainocrouch.

ainododge( Boolean bNoDodge )

(S)If set to 1, AI won't do any dodging animations when out in open. (G)Get value of ainodoge.

ainoprone( Boolean bNoProne )

(S)If set to 1, AI won't go prone out in the open. (G)Get value of ainoprone.

ainostrafe( Boolean bNoStrafe )

(S)If set to 1, AI won't do any strafing animations when out in open. (G)Get value of ainostrafe.


Turns the AI off for this actor.  Remove actor from his squad.  Remove actor from collision.


Turns the AI on for this actor.  Add actor back to his squad.  Add actor back into collision.

alarmnode( Listener alarmObject ) {DEPRACATED}

(GS)Get/Set the name of the alarm node for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)

alarmthread( String value ) {DEPRACATED}

(GS)Get/Set the name of the alarm thread for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)

Allowpainrestart {DEPRACATED}

This event is designed to be used by a pain animation that wants to allow itself to be interrupted by another pain asset.

ambush( Entity ambushnode )

Uses aggressive cover system to go to cover and 'peek' until holdfire is turned off.. Optionally pass an entity to use as a reference when taking cover.

ammo_grenade( Integer grenade_count )

(S)Gives the AI some grenades. (G)Returns how many grenades this AI has.

angletoenemy( Float angle )

(GNN)Returns the angle between AI and its enemy.

anim( String name )

Play animation.

animateturning( Boolean bAnimateTurning )

(S)Allows you to enable/disable animated turning on a per-guy basis. (G)Get whether or not animated turning is enabled/disabled (integer 1 or 0)

animevent( Integer s )

Event that a HAG file can send to the AI. Script can do a waittill animevent to use this. Use GetParm().string to get the passed param.

animloop( String name )

Loop animation.

animname( String name )

(GSNN)Get/Set the animname.

animscript( String name )

Play the animation script

animscript_attached( String name )

Play a noclip animation even when attached

animscript_noclip( String name )

Play the noclip animation script

animscript_scripted( String name )

Play the scripted animation script


Stop currently playing (scripted) animation (if any).

anim_attached( String name )

Play attached animation.

anim_noclip( String name )

Play noclip animation.

anim_scripted( String name )

Play scripted animation.


Used only by grenade return animations to tell the code when to attach the grenade to the actor


Tells the actor they just said an ATTACK AI Dialog.

Attackhandler( String scriptName )

(GS)Get/Set the current script that will handle attack animations.  MOHPA defaults to anim/turret.scr::AttackMediumRange

attacklastseenposition( [SimpleEntity or Vector target] )

(Same exact thing as stalklastseenposition) Runs to the last seen target position, if I have a target and no target parameter was passed.  Otherwise, run to parameter target.


Force Actor to attack the player.  Useful in single player only.  Undefined behavior in multiplayer.

autochargedist( Float fDist )

(S)Set the distance AI needs to be from an enemy AI to automatically charge him for a melee attack (default=cvars g_AIChaseAxisRadius and g_AIChaseAlliesRadius) (G) Get charge distance.  -1 means use default values (cvars).

autochargeplayerdist( Float fDist )

(S)Set the distance AI enemy needs to be from the player to automatically charge him for a melee attack (default=cvar g_AIChasePlayerRadius) (G) Get charge distance.

automg( Boolean bAutoMG )

(S)Turns on/off automatic use of turrets. (G)Get whether or not automatic turret use is enabled/disabled (integer 1 or 0)

avoidplayer( Integer allowavoid )

(S)set to 0 if this AI shouldn't automatically get out of the way, non-zero if he should. (G)Get value of avoidplayer

avoid_squadmate_dist( Float fAvoidDist )

(S)Sets distance AI will notice a squadmate in the way and attempt to re-path around him. (G)Get avoid_squadmate_dist value


(S)minimum height a balcony guy must fall to do special balcony death. (G)Get balconyheight value


Forces the actor to be instantly and totally dead; no death animation is played


tell ai to break special attack

bulletaware( Boolean bulletaware )

(S)Forces actor into 'taking fire' mode. (G) get whether or not actor is bulletaware (integer 1 or 0)

calcgrenadetoss( Vector target_position )

Called to calculate a grenade toss. Must be called before a grenade throwing animation.
Returns the name of the script to call with animscript if the toss can succeed, or if the toss won't work.
Should be called infrequently, and never during the middle of a grenade toss.

calcgrenadetoss2( Vector target_position, [Float speed] )

Called to calculate a grenade toss. Must be called before a grenade throwing animation.
Returns the name of the script to call with animscript if the toss can succeed, or if the toss won't work.
Should be called infrequently, and never during the middle of a grenade toss.
The speed parameter is optional. Pass a speed if you just want to override and throw no matter what...

calcsatcheltoss( Vector target_position, Boolean force_throw )

Called to calculate a Satchel toss. Must be called before a Satchel throwing animation.
Returns the name of the script to call with animscript if the toss can succeed, or if the toss won't work.
Should be called infrequently, and never during the middle of a Satchel toss.


Returns non-zero if enough time has passed since the last ATTACK chatter

canmoveto( Vector position )

returns a integer (1 or 0) if the AI can move to a point; for use in anim scripts

canshoot( Entity target )

Determines if it would be possible to shoot the target from the actor’s position.

canshootenemyfrom( Vector shootOrigin )

Determines if it would be possible to shoot the actor’s current enemy from the given position.  Use enemy event to set enemy.


Returns 1 if now is a good time for the actor to trip. (used internally by anim scripts)

carrymode( String mode )

(S)Sets the carry mode. Valid types are: never, injured & always. (G)Get carry mode “never” “injured” “always”

changecoverchance( Integer chance )

(S)You can reduce chance ai will switch cover with this. Range 0 to 100. (default=30).  (G) Get value of changecoverchance


Puts AI into advancing combat mode.


Puts AI into fallback combat mode.


Tells AI to holdsteady. (Cancels combat_fallback/combat_advance)

coverfire( float howlong )

Tells actor to perform covering fire at current aimat or current enemy for howlong seconds.


Tells actor to stop performing covering fire.


Returns current covernode (NIL if actor has no covernode).

coverstate( String sCoverState )

(GSNN)Get/Set coverstate of the Actor. (Used internally by the anim scripts.)


(G) Gets a string description of current cover: (“none”, “crate”, “wallleft”, “wallright”, “wallleftright”, “grass”, “stand”, “crouch”, “prone”, “normal”, “lowwallleft”, “lowwallright” )

crawlto( String dest )

Specify the location to crawl to.

crouchto( String dest )

Specify the location to crouch to.


(G)Getcurrent float distance to the final path goal (0 if no path, or at goal).

customhit( String sCustomHit )

(G/S)Gets/Sets custom hit/pain anim for this guy.

customidle( String sCustomIdle )

(G/S)Gets/Sets custom idle anim for this guy.

customrun( String sCustomRun )

(G/S)/Gets/Sets custom Run anim for this guy NOT using motionblend.


(G/S)Gets/Sets custom walk anim for this guy using motionblend.

damagepuff( Vector position, Vector direction )

Spawns a puff of 'blood' smoke at the speficied location in the specified direction.

danger( Entity eDangerEntity, Float iHowLong [Float minSafeDistance] )

Specify an entity that is 'dangerous' to this Actor. You may specify the duration and minimum safe distance to entity as well.

deathanim( String deathanim )

Allows script to specify a specific death for the actor.


preps the dead actor for turning nonsolid gradually over time (shrink collision box).  Not applicable to Ragdoll death.

deathhandler( String deathscript )

(GSNN)Gets/Sets the current script that will handle death animations.  Defaults to anim/killed.scr


Makes the entity sink into the ground and then get removed (this starts it).

debugstring( String debugstring )

Gets a script-debug string that can be useful when using the g_entinfo command.

debugstring( String debugstring )

Sets a script-debug string that can be useful when using the g_entinfo command.


updates the default value for 'nonvislevel'


Removes this listener immediately.

deletewhendead( Boolean bDeleteWhenDead )

(S)Sets if this guy can be deleted when he dies. Default=true. (G)Get value of deletewhendead


Used only by grenade return animations to tell the code when to throw the grenade

disableclosecombatonmg( Boolean disabled )

Tells AI guy not to do close combat while on the mg

disguise_accept_thread( String value )

(GS)Gets/Sets the name of the thread for the actor to start when accepting papers

disguise_level( Integer value )

(GS)Gets/Sets the disguise level of the actor. May be 1 or 2

disguise_period( Float period_in_seconds )

(GS)Gets/Sets the time between the end of one disguise behavior and start of the next

disguise_range( Float range_in_units )

(GS)Gets/Sets the maximum distance for disguise behavior to get triggered


Get the float distance from the Actor to its enemy

doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

General trigger event for all entities

doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

sent to entity when touched.


Make Actor dumb.


The method of getting the facial expression of the Actor


The method of setting the facial expression of the Actor


sets m_bEnableCarryover variable which carries specific data over to the next level

enableEnemy( Boolean enable )

(S)sets enableEnemy variable. (G)Get value of enableEnemy integer 1 or 0.

enablehunt( Boolean bEnableHunt )

(S)Tells Actor to enable/disable hunting of enemies last known position. (G) Get value of enablehunt (integer 1 or 0).


(SNN)sets enablePain variable

enablesearch( Integer bEnableSearch )

(S)Enable/Disable object searching with this command. (G)Get value of enablesearch (integer 1 or 0).

endactionanim( )

End any aiming/action animation which is currently playing


Get the actor's current enemy

enemysharerange( Float range )

(GS)Gets/Sets the range outside which the AI will not receive notification that a teammate has a new enemy


Disable enemy switching...


Enable enemy switching...


Get the last time whether or not the enemy is visible changed, in seconds

entervehicle( Vehicle v, String slot, Integer number )

make the actor enter the vehicle to a specific slot (“driver” “passenger” “turret”) at index number.  Does nothing if actor is already in a vehicle.


Initialize a Actor.

exitmg( [Integer type] )

Tells AI guy to exit the mountable weapon he may be using. (type is optional: (value > 0) means exit to predefined notnull


make the actor exit the vehicle she is currently in

eyeslookat( Listener or Vector target )

The actor will look at this target.

failsafeinterval( Integer iFailsafeInterval )

(GS)Gets/Sets how often (in ms, default=500) to check if AI needs to do a failsafe move to get out of another guy. 0 means disable


Tells actor to play falling animations until he lands on the ground.

fallheight( Float height )

(GSNN)Get/Set the max fall height an actor will attempt to path over (min 36, max 1024 units)

fastmove( Boolean iFastMove )

(S)Enable/Disable fast AI movement. Only useful for AI facing motion and on a simple path. (pass 2 to have AI hug terrain).  (G)Get value of fastmove (integer 1 or 0).

fastthink( Boolean bFastthink )

(S)Enable/Disable fast AI thinking. AI will be less reactive to his environment but will take less CPU.  (G)Get value of fastthink (integer 1 or 0).

favoriteenemy( Entity ai_or_player )

(GS)Gets/Sets this AI's favorite enemy (specific Sentient)


(R)Finds the best enemy to target

finishhim( Entity eSentient )

Performs a finishing move on the passed sentient.


Used only by grenade throw animations to tell the code when to throw a grenade


Used only by satchel throw animations to tell the code when to throw a Satchel

fixedleash( Bool enabled )

(S)if non-zero, the leash will never auto-reset; if zero, the leash may auto-reset.  (G)Gets value of fixedleash (integer 1 or 0)

follow( Entity entity, Float mindist, Float maxdist, Float walkdist )

Puts the AI into 'follow' mode. mindist=get this close when following; maxdist=when beyond this dist,start following; walkdist=walk when within this dist rundist=run when beyond this dist


Stop following.

forceattack( Entity target )

Specify the target to attack.

forcefacemotion( Boolean bFaceMotion )

(S)Set this to 1 to force the AI to face his motion and not aim/shoot at enemies while running. (G)Get value of forcefacemotion (integer 1 or 0).

forceicon( String name )

Forces the named icon over the Actor.  Values are “normal” “medic” or “wounded”

forceragdolldeath( Boolean bforceragdoll )

(S)You may force this actor to do a ragdoll death regardless of g_ragdolldeaths setting.  (G)Get value of forceragdolldeath (integer 1 or 0).

forcetakingfire( Entity takingfireentity )

Forces actor into 'taking fire' mode.

forcewoundedicon( Boolean bForceWoundedIcon )

If set to true, it will force the wounded icon to appear over the actor

fov( Float angle )

(GS)Get/Set the fov angle of the actor.

fragile( [Float damageMultiplier] )

(GS)Get/Set damage multiplier while playing current animation. (Note: only lasts duration of the current animation.).  If no value passed, multiply damage by 100.0

FriendlyInLineOfFire( Entity entity )

(R)Returns 1 if a friendly is in the current line of fire the entity, 0 otherwise.

getalias( String action, String user, String position, String direction )

returns an animation alias based on the passed action. p1 is required. p2-4 are optional. (can pass quotes to skip parameter).

getblend( String axis )

(R)Returns x or y blend for the current action (hag/granny only).


(R)Return the life status of the actor in question from the last level (after transition)


Internal usage

getsayalias( [String sayanimation] )

(R)returns an say alias for the given character, nationality, etc.


Internal usage

goragdoll( Integer hard-blend-time, Integer soft-blend-time )

Tells guy to go into ragdoll mode. Note: this event is only valid if the guy has been killed. Hard blend indicates locking the pelvis bone to the animation. Soft blend indicates simply getting relative orientation information from the animation

gravityon( )

Put this on a certain frame in a navhint animation to turn on gravity for the rest of the animation.

grenade_model( String sModelName )

(GS)Gets/Sets name of grenade model this actor uses.

gren_awareness( Float awareness_percent )

(GS)Gets/Sets the awareness of grenades in 0-100 percent chance of responding to a grenadewhen the AI sees it (applied once every 0.4 seconds)

gun( String gunname )

(GS)Gets/Sets the gun to use


(G)Gets 1 if gun is on target for where AI currently wants to shoot, 0 otherwise.


(G)Gets 1 if there are no corners to turn on the rest of the AI's current path

headtracking( Boolean bHeadTracking )

(S)SEts on/off head tracking.  (G)Get value of headtracking (integer 0 or 1)

heal( [Float fHowMuch] )

Gives health to Actor. If he's undead, he'll recover. (defaults to max health if no parameters passed)

hearing( Float radius )

(GS)Gets/Sets the hearing radius of the actor


(S)Tells actor to holdfire until gunfire begins.  (G)Gets value of holdfire (integer 0 or 1)

holster( Integer holster )

Holster weapon

idlecover( [Entity eCoverNode] )

Tells AI to perform idle cover animations when idle and cover is available. Optionally pass exact node you want guy to take cover at..


Tells AI to abort previous idlecover command.

idlesay( String animation )

The name of an idle dialog animation to play

idletaskexitthread( String sIdleTaskExitThread )

(GS)Get/Set thread to call during an idletask operation. (Set it to NULL to exit IDLE task.)

idletaskthread( String sIdleTaskThread )

(GS)Get/Set thread to call during an idletask operation. (Set it to NULL to exit IDLE task.)

ignorebadplaces( Integer ignore )

(GS)Gets/Sets whether or not this AI guy will ignore bad places (0 = does not ignore badplaces)

ignoredanger( Boolean bIgnoreDanger )

(GS)Get/Set this to 1 to have the AI ignore 'danger'. (Such as satchel charges and other explosives.


Removes this listener immediately.

inreload( Integer reloading )

(SNN) Get/Set to non-zero to indicate the AI is in a reload.  (G)Returns non-zero if AI is in a reload

interrupt_point( String string )

hint from animation scripts to AI code that now is a good time to switch animations or do something... (optionally pass a string)

interval( Float distance )

(GS)Gets/Sets the distance AI tries to keep between squadmates while moving.

intervaldir( Vector normalizedDirection )

(G) Gets the direction the AI would like to move to maintain its interval

investigate( Vector location )

Tells Actor to investigate the location passed.


(G)Gets true if the Entity is a hag/granny.

isidlecover( PathNode node )

(R)Returns 1 if actor is performing idlecover at passed area.


Returns 1 if current fullbody anim is looping and 0 if not.


(G)Gets non-0 if this Actor is also a Medic.


(R)0 if the enemy is not currently visible, 1 if he is


(G)Gets the height of the special navigation jump to be performed.


(G)Gets the direction the AI wants to kick

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

killfail( Boolean killfail )

(S)Set 1 If player kills this actor, then the mission is failed

lastenemyposition( Vector location )

(G)Gets the enemy last seen position (confirmed). (0 0 0) otherwise.


Return the last time the enemy was visible, in seconds

leash( Float distance )

(GS)Gets/Sets the maximum distance the AI will wander from its leash home

lookaroundangle( Float angle )

(GS)Gets/Sets the angle in degrees left or right of center that the AI will look around while patrolling

lookat( Listener or Vector target )

The actor will look at this target.

maxdist( Float distance )

(GS)Gets/Sets the maximum distance the AI tries to keep between itself and the player

mediumrange( Float fmediumRange )

(GS)Gets/Sets max distance to perform medium range attacks.

meleedmg( Integer damage, String sound, String customhitanim, Boolean no_bleeding )

Do melee damage to target. Pass how much damage, sound to play if we get a hit, and optional custom hit animation, melee causes no bleeding

meleedmg_left( Integer damage, String sound, String customhitanim, Boolean no_bleeding )

Do melee damage to target (from left to right). Pass how much damage, sound to play if we get a hit, and optional custom hit animation, melee causes no bleeding

meleedmg_right( Integer damage, String sound, String customhitanim, Boolean no_bleeding )

Do melee damage to target (from right to left). Pass how much damage, sound to play if we get a hit, and optional custom hit animation, melee causes no bleeding

meleerange( Float fMeleeRange )

(GS)Gets/Sets max distance to perform melee attacks.

mindist( Float distance )

(GS)Gets/Sets the minimum distance the AI tries to keep between itself and the player

mood( String new_mood )

(GS)Gets/Sets the AI mood... must be 'atease', 'cautious', or 'alert'.

morale( Integer morale, Integer bReact )

(GS)Gets/Sets actor's morale level (0-19). If bReact==1, chance ai might react to it.

morale_basemin( Integer base )

(GS)Gets/Sets actor's min base morale level (0-19).

morale_baserate( Integer baserate )

(GS)Gets/Sets actor's base morale level (0-19).


Tells actor to turn off morale behavior checking.


Tells actor to turn on morale behavior checking.

mostrecentpathnode( SimpleEntity node )

(G)Gets the last pathnode the actor was moving towards.

movedir( Vector dir )

(G)Gets a unit vector pointing in the current direction of motion, or zero if not moving.This still has meaning if velocity is zero but the AI is starting to move on a path.

movedoneradius( Float radius )

(GSNN)Get/Set the waittill movedone radius, default 0 means don't use manual radius

moveto( String anim, Vector or Listener dest )

Specify the location to move to, with animation anim.

mumble( Integer can_mumble )

(GS)Get/Set to 1 if this guy is allowed to mumble, or 0 if he is not

needreload( Integer bNeedReload )

(G)Get if current weapon needs to be reloaded.

newenemysighted( Entity entity )

Notifies actor that a new enemy has been sighted. Takes the new sighted enemy.

nocover( Boolean bNoCover )

(GS)Get/Set whether or not this AI will attempt to use covernodes.

nolongpain( Integer allow )

(GS)Get/Set to 1 if long pain is not allowed, or 0 if long pain is allowed.

nonvislevel( float range )

(GS)Get/Set visibility level in range 0.0-1.0 below which an enemy is treated as non-visible

nopath( Boolean bNoPath )

(GS)Get Set to 1, AI will not use the path network when issued the runto or walkto commands.

nosurprise( Integer nosurprise )

(GS)Get/Set to 0 to allow this guy to play a surprised animation when first encountering an enemy.

noticescale( Float multiplier )

(GS)Get/Set the max multiplier in time to notice an enemy (default 100, half as big notices twice as fast)

noticescale_mindist( Float fMinDist )

(GS)Get/Set Min distance to enemy the notice scale will be used. (default=300)


(GSNN)Gets/Sets if the actor will not go into idle after playing an animation

order_advance( Entity advance_areanode )

Tells AI to advance towards the specified area. If node is NULL, will attempt to find our own.

order_banzai( String banzai_target )

Tells AI to go into Banzai mode. May optionally pass targetname of who we should go after.


Tells actor to cancel the current order.

order_charge( [Entity target] )

Tells AI to charge the enemy (not banzai though!).  Optionally pass charge target.

order_coverfire( Integer howlong )

Tells actor to perform covering fire at current aimat or current enemy.

order_fallback( Entity fallback_areanode )

Tells AI to fallback towards the specified area. If node is NULL, will attempt to find one.

order_flankleft( Entity flank_areanode )

Tells AI to flank (left) towards the passed area. If node is NULL, will attempt to find one.

order_flankright( Entity flank_areanode )

Tells AI to flank (right) towards the passed area. If node is NULL, will attempt to find one.


Tells AI call for support.

order_retreat( Entity retreat_areanode )

Tells actor to retreat to the specified area. If node is NULL, will attempt to find our own.

pain( Entity attacker, Float damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

used to inflict pain to an entity.  Same location values as kill.


"none",                                     = 0

"suicide",                                  = 1

"crush",                                     = 2

"crush_every_frame",                = 3

"telefrag",                                  = 4

"lava",                                       = 5

"slime",                                     = 6

"falling",                                    = 7

"last_self_inflicted",                   = 8

"explosion",                              = 9

"explodewall",                           = 10

"electric",                                  = 11

"electricwater",                         = 12

"thrownobject",                         = 13

"grenade",                                 = 14

"beam",                                    = 15

"rocket",                                   = 16

"impact",                                   = 17

"bullet",                                     = 18

"fast_bullet",                             = 19

"vehicle",                                  = 20

"fire",                                        = 21

"flashbang",                               = 22

"on_fire",                                  = 23

"gib",                                        = 24

"impale",                                   = 25

"bash",                                      = 26

"shotgun",                                 = 27

"aagun",                                    = 28

"wounded_and_bleeding",         = 29

"bulletlarge",                             = 30

"landmine",                               = 31

"satchel",                                  = 32

"puncture"                                 = 33




(S)Sets the anim mode that will be used for pain animations (currently direct & direct_attached, default is direct)


(GSNN)Gets/Sets the current script that will handle pain events (default anim/pain.scr)


(G) Gets total distance along current path to the path goal

pathing_angle_inner( Float angle )

Sets the 'inner' angle for the pathing exclusion functions.

pathing_angle_outer( Float angle )

Sets the 'outer' angle for the pathing exclusion functions.

pathing_distance_inner( Float distance )

Sets the 'inner' distance for the pathing exclusion functions.

pathing_distance_outer( Float distance )

Sets the 'outer' distance for the pathing exclusion functions.

patrolpath( String value )

(GS)Gets/Sets the name of the patrol path for the actor (must have type set to patrol for effect)

personality( Integer personality )

(GS)Gets/Sets actors personality. (0=timid,1=normal,2=aggressive)


turn physics (collision) off.


turn physics (collision) on.

pickupweapon( Entity weapon )

Picks up the specified weapon (will find nearest if no weapon specified)


Drops the current weapon (NOTE: Player has a weapdrop)

playsound( String soundName, [String optional_params, [Float Volume]] )

play a sound coming from this entity.  optional_params may have the value of “wait” or “volume”  You must specify some value for optional_params if you wish to pass the volume value.

pointat( Listener or Vector target )

The actor will point at this target.

position( String position)

(GSNN)Gets/Sets the Position the Actor wants to be and should animate towards: “stand” “prone” “crouch”

quicknotice( Integer iQuickNotice )

(GS)Get/Set how quickly AI will see enemy. (bypasses notice scale.)

radioman( Boolean flag )

(S) Sets radioman flag.  (G)Gets value of radioman (integer 0 or 1)


(R)Returns if ready to fire (integer 1 or 0)

rechamber( Boolean bRechamber )

(G)Gets if current weapon requires a rechamber, integer 1 or 0.

reloader( Entity turretgun )

forces this actor to become a reloader of the turretgun


causes the actor to switch to reload state


Removes this listener the next time events are processed.

requestfact( String factID )

Sends a request to display a popup fact


resets the AI's leash to their current position

runandshoot( Entity destination )

Runs to the destination, shooting at enemies if needed. Does not stop.

runanimrate( Float multiplier )

(GS)Get/Set the rate at which the run animation plays back

runto( Vector or Listener dest, [Boolean bFaceDirectionOfMotion] )

Specify the location to run to.  Optionally pass  whether or not this actor should face the direction he is running.

runtodive( String dest )

Tells AI to runto and dive for cover.  Optionally, pass a destination

runto_carry( String dest )

Specify the location to run to while carrying a box.

say( String animation )

The name of a dialog animation to play


Even used by sound-only special case of say to trigger waittill saydone

setactionanim( String base_anim, Float lower_limit, Float upper_limit )

Set the base action animation and range that they cover

setaimtarget( Entity entity, Integer bMakeEnemy )

Sets the primary weapon's aim target. if you pass a 1 for p2, the target will become the current enemy...

setanim( String anim, [Integer slot, [Float weight, [String flagged]]] )

Set animation slot

setblend( String axis, Float blend_factor )

Sets the x or y blend for the current action (hag/granny only).

setblend( String axis, Float blend_factor )

Sets the x or y blend for the current action (hag/granny only).


Tell the actor manager to fill in the vars (health, life-death status, etc.) so we can save them for the next loaded level.


Overrides the lifetime of the grenade

setlocomotionblend( Float cos_theta, Float sin_theta )

Sets the locomotion blend for the current action (hag/granny only).

setlocomotionblend( Float cos_theta, Float sin_theta )

Sets the locomotion blend for the current action (hag/granny only).

setmotionanim( String anim, Boolean force )

Set motion animation (handler scripts only). You may optionally pass the 'force' flag. Will force anim to replay if it is currently already playing


Set the life status of the actor in question


do this command to let the ai know it needs to reload; used to reload while going to cover

setsay( String animation )

The name of a dialog animation to play - used by animation script only

setsay2( String animation, String postfix )

The name of a dialog animation to play - used by animation script only

setundead( Integer bUndead )

(S)Sets the undead flag.

setupperanim( String anim )

Set the upper body animation - used by animation script only


internal code use only - shares an AI's enemy with his squad mates.


internal code use only - shares an AI's grenade with his squad mates.

shootat( Vector or Listener target )

Specify the target (location or entity) to shoot at.


For internal engine-use only.

shortrange( Float fShortRange )

(GS)Gets/Sets max distance to perform short range attacks.

shouldnotcheckexitmg( Boolean yes/no )

True tells AI to not auto dismount MG

sidearm( String s )

(GS)Gets/Sets the gun to use for sidearm

sidearm_internal( String s )

internal use

sight( Float max_sight_range )

(GS)Gets/Sets the vision distance of the actor.

silent( Integer silent )

(GS)Get/Set to 0 to prevent this guy from saying stuff besides pain and death sounds.

skill( Float skill )

(GS)Get/Sets the actor's skill

skilltype( String sSkillType )

(GS)Gets/Sets skill type used by guys behind cover. valid types are: rook, normal, & vet.


Puts the actor to sleep.

sniper( Boolean bSniper )

(GS)Gets/Sets Actor as a sniper. Increased aim time + accuracy boost.

snipershoot( Boolean bSniperShoot )

(GS)Gets/Sets Actor to use sniper accuracy boost.

sound_awareness( Float awareness_percent )

(GS)Gets/Sets the awareness of sounds in 0-100 percent chance of hearing a sound withinhalf of the sound's radius' fades to zero outside sound's radius

squadarea( PathNode node )

(G)Gets the area for the actor.

Squadlead {OBSOLETE}

Tells AI to use squad leader markers to lead his followers.

Squadleadstop {OBSOLETE}

Tells AI to stop being a squad leader.

squadlocation( Vector location )

(G)Gets the averaged location for the actor's squad.

stalklastseenposition( [SimpleEntity or Vector target] )

Stalks the last seen position.  Exact same thing as attacklastseenposition

stayoncover( Boolean bStayOnCover )

(GS)Get/Set this to 1 to have AI prefer to switch enemies than to get off/switch their current cover.

stealthdamagefactor( Float multiplier )

(GS)Gets/Sets the damage multiplier when taking damage in idle mode.


sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.


(GS)Gets/Sets the percent chance of doing suppressing fire when appropriate (0-100)


Tells actor to switch to his sidearm (if he has one).


Swap sidearm & primary weapon. (used internally - performs no animation)

target_plane( Entity plane )

Tells actor to target/attack plane. Pass NULL to quit behavior.

tether( Entity entity )

the entity to which the AI's leash should be tethered

thinkertether( Entity entity )

The entity to which the AI should be tethered

thinkstate( String think )

(G)Get current ai think state; can be void, idle, idle_task, active_task, pain, killed, attack, curious, disguise, or grenade.


Returns non-zero if enough time has passed since the last ATTACK chatter; different from canattackchatter in there's a ranomness

turndoneerror( Float error )

(GS)Get/Set the error amount that turndone will occur for the turnto command.

turnspeed( Float speed )

(GS)Get/Set the turn speed of the actor.

turnto( Vector or Listener target )

The actor will turn to this target.

turntoangles( Vector angles )

The actor will turn to the angles.

turret( String turret )

(GS)Gets/Sets the turret of the actor.

type_attack( String value )

(GS)Gets/Sets the attack type of the actor. “fastturret” “fastcover” “cover” “balcony_attack” “aggressive_cover” “aggressive_cover_corner” “turret” “weaponless”

type_curious( String sThinker )

(GS)Get/Set what thinker to use in curious mode.

type_death( String value )

(GS)Gets/Sets the death thinker of the actor. “undead” “ragdoll_death

type_disguise( String value )

(GS)Gets/Sets the disguise type of the actor.

type_grenade( String value )

(GS)Gets/Sets the grenade type of the actor.

type_idle( String value )

(GS)Gets/Sets the idle type of the actor.  “idlecover” “patrol” “idle”

type_squad( String sSquadThinker )

(GS)Get/Set the current squad idle state thinker. “squad_mover” “wingman” “void”

type_squadactive( String sSquadThinker )

(GS)Get/Set the current squad active state thinker. “wingman” “void”

unholster( Integer if )

Unholster weapon

unlimited_ammo( Integer bUnlimitedAmmo )

(S)Sets if actor has unlimited ammo.

upperanim( String anim )

Set the upper body animation

use( String name, [ Integer weapon_hand ] )

Use the specified weapon or item in the hand choosen (optional).


This event is designed to be used by animations that turn the Actor's head significantly such that we need to track his JO_eyes bone to obtain the direction the Actor is looking.

usemg( Entity mgEntity, Boolean bforceOnMG, Boolean bDontCheckExitMG )

Tells AI guy to go get on the passed mountable weapon.

usingbayonet( Integer usingBayonet )

(G)Gets 1 if actor is using a bayonet weapon.

voicetype( String VoiceType )

(GS)Gets/Sets the voice type to some magic string (single character) value

waittrigger( Boolean bool )

(GS)If true, patrol guys and running men wait until triggered to move


Wakes the actor up.

walkto( Listener or Vector dest )

Specify the location to walk to.


(G)Gets the depth of the water the actor is standing in.

weapon( String weapon_modelname )

(GS)Get/Set the sentient the weapon specified.


(G)Get weapon groupname.  “rifle” “pistol” “bazooka” “sword” “machinegun”


(G)Gets 1 if weapon is ready to fire.


(G)The Weapon Type of the Actor “pistol” “rifle” “smg” “mg”

weapon_internal( String s )

internal use

wingman_maxdist( Float fMinDist )

(GS) Get/Set wingman max distance.  When wingman is this far from the player, he'll try to get within wingman_mindist of him.(default=768)

wingman_mindist( Float fMinDist )

(GS) Get/Set wingman min distance.  Distance wingman tries to get within to the player once player goes beyond wingman_maxdist (default=220)

ActorFastAI (actorfastai) -> Actor -> SimpleActor -> Sentient -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

ActorSquad -> SimpleArchivedEntity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Returns the number of live squad members.

banzai_mindist( Float fDist )

Min distance from banzai AI enemy has to be for banzai guy to target him.

banzai_mindist( Float fDist )

Min distance from banzai AI enemy has to be for banzai guy to target him.

banzai_mindist( Float fDist )

Min distance from banzai AI enemy has to be for banzai guy to target him.


Clears current hand signal icon.


Tells squad to attempt to decide a new squad tactic.

enablePlayerOrders( Boolean bEnableOrders, Boolean bDisableOrderExecution, Boolean bEnableAdvance, Boolean bEnableFallback, Boolean bEnableCoverfire, Boolean bEnableAssemble )

Forces the CSC HUD to appear.

mimic_dist( Float fDist )

Sets distance to mimic our pointman's movement (currently only supported for player pointman (default=512)

mimic_dist( Float fDist )

Sets distance to mimic our pointman's movement (currently only supported for player pointman (default=512)

mimic_dist( Float fDist )

Sets distance to mimic our pointman's movement (currently only supported for player pointman (default=512)

mimic_quiet( Boolean bQuiet )

Sets whether squad should be quiet while in mimic mode.(default=true)

mimic_quiet( Boolean bQuiet )

Sets whether squad should be quiet while in mimic mode.(default=true)

mimic_quiet( Boolean bQuiet )

Sets whether squad should be quiet while in mimic mode.(default=true)

minsplitsize( Integer iMinSize )

Sets minimum size this squad must be in order to split when doing flanking maneuvers.

minsplitsize( Integer iMinSize )

Sets minimum size this squad must be in order to split when doing flanking maneuvers.

minsplitsize( Integer iMinSize )

Sets minimum size this squad must be in order to split when doing flanking maneuvers.

moraleleash( Float fDist )

Distance to leash the squad to the player during morale combat.

moraleleash( Float fDist )

Distance to leash the squad to the player during morale combat.

moraleleash( Float fDist )

Distance to leash the squad to the player during morale combat.

playermoraleabort( Integer iDiff )

Max difference between player's set# and squad's set# where squad will perform morale tactics.

playermoraleabort( Integer iDiff )

Max difference between player's set# and squad's set# where squad will perform morale tactics.

playermoraleabort( Integer iDiff )

Max difference between player's set# and squad's set# where squad will perform morale tactics.

player_advance_offset( Integer iOffset )

Set # offset from player to use during player auto advancing.

player_advance_offset( Integer iOffset )

Set # offset from player to use during player auto advancing.

player_advance_offset( Integer iOffset )

Set # offset from player to use during player auto advancing.

player_idle_advance( Integer iIdleAdvance )

Advance with player when idle (0=off,1=use offset,2=follow player whereever he goes.

player_idle_advance( Integer iIdleAdvance )

Advance with player when idle (0=off,1=use offset,2=follow player whereever he goes.

player_idle_advance( Integer iIdleAdvance )

Advance with player when idle (0=off,1=use offset,2=follow player whereever he goes.

player_idle_advance_offset( Integer iOffset )

Advance with player when idle offset. How many set#s they'll try to stay ahead of/behind(if negative) the player.

player_idle_advance_offset( Integer iOffset )

Advance with player when idle offset. How many set#s they'll try to stay ahead of/behind(if negative) the player.

player_idle_advance_offset( Integer iOffset )

Advance with player when idle offset. How many set#s they'll try to stay ahead of/behind(if negative) the player.

pointman( Entity ePointman )

Set the squad's pointman here. If pointman is an actor, he'll move to squad destinations first.

pointman( Entity ePointman )

Set the squad's pointman here. If pointman is an actor, he'll move to squad destinations first.

pointman( Entity ePointman )

Set the squad's pointman here. If pointman is an actor, he'll move to squad destinations first.

setsignal( Integer Signal )

Puts up the passed hand signal icon.

squad_advance( String sAreaNode )

Tells squad to advance (optionally pass area to advance to.)

squad_area( Entity e )

Returns the current squad node area squad currently occupies.

squad_assemble( Entity eAreaNode )

Tells squad to assemble up. Optionally pass area node to rally to. Otherwise, they'll rally to most populated area.

squad_automerge( Boolean bAutoMerge )

Enable/Disable squad auto-merge.

squad_automerge( Boolean bAutoMerge )

Enable/Disable squad auto-merge.

squad_automerge( Boolean bAutoMerge )

Enable/Disable squad auto-merge.

squad_banzai( String sAreaNode )

Tells squad to banzai (optionally pass area to banzai to.)

squad_charge( String sAreaNode )

Tells squad to charge (optionally pass area to charge to.)


Tells squad to perform covering fire.

squad_defend( Boolean bDefend )

Sets squad as defensive or not. If you don't pass bDefend, it will assume 1.

squad_defend( Boolean bDefend )

Sets squad as defensive or not. If you don't pass bDefend, it will assume 1.

squad_defend( Boolean bDefend )

Sets squad as defensive or not. If you don't pass bDefend, it will assume 1.

squad_defend_set( Integer setnbr )

Tells squad to defend areas of this set.

squad_defend_set( Integer setnbr )

Tells squad to defend areas of this set.

squad_defend_set( Integer setnbr )

Tells squad to defend areas of this set.

squad_destination( Entity eSquadDest )

Set/Get squad's current idle-destination squad node.

squad_destination( Entity eSquadDest )

Set/Get squad's current idle-destination squad node.

squad_destination( Entity eSquadDest )

Set/Get squad's current idle-destination squad node.

squad_fallback( String sAreaNode )

Tells squad to fallback (optionally pass area to fallback to.)

squad_flank( String sAreaNode )

Tells squad to flank (optionally pass area to flank to.)

squad_flankX2( String sAreaNode, String sAreaNode )

Tells squad to double flank (optionally pass areas to double flank to.)


Tells squad to get help.


Tells squad to give ground

squad_halt( Entity eHandSignalGuy )

Tells squad to halt (while moving towards a squad destination)Optionally pass who you want to do the hand signal.

squad_halt( Entity eHandSignalGuy )

Tells squad to halt (while moving towards a squad destination)Optionally pass who you want to do the hand signal.

squad_halt( Entity eHandSignalGuy )

Tells squad to halt (while moving towards a squad destination)Optionally pass who you want to do the hand signal.


Tells squad to hold steady

squad_interval( Float fDist )

Min distance squad trys to stay away from each other when moving to idle destinations.

squad_interval( Float fDist )

Min distance squad trys to stay away from each other when moving to idle destinations.

squad_interval( Float fDist )

Min distance squad trys to stay away from each other when moving to idle destinations.

squad_leader( Entity eSquadLeader )

Set squad leader.

squad_leader( Entity eSquadLeader )

Set squad leader.


Returns the leader of the squad.

squad_mean_origin( Float fDist )

Gets the mean origin of the squad members.

squad_morale( Integer iMorale )

Sets the morale of the squad.

squad_morale( Integer iMorale )

Sets the morale of the squad.


Gets the morale of the squad.

squad_moralebase( Integer iBase )

Sets the base morale that the squad will drift to when idle.

squad_moralebase( Integer iBase )

Sets the base morale that the squad will drift to when idle.


Gets the base morale that the squad will drift to when idle.


Tells squad to jog to destinations.

squad_movetype_run( Integer bCrouch )

Tells squad to run to destinations. (optionally pass 1 for crouched)


Tells squad to sprint to destinations.

squad_movetype_walk( Integer bCrouch )

Tells squad to walk to destinations. (optionally pass 1 for crouched)


Tells squad to advance with player during combat.

squad_player_advance( Boolean bPlayerAdvance )

Tells squad to advance with player during combat.

squad_player_advance( Boolean bPlayerAdvance )

Tells squad to advance with player during combat.

squad_retreat( String sAreaNode )

Tells squad to retreat (optionally pass area to retreat to.)


Tells squad to slow advance


Tells squad to spread out.

squad_usemorale( Integer bUseMorale )

Enable/Disable auto-squad tactics based on morale. 1=use full morale. 2=morale on, no auto-fallback. 3=no morale, no auto-fallback(CSC is enabled). 0=do not use morale, CSC is disabled


Enable/Disable auto-squad tactics based on morale. 1=use full morale. 2=morale on, no auto-fallback. 3=no morale, no auto-fallback(CSC is enabled). 0=do not use morale, CSC is disabled

squad_usemorale( Integer bUseMorale )

Enable/Disable auto-squad tactics based on morale. 1=use full morale. 2=morale on, no auto-fallback. 3=no morale, no auto-fallback(CSC is enabled). 0=do not use morale, CSC is disabled

squad_useprocessthreat( Boolean sSquadName )

Enable/Disable auto-squad tactics based on threat.

squad_useprocessthreat( Boolean sSquadName )

Enable/Disable auto-squad tactics based on threat.


Enable/Disable auto-squad tactics based on threat.

AID -> Listener

aid_banzai( Integer priority, Integer team, Boolean bypass )

Enemy banzai event, the enemy is mounting a banzai charge. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_combat( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy Combat event. The enemy is attacking. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_death( Integer priority, Integer team, Boolean bypass )

Death event, an ai has died. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_enadvance( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy advance event. The enemy is advancing. priority 1 will make the sound always play. (No other priority level is currently supported.).


Enemy advance response event. This event occurs after the AID_EnemyAdvance event finishes. This is dialog in response to the first speaker and always plays.

aid_enemyencroaching( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy Encrouching Event. An enemy has decided to charge/melee attack a squadmate. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_enemygethelp( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy Get help event. Occurs when the enemy calls for help. This event is by axis squads to call out they are getting help. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_enemyheardnoise( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy heard noise event. Occurs when an enemy squad member hears a noise. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis


Enemy fall back response event. This event occurs after the AID_EnemyFallback event finishes. This is dialog in response to the first speaker and always plays.

aid_enflank( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy Flanking event. The enemy is attempting a flanking manuver. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_enflback( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy fall back event. The enemy is falling back. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_enholdsteady( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy hold steady. The enemy is holding steady. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis


Enemy hold steady response event. This event occurs after the AID_EnemyHoldSteady event finishes. This is dialog in response to the first speaker and always plays.

aid_enreinforcements( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy reinforcements. The enemy is calling for reinforcemetns. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis


Enemy sighted response event. This occurs after the AID_Sight event finishes. This is dialog in response to the first speaker and always plays.

aid_explosiveset( Integer priority, Integer team )

Explosive charge set event. The player has placed a explosive demo charge. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis


Explosive set response event. This occurs after the player places a charge and is in response to another actor playing the explosiveset aid line.

aid_ff( Integer priority, Integer team )

Friendly Fire event. Occurs when an allie is shot by the player, this is currenly handled in code. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_generic( Integer priority, String alias )

Generic aid event. Requires a priority, and sound alias to play.

aid_generic_closest( Integer priority, String alias )

Generic aid event that will pick the closest squadmate. Requires a priority, and sound alias to play.

aid_generic_random( Integer priority, String alias )

Generic aid Event that will pick a random squadmate. Requires a priority, and sound alias to play.

aid_grenincoming( Integer priority )

Grenade Incoming event. A grenade has just been thrown at the squad. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis


Grenade Incoming response event. This occurs after the AID_GrenadeIncoming event finishes. This is dialog in response to the first speaker and always plays.

aid_grenoutgoing( Integer priority )

Grenade Outgoing event. A friendly has just thrown a grenade. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_grenrequest( Integer priority, Integer team )

Grenade Request event. A squad mate has decided to throw a grenade. We use this event to spawn off some dialog requesting a grenade. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_hits( Integer priority, Integer team, Boolean bypass )

Hit by enemy fire event, AI is being hit by enemy fire. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_hldsprd( Integer priority, Integer team )

Hold and spread event, squad has received a hold steady, and spread out order. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis


Killed enemy response event. This occurs after either the player or squadmate kills an enemy.

aid_killedofficer( Integer priority, Integer team )

Killed Enemy Officer Event. A squad mate killed an enemy officer. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_leveltransition( Integer priority, Integer team )

Level Transition Event. Occurs right before transitioning levels. This is only called from script. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_lostenemy( Integer priority, Integer team )

Lost enemy event. A squad mate lost his enemy. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_lowhealth( Integer priority, Integer team )

Low Health Event. A squad mate was damaged and is now in low health. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_medarrive( Integer priority, Integer team )

Medic arrival event. Medic arrives at patient. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_medcall( Integer priority )

Call Medic event, in need of a medic. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_medcantreachplayer( Integer priority, Integer team )

Medic can't reach Player event. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_meddone( Integer priority, Integer team )

Medic complete event. Medic finishes healing. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_medfreeheal( Integer priority, Integer team )

Medic giving freebie event. Priority is a value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_mednoheals( Integer priority, Integer team )

Medic out of heals event. Medic has no heals for Player. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_medresponse( Integer priority, Integer team )

Medic response event. Medic responds to call. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_multikillbullet( Integer priority, Integer team )

Multi Kill Bullet event. A squad mate killed multiple enemies in (x)amount of time. (Default 5sec). Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_multikillgrenade( Integer priority, Integer team )

Multi Kill Grenade event. A squad mate killed multiple enemies in (x)amount of time. (Default 5sec). Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_playeradvance( Integer priority, Integer team )

Player Advance event. The player has advanced 2 squad nodes ahead of or behind the squad. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_playerbump( Integer priority )

Player is telling a squadmate to move. Priority 1 will make the sound always play

aid_playerkilledenemy( Integer priority, Integer team )

Player killed enemy. The player killed an enemy. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_playerorderadvance( Integer priority )

Player Order Advance Event. Occurs when the player gives the Advance order. priority 1 will make the sound always play. (No other priority level is currently supported.).

aid_playerorderassemble( Integer priority )

Player Order Assemble Event. Occurs when the player gives the Assemble order. priority 1 will make the sound always play. (No other priority level is currently supported.).

aid_playerordercoverfire( Integer priority )

Player Order Cover Fire Event. Occurs when the player gives the Cover Fireorder. priority 1 will make the sound always play. (No other priority level is currently supported.).

aid_playerorderfallback( Integer priority )

Player Order Fall Back Event. Occurs when the player gives the Fall Back order. priority 1 will make the sound always play. (No other priority level is currently supported.).


Player threw a satchel instead of planting it.

aid_reload( Integer priority, Integer team )

Reload event, called when an ai reloads. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sccskill( Integer priority, Integer team )

Killed enemy event, called when an ai has killed an enemy. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sight( Integer priority, Integer team )

Sight event, ai has sighted an enemy. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sight_barrel( Integer priority, Integer team )

Sighted Barrel Event, an enemy was spotted behind a barrel. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sight_bush( Integer priority, Integer team )

Sighted Bush Event, an enemy was spotted behind a bush. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sight_crate( Integer priority, Integer team )

Sighted Crate Event, an enemy was spotted behind a crate. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sight_high( Integer priority, Integer team )

Sighted High Event, an enemy was spotted above the actors position. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sight_low( Integer priority, Integer team )

Sighted Low Event, an enemy was spotted below the actors position. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sight_rock( Integer priority, Integer team )

Sighted Rock Event, an enemy was spotted behind a rock. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sqeliminated( Integer priority, Integer team )

Squad Eliminated event. An enemy squad has been eliminated. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis


Squad Eliminated Secondary Response event. This event occurs after the AID_SquadEliminated event finishes. This is dialog in response to the first speaker and always plays.

aid_sqmemberadvance( Integer priority, Integer team )

Squad Member advance event. A squad member is advancing. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis


Squad Advance Secondary Response event. This event occurs after the AID_SquadMember_Advance event finishes. This is dialog in response to the first speaker and always plays.

aid_sqmembercoverfire( Integer priority, Integer team )

Squad Member Cover Fire event. A squad member is providing covering fire. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis


Squad Cover Fire response event. This event occurs after the AID_SquadMember_CoverFire event finishes. This is dialog in response to the first speaker and always plays.

aid_sqmemberfallback( Integer priority, Integer team )

Squad Member fall back event. A squad member is falling back. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis


Squad Fallback Secondary Response event. This event occurs after the AID_SquadMember_Fallback event finishes. This is dialog in response to the first speaker and always plays.

aid_sqmemberflank( Integer priority, Integer team )

Squad Member flank event. A squad member is trying to flank. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sqmembergiveground( Integer priority, Integer team )

Squad Member give ground event. A squad member is giving ground. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis


Squad Give Ground Secondary Response event. This event occurs after the AID_SquadMember_GiveGround event finishes. This is dialog in response to the first speaker and always plays.

aid_sqmemberslowadvance( Integer priority, Integer team )

Squad Member slow advance event. A squad member is slowly advancing. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sqregroup( Integer priority )

Squad Regroup event. The squad has not been fighting for a while call out to regroup. Takes priority to determine of the sound should play.

aid_squadmatedown( Integer priority, Integer team )

Squad Mate Down. A squad mate has gone down. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_tkcvr( Integer priority, Integer team )

Take Cover event, squad has received a take cover order. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_underfire( Integer priority, Integer team )

Under Fire event. A friendly is pinned down by enemy fire. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_vehiclegeneric( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy vehicle spotted event. Occurs when a squadmate see's an enemy vehicle. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_vehicleplane( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy plane spotted event. Occurs when a squadmate see's an enemy plane. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_vehicletank( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy tank spotted event. Occurs when a squadmate see's an enemy tank. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_voddone( Integer priority, Integer team )

Verge of Death done event. The player has just been healed while in Verge of Death. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

AmmoEntity -> Item -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Ammo Entity Post Spawn

ammosize( String string )

Set the ammo size for the pickup ('sm', 'lg').

ammotype( String string )

Set the ammo (team) type for the pickup ('us', 'jpn').

Animate (animate) -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

anim( String animName )

Exec anim commands on server or client.


Notify object that animation is complete.

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

forcesetanim( String animName )

Play an animation.

heavydamagepercent( Float precent )

Sets the base percentage on which to start the damage_light animation

isloopinganim( String anim_name )

returns 1 if the anim is a looping anim, or 0 otherwise

isvalidanim( String anim_name )

returns 1 if the anim exists in the Tiki, or 0 otherwise

lightdamagepercent( Float precent )

Sets the base percentage on which to start the damage_light animation

playerspawn( String model_name, [ Float range ], [ Vector vector_offset ], [ Float inFOV ], [ Float speed ] )

spawn something near the player, either within the player's view or behind him
model - name of model to spawn
range - how close does this need to be to the player to actually get spawned, default 480 (30 foot radius).
vector_offset - oriented vector offset of where to spawn the item, default (0 0 0)
inFOV -
1 - Only spawn when this position is within the FOV of the player
-1 - Only spawn when this position is outside the FOV of the player
0 - (default) don't care, always spawn
speed - how fast the effect should travel, in other words, how long before the effect gets spawned.
delay is calculated based on the distance between object and player divided by the speed
0 - no delay
960 - (default) 60 feet per second. If the object is 60 feet from the player, the player effect will spawn one second later.

setcontrollerangles( Integer num, Vector angles )

Sets the control angles for the specified bone.

setsynctime( Float synctime )

Set sync time for entity.

setyawfrombone( String bone_name )

Set the yaw of the model based on the current animation time

world_space_mode( Integer enabled )

Sets the Animate to be in absolute world-space mode

world_space_mode( Integer enabled )

Sets the Animate to be in absolute world-space mode


Gets the Animate's mode -- true if in absolute world-space mode, false if not

AntiAntiPortalEntity (antiantiportal) -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

AntiPortalEntity (antiportal) -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

Armor -> Item -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

BasicTrigger (basictrigger) -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

bindlistener -> Listener

activebackgroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the color for the active button background

activebordercolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the color for the active button border

activeforegroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the color for the active button foreground

activesound( String soundname )

Set the name of the sound to play when the item is made active

align( String arg1, [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Set the alignment on the bind menu

binditem( String name, String command )

Create a new bind item in the interface

bind_alternatekeyheight( Integer height )

Height of the alternate key item

bind_alternatekeywidth( Integer width )

Width of the alternate key item

bind_commandheight( Integer height )

Height of the command item

bind_commandwidth( Integer width )

Width of the command item

bind_fillwidth( Integer width, [ String material ] )

Width of the filling between widgets

bind_height( Integer height )

Height of the bind menu

bind_primarykeyheight( Integer height )

Height of the primary key item

bind_primarykeywidth( Integer width )

Width of the primary key item

bind_width( Integer width )

Width of the bind menu

changesound( String soundname )

Set the name of the sound to play when the highlighted item changes

entersound( String soundname )

Set the name of the sound to play when the key is entered

header( Integer column_num, String name, String material )

Set the header of each column

highlightbackgroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the color for the highlighted button background

highlightforegroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the color for the highlighted button foreground

inactivebackgroundcoloreven( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the color for the inactive button background for even rows

inactivebackgroundcolorodd( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the color for the inactive button background for odd rows

inactiveforegroundcoloreven( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the color for the inactive button foreground for even rows

inactiveforegroundcolorodd( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the color for the inactive button foreground for odd rows

selectbackgroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the color for the selected button background

selectforegroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the color for the selected button foreground

titlebackgroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the color for the title background

titleforegroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the color for the title foreground

Bird (fauna_bird) -> Fauna -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

follow_ratio( Float ratio )

Sets speed ratio of follow birds based on the leader speed.

group_destination( Integer grpID,ent )

Tells the bats where to go during a disband operation.

group_disband( [ Integer groupnbr ] )

Tell the group to disband.

group_height( Float height_m )

Sets the height of the flock in meters.

group_join( Integer groupnbr )

Joins a flock.

group_lead( Integer groupnbr )

Sets the bird as the leader of the flock.

group_leave( Integer groupnbr )

Leaves the flock.

group_speed( Float speed_mps )

Sets the speed of the flock in meters per second.

turn_final_speed( Float turnfinalf )

How fast the lead bird turns in degrees initially.

turn_init_speed( Float turninitf )

How fast the lead bird turns in degrees initially.

turn_speed( Float turnspeedf )

How fast the lead bird turns in degrees per second.

Body -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Removes this listener immediately.

Bomb (Bomb) -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

blastcameradistance( Float distance )

Distance at which to 'watch' the explosion as it goes off.

bombcameradistance( Float distance )

Distance at which a camera will follow the bomb as it falls.

bombexplosioncameradelay( Float delay )

Amount of time to watch the explosion before switching back to the vehicle's camera.

dropbomb( Float armtime,, Float speed )

Turns the physics on so the bomb will drop. Travels at initial speed, then arms in seconds, default is 0.0f

floor( Float height )

If a bomb goes below this height, it will be detonated.


Restores the camera to the previous vehicle camera

timetoarm( Float time )

Time it takes the bomb to arm itself.


Attaches a camera to the bomb as it falls.

waterexplosioneffect( String effectname, String sound )

This sets the bomb's water explosion effect. Sound is optional

Camera (func_camera) -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Notify Camera that animation is complete.

auto_active( Boolean newActiveState )

Whether or not the auto camera is active.

auto_maxfov( Float maxFOV )

Sets the maximum FOV that should be used when automatically calculating FOV.

auto_radius( Float newRadius )

Sets the radius of the automatic camera.

auto_starttime( Float newTime )

Sets how long it takes for the camera to be switched to.

auto_state( String state1, [ String state2 ], [ String state3 ], [ String state4 ], [ String state5 ], [ String state6 ] )

Sets the states the player needs to be in for this camera to activate.

auto_stoptime( Float newTime )

Sets how long it takes for the camera switch back to the player.


Called each frame to allow the camera to adjust its position.


Continue the camera movement.


switch camera states immediately, do not transition

doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

General trigger event for all entities

fadetime( Float fadetime )

Sets the fade time for camera transitioning.

follow( Entity targetEnt, [ Entity targetWatchEnt ] )

Makes the camera follow an entity and optionally watch an entity.

follow_distance( Float distance )

Sets the camera follow distance.

follow_yaw( Float yaw )

Sets the yaw offset of the camera following an entity.


Makes the follow camera yaw absolute.


Makes the follow camera yaw relative (not absolute).

fov( Float fov, [ Float fadeTime ] )

Sets the camera's field of view (fov).
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time
if fov is less than 3, than an auto_fov will be assumed
the value of fov will be the ratio used for keeping a watch
entity in the view at the right scale

lookat( Entity ent )

Makes the camera look at an entity.

moveto( Entity ent )

Move the camera's position to that of the specified entities.

movetopos( Vector position )

Move the camera's position to the specified position.


The script model is moving based on an animation

nextcamera( String nextCamera )

Sets the next camera to use.

nowatch( [ Float fadeTime ] )

Stop watching an entity or looking along a path.
Camera is now static as far as orientation.
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time

orbit( Entity targetEnt, [ Entity targetWatchEnt ] )

Makes the camera orbit around an entity and optionally watch an entity.

orbit_height( Float height )

Sets the orbit camera's height.


Pause the camera.

playtrack( String anim )

Cause the camera to begin playing the specified alias.

setplaybackrate( Float anim )

Playback rate of the animation (-1.0f-1.0f)

showquakes( Integer 0 )

Sets the camera to show or not show earthquake effects.

speed( Float speed )

Sets the camera speed.


Start camera moving.


Stop the camera movement.


Cause the camera to stop playing the current track.

turnto( Vector angle )

Makes the camera look in the specified direction.


updates the fov if neccessary.

watch( Entity watchEnt, [ Float fadeTime ] )

Makes the camera watch an entity.
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time

watchnode( [ Float fadeTime ] )

Makes the camera watch based on what is stored
in the camera nodes.
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time

watchpath( [ Float fadeTime ] )

Makes the camera look along the path of travel.
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time

watchstring( String string, [ Float fadeTime ] )

Makes the camera watch based on a string.
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time

world_space_mode( Integer enabled )

Sets the camera to be in absolute world-space mode

world_space_mode( Integer enabled )

Sets the camera to be in absolute world-space mode


Gets the camera's mode -- true if in absolute world-space mode, false if not

CameraManager -> Listener


Add a new point to the camera path where the player is standing.

cancelFor( String name )

Cancel for current path node event of type name


Delete the current path node.


Hides the paths.

load( String filename )

Loads a camera path.

loop( [ Entity path ] )

Loop the current path or the specified one.


Move the player to the current path node position.


Starts a new path.


Go to the next path node.


Go to the next path.


Set the current path node to watch nothing.

play( [ Entity path ] )

Play the current path or the specified one once.


Go to the previous path node.


Go to the previous path.

renamepath( String newName )

Rename the path to the new name.


Replace the current path node position/angle with the player's.

save( String filename )

Saves the camera path.

savemap( String filename )

Saves the camera path to a map file.

setfadetime( Float newFadeTime )

Set the fadetime of the current path node.

setfov( String newFOV )

Set the fov at the current path node.

setpath( Entity path )

Sets the new path.

setspeed( Float speed )

Set the speed of the camera at the current path node.

settarget( String target )

Set the trigger target.

settargetname( String targetname )

Set the targetname.

show( [ Entity path ] )

Shows the specified path.


Stop the camera playing path.


Updates the current node with user interface values.

waitTill( String name )

Wait until current path node event of type name

watch( String watch )

Set the current path node to watch something.

CarryableTurret -> InventoryItem -> Weapon -> Item -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Period to wait before a turret is picked/placed after previous deployment

doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

sent to entity when touched.


Makes the carryable turret have itself dropped

item_pickup( Entity item )

Pickup the specified item.


Try to place the carryable turret


Tiki of the turret to place

userdistance( Float dist )

Sets the distance the user should be placed at while using this turret

userleftoffset( Float offset )

Sets the offset the user should be placed at in the 'left' direction while using this turret

ClientGameCommandManager -> Listener


Signals the beginning of a block of commands


Signals the end of a block of commands

accel( Float xAcc, Float yAcc, Float zAcc )

Set the acceleration of the spawned tempmodel.
This acceleration is applied using the world axis

alias( String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Create an alias to the specified path

aliascache( String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Create an alias to the specified path and cache the resource


Align the tempmodels to the direction they are traveling


Align the tempmodels to the direction they are traveling at the time they are initialized

alignstretch( [ Float scaleMultiplier ] )

Aligns the temp model to the direction of travel, and stretches it betwen the last and current positions.

alpha( Float alpha )

Set the alpha of the spawned tempmodel


Set emitter/tempmodel to be alwaysdraw. Which can be turned off by alwaysdraw

angles( [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float pitch, [ Float [pitch2] ], [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float yaw, [ Float [yaw2] ], [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float roll, [ Float [roll2] ] )

If random is specified, the component will range from 0 to +specified value.
If crandom is specified, the component will range from -specified to +specified value.
If range is specified, the component needs two values; it will randomly pick a number in the range
from the first number to the first number plus the second number.
If no keyword is explicitly specified, then the component will be just set
without randomness.

anim( String animation )

Set a tempmodel the the specified animation


Set a tempmodel to animate once and then get removed

avelocity( Float yawVel, Float pitchVel, Float rollVel )

Set the angular velocity of the spawned tempmodel

blockdlight( Float intensity, Float life, [ String sinwaveparameter1 ], [ String sinwaveparameter2 ], [ Float priority ], [ Integer isclamped ] )

Spawn a dynamic light from the origin of the model
An additional commands block allows the specification of moving & varying dlights
The intensity is the radius of the light

bodyfall( [ Float fVolume ] )

Play a body fall sound that is appropriate to the surface we are falling on

bouncefactor( Float factor )

Set the bounciness of a tempmodel when it hits a solid.
A factor > 1 will make the model bounce higher and higher on each hit

bouncesound( String sound, [ Float [delay] ] )

When bouncing, what sound to play on impact and an option delay (default is 1 second) between playing this sound

bouncesoundonce( String sound )

When bouncing, what sound to play on impact one time

cache( String resourceName )

Cache the specified resource

cacheanimation( String animationName )

Cache the specified animation

cachefont( String fontName )

Cache the specified font (For menu graphics that should never be picmiped)

cacheimage( String imageName )

Cache the specified image (For menu graphics that should never be picmiped)


Set the tempmodels to be spawned in a circle around the origin
This circle will be generated in the X/Y axis of the model

clampvel( Float minX, Float maxX, Float minY, Float maxY, Float minZ, Float maxZ )

sets the valid range for velocities along global axes. Cannot be used with clampvelaxis.

clampvelaxis( Float minX, Float maxX, Float minY, Float maxY, Float minZ, Float maxZ )

sets the valid range for velocities along oriented axes. Cannot be used with clampvel.

client( [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Execute the specified command arg string

collision( [ String water ] )

Turn on collision for the tempmodel.
If the keyword water is specified, then the tempmodel will collide with water

color( Float red, Float green, Float blue, [ Float alpha ] )

Set the color (modulate) of the spawned tempmodel.

colorvelocity( Float rVel, Float gVel, Float bVel )

Set the color velocity of the spawned dlight tempmodel

commanddelay( Float delay, String command, [ String [arg1] ], [ String [arg2] ], [ String [arg3] ], [ String [arg4] ], [ String [arg5] ], [ String [arg6] ] )

executes a command after the given delay

cone( Float height, Float radius )

Randomly spawns the particle somewhere inside a cone along the model's local x axis

count( Integer count )

Set the number of tempmodels that are spawned
This is only used for the originspawn and tagspawn commands,
and not for emitters, use spawnrate instead

count2( Float count )

Sets the randomness to add to the spawn count

deathmodel( String modelname )

Set the death modelname of the tempmodel.

delayedsfx( Float fDelay, String sCommand, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ], [ String arg7 ], [ String arg8 ] )

Used for adding commands to a special effect with a time delay


Set emitter/tempmodel to be detail. Which can be turned off by detail


Set the spawned tempmodels to die when they touch a solid

dlight( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float intensity, [ Float priority ] )

This makes the emitter itself a dynamic lightThe red,green,blue parms are the color of the light
The intensity is the radius of the light

dmtracer( Integer freq, [ Integer realismFreq ], [ Integer type ], [ String tagName ], [ Float initialoffset ] )

Spawn a client side only tracer tempmodels from the specified tag.

emitterangles( [ Float pitchofs ], [ Float yawofs ], [ Float rollofs ] )

Set the tempmodels angles to that of the emitter
The three optional parameters are for setting an angle offset from the emitter

emitteroff( String emitterName )

Turn the specified emitter off

emitteron( String emitterName )

Turn the specified emitter on

entcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, [ Float alpha ] )

Set the color(modulate) of this entity

eyelimits( Float fPitchmax, Float fYawmax, Float fRollmax )

Set the max angle offsets for the eyes from the model's head

eyemovement( Float fMovement )

Sets the amount of the head's movement to apply to the players view. 1 is full, 0 is none


Set the tempmodel to fade out over it's life

fadedelay( Float time )

Set the amount of time to delay a fade

fadein( Float time )

Set the tempmodel to fade in over the specified time


Set the tempmodel to change it's alpha every frame. Creates a flickering effect

footstep( String tag, String sRunning, [ Integer iEquipment ] )

Play a footstep sound that is appropriate to the surface we are currently stepping on
sRunning should be set to run, walk, or ladder

friction( Float friction )

Set the friction as a fraction of velocity per second... exact effect depends on physics rate:
slowdown per second = [1 - (friction / physicsrate)] ^ physicsrate; physicsrate defaults to 10

globalfade( [ String [in|out] ] )

Set the tempmodels to globally fade in or out together

globalscale( Float global )

Sets the global scale of the current emitter effect


Set the tempmodels linked to the model they are spawned from, so they move with it


Create the tempmodels in a sphere around the origin, and adjust their
angle so they point toward the center of the spheR_ This is best used with a
spehere radius and some velocity so the models look like they're heading toward the
center of the spheR_

landing( [ Float fVolume ], [ Integer iEquipment ] )

Play a landing sound that is appropriate to the surface we are landing on

life( Float life, [ Float randomlife ] )

Set the life (in seconds) of the spawned tempmodel

lightstyle( String nameOfImage )

Set a lightstyle to determine the color of this tempmodel, the image
specified is used to determine the look of the light style

lockscale( Integer int )

Set the particles scale to be locked

loopsound( String soundName, [ Float volume ], [ Float min_distance ], Float pitch )

Play the specifed sound as a looping sound

model( String modelname1, [ String modelname2 ], [ String modelname3 ], [ String modelname4 ], [ String modelname5 ], [ String modelname6 ] )

Set the modelname of the tempmodel. If more than 1 model is specified, it will
be randomly chosen when spawned


This tempmodel must not be deleted until finished


Forces the effect to use the model's orientation for randvelaxis and offsetalongaxis

offset( [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float offsetX, [ Float [offsetX2] ], [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float offsetY, [ Float [offsetY2] ], [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float offsetZ, [ Float [offsetZ2] ] )

If random is specified, the component will range from 0 to +specified offset.
If crandom is specified, the component will range from -specified to +specified offset.
If range is specified, the component needs two values; it will randomly pick a number in the range
from the first number to the first number plus the second number.
If no keyword is explicitly specified, then the component will just be added on
without randomness.
This offset is applied using the world axis.

offsetalongaxis( [ String [crandom|random|range] ], Float offsetx, [ Float [offsetx2] ], [ String [crandom|random|range] ], Float offsety, [ Float [offsety2] ], [ String [crandom|random|range] ], Float offsetz, [ Float [offsetz2] ] )

If random is specified, the component will range from 0 to specified offset.
If crandom is specified, the component will range from -specified to +specified offset.
If range is specified, the component needs two values; it will randomly pick a number in the range
from the first number to the first number plus the second number.
If no keyword is explicitly specified, then the component will just be added on
without randomness.
This offset is applied using the model's local axis

origindlight( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float intensity, Float life, [ Float priority ], [ Float peaktime ], [ Float peakintensity ], [ Float flickerdelay ], [ Float flickeramplitude ], [ Float flickerfrequency ] )

Spawn a dynamic light from the origin of the model
The red,green,blue parms are the color of the light
The intensity is the radius of the light

originemitter( String emitterName )

Create an emitter that spawns tempmodels from the origin.
This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the tempmodels


Spawn tempmodels from the origin.
This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the tempmodels


Set tempmodel to be parallel to the viewer


Set the tempmodels angles to that of its parent


Set the tempmodels linked to the parent, so they move with the parent model

particle_filter( Integer int )

Set the value that a particle won't be emitted

physicsrate( String rate )

Set the rate (in updates per second) for the tempmodel's physics to be updated

print( String string )

Prints a string.

printdeathmsg( String msg,, String killer,, String victim,, String deathType )

Prints a death message string. Used to allow death messages to appear in their correct language on client machines.

radialvelocity( Float scale, Float min_additional, Float max_additional )

Subtracts the particle origin from origin and multiplies by scale, then adds additional velocity
between min and max... negative values bring toward origin

radius( Float radius )

Set the radius of the sphere for the inwardsphere amd sphere settings

randomchance( Float percentage, [ String [arg1] ], [ String [arg2] ], [ String [arg3] ], [ String [arg4] ], [ String [arg5] ], [ String [arg6] ] )

Set the percentage chance that command will occur


Set the tempmodels so they pick a random roll value every frame


Randomly picks a frame from the volumetric texture

randvel( [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float xVel, [ Float [xVel2] ], [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float yVel, [ Float [yVel2] ], [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float zVel, [ Float [zVel2] ] )

Add a random component to the regular velocity.
If random is specified, the component will range from 0 to specified velocity.
If crandom is specified, the component will range from -specified to +specified velocity.
If range is specified, the component needs two values; it will randomly pick a number in the range
from the first number to the first number plus the second number.
If no keyword is explicitly specified, then the component will just be added on
without randomness.
This velocity is applied using the world axis

randvelaxis( [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float forwardVel, [ Float [forwardVel2] ], [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float rightVel, [ Float [rightVel2] ], [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float upVel, [ Float [upVel2] ] )

Add a random component to the regular velocity.
If random is specified, the component will range from 0 to specified velocity.
If crandom is specified, the component will range from -specified to +specified velocity.
If range is specified, the component needs two values; it will randomly pick a number in the range
from the first number to the first number plus the second number.
If no keyword is explicitly specified, then the component will just be added on
without randomness.
This velocity is applied using the parent axis

relativeangles( )

makes the spawn angles get applied relative to the orientation of the model

scale( Float scale )

Set the scale of a spawned tempmodel

scalecap( Float cap )

Set the scale cap of the spawned tempmodel
This caps the scale so that a tempmodel never scaled beyond it

scalecap_y( Float cap )

Set the scale cap of the spawned tempmodel
This caps the scale so that a tempmodel never scaled beyond it

scalemax( Float scalemax )

Set the maximum scale of a spawned tempmodel

scalemaxy( Float scalemaxy )

Set the maximum scale of a spawned tempmodel

scalemin( Float scalemin )

Set the minimum scale of a spawned tempmodel

scaleminy( Float scalemin )

Set the minimum scale of a spawned tempmodel

scalerate( Float rate )

Set the scaling rate of the spawned tempmodel
If a negative rate is used, the model will shrink

scaleratey( Float rate )

Set the scaling rate of the spawned tempmodel
If a negative rate is used, the model will shrink


Set the tempmodel to scale up to scale value and then down.

scaley( Float scale )

Set the scale of a spawned tempmodel

sfx( String sCommand, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ], [ String arg7 ], [ String arg8 ] )

Used for adding commands to a special effect

smokeparms( Float typeinfo, Float fademult, Float scalemult )

Sets some misc parms for smoke

sound( String soundName, [ String channelName ], [ Float volume ], [ Float min_distance ], [ Float pitch ], [ Float randompitch ], [ String randomvolume ] )

Play the specified sound

soundnostomp( String soundName, [ String channelName ], [ Float volume ], [ Float min_distance ], [ Float pitch ], [ Float randompitch ], [ String randomvolume ] )

Play the specified sound ONLY if there's not another sound of same name, entity, and channel already playing.

soundnostomp_if_firing( String soundName, [ String channelName ], [ Float volume ], [ Float min_distance ], [ Float pitch ], [ Float randompitch ], [ String randomvolume ] )

Play the specified sound ONLY if there's not another sound of same name, entity, and channel already playing.

soundnostomp_if_not_firing( String soundName, [ String channelName ], [ Float volume ], [ Float min_distance ], [ Float pitch ], [ Float randompitch ], [ String randomvolume ] )

Play the specified sound ONLY if there's not another sound of same name, entity, and channel already playing.

sound_if_firing( String soundName, [ String channelName ], [ Float volume ], [ Float min_distance ], [ Float pitch ], [ Float randompitch ], [ String randomvolume ] )

Play the specified sound if the entity is firing

sound_if_not_firing( String soundName, [ String channelName ], [ Float volume ], [ Float min_distance ], [ Float pitch ], [ Float randompitch ], [ String randomvolume ] )

Play the specified sound if the entity is not firing

spawncull( Integer spawn_cull )

Set spawn culling, does not affect emitters.

spawnfactor( Integer range, [ Integer factor ] )

Sets the spawn factor at which to spawn (LOD) tempmodels.

spawnrange( Integer range1, [ Integer range2 ] )

Sets the range in which this effect will spawn tempmodels. If one number is specified, it is the max range
and 0 is the min range; if two numbers are specified, the larger is the max range.

spawnrate( Float rate )

Set the spawnrate of the emitter (models per second).
This is only used for emitters and not for the originspawn and tagspawn commands


Set the tempmodels to spawn in a sphere around the origin.
If sphereradius is set, the tempmodels will spawn at the radius distance from
the origin

spin( Float rotations_per_second )

Sets counterclockwise rotations per second at which the emitter's x/y-axes rotate around its z-axis


Calculates grid lighting for a sprite

sprite_lighting( Float lightFactor )

Set the sprite lighting factor.


Make the sprite oriented.


Make the sprite oriented blur.

sprite_origin( Float Xorigin, Float Yorigin )

Set the sprite origin


Make the sprite parallel_longaxis.


Make the sprite parallel_upright.


Signals an emitter to start in the off state (no tempmodels are emitted)

stopaliaschannel( String alias )

Stops the sound channel used by the specified alias.

stopaliaschannel_if_not_firing( String alias )

Stops the sound channel used by the specified alias if not firing


Stop the looping sound

stopsound( String channelName )

Stops the sound on the specified channel.

swarm( Integer frequency, Float maxspeed, Float delta )

Create a swarm like effect that the tempmodels follow when they are spawned
frequency is how often they change direction
maxspeed is how fast the tempmodel will move (it's randomly generated every
time the frequency is hit)
delta is how much the tempmodel moves toward the origin every frame

tagdlight( String tagName, Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float intensity, Float life, [ Float intvel ] )

Spawn a dynamic light from the specified tag
The red,green,blue parms are the color of the light
The intensity is the radius of the light. The priority is a bonus to the light's score

tagemitter( String tagName, String emitterName )

Create an emitter that spawns tempmodels from the specified tag.
This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the tempmodels

taglist( String arg1, String arg2, [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ], [ String arg7 ], [ String arg8 ] )

Set the tag list to create a beam that travels between all the tags

tagspawn( String tagName )

Spawn tempmodels from the specified tag.
This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the tempmodels

tagspawnlinked( String tagName )

Spawn tempmodels from the specified tag, linked to the entity at the tag.
This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the tempmodels

texture_framelock( Integer frameLock )

Set the sprite frame to use.

texture_framerate( Float frameRate )

Set the texture framerate.

texture_numframes( Float numFrames )

Set the texture num frames.

tracer( String tagName, Float initialoffset, Float distance, Integer type, [ Boolean addBaseVelocity ], [ Boolean forceCGTrace ] )

Spawn a tracer tempmodels from the specified tag.

twinkle( Float mintimeoff, Float maxtimeoff, Float mintimeon, Float maxtimeon )

Set the tempmodel to twinkle with the specified settings

uscale( Float uscale )

Set the U scale

uscalecap( Float uscalecap )

Set the U scale cap

uscalerate( Float uscalerate )

Set the U scale rate

uspeed( Float uscrollspeed )

Set the U scroll speed

uspeedmax( Float uscrollspeedmax )

Set the max U scroll speed

uvrotate( Float angspeed )

Set the UV angular speed


Sets the color to vary by 0 to -207633072474f specified color

velocity( Float forwardVelocity )

Set the forward velocity of the spawned tempmodel

vfxspawn( String vfxName, [ Float minRange ], [ Float maxRange ], [ Float scale ], [ Float countScale ] )

Spawn vfx.
This command is followed by various parameters that allow you to manipulate the vfx that has been specified

vfxtagspawn( String tagName, String vfxName, [ Float minRange ], [ Float maxRange ], [ Float scale ], [ Float countScale ] )

Spawn vfx from the specified tag.
This command is followed by various parameters that allow you to manipulate the vfx that has been specified

vfxtagspawnlinked( String tagName, String vfxName, [ Float minRange ], [ Float maxRange ], [ Float scale ], [ Float countScale ] )

Spawn vfx from the specified tag.
This command is followed by various parameters that allow you to manipulate the vfx that has been specified

viewkick( Float pitchmin, Float pitchmax, Float yawmin, Float yawmax, Float recenterspeed, String pattern, Float pitchmax, Float yawmax, Float scatterpitchmax, [ Float viewkickmindecay ], [ Float viewkickmaxdecay ] )

Adds kick to the view of the owner when fired.


Spawn tempmodels from the first person viewport.
This command is followed by a '(' to specify a block of commands that modify the tempmodels


We are using a volumetric texture.

vscale( Float vscale )

Set the V scale

vscalecap( Float vscalecap )

Set the V scale cap

vscalerate( Float vscalerate )

Set the V scale rate

vspeed( Float vscrollspeed )

Set the V scroll speed

vspeedmax( Float vscrollspeedmax )

Set the max V scroll speed


makes the temp model remove itself if it leaves water

ClientSpecialEffectsManager -> Listener

effectdelay( Integer iEffect, Integer iCurrEmitter, Vector vPos, Vector vAngles, Vector vAxisA, Vector vAxisB, Vector vAxisC )

Resumes the execution of iEffect effect from its iCurrEmitter emitter.

Console -> USignal -> Listener

ConsoleHider -> Listener


Signal that the window was closed


Specifies that the widget has been destroyed.

ConsoleView -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

CoverNodeCrate (info_cover_crate) -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

CoverNodeCrouch (info_cover_crouch) -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

CoverNodeGrass (info_cover_grass) -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

CoverNodeLeft (info_cover_left) -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

CoverNodeLeftLow (info_cover_leftlow) -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

CoverNodeLeftRight (info_cover_leftright) -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

CoverNodeLeftRightLow (info_cover_leftrightlow) -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

CoverNodeProne (info_cover_prone) -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

CoverNodeRight (info_cover_right) -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

CoverNodeRightLow (info_cover_rightlow) -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

CoverNodeStand (info_cover_stand) -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

DMConsoleHider -> Listener


Signals that the widget has been deactivated.


Signal that the window was closed


Specifies that the widget has been destroyed.

DM_Manager -> Listener


delayed function call to (possibly) determine round winner and restart next round


delayed function call to do the actual restart for the next round


called every second during the minicountdown (which happens after the unlimited warmup is complete)


poll the dm_waitfortransitionflag cvar to determine to finish the round or keep waiting


called every sec during the warmup


gets called continuously each second for the duration of the game

verifyspawnedplayer( Entity player )

verifys the player's class and weapon are not restircted

DM_Team -> Listener

Door (NormalDoor) -> ScriptSlave -> Mover -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Makes the door always open away from the person opening it.

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2


Closes the door.

dmg( Integer damage )

Sets the amount of damage the door will do to entities that get stuck in it.

doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

General trigger event for all entities

doBlocked( Entity obstacle )

sent to entity when blocked.


Called when the door finishes closing.


Called when the door finishes opening.

doortype( String door_type )

Sets the defaults for this door
Door Defaults: wood(default)

door_triggerfield( Entity other )

Is called when a doors trigger field is touched.

doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

sent to entity when it is used by another entity

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot


Link doors together.


Lock the door.

open( Entity other )

Opens the door.

sound_close_end( String sound_close )

Sets the sound to use when the door closes.

sound_close_start( String sound_close )

Sets the sound to use when the door closes.

sound_locked( String sound_locked )

Sets the sound to use when the door is locked.

sound_message( String sound_message )

Sets the sound to use when the door displays a message.

sound_open_end( String sound_open_end )

Sets the sound to use when the door stops to opens.

sound_open_start( String sound_open_start )

Sets the sound to use when the door starts to opens.

time( Float traveltime )

Sets the time it takes for the door to open an close.

toggledoor( Entity other )

Toggles the state of the door (open/close).

triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )

Send event to owner of trigger.


Trys to make the door solid.

tryToOpen( Entity other )

Tries to open the door.


Unlock the door.

wait( Float wait )

Sets the amount of time to wait before automatically shutting.

DrivableVehicle -> Vehicle -> VehicleBase -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

doBlocked( Entity obstacle )

sent to entity when blocked.

doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

sent to entity when touched.

fire( Integer index )


killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

off( Integer index )

Turn the gunfire off.

on( Integer index )

Turn the gunfire on.


Returns the origin of this vehicle.

origin( Vector vOrigin )

Sets the origin of this vehicle.

DynamicCoverNode (DynamicCoverNode) -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

DynItem -> Item -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot


console based command to kill yourself if stuck.

EffectEntity (effectentity) -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

activate_triggerhurt( Integer 1, String = )

Activate/deactivate attached trigger hurt with the specified name

addwaittill( String sWaitTill )

Adds a waittill. Works in conjunction with invokewaittill

ai_event( [ String type ], [ Float radius ] )

Let the AI know that this entity made a sound,
type is a string specifying what type of sound it is.
radius determines how far the sound reaches.

altmodel( String model )

Choose a different model in the same file by name.

altmodel_id( Integer model )

Choose a different model in the same file by ID.


Sets this entity to always draw

applyimpulse( Vector pos, Vector dir, Vector magnitude )

Applies a force from a given position to a given direction with a given force

attach( Entity parent, String tagname, Boolean use_angles, Vector offset, Boolean origin_to_tag )

attach this entity to the parent's legs tag called tagname, optional parameters:
use_angles - whether or not to use the angles of the tag.
offset - offset vector from the tag.
origin_to_tag - whether or not to actually move the entity's origin to the tag.

attachedmodelanim( String tagname, String anim_name, Float crossblend_time, String model_name )

Tells models (or specified model) attached to specified tag to play
specified animation. Crossbkend time doesn't work yet.

attachmodel( String modelname, String tagname, [ Float scale ], [ String targetname ], [ Boolean detach_at_death ], [ Float removetime ], [ Vector fadeintime ] )

attach a entity with modelname to this entity to tag called tagname.
scale - scale of attached entities
targetname - targetname for attached entities
detach_at_death - when entity dies, should this model be detached.
removetime - when the entity should be removed, if not specified, never.
offset - vector offset for the model from the specified tag


this entity should drop when its ground entity is invalid


gets the angular velocity for this entity.

avelocity( Vector avelocity )

sets the angular velocity for this entity.


Used in tandem with "report_anim_complete" for animation synchronization

bind( Entity parent )

bind this entity to the specified entity.

bone_damage_script( String bone, String name, )

Sets a script to be called when a particular bone takes damage (partially implemented)


get the brush modelName.

cansee( Entity entity, [ Float fov ], [ Float vision_distance ] )

returns 1 if the entities can see eachother, 0 if not; blocked by any entities between them

canseenoents( Entity entity, [ Float fov ], [ Float vision_distance ] )

returns 1 if the entities can see eachother, 0 if not; ignores any entities between them


used to ban certain contact when in parentmode

classname( String nameOfClass )

Determines what class to use for this entity,
this is pre-processed from the BSP at the start
of the level.


The entity's classname


Reconnects any navigation paths which were previously disconnected by this entity

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

damagelevel( Float damageLevel )

Sets the damage level of the entity

damagelevel( Float damageLevel )

Sets the damage level of the entity

damage_type( String meansofdeathstring )

Set the type of damage that this entity can take

deathanim( String deathanim )

Allows script to specify a specific death for the actor.


Makes the entity sink into the ground and then get removed (this gets called each frame).


Makes the entity sink into the ground and then get removed (this starts it).


Removes this listener immediately.


detach this entity from its parent.


Detach all the children from the entity.


Resets this entity to normal radar behavior (does not necessarily draw on the radar, and does not always propogate to all clients)

Disable_entity_physics_self_collision( )

Disallows collision between all physics objects associated with this entity


Disconnects all navigation paths which intersect with the specified entity's volume


Disconnects all navigation paths which intersect with the specified HAVOK entity's volume


Disconnects all navigation paths which are within the specified entity's volume

dm( String command, [ String parms ] )

Makes a command be executed only in multiplayer

dmrealism( String command, [ String parms ] )

Makes a command be executed only in miltiplayer realism mode


Tells the entity to not force explode upon death.

drawmodel( String modelName )

set the model to modelName.

droptofloor( [ Float maxRange ] )

drops the entity to the ground, if maxRange is not specified 8192 is used.

durability( String durability )

Sets what durability type this entity is.


Gets what durability type this entity is.

durability( String durability )

Sets what durability type this entity is.

dynamic_cover( Boolean true/false )

Sets whether the entity can be used as dynamic cover

effects( [ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2 ], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5 ], [ String parameter6 ] )

Change the current entity effects flags.
Valid flags are as follows:
+ sets a flag, - clears a flag
antisbjuice - anti sucknblow juiceeveryframe - process commands every time entity is rendered


Forces this entity to always show up on the radar (and always be propogated to all clients)

enable_entity_physics_self_collision( )

Allows collision between all physics objects associated with this entity

enable_pose_lod( Boolean enable )

Enables or disables pose LOD'ing for a specific entity.

enable_pose_lod( Boolean enable )

Enables or disables pose LOD'ing for a specific entity.


The entity's entity number

explodetime( Float time )

How long to wait before exploding after death

explosionattack( String explosionModel, [ String tagName ] )

Spawn an explosion optionally from a specific tag

explosioninfo( Float force,, Float radius,, String effect, String name,, Float sound, Float name,, Float forward )

Sets the force, radius, type of effect, sound file, and offset info for explosions

fadeaway( Float fadetime )

Physics objects fades after time expires

flags( [ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2 ], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5 ], [ String parameter6 ] )

Change the current entity flags.
Valid flags are as follows:
+ sets a flag, - clears a flag
blood - should it bleed
explode - should it explode when dead
die_gibs - should it spawn gibs when dead
god - makes the entity invincible


Forces an entity to activate outside of the player's PVS

force_explode( Float force,, Float radius,, String effect, String name,, Float and, Float sound, Float name )

Cause entity to explode immediately with force and radius (both optional default f=300.0 r=400.0)

getcontrollerangles( Integer num )

Gets the control angles for the specified bone.


Turn a worldspace vector into a local space yaw


Get the maxs of the bounding box of the entity to maxs.


Get the mins of the bounding box of the entity to mins.

gettagangles( String tag_name )

Gets the world angles of the tag

gettagposition( String tag_name )

Gets the world position of the tag


make non-solid but still send to client regardless of hide status.

glue( Entity parent, [ Integer glueAngles ] )

glue this entity to the specified entity.

gravity( Float gravityValue )

Change the gravity on this entity

havok_apply_force_to_bone( String bone, Vector name,, Vector position,, Float direction, )

Applies a force in Havok to the specified bone

havok_disable_wakeup( [ String bonename ] )

Sets optional bone to never be wakable. This has no effect if the bone is already awake. If not specified, all physics bones are changed

havok_enable_wakeup( [ String bonename ] )

Sets optional bone to be wakable. This has no effect if the bone is already awake. If not specified, all physics bones are changed

havok_force_awake( [ String bonename ] )

Sets optional bone to be always physics driven and awake (Havok-wise). Either a single bone or entire model will be awoken by script.

havok_game_driven( [ String bonename ] )

Sets optional bone to "gamedriven" havok mode. If not specified, all physics bones are changed

havok_lock_sleeping( [ String bonename ] )

Sets optional bone to be always asleep (Havok-wise). Either a single bone or entire model can only be awoken by script.

havok_physics_driven( [ String bonename ] )

Sets optional bone to "physicsdriven" havok mode. If not specified, all physics bones are changed

havok_set_physics_to_game_origin_bone_name( String bone )

Sets bone name for physics-to-game update to update entity's origin instead of bone's model-space transform

havok_set_ragdoll_hard_blend_time( Integer hard )

Override the default ragdoll blend time for this entity (time is in milliseconds)

havok_set_ragdoll_soft_blend_time( Integer soft )

Override the default ragdoll blend time for this entity (time is in milliseconds)

heal( Float health )

Adds health to an entity, 0-1 fraction of max_health

health( Float newHealth )

set the health (and max_health) of the entity to newHealth


entity's health

health( Float newHealth )

set the health (and max_health) of the entity to newHealth

healthonly( Float newHealth )

set the health of the entity to newHealth without changing max_health

healthonly( Float newHealth )

set the health of the entity to newHealth without changing max_health


hide the entity, opposite of show.

hidejoint( String jointName )

Hides the joint.

hurt( Integer damage, [ String means_of_death ], [ Vector direction ] )

Inflicts damage if the entity is damageable. If the number of damage
points specified in the command argument is greater or equal than the
entity's current health, it will be killed or destroyed.


Removes this listener immediately.

immune( String immune_string1, [ String immune_string2 ], [ String immune_string3 ], [ String immune_string4 ], [ String immune_string5 ], [ String immune_string6 ] )

Adds to the immunity list for this sentient.

immuneall( )

makes this entity immune to all means of death

immuneclear( )

clears immunity list

invokewaittill( String sWaitTill )

Invokes a waittill created with addwaittill.

isinside( Entity entity )

returns 1 if the entity is inside the other entity, 0 if not

istouching( Entity entity )

returns 1 if the entities are touching, 0 if not


Returns 1 if pose LOD'ing is enabled for the entity, 0 if not.

joinTeam( Entity teamMember )

join a bind team.


console based command to kill yourself if stuck.


kill all the attached entities.

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

killtarget( String targetName )

when dying kill entities with this targetName.

loopsound( String soundName, [ Float volume ], [ String minimum_distance ] )

play a looped-sound with a certain volume and minimum_distance
which is attached to the current entity.

mass( Float massAmount )

set the mass of this entity.

max_health( Integer max_health )

sets max_health without changing health

max_health( Integer max_health )

sets max_health without changing health


gets the entity's max health

model( String modelName )

set the model to modelName.


get the modelName.

model( String modelName )

set the model to modelName.

movementstealth( Float scale )

Sets the current movement stealth scalar for the sentient


Sets this entity to never draw


entity does not take damage.


Sets this entity to normal draw

normalizescale( Integer normalize,, Float change )

normalize or unnormalize(restore) scale factor


The Normal Health of the Actor (0 - 100)


The Normal Health of the Actor

notarget( Boolean setNoTarget )

flag an entity as no target.


make non-solid.

override_physics_renderable( Integer Renderable )

Allows the entity to lock to particular collision/physics renderable that won't change when the visual renderable does

override_texture( String mtl_name, String tex_stage_name, String texture_qpath )

Override a texture on one of the Entity's materials

override_type( String overrideType )

Overides the entity type; valid strings are "allied_aircraft", "axis_aircraft", "allied_ship", "axis_ship" and "ground_target".

paralleloriented( Boolean IsParallelOriented )

Specifies whether the entity will face the player from any angle

physics( String type )

Tells the entity it is now a physics entity. Type determines which kind

playerbulletsonly( Boolean true )

Only gets damaged by the player's bullets

playsound( String soundName, [ Integer channel ], [ Float volume ], [ Float min_distance ], [ Float pitch ] )

play a sound coming from this entity.
default channel, CHAN_BODY.

props( String sPropNames )

Gets the props specified in the Key/Value pair props

props( String Prop, String Names )

Sets the props specified in the Key/Value pair props

propslist( String Prop, String Names )

Sets the props specified in comma seperated string.

propslist( String Prop, String Names )

Sets the props specified in comma seperated string.

prop_set( String prop_set )

Turns on the specifed props (from a prop_set definition) on a HagInstance.

pusher( Entity inflictor, Entity attacker, Vector direction, Float force )

Push an entity in the specified direction with the specified force


quit the current bind team

radar_icon_pulsing( Integer pulsing_flag )

sets the radar icon pulsing bit


gets the radar icon pulsing bit

radnum( Float radnum )

set the radnum


entity's radnum

reactive( Integer is_reactive )

Determines whether an entity has physics awake by default.

reactive( Integer is_reactive )

Determines whether an entity has physics awake by default.

realism( String command, [ String parms ] )

Makes a command be executed only in realism mode


Removes this listener the next time events are processed.

removeattachedmodel( String tagname, [ String modelName ] )

Removes the model attached to this entity at the specified tag.

removeimmune( String immune_string1, [ String immune_string2 ], [ String immune_string3 ], [ String immune_string4 ], [ String immune_string5 ], [ String immune_string6 ] )

Removes from the immunity list for this sentient.

removeprop( String prop )

Turns off the specified prop on a HagInstance.


removes this entity from the tutorial manager

rendereffects( [ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2 ], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5 ], [ String parameter6 ] )

Change the current render effects flags.
Valid flags are as follows:
+ sets a flag, - clears a flag
dontdraw - send the entity to the client, but don't draw
firstperson - specifies the entity to be a first person entity


Used in tandem with "begin_listen_anim_complete" for animation synchronization


Gets te entity's bbox to rotate with it.

rotatedbbox( Integer on_off )

Sets the entity's bbox to rotate with it.


make solid but first make sure no one is in my bounds that is thinking.


Even used by sound-only special case of say to trigger waittill saydone


get the scale of the entity

scale( Float newScale )

set the scale of the entity

scale( Float newScale )

set the scale of the entity

setcontrollerangles( Integer num, Vector angles )

Sets the control angles for the specified bone.

setforcedshadowtype( Integer shadowtype )

Sets the shadow type on this entity. -1 means don't force, 0 is no shadow (we don't have any other forced shadows yet)

setprop( String prop )

Turns on the specifed prop on a HagInstance.

setsize( Vector mins, Vector maxs )

Set the bounding box of the entity to mins and maxs.

settutorial( String alias, Float proximity_distance )

Sets this entity to post tutorials when a player is within proximity radius

setupphysics( )

Sets up the physics on this entity

set_playback_rate( Float rate, [ Integer mode ] )

sets the playback rate of the ActionControl of the entity (animation speed), 1.0 being normal speed. for rate: 0 - playback rate is effective until changed (via SetPlaybackRate()), for rate 1 - playback rate is effective until the current action is complete, for rate 2 - playback rate is effective until the *next* action is complete. the default mode is 1.


Makes the entity shootable only.


show the entity, opposite of hide.

showjoint( String jointName )

Shows the joint.

sighttrace( Vector start, Vector end, [ Integer pass_entities ], [ Vector mins ], [ Vector maxs ] )

Performs a trace line from the start to the end, returns 0 if something was hit and 1 otherwise


make solid.

sp( String command, [ String parms ] )

Makes a command be executed only in single player

spawnflags( Integer flags )

spawnflags from the BSP, these are set inside the editor

spawn_triggerhurt( String name,, String tag,, Vector size,, Integer damage )

spawn a trigger hurt and attach it to the tag of this entity

sprealism( String command, [ String parms ] )

Makes a command be executed only in single player realism mode


entity does not move, causes no physics to be run on it.


Stop the looped-sound on this entity.

stopsound( [ Integer channel ] )

stop the current sound on the specified channel.
default channel, CHAN_BODY. Do not confuse this stopsound with the cg_commands stopsound


Stop offering support to other entities.

svflags( [ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2 ], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5 ], [ String parameter6 ] )

Change the current server flags.
Valid flags are as follows:
+ sets a flag, - clears a flag
broadcast - always send this entity to the client


makes entity take damage.

team( String moveTeam )

used to make multiple entities move together.


Toggles the entity to appear on the player's radar.


entity has gravity applied to it.


this entity should touch triggers.

trace( Vector start, Vector end, [ Integer pass_entities ], [ Vector mins ], [ Vector maxs ] )

Performs a Trace Line from the start to the end, returns the end or the position it hit at

trigger( String name )

Trigger the specified target or entity.


unbind this entity.


unglue this entity.

uniqueid( Integer uniqueid )

sets the uniqueid for this entity.

uniqueid( Integer uniqueid )

sets the uniqueid for this entity.


gets the uniqueid for this entity.

uprightoriented( Boolean IsUprightOriented )

Specifies whether the entity will face the player from any angle while remaining upright


do not perform perfect collision, use bounding box instead.


gets the velocity for this entity.

velocity( Vector velocity )

sets the velocity for this entity.

visibleteamonly( Integer no )

used to an entity visible to only one team in MP, 1 = allies, 2 = axis, 0 = both

volumedamage( Float damage )

does damage to any entity within this's volume


entity's yaw

ExecCmd -> USignal -> Listener


Signal that the button was pressed

Exploder (exploder) -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

removetime( Float timeToRemove )

How long to wait before removing

setsolid( Boolean bSolid )

Force set/clear solidity for objects with Havok collision.

Explosion -> Projectile -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Makes the explosion do constant damage over the radius


This event is generated each frame if explosion is set to damage each frame


Makes the explosion damage every frame

explosioneffect( String explosionType )

Make an explosionType explosion effect

flash( Float time, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float radius )

Flash player screens

radius( Float projectileRadius )

set the radius for the explosion

radiusdamage( Float radiusDamage )

set the radius damage an explosion does

FakkMiniconsole -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.

Fauna (generic_fauna) -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

FileExecuteClass -> FilePickerClass -> USignal -> Listener

FilePickerClass -> USignal -> Listener


Signals that the widget has been deactivated.

listbase_item_doubleclicked( Integer index )

Signaled when an item is double clicked

listbase_item_selected( Integer index )

Signaled when an item is selected

FixedTurret -> VehicleTank -> DrivableVehicle -> Vehicle -> VehicleBase -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

internalammo( Integer count, [ Integer unloaded ] )

Give the turret it's own supply of ammo, and ammo reservers

reloadinternalammo( Integer percent )

stock the turret's internal ammo with some percent more


returns entity working the turret

FuncLadder (func_ladder) -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

angles( Vector newAngles )

set the angles of the entity to newAngles.

Game -> Listener





GravityGun -> Weapon -> Item -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

impulsemagnitude( Float impulsemagnitude )

sets the gravity gun's impulse magnitude.

maxpickdist( Float maxpickdist )

sets the gravity gun's maximum pick distance.

GrenadeHint (info_grenadehint) -> SimpleArchivedEntity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

Health (health_020) -> Item -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Health Post Spawn

item_pickup( Entity item )

Pickup the specified item.

HelmetObject (helmetobject) -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.

InfoNotNull (info_notnull) -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

InfoNull (info_null) -> Listener

InventoryItem -> Weapon -> Item -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

activateitem( [ String mode ] )

Activates the item


The activation of the papers item

Item -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Gets the amount of the item.

amount( Integer amount )

Sets the amount of the item.

cyclegroup( String cycle_group )

Sets the inventory cycle group

dialogneeded( String dialog_needed )

Sets the dialog needed string.

doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

sent to entity when it is used by another entity


Drops the item to the ground.

item_pickup( Entity item )

Pickup the specified item.

maxamount( Integer max_amount )

Sets the max amount of the item.

name( String item_name )

Sets the item name.


Makes it so the item is not removed from the world when it is picked up.

pickupsound( String name )

sets the item's pickup sound alias


Called when the item pickup is done.


Respawns the item.


Turns on the respawn sound for this item.


Called when the item respawn is done.

set_respawn( Integer respawn )

Turns respawn on or off.

set_respawn_time( Float respawn_time )

Sets the respawn time.


sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.

triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )

Send event to owner of trigger.

Level -> Listener


zero = global level alarm off, non-zero = alarm on

alarm( Integer alarm_status )

zero = global level alarm off, non-zero = alarm on

alliesspawnpool( Integer size )

Sets the size of the allies spawn pool


get current spawnpool size for allies

axisspawnpool( Integer size )

Sets the size of the axis spawn pool


get current spawnpool size for axis

badplace( String name, Vector origin, Float radius, [ String [team] ], [ Float [duration] ], Integer [notifyactors] )

Enables a 'bad place' for AI of team 'american', 'german', or (default) 'both' to avoid, and optionally gives it a duration


Gets the number of bombs that are set

bombs_planted( Integer num )

the number of bombs that are set

bombs_planted( Integer num )

Sets the number of bombs that are set

clockside( String axis_allies_draw_kills )

Sets which side the clock is on... 'axis' or 'allies' win when time is up, 'kills' gives the win to the team with more live members, 'draw' no one wins

clockside( String axis_or_allies )

Sets which side the clock is on... 'axis' or 'allies' win when time is up


Gets which side the clock is on... 'axis' or 'allies' win when time is up

compasspath( String entity )

Sets the spline path for the compass orientation

dmrespawning( Integer allow_respawn )

set to 1 to turn on wave-based DM, to 0 to disable respawns within a round

dmrespawning( Integer allow_respawn )

set to 1 to turn on wave-based DM, to 0 to disable respawns within a round


returns 1 if wave-based DM, 0 if respawns are disabled within a round


gets the actual timelimit, in minutes; may be 'timelimit' cvar or the default round limit

dmroundlimit( Integer timelimit )

sets the default timelimit, in minutes; can be overridden by 'timelimit' cvar


seconds to reload artillery shells

dm_artAmmoTime( Float secs )

seconds to reload artillery shells


artillery max internal ammo

dm_artInternalAmmo( Integer max )

artillery max internal ammo


artillery max health

dm_artMaxHealth( Integer max )

artillery max health


artillery initial ammo boxes

dm_artSupplyCount( Integer boxes )

artillery initial ammo boxes


artillery max ammo boxes

dm_artSupplyMaxCount( Integer max )

artillery max ammo boxes

dm_artSupplySize( Integer ammo )

artillery ammo per box


artillery ammo per box

dm_attackerAdvanceDelay( Float secs )

seconds head start for defender spawns


seconds head start for defender spawns


how close corpsman has to be to heal

dm_corpsmanAttentionDist( Integer units )

how close corpsman has to be to heal

dm_corpsmanHealAmount( Integer health )

amount to heal someone


amount to heal someone


seconds to heal someone

dm_corpsmanHealTime( Float sec )

seconds to heal someone


max carriable morphine syrettes

dm_corpsmanMaxMorphine( Integer syrettes )

max carriable morphine syrettes


max carriable sulfa powder

dm_corpsmanMaxSulfa( Integer packets )

max carriable sulfa powder


seconds to revive someone

dm_corpsmanReviveTime( Float sec )

seconds to revive someone


how many times faster he can defuse

dm_engineerDisarmExplSpeedup( Float rate )

how many times faster he can defuse


max carriable explosives

dm_engineerMaxExplosives( Integer max )

max carriable explosives


how many times faster he can plant

dm_engineerPlantExplSpeedup( Float rate )

how many times faster he can plant

dm_explosivesArmTime( Float secs )

time to set explosive charges


time to set explosive charges

dm_explosivesDamage( Integer damage )

damage to people too close


damage to people too close

dm_explosivesDisarmTime( Float secs )

time to disarm explosive charges


time to disarm explosive charges

dm_explosivesFuseTime( Float secs )

time till explosion once set


time till explosion once set


damage radius

dm_explosivesRadius( Integer units )

damage radius

dm_landmineDefuseTime( Float secs )

landmine defusing time


landmine defusing time

dm_landmineDefuseTimeEngineer( Float secs )

landmine defusing time for engineers


landmine defusing time for engineers

dm_landmineMaxSpotDistance( Integer units )

max distance landmine spotted


max distance landmine spotted

dm_landmineSpotMultCrouch( Float fraction )

landmine spotting dist reduction - crouch


landmine spotting dist reduction - crouch

dm_landmineSpotMultProne( Float fraction )

landmine spotting dist reduction - prone


landmine spotting dist reduction - prone


landmine spotting dist reduction - stand

dm_landmineSpotMultStand( Float fraction )

landmine spotting dist reduction - stand

dm_landmineSpottingNarrowness( Float aim )

landmine detection - how directly spotter must look


landmine detection - how directly spotter must look


player count to start using large spawn locs

dm_largePlayerCount( Integer players )

player count to start using large spawn locs


seconds to reload mg boxes

dm_mgAmmoTime( Float secs )

seconds to reload mg boxes


mg cooling rate

dm_mgCoolRate( Float rate )

mg cooling rate


mg heating rate

dm_mgHeatRate( Float rate )

mg heating rate


artillery max mg ammo

dm_mgInternalAmmo( Integer max )

artillery max mg ammo

dm_mgJamTime( Float secs )

seconds gun is jammed when overheated


seconds gun is jammed when overheated

dm_mgMaxHealth( Integer max )

mg max health


mg max health

dm_mgSupplyCount( Integer boxes )

mg initial ammo boxes


mg initial ammo boxes

dm_mgSupplyMaxCount( Integer max )

mg max ammo boxes


mg max ammo boxes

dm_mgSupplySize( Integer ammo )

mg ammo per box


mg ammo per box


units from gun user is placed

dm_mgUserDistance( Integer units )

units from gun user is placed

earthquake( Float duration, Float magnitude, Float no_rampup, Float no_rampdown, [ Vector epicenter ], [ Float cutoff_distance(optional ] )

Create an earthquake


count of found secrets


current frame


current frame_skel_index


Gets the highest ent number, used with getentbyentnum. The returned value is the last valid entnum.


returns 'axis', 'allies' or 'none'

grenadeblockedchance_allies( Integer chance )

Sets chance allies AI will throw grenade at his interval even if its potentially blocked.

grenadeblockedchance_allies( Integer chance )

Sets chance allies AI will throw grenade at his interval even if its potentially blocked.

grenadeblockedchance_axis( Integer chance )

Sets chance axis AI will throw grenade at his interval even if its potentially blocked.

grenadeblockedchance_axis( Integer chance )

Sets chance axis AI will throw grenade at his interval even if its potentially blocked.

grenadechance_allies( Integer chance )

Sets chance allies AI will throw grenade at his interval.

grenadechance_allies( Integer chance )

Sets chance allies AI will throw grenade at his interval.

grenadechance_axis( Integer index )

Sets chance axis AI will throw grenade at his interval.

grenadechance_axis( Integer index )

Sets chance axis AI will throw grenade at his interval.

grenadedist_allies( Float dist )

Sets distance allies can throw grenades.

grenadedist_allies( Float dist )

Sets distance allies can throw grenades.

grenadedist_axis( Float dist )

Sets distance axis can throw grenades.

grenadedist_axis( Float dist )

Sets distance axis can throw grenades.

grenademaxinterval_allies( Integer interval )

Sets Max interval (in MS) allies AI will decide to throw a grenade.

grenademaxinterval_allies( Integer interval )

Sets Max interval (in MS) allies AI will decide to throw a grenade.

grenademaxinterval_axis( Integer interval )

Sets Max interval (in MS) axis AI will decide to throw a grenade.

grenademaxinterval_axis( Integer interval )

Sets Max interval (in MS) axis AI will decide to throw a grenade.

grenademininterval_allies( Integer interval )

Sets Min interval (in MS) allies AI will decide to throw a grenade.

grenademininterval_allies( Integer interval )

Sets Min interval (in MS) allies AI will decide to throw a grenade.

grenademininterval_axis( Integer interval )

Sets Min interval (in MS) axis AI will decide to throw a grenade.

grenademininterval_axis( Integer interval )

Sets Min interval (in MS) axis AI will decide to throw a grenade.

HUDMap( Integer mapAx, Integer mapAy, Integer mapBx, Integer mapBy, [ Integer worldAx ], [ Integer worldAy ], [ Integer worldBx ], [ Integer worldBy ] )

setup the mapping of worldspace to HUD map dimensions

ignoreclock( Integer ignoreclock )

Tells a level weather or not to ignore the clock


current level time, in msecs

loop_protection( Integer loop_protection )

specify if infinite loop protection is enabled


says if infinite loop protection is enabled


maximum number of objectives allowed

nodrophealth( Integer alarm_status )

zero = automatically drop health according to cvars, non-zero = don't autodrop health (like hard mode)


Gets wether or not the game is currently objective based or not


the level of papers the player currently has


the level of papers the player currently has

planting_team( String axis_or_allies )

Sets which is planting the bomb, 'axis' or 'allies'


Gets which is planting the bomb, 'axis' or 'allies'

planting_team( String axis_allies_draw_kills )

which is planting the bomb, 'axis' or 'allies'

playerspawn( Integer index, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ] )

return the nth playerspawn; filter args are: allies, axis, deathmatch, mp, single, enabled, disabled

playerspawncount( [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ] )

find how many playerspawns there are; filter args are: allies, axis, deathmatch, mp, single, enabled, disabled


internal usage.


return the id of the primary user mod currently in use

removebadplace( String name )

Removes a 'bad place'


Gets wether or not the game is currently round based or not


non-zero if round has completed


non-zero if round has started

setspawnpool( Integer allies, Integer axis )

Set spawnpool size for invader maps


current system time, seconds since midnight 1/1/1970


current system time, formatted as a string


Gets the number of bomb targets that have been destroyed

targets_destroyed( Integer num )

Sets the number of bomb targets that have been destroyed

targets_destroyed( Integer num )

the number of bomb targets that have been destroyed


Gets the number of bomb targets that must be destroyed

targets_to_destroy( Integer num )

Sets the number of bomb targets that must be destroyed

targets_to_destroy( Integer num )

the number of bomb targets that must be destroyed


current level time


count of total secrets

Light (light) -> Listener


cancelFor( String name )

Cancel for event of type name


classname variable

commanddelay( Float delay, String command, [ String [arg1] ], [ String [arg2] ], [ String [arg3] ], [ String [arg4] ], [ String [arg5] ], [ String [arg6] ] )

executes a command after the given delay

delaythrow( String label )

Internal usage.


Removes this listener immediately.

exec( String script )

Executes the specified script.

exec( String script )

Executes the specified script.


Removes this listener immediately.


Returns the owner.


Removes this listener the next time events are processed.

thread( String label )

Creates a thread starting at label.

thread( String label )

Creates a thread starting at label.

throw( String label )

Throws to the specified label.

unregister( String label )

Unregisters the label from the event of the same name.

waitexec( String script )

Executes the specified script and waits until the called thread group is finished.

waitexec( String script )

Executes the specified script and waits until the called thread group is finished.

waitthread( String label )

Creates a thread starting at label and waits until the called thread is finished.

waitthread( String label )

Creates a thread starting at label and waits until the called thread is finished.

waitTill( String name )

Wait until event of type name

ListPickerClass -> USignal -> Listener


Signals that the widget has been deactivated.


Signal that the window was closed

listbase_item_doubleclicked( Integer index )

Signaled when an item is double clicked

listbase_item_selected( Integer index )

Signaled when an item is selected

MaterialPropertyManager -> Listener

bayonet_melee( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

blastmark( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

bodyfall( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

bulletdecal( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

bullethit_heavy( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

bullethit_large( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

bullethit_small( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

coll_effect( String SubjectMaterial,, String ObjectMaterial,, String EnergyMinimum,, String MassMinimum,, String Alias )

What sound FX is associated with these conditions?

coll_sound( String SubjectMaterial,, String ObjectMaterial,, String EnergyMinimum,, String MassMinimum,, String Alias )

What sound alias is associated with these conditions?

footstepdecal( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

footstep_running( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

footstep_walking( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

generic_explosion( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

grenade_bounce( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

grenade_explosion( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

landing( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

melee( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

pistolwhip( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

satchel_bounce( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

satchel_explosion( String MaterialName,, String FXAlias,, String SoundAlias )

Sets properties for the material of this type

Medic (Medic) -> Actor -> SimpleActor -> Sentient -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Returns TRUE if can heal our current patient.


Returns the skill/experience level.

experience( Integer skill )

Set the skill/experience level.

heal_amount( Float heal_amount )

Amount to heal the guy.


Heals patient.

heal_radius( Float heal_radius )

Radius to look for friendlies to heal.

heal_threshold( Float heal_threshold )

pct of health to heal a guy at.


Attempts to heal the player VergeOFDeath style. Returns 0 on failure.


Returns current status (enabled/disabled).


Returns the number of times remaining that Medic is allowed to heal Player.

max_player_heals( Integer max )

Maximum number of times Medic is allowed to heal Player.


Disable medic healing.


Enables medic healing.

medic_heal( Entity injuredGuy )

Pass who to heal.

medic_searchtime( Float searchtime )

How often to search for injured.


Returns current patient.


Returns current number of pending patients.

Menu -> Listener


Hides the menu.

showmenu( [ Boolean activate ] )

Shows the menu.

MenuManager -> Listener


Lock out the menu from receiving input

pushmenu( String menuname )

Pushes the menu on the stack

swaphead( String menuname, Integer menusToPop )

Swaps the head menu on the stack


Unlock the menu from receiving input

Mover (mover) -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

movedone( Entity finishedEntity )

Sent to commanding thread when done with move .

MpMapPickerClass -> USignal -> Listener


Signals that the widget has been deactivated.

listbase_item_doubleclicked( Integer index )

Signaled when an item is double clicked

listbase_item_selected( Integer index )

Signaled when an item is selected

Object (object) -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

Objective (func_objective) -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Complete this objective.

doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

General trigger event for all entities

ObjectiveNbr( Integer index )

Sets the objective number.


Set this objective as current.

Text( String Text )

Set current text.


Turn Off and cancel the current cycle (if any)


Turn On and begin the first cycle

Parm -> Listener












Returns the previous thread.




Gets the string parameter.



PathNode (info_pathnode) -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Sets actors 'actorname' for use with scripts.


Gets actors 'actorname' for use with scripts.


Sets actors 'actorname' for use with scripts.

aggressive( Integer bAggressive )

Sets whether this is an 'aggressive' cover node.

combat( Integer bCombat )

Sets this as a combat area or not. Default = 1

combat( Integer bCombat )

Sets this as a combat area or not. Default = 1

combat( Integer bCombat )

Sets this as a combat area or not. Default = 1

cover_angle( Float cover_angle )

Valid max angle to enemy AI will use this covernode for.

cover_angle( Float cover_angle )

Valid max angle to enemy AI will use this covernode for.

cover_angle( Float cover_angle )

Valid max angle to enemy AI will use this covernode for.

cover_count( Integer nCoverCount )

Returns # of covernodes in this squadnode area.

cover_used( Integer nCoverUsed )

Returns # of covernodes currently being used in this squadnode area.


Removes this listener immediately.

doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

General trigger event for all entities

enablesquadnode( Boolean bEnabled )

Can turn a pathnode into a squadnode and vice-versa with this. If you don't pass a param, enabled is assumed

enablesquadnode( Boolean bEnabled )

Can turn a pathnode into a squadnode and vice-versa with this. If you don't pass a param, enabled is assumed

enablesquadnode( Boolean bEnabled )

Can turn a pathnode into a squadnode and vice-versa with this. If you don't pass a param, enabled is assumed

grass( Integer bGrass )

Sets this node to be in 'grass'


Removes this listener immediately.

istouching( Entity entity )

returns 1 if the entities are touching, 0 if not

lowwall( Integer bLowWall )

This is used in conjunction with cornerleft/cornerright. LowWall just uses crouch-equivalent anims to replace the standing ones.

lowwall( Integer bLowWall )

This is used in conjunction with cornerleft/cornerright. LowWall just uses crouch-equivalent anims to replace the standing ones.

low_wall_arc( Float arc_half_angle )

Marks this node as good for low-wall behavior, and gives the arc

retreat( Integer bRetreat )

Sets whether this is a 'retreat' node.

set( Integer sequence )

Sets the path node's sequence number.

setcurrent( Entity eSquadName )

Sets the squad pathnode as the current destination for the passed squadname (defaults to players squad).

spawnflags( Integer node_flags )

Sets the path nodes flags.

squadset( Integer sequence )

Sets the path node's sequence number.

squadset( Integer sequence )

Sets the path node's sequence number.

squadset( Integer sequence )

Sets the path node's sequence number.

PathNodeNavHint (info_pathnode_navhint) -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PathNodeNavHintCrouch (info_pathnode_navhint_crouch) -> PathNodeNavHint -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PathNodeNavHintCrouchConnect (info_pathnode_navhint_crouchconnect) -> PathNodeNavHint -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PathNodeNavHintDuck (info_pathnode_navhint_duck) -> PathNodeNavHint -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PathNodeNavHintJumpDownLarge (info_pathnode_navhint_jump_down_128) -> PathNodeNavHint -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PathNodeNavHintJumpDownMed (info_pathnode_navhint_jump_down_96) -> PathNodeNavHint -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PathNodeNavHintJumpDownSmall (info_pathnode_navhint_jump_down_64) -> PathNodeNavHint -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PathNodeNavHintJumpOverLarge (info_pathnode_navhint_jump_over_48) -> PathNodeNavHint -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PathNodeNavHintJumpOverMed (info_pathnode_navhint_jump_over_40) -> PathNodeNavHint -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PathNodeNavHintJumpOverSmall (info_pathnode_navhint_jump_over_32) -> PathNodeNavHint -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PathNodeNavHintJumpUpLarge (info_pathnode_navhint_jump_up_64) -> PathNodeNavHint -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PathNodeNavHintJumpUpSmall (info_pathnode_navhint_jump_up_40) -> PathNodeNavHint -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PathNodeNavHintProneConnect (info_pathnode_navhint_proneconnect) -> PathNodeNavHint -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PathNodeNavHintTunnel (info_pathnode_navhint_tunnel) -> PathNodeNavHint -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PathSearch -> Listener

PhysicsVehicle -> DrivableVehicle -> Vehicle -> VehicleBase -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

allowdegrade( Boolean Degrade )

Sets whether or not the vehicle's performance degrades based on health

BrakeAtEndOfPath( Boolean brakeAtEndOfPath )

boolean flag to tell the vehicle to either brake or not brake at the end of its current path.

enable_vehicle_simulation( Boolean enable )

Enables or disables the Havok vehicle simulation, turning the vehicle rigid body into a free object

forcesoundstate( String new_state )

Sets vehicle to new soundstate. Possible names are:

PauseDrive( Boolean paused )

Pauses the vehicle driving the spline

SetBackUpSpeedAndDuration( Float Speed,, Float Duration )

Set the speed and length of time the vehicle will back up when stuck

SetBaseLookahead( Float Distance )

The minimum distance ahead of the vehicle to calculate look ahead

setdrivesurface( String surface_type )

Sets the surface-specific sound to play as the vehicle moves

SetFollowEntity( Entity entity )

Sets the entity following this vehicle. Used in keep away and swerving

SetKeepAway( Float Min, Float Distance,, Float Max, Float Distance, )

If the entity is within min distance the vehicle will speed up. If the entity falls behind by max distance, the vehicle will slow down. The vehicle will not go above the max speed or below the min speed.

SetLookAheadScalar( Float Scalar )

The speed times the scalar will be how much ahead we look

SetMaxTurningSpeed( Float Speed )

Sets the maximum speed a sharp turn can be made at

SetPanicOversteer( Float Distance,, Float Duration,, Float Min )

The vehicle will panic oversteer when the follow entity is within the set distance

SetParkingBrake( Boolean Parking )

Sets whether or not the vehicles parking brake is on

SetPathCountersteer( Float Strength )

Countersteer to direct vehicle toward actual path

setskidepsilon( Float Strength, Float RecoveryPercentage )

amount of skid resistance required in order to consider as a skid (and play sound) and the percent (0.0 -> 1.0) of skid resistance at which skid sound will cease

SetSpeedCap( Float maximum )

Caps the maximum speed the vehicle can reach

SetSpeedToApplyMaxBrakes( Float Speed )

The speed at which max brakes are applied

SetSteerSmoothing( Float 0.0f )

A value of 1 is full smoothing and 0 is no smoothing

SetStuckDuration( Float Duration )

The amount of time of not moving to consider the vehicle stuck

setsuspensionepsilon( Float suspension_epsilon )

Sets the amount of force required for the suspension to play a sound

SetSwerve( Float Distance,, Float Steer,, Float AllowableSwerveAtRange )

How close the follow entity has to be to swerve, Steer is the amount the vehicle will swerve, AllowableSwerveAtRange sets if the vehicle can swerve when on a turn

SmoothLookahead( Boolean smoothed )

Use smoothed speed when calculating look ahead location


Stops the keep away


Stops the panic oversteer


Stops the swerve at

vehicle_disable_generate_touch_list( )

Disables the generation of touched entity lists for vehicles. Enabling allows vehicles to do damage to entities. Disabling optimzes for performance.

vehicle_enable_generate_touch_list( )

Enables the generation of touched entity lists for vehicles. Enabling allows vehicles to do damage to entities. Disabling optimzes for performance.

PhysicsVehicleTank -> PhysicsVehicle -> DrivableVehicle -> Vehicle -> VehicleBase -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

Plane (vehicle_plane) -> ScriptAimedStrafingGunfire -> ScriptSimpleStrafingGunfire -> ScriptSlave -> Mover -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

altleash( Float leash )

Sets the altitude leash distance. (z distance)

altleash( Float leash )

Sets the altitude leash distance. (z distance)

ascendpitch( Float ascendpitch )

Pitch to ascend using after attack. (default=-35)

ascendpitch( Float ascendpitch )

Pitch to ascend using after attack. (default=-35)

attachbomb( Integer index,, String joint,, String model )

Attach 1 or more bombs to a joint.

attack( String target )

You can set the plane's current target with this.

attack( String target )

You can set the plane's current target with this.

attackAlt( Float attackAlt )

altitude plane will start firing during attack. (default=2200)

attackAlt( Float attackAlt )

altitude plane will start firing during attack. (default=2200)

attack_target( String target )

You can get the plane's current target with this.

autopilot( Entity path )

Tells plane auto-pilot a spline path.

bombtarget( Entity target, Float altitude, Float bombspeed )

Tells plane to bomb a target at specific: altitude bombspeed

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

descendpitch( Float descendpitch )

Pitch to Descend using before attack. (default=45)

descendpitch( Float descendpitch )

Pitch to Descend using before attack. (default=45)

dropbomb( Integer index(optional), Float bombspeed )

Drop a bomb with initial speed, if we have one.

evade( Entity plane )

Tells plane to evade the passed plane.

fly( Entity array, Float speed, Float acceleration, Float look_ahead )

Makes the plane fly the specified path with speed and acceleration until reached_distance close to position

flyto( Vector vPos )

Tells plane to fly to specified position. (pos can be an entity, or a vector)

follow( Entity plane )

Tells plane to follow the passed plane.

home( Vector vHome )

Sets the origin of the leash

home( Vector vHome )

Sets the origin of the leash


Initialize the plane.

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

leash( Float leash )

Sets the leash distance. (2d space)

leash( Float leash )

Sets the leash distance. (2d space)

maxpitchrate( Float pitchrate )

Set maximum pitch rate (degs/sec) (default=60)

maxpitchrate( Float pitchrate )

Set maximum pitch rate (degs/sec) (default=60)

maxroll( Float maxroll )

Set maximum roll (default=60)

maxroll( Float maxroll )

Set maximum roll (default=60)

maxrollrate( Float rollrate )

Set maximum roll rate (degs/sec) (default=60)

maxrollrate( Float rollrate )

Set maximum roll rate (degs/sec) (default=60)

maxyawrate( Float yawrate )

Set maximum yaw rate (degs/sec) (default=60)

maxyawrate( Float yawrate )

Set maximum yaw rate (degs/sec) (default=60)

minattackdist( Float minattackdist )

Minimum distance the plane must be from target prior to commencing attack run. (default=8000)

minattackdist( Float minattackdist )

Minimum distance the plane must be from target prior to commencing attack run. (default=8000)

minimumAlt( Float minimumAlt )

altitude plane will pull up at during attack. (default=600)

minimumAlt( Float minimumAlt )

altitude plane will pull up at during attack. (default=600)

patrolalt( Float patrolalt )

altitude to patrol at. (default=height at time of 'fly' command)

patrolalt( Float patrolalt )

altitude to patrol at. (default=height at time of 'fly' command)

speed( Float speed )

Set speed of the plane. (default=2000)

speed( Float speed )

Set speed of the plane. (default=2000)

speed( Float speed )

Get speed of the plane. (default=2000)

strafeattack( Integer bDoStrafe )

Tells plane to do a strafing attacks or not.

PlaneRepellerTrigger (trigger_planerepeller) -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

Player (player) -> Sentient -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

actor( String modelname, [ String keyname1 ], [ String value1 ], [ String keyname2 ], [ String value2 ], [ String keyname3 ], [ String value3 ], [ String keyname4 ], [ String value4 ] )

Spawns an actor.

actorinfo( Integer actor_number )

Prints info on the specified actor.

addkills( Integer num_kills )

Give or take kills from the player

addteambonuspoints( Integer points )

Adds a specified number of points to this player's team bonus score

aimadjustfov( Integer Enable )

Adjust the FOV when the player is aiming


Takes the player out of aim mode


Puts the player into aim mode

aimsmoothadjustfov( Float target_fov, Float speed_fov )

Smoothly adjust the FOV to the target FOV

ambient_volume_target( Float Desired, [ Float value ] )

Sets interpolation target for ambient volume on client.


Dump contents of players ammo to console


Called when the legs animation has finished.


Called when the torso animation has finished.


Attaches the sentient to a ladder

autosquadnode( Boolean bAutoSquadNode )

Tells player whether or not to autodetect squadnodes.

autosquadnode( Boolean bAutoSquadNode )

Tells player whether or not to autodetect squadnodes.


Join the team with fewer players

backpacktype( String type )

sets the sentient's backpack (along with basic equipment, but no supplies)


Shellshock cycle beginning


Retrieve a maplist for later use

callvote( String arg1, [ String arg2 ] )

Player calls a vote

cancarrywounded( Boolean flag )

Set whether or not the player can carry wounded players

carry_ammobox( Entity entity )

Carries the specified ammo box

carry_wounded( Entity entity )

Carries the specified entity if it is undead

checkLandMines( [ Float dist ], [ Float los ], [ Float stand ], [ Float crouch ], [ Float prone ] )

Returns the closest just discovered enemy landmine, or NULL


Closes the Popup Facts Window


Prints out current location and angles


makes sure the weapons is properly attached when interupting a reload

crosshair( Boolean drawCrosshair )

Specify if crosshairs are drawn: 0 draws nothing, > 0 draws crosshairs

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

damage_multiplier( Float damage_multiplier )

Sets the current damage multiplier


Called when the player is dead.

displayfact( String FactID )

Displays a Popup Fact

dive( Float height, Float airborne_duration )

Makes the player dive into prone position.


Lets the player know that he is no longer diving.


Drops the player inventory in DM after's he's been killed

dmmessage( Integer mode, String stuffstrings )

sends a DM message to the appropriate players


returns 'allies', 'axis', 'spectator', or 'freeforall'

dog( [ Integer god_mode ] )

Sets the god mode cheat or toggles it.


Puts the player in the faux VOD state. For use in boot-camp


Drops the sentient's backpack


Drops the body the player is carrying


Drops the ammo box


Drops the specified entity if it is undead

ducked_volume_target( Float Desired, [ Float value ] )

Sets interpolation target for ducked volume on client.

enablevod( Boolean enable )

Enables (or disables) VOD.


Called when the player gets to the end of the level.


Shellshock cycle ended

enemysharedist( Float fEnemyShareDist )

Sets distance the player will share enemies he can 'see' with his squadmates.

enemysharedist( Float fEnemyShareDist )

Gets distance the player will share enemies he can 'see' with his squadmates.

enemysharedist( Float fEnemyShareDist )

Sets distance the player will share enemies he can 'see' with his squadmates.


Ensures that the player went forward off the ladder.


Ensures that the player is at the proper height when getting off the top of a ladder

enter( Entity vehicle, [ String driver_anim ] )

Called when someone gets into a vehicle.


Lets the player know when he's entering the crouch state

exit( Entity vehicle )

Called when driver gets out of the vehicle.


uses up an explosive pack

explosivepackcount( Integer count )

Sets player's explosive pack count


returns player's explosive pack count

export_physics( )

Test code to export the physics state to a file

export_physics_shapes( )

Export Havok physics shapes to a file

face( Vector angles )

Force angles to specified vector


Peforms a finishing move on the player.


Fires off all targets associated with a particular useanim.


Fires off all targets associated with a particular useobject.


returns 1 if this player is holding fire, or 0 if he is not

flashmedicicon( Integer icon, Integer flash_number )

Flashes the medic icon (99 - 0x).

flight( Integer bEnable )

Enables or disables flight.

forcelegsstate( String legsstate )

Force the player's legs to a certain state

forceposture( String posture )

Forces the player to assume the passed posture

forcetorsostate( String torsostate )

Force the player's torso to a certain state


return -1 if moving backward, 1 for moving forward or 0 for neither

fov( [ Float fov ] )

Sets the player's fov.

freezemovement( Boolean frozen )

Freezes (or unfreezes) player movement


Heals player.


Prints the game version.


returns the players current eye position


returns the player current movement


returns the player current position

getweaponinslot( Integer weaponslot )

Get the weapon in the specified slot


Gets the currently active weapon slot


Returns the entity the player is carrying

give( String name, [ Integer amount ] )

Gives the player the specified thing (weapon, ammo, item, etc.) and optionally the amount.

giveweapon( String weapon_name )

Gives the player the specified weapon.

global_posteffect( Integer Number )

Number of global post-effect

gotkill( Entity victim, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Integer meansofdeath, Boolean gib )

event sent to attacker when an entity dies


Retrieves the server's vote options file

has_disguise( Integer is_disguised )

zero = does not have a disguise, non-zero = has a disguise


zero = does not have a disguise, non-zero = has a disguise


Returns if the player has the weapon in his inventory.

has_weapon( String weapon )

Returns if Tommy has the given weapon in his inventory.

has_wounded( Integer bHasWounded )

Returns 1 if player is carrying someone.


Holsters all wielded weapons, or unholsters previously put away weapons

incrementstat( String stat )

increments an integer statistic


Cycle to player's next item.


returns the player VOD status


Cycle to player's previous item.


returns the player shellshock status

iprint( String string, [ Integer bold ] )

prints a string to the player, optionally in bold


Returns bleeding status

isbleeding( Integer bleed? )

Forces the player to bleed or not

isbleeding( Integer bleed? )

Forces the player to bleed or not.


Check to see if player is a spectator (non-zero return value)


zero = not disguised, non-zero = disguised

join_team( String team, [ Integer force_switch ] )

Join the specified team (allies or axis), optional arg to force a team switch (default 0)

jump( Float height )

Makes the player jump.

jumpxy( Float forwardmove, Float sidemove, Float speed )

Makes the sentient jump.


console based command to kill yourself if stuck.

killclass( String classname, [ Integer except_entity_number ] )

Kills all of the entities in the specified class.

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

killent( Integer entity_number )

Kills the specified entity.

kill_allies( Float radius )

Kills all of the allies (not the player) that are in the passed radius, or all of them if radius is 0. If radius

kill_axis( Float radius )

Kills all of the axis that are in the passed radius, or all of them if radius is 0. If radius

knockback_effect( String filename )

filename of effect to play during knockback


Returns the last entity killed.

lerpadjustfov( Float target_fov, Float speed_fov )

Smoothly adjust the FOV to the target FOV

limppercent( Float floatval )

What percentage of normal speed player is penalized if limping


List of the player's inventory.


Gives player all new weapons.

logstats( Boolean state )

Turn on/off the debugging playlog

lowpass_frequency_target( Float Desired, [ Float value ] )

Sets interpolation target for low-pass frequency on client.

maxgiveableammo( String ammotype )

returns max amount of ammo that could be given for the named ammo

medicicon( Integer icon )

Sets the medic icon to the value passed (99 = 0x).

modheight( String height )

change the maximum height of the player
can specify 'stand', 'duck', 'duckrun', or a specific height


returns player's morphine syrette count

morphinecount( Integer count )

Sets player's morphine syrette count

moveposflags( String position, [ String movement ] )

used by the state files to tell the game dll what the player is doing

msguser( [ String Babylon_label ] )

Displays a msg on the user's screen.


returns player's name


returns player's name

nextpaintime( Float seconds )

Set the next time the player experiences pain (Current time + seconds specified).


Toggles the noclip cheat.


Toggles the notarget cheat.


makes this player not ready for the round to start

objectivecount( Integer num_completed, Integer out_of )

Sets the number of objectives completed and the total number of objectives

overlaytype( Integer num )

Currently used only for displaying binocs overlay. Set to -1 to return to normal overlay functionality, set to 3 to explicitly display binocs.

pain( Entity attacker, Float damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

used to inflict pain to an entity

perferredweapon( String weapon_name )

Overrides your perferred weapon that is displayed in the stats screen.

physics_off( Boolean Force )

turn player physics off.

physics_off_partial_immobilize( Boolean Force )

turn player physics off without totally immobilizing the player.


turn player physics on.


turn player physics on after being partially immobilized.


Pick your weapon.


The rate at which the animation will be played

playclientsound( String soundName, [ Integer channel ], [ Float volume ], [ Float min_distance ], [ Float pitch ] )

play a sound coming from this entity.
default channel, CHAN_BODY.

playeractor_model( String modelname )

Set model the player actor will use.


Turns the player actor off.


Turns the player actor on.

player_aim( )

Sets the player in aiming mode

player_bandage( )

Player bandages self.

player_callmedic( )

Player calls for a medic.

player_stop_aimming( )

Turns off aiming no matter what.


Sets up variables that represent an in engine cinematic playing

playmovie( String name, [ String of ], [ String movie ] )

Stuffs a cinematic request through player console

postfx_blend( Integer postfx_mode,, Float postfx_initial_value,, Float postfx_target_value,, Float postfx_blend_time, [ Integer post_fx_param(opt) ] )

Starts a postfx blend using the specified postfx mode, initial value, target value, time, and post_fx_param(opt).

postfx_blend_to_default( Integer postfx_code, Float blend_time )

Blends a postfx param (0=Blur,1=Sat) to its default value over blend_time.


Restores postfx to level defaults.


send the server's MOTD to the player

posttutorial( String string )

post a request to the tutorial manager

post_fx( Integer post )

Enables the specified post effect

poweruptimer( Integer poweruptimer, Integer poweruptype )

Sets the powerup timer and powerup type.

primarydmweapon( String weaptype )

Sets the player's primary DM weapon

queryviewconstraint( String , Float value )

Set the specified viewconstraint.

railcarStatus( Integer status )

sets the status of the player on the railcar (0 means not on it, 1 means forward facing, 2 means backward facing)


returns the player's railcar status (0 means not on it, 1 means forward facing, 2 means backward facing)


returns 1 if this player is ready, 0 otherwise


makes this player ready for the round to start


Reloads the player's weapon


reloads the PopUpFacts files


aborts current reload cycle

removeclass( String classname, [ Integer except_entity_number ] )

Removes all of the entities in the specified class.

removeent( Integer entity_number )

Removes the specified entity.

resethaveitem( String weapon_name )

Resets the game var that keeps track that we have gotten this weapon


Reset the player's state table.

respawn( [ String type ] )

Respawns the player. Optional type can be - retreat (for free respawn)


Retreats to next objective


Revives any undead allied AI.


Revives any undead axis AI.

safeholster( Boolean putaway )

Holsters all wielded weapons, or unholsters previously put away weapons
preserves state, so it will not holster or unholster unless necessary

safezoom( Boolean zoomin )

0 turns off zoom, and 1 returns zoom to previous setting


Show the score for the current deathmatch game

send_entity_profiler_stats( Integer arg1 )

if arg1 is nonzero, this indicates to the server to send profiling info for each entity. zero to turn off

setanimatedview( Integer Enable )

Sets the view as part of the animation model

setdmskin( String skin, String team )

Set the skin for this player

setinplane( Integer slot )

Tells the player he's riding in a plane.

setpartanim( String animation, String name, )

Set the animation of the part for player

setsatcheltimer( Entity satchel )

Sets the timer for the satchel charge


Updates the timer for the satchel charge

setsquadcommandflag( Integer flag, Integer value )

Sets the value of a ePlayerSquadFlags

setviewconstraint( String , Float value )

Set the specified viewconstraint.

set_medic_call_bool( Boolean bool )

Set whether or not the medic can be called


show the entity, opposite of hide.


Turns on the entinfo for who ever the cursor hits.


Displays the information about the client entity group that the player is looking at


Displays the information about the entity the player is looking at


Skip the current cinematic

sniperwobble( Float duration, Float azperiod, Float incperiod, Float azamplitude, Float incamplitude )

setup the params for sniper wobble, values less than 0 are ignored

spawn( String entityname, [ String keyname1 ], [ String value1 ], [ String keyname2 ], [ String value2 ], [ String keyname3 ], [ String value3 ], [ String keyname4 ], [ String value4 ] )

Spawns an entity.


Become a spectator

squadnode( Entity eSquadNode )

Tells player what his current squadnode is.

squadnode( Entity eSquadNode )

Tells player what his current squadnode is.

squad_advance( String sAreaNode )

Tells squad to advance (optionally pass area to advance to.)

squad_assemble( Entity eAreaNode )

Tells squad to assemble up. Optionally pass area node to rally to. Otherwise, they'll rally to most populated area.


Tells squad to perform covering fire.

squad_fallback( String sAreaNode )

Tells squad to fallback (optionally pass area to fallback to.)


starts up the useobject's animations.


Dumps the player's state to the console.

stats( Boolean calculate_weapon_stats )

Display the MissionLog.


Clears variables that represent an in engine cinematic playing

stopwatch( Integer duration, [ Integer itype ], [ String name ], [ String label ] )

Starts a stopwatch for a given duration... use 0 to clear the stopwatch

stopwatchingactor( Entity actor_to_stop_watching )

Makes the player's camera stop watching the specified actor.

stufftext( String stuffstrings )

Stuffs text to the player's console


returns player's sulpha powder count

sulfacount( Integer count )

Sets player's sulfa count

takepain( Boolean bool )

Set whether or not to take pain

tele( Vector location )

Teleport to location

testknock( Vector angles )

Nevermind what this does

testthread( String scriptfile, [ String label ] )

Starts the named thread at label if provided.


returns whether the player got to the current map via a bsptransition

turn( Float yawangle )

Causes player to turn the specified amount.

turnlegs( Float yawangle )

Turns the players legs instantly by the specified amount.

turnovertime( Float yaw, Float time )

Turns the player over time

turnupdate( Float yaw, Float timeleft )

Causes player to turn the specified amount.

turn_attenuation( Float value )

Sets player turn attenuation (0.0-1.0).

turretenter( Entity turret, [ String driver_anim ] )

Called when someone gets into a turret.

turretexit( Entity turret )

Called when driver gets out of the turret.


non-zero if player is ready for a tutorial


Tweaks the player's position on a ladder to be proper


Unattaches the sentient from a ladder


Called once a second to decrement powerup time.


returns 1 if this player is pressing jump, -1 if pressing crouch or 0 if neither


returns 1 if this player is holding use, or 0 if he is not


Makes the player try to use whatever is in front of her.

useweaponslot( String weaponslot, [ Integer weapon_hand ] )

Use the weapon of the specified class in the hand choosen (optional).


Returns back 1 if player is using cover or 0 if he is not.


Done with Enter vehicle animation


Done with exit vehicle animation

vergeofdeath( String command )

Sends a verge of death command.

viewangles( Vector newAngles )

set the view angles of the entity to newAngles.


get the angles of the entity.

viewmodelanim( String anim, [ Integer force_restart ] )

Sets the player's view model animation

voicetype( String voice_name )

Sets the voice type to use the player.

vote( String arg1 )

Player votes either yes or no

waitForState( String stateToWaitFor )

When set, the player will clear waitforplayer when this state is hit
in the legs or torso.

watchactor( Entity actor_to_watch )

Makes the player's camera watch the specified actor.


Drops the player's current weapon.


Dump contents of players weapons to console


Cycle to player's next weapon.

weapon( String weaponname, Integer slot, [ Boolean shoulddrop ], [ Boolean notremovable ] )

Gives the player the specified weapon in the specified slot.


Cycle to player's previous weapon.

whatis( Integer entity_number )

Prints info on the specified entity.


Show the winscreen for the end of the game

wounded_zoneonly( Boolean bool )

Sets whether it's only legal to drop in dropzones

woundspeed( Float speed )

How fast player loses life points after a hit


Gives player all weapons.


makes sure that zoom is off

PlayerAlliedDeathmatchStart (info_player_allied) -> PlayerDeathmatchStart -> PlayerStart -> SimpleArchivedEntity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PlayerAxisDeathmatchStart (info_player_axis) -> PlayerDeathmatchStart -> PlayerStart -> SimpleArchivedEntity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PlayerDeathmatchStart (info_player_deathmatch) -> PlayerStart -> SimpleArchivedEntity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

arena( Integer arena_number )

set the arena number for this starting position

PlayerIntermission (info_player_intermission) -> Camera -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PlayerNeutralDeathmatchStart (info_player_neutral) -> PlayerDeathmatchStart -> PlayerStart -> SimpleArchivedEntity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

PlayerStart (info_player_start) -> SimpleArchivedEntity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2


forbids spawning from this spawnpoint


allows spawning from this spawnpoint

starttype( Integer type )

sets the start type for this spawner (0 none, 1 DM, 2 allied, 3 axis, 4 neutral)

PopUpFactManager -> Listener


Closes current fact

popup_display( String factID )

Display a fact


Reload the facts file

PortableTurret -> TurretGun -> Weapon -> Item -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Tiki of the turret to carry

clipsize( Integer ammoClipSize )

Set the amount of rounds a clip of the weapon holds

forceposture( String posture )

Forces the player to assume the passed posture when using the turret


Drops the item to the ground.


called when we pick up the gun


called when we drop the gun

scriptfinish( String script )

name script to call when we pick up the gun

scriptinit( String script )

name script to call when we drop the gun

setup_sounds( String setup_sound,, String breakdown_sound )

Setup and breakdown sound aliases


Cause turret to aim in mortar mode

Projectile (projectile) -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Make the projectile simulate the pull of gravity

addownervelocity( Boolean bool )

Set whether or not the owner's velocity is added to the projectile's velocity

addvelocity( Float velocity_x, Float velocity_y, Float velocity_z )

Set a velocity to be added to the projectile when it is created


Make the projectile follow a normal arc on its way to its target

avelocity( [ String [random|crandom] ], [ Float yaw ], [ String [random|crandom] ], [ Float pitch ], [ String [random|crandom] ], [ Float roll ] )

set the angular velocity of the projectile

beam( String command, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

send a command to the beam of this projectile


Make the projectile into a bomb


Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces


Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces off hard surfaces


Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces off metal


Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces in water


Make the projectile bounce when it hits a non-damageable solid


Make the projectile be able to hit its owner


set the projectile's life to be determined by the charge time


set the projectile's speed to be determined by the charge time


Make the projectile be able to hit its owner now

dmlife( Float projectileLife )

set the life of the projectile in DM

doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

sent to entity when touched.

drunk( Float amount, Float rate )

Make the projectile drunk


Make the projectile explode


Make the projectile explode when it touches something damagable

explosionmodel( String modelname )

Set the modelname of the explosion to be spawned


set the projectile's life to be determined by the charge time


Make the projectile heat seek

hitdamage( Float projectileHitDamage )

set the damage a projectile does when it hits something

impactmarkorientation( Float degrees )

Set the orientation of the impact mark

impactmarkradius( Float radius )

Set the radius of the impact mark

impactmarkshader( String shader )

Set the impact mark of the shader

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

knockback( Float projectileKnockback )

set the knockback of the projectile when it hits something

life( Float projectileLife )

set the life of the projectile

meansofdeath( String meansOfDeath )

set the meansOfDeath of the projectile

minlife( Float minProjectileLife )

set the minimum life of the projectile (this is for charge up weapons)

minspeed( Float minspeed )

set the minimum speed of the projectile (this is for charge up weapons)


Makes the projectile not blow up or deal damage when it touches a damagable object


Make the projectile think to update it's velocity


Make the projectile get removed when it stops

smashthroughglass( Integer speed )

Makes the projectile smash through windows & other damageble glass objects when going above a set speed

speed( Float projectileSpeed )

set the speed of the projectile


sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.


Update the attached beam

ProjectileGenerator (ProjectileGenerator) -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

Accuracy( Float Accuracy )

Accuracy 0-25 feet


Startup the cycle..

Cycles( Integer Cycles )

Number of cycles. 0=infinte

doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

General trigger event for all entities


End the cycle..


Default=1; Set this to 0 if you don't want the PG to fire on startup.


Returns entity being targeted by the projectile generator,

ID( Integer ID )

Sets the ID for this projectile generator


Initialize object


Returns whether the generator is on or off.

launchsound( String Sound )

Set a launch sound for the projectile.

MaxDelay( Float MaxDelay )

Maximum time between bursts

MaxDuration( Float MaxDuration )

Sets the maximum duration of bursts(in seconds)

MaxNumShots( Integer MaxNumShots )

Sets the maximum # of shots to fire in a cycle

MinDelay( Float MinDelay )

Minimum time between bursts.

MinDuration( Float MinDuration )

Sets the minimum duration of the bursts (in seconds)

MinNumShots( Integer MinNumShots )

Sets the minimum # of shots to fire in a cycle

Model( String Model )

Projectile model to use.

SetNewTarget( Entity target )

Pick a new target...

target( String targetname_to_target )

target another entity with targetname_to_target.

TargetPlayer( Boolean targetplayer )

Setting this to false will prevent the PG from ever targetting the player, targetplayer true is the default behavior.


Tick the cycle..


Turn Off and cancel the current cycle (if any)


Turn On and begin the first cycle

ProjectileGenerator_Gun (ProjectileGenerator_Gun) -> ProjectileGenerator -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

bulletcount( Float bulletCount )

Set the number of bullets this weapon shoots when fired

bulletdamage( Float bulletDamage )

Set the damage that the bullet causes

bulletknockback( Float bulletKnockback )

Set the knockback that the bullet causes

bulletlarge( Integer bulletType )

Set if the bullets fired are rifle bullets(1), artillery(2) or larger tracers(3)

bulletpenetration( Float bulletPenetration )

Used to determine if a bullet will penetrate a collision material type. Range 0.0 - 1.0

bulletrange( Float bulletRange )

Set the range of the bullets

bulletspread( Float bulletSpreadX, Float bulletSpreadY, [ Float bulletSpreadXmax ], [ Float bulletSpreadYmax ] )

Set the min & optional max spread of the bullet in the x and y axis

fakebullets( Boolean useFakeBullets )

Whether or not the projectile generator should fire real bullets.

firedelay( Float fFireDelay )

Set the minimum time between shots from the weapon

FireDistance( Float FireDistance )

How far the gun will fire

ID( Integer ID )

Sets the ID for this projectile generator

leadtarget( Float TargetSpeed )

Leads a target with a given speed.

meansofdeath( String meansOfDeath )

Set the meansOfDeath of the weapon.

tracerfrequency( Integer frequenct )

Set the frequency of making tracers

tracerspeed( Float speed )

Scale factor of how fast a tracer should travel (valid ranges 0-2)

tracertype( Integer type )

The type of the tracer 0 - default, 1 - green, 2 - red

ProjectileGenerator_Heavy (ProjectileGenerator_Heavy) -> ProjectileGenerator -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

projectile( String projectileModel )

Set the model of the projectile that this weapon fires

ProjectileGenerator_Projectile (ProjectileGenerator_Projectile) -> ProjectileGenerator -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

arc( Float arc )

arc in front of the player

isdonut( Integer isdonut )

will target donut

maxdonut( Float maxdonut )

max extent of donut from player

mindonut( Float mindonut )

min extent of donut from player


Play a pre-impact sound

preimpactsound( String Sound )

Set a pre-impact sound.

preimpactsoundprob( Float probability )

Set the chance for a pre-impact sound to occur.
Range: ( 0.0, 1.0 ), with 0 having no chance, and 1 always occurring.

preimpactsoundtime( Float delay )

Set the time before impact to play the preimpact sound.

projectile( String projectileModel )

Set the model of the projectile that this weapon fires

ProjectileTarget (ProjectileGenerator_Target) -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

ID( Integer ID )

Sets the ID for this projectile generator

RotatingDoor (func_rotatingdoor) -> Door -> ScriptSlave -> Mover -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Closes the door (special doors).

doopen( Entity other )

Opens the door (special doors).

openangle( Float open_angle )

Sets the open angle of the door.

ScriptAimedStrafingGunfire (script_aimedstrafinggunfire) -> ScriptSimpleStrafingGunfire -> ScriptSlave -> Mover -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Set the aim target.



ScriptBoxClass -> USignal -> Listener


Specifies that the widget has been destroyed.

ScriptClass -> Listener

ScriptDoor (script_door) -> Door -> ScriptSlave -> Mover -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2


Closes the door (special doors).


Sets up the script door.

doopen( Entity other )

Opens the door (special doors).


door's movedir


door's open dot product


door's size


door's startorigin

ScriptMaster -> Listener

alias( String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Create an alias to the specified path

aliascache( String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Create an alias to the specified path and cache the resource

cache( String resourceName )

pre-cache the given resource.

cacheanimation( String resourceName )

pre-cache the given animation resource.

ScriptModel (script_model) -> ScriptSlave -> Mover -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2

anim( String anim_name )

Sets the script model's animation


Script model animation has finished.

model( String modelName )

set the model to modelName.

moveanim( String animName )

Makes the script model play an animation and move with the deltas contained in the animation


The script model is moving based on an animation

ScriptModelRealDamage (script_model_realdamage) -> ScriptModel -> ScriptSlave -> Mover -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

ScriptOrigin (script_origin) -> ScriptSlave -> Mover -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

model( String modelName )

set the model to modelName.

ScriptSimpleStrafingGunfire (script_simplestrafinggunfire) -> ScriptSlave -> Mover -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

bulletcount( Float bulletCount )

Set the number of bullets this weapon shoots when fired

bulletdamage( Float bulletDamage )

Set the damage that the bullet causes

bulletknockback( Float bulletKnockback )

Set the knockback that the bullet causes

bulletpenetration( Float bulletPenetration )

Used to determine if a bullet will penetrate a collision material type. Range 0.0 - 1.0

bulletrange( Float bulletRange )

Set the range of the bullets

bulletspread( Float bulletSpreadX, Float bulletSpreadY, [ Float bulletSpreadXmax ], [ Float bulletSpreadYmax ] )

Set the min & optional max spread of the bullet in the x and y axis



firedelay( Float fFireDelay )

Set the minimum time between shots from the weapon


Turn the gunfire off.


Turn the gunfire on.


Set the projectile model


Set the frequency of the tracers

ScriptSkyOrigin -> ScriptSlave -> Mover -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

ScriptSlave (script_object) -> Mover -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2

angles( Vector angles )

Sets the angles.

bind( Entity parent )

bind this entity to the specified entity.

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

dmg( Integer damage )

Set the damage.

doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

General trigger event for all entities

doBlocked( Entity obstacle )

sent to entity when blocked.

doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

sent to entity when touched.

doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

sent to entity when it is used by another entity


Stop following the path

explode( Float damage )

Creates an explosion at the script slave's position

flypath( Entity array, Float speed, Float acceleration, Float look_ahead )

Makes the script slave fly the specified path with speed and acceleration until reached_distance close to position

followpath( Entity path, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Makes the script slave follow the specified path. The allowable arguments are ignoreangles,
ignorevelocity, normalangles, loop, and a number specifying the start time.

ignoreentity( Entity entity )

makes the FuncBlock ignore this entity

jumpto( String vector_or_entity )

Jump to specified vector or entity.


gets the index of the last destination node

model( String modelName )

set the model to modelName.

modifyflypath( Float speed, Float acceleration, Float look_ahead )

Makes the script slave fly the specified path with speed and acceleration until reached_distance close to position


Move the script slave.

moveBackward( Float dist )

Move the position backward.

moveDown( Float dist )

Move the position down.

moveEast( Float dist )

Move the position east.

moveForward( Float dist )

Move the position forward.

moveLeft( Float dist )

Move the position left.

moveNorth( Float dist )

Move the position north.

moveOffset( Vector dist )

Move the position by the offset vector.

moveRight( Float dist )

Move the position right.

moveSouth( Float dist )

Move the position south.

moveto( String vector_or_entity )

Move to the specified vector or entity.

moveUp( Float dist )

Move the position up.

moveWest( Float dist )

Move the position west.


Goto the next waypoint.

normalangles( Boolean bUseNormalAngles )

Sets the object to use normal angles when travelling on a spline path


Makes the script slave not shootable

path_relativeyaw( Float relativeYaw )

Makes the script slave follow the specified path with a yaw offset,


Turn physics off this script object on

physics_on( [ Integer no_collide_entity ] )

Turn physics on this script object on
If no_collide_entity is set to 1 then the script slave will not collide with other entities

physics_velocity( Vector impulseVector )

Add a physical impulse to an object when it is being physically simulated

removeignoreent( Entity entity )

removes ignore param

rotateaxis( Integer axis, Float avelocity )

Rotate about the specified axis at the specified angular velocity.

rotateaxisdown( Integer axis, Float angle )

Rotate the specified axis down by the specified amount.

rotateaxisdownto( Integer axis, Float angle )

Rotate the specified axis down to angle.

rotateaxisup( Integer axis, Float angle )

Rotate the specified axis up by the specified amount.

rotateaxisupto( Integer axis, Float angle )

Rotate the specified axis up to angle.

rotatedownto( Vector direction )

Rotate down to the specified direction.

rotateto( Vector direction )

Rotate to the specified direction.

rotateupto( Vector direction )

Rotate up to the specified direction.

rotateX( Float avelocity )

Rotate about the x axis at the specified angular velocity.

rotateXdown( Float angle )

Rotate the x down by the specified amount.

rotateXdownto( Float angle )

Rotate the x down to angle.

rotateXup( Float angle )

Rotate the x up by the specified amount.

rotateXupto( Float angle )

Rotate the x up to angle.

rotateY( Float avelocity )

Rotate about the y axis at the specified angular velocity.

rotateYdown( Float angle )

Rotate the y down by the specified amount.

rotateYdownto( Float angle )

Rotate the y down to angle.

rotateYup( Float angle )

Rotate the y up by the specified amount.

rotateYupto( Float angle )

Rotate the y up to angle.

rotateZ( Float avelocity )

Rotate about the z axis at the specified angular velocity.

rotateZdown( Float angle )

Rotate the z down by the specified amount.

rotateZdownto( Float angle )

Rotate the z down to angle.

rotateZup( Float angle )

Rotate the z up by the specified amount.

rotateZupto( Float angle )

Rotate the z up to angle.


Called every frame to actually follow the path


Called when the script slave is done moving

setdamage( Integer damage )

Set the damage.

setmeansofdeath( String means_of_death )

Set the damage means of death.

shader_frame( Float edict )

Set time for animated shader

speed( Float speed )

Sets the speed.


Stop the script slave.

threadmove( String label )

Move the script slave and create thread which waits until finished.

time( Float travel_time )

Sets the travel time.

trigger( Entity ent )

Trigger entities target.


unbind this entity.


Move the script slave and wait until finished.

ScriptThread -> Listener

abs( Float arg )

Absolute value of int or float

acos( Float arg )

ArcCosine of float (in degrees not radians)

addheromoment( Integer missionNum, Integer heroNumber )

Adds a Hero Moment

addobjective( Integer objective_number, Integer status, [ String text ], [ Vector location ] )

Adds/Changes an Objective

alert( String (user, String entity, String /, String team, String allies|axis, String /, String all), String Babylon, String Labels(, String fmt,, String args, String ) )

alerts user with localized message

aliascache( String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Create an alias to the specified path and cache the resource


Turns all AI off.


Turns all AI back on.

angles_pointat( Entity parent_entity, Entity entity, Entity target_entity )

Returns the angles that points at the target_entity given the base orientation of the parent_entity and the position of the entity.

angles_toforward( Vector angles )

Returns the forward vector of the specified angles

angles_toleft( Vector angles )

Returns the left vector of the specified angles

angles_toup( Vector angles )

Returns the up vector of the specified angles

asin( Float arg )

ArcSine of float (in degrees not radians)

assert( Float value )

Assert if value is 0.

atan( Float arg, [ Float arg2 ] )

ArcTangent of float (in degrees not radians)

bigprintlnteam( String string )

Prints a localized string followed by a newline.

bool( Integer value )

Casts value to a bool.

bsptransition( String next_map )

Transitions to the next BSP. Keeps player data, and game data.

cache( String resource_name )

Cache the specified resource.

cacheanimation( String resource_name )

Cache the specified resource.

cam( String command, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Processes a camera command.

centerprint( String stuffToPrint, String optionalString )

prints the included message in the middle of all player's screens


Turns on cinematic.


Clear the fade from the screen

clearletterbox( Float time )

Clears letterbox mode.


Clears the position of the current objective, for when you don't have one


Clears the contents of all lines in the objective status HUD


Clears all script radar icons

cm_command( Integer source_type, Integer hit_type, Vector origin, Vector normal, Float volume )

Generates a Collision Material Command to force material collisions, like bullet on water
or footsteps on dirt, etc.

cm_getmaterialindex( String name )

Returns the index of the given material index name

contains_string( String str1, String str2 )

Look for occurrence of str2 in str1`

cos( Float arg )

Cosine of float (expects degrees not radians)


Creates a Listener instance.

cuecamera( Entity entity, [ Float switchTime ] )

Cue the camera. If switchTime is specified, then the camera
will switch over that length of time.

cueplayer( [ Float switchTime ] )

Go back to the normal camera. If switchTime is specified,
then the camera will switch over that length of time.


Log real time in milliseconds to qconsole.log

debugline( Vector start, Vector end, [ Float red ], [ Float green ], [ Float blue ], [ Float alpha ] )

Draws a debug line from start to end using the given color and alpha for g_numdebuglinedelays server frames

DebugPrintLn( String string )

Prints a string.followed by a newline to the Development Environment using OutputDebugString.


Generate an asm int 3

delaythrow( String label )

Internal usage.


Commit MP postFX settings to clients

dprintln( String string )

Prints a debug string.followed by a newline.

drawhud( Integer value )

Specfiy if hud is to be drawn: 0 draws nothing, 1 draws all and 2 draws all minus the weapons bar.

earthquake( Float duration, Float magnitude, Float no_rampup, Float no_rampdown, [ Vector epicenter ], [ Float cutoff_distance(optional ] )

Create an earthquake

enablevrptraces( Boolean bool )

Enable or disable all traces VRPs perform for movement, against triggers, and against the ground.


End the thread.

entity( Integer value )

Casts value to an entity.

error( String message, Integer level )

Generate a script error with specified message and stack level

exec( String script )

Executes the specified script.

exec( String script )

Executes the specified script.

fadein( Float time, Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha, [ Integer mode ] )

Sets up fadein in values.

fadeout( Float time, Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha, [ Integer mode ] )

Sets up fadeout values.

fadesound( Float time )

fades the sound out over the given time.

findnearestnode( Vector position )

Finds the nearest node to the specified position

float( Integer value )

Casts value to a float.

forcemusic( String current, [ String fallback ] )

Forces the current and fallback (optional) music moods.


Freeze the player.

getboundkey1( String command )

returns a Babylon label for a command

getboundkey2( String command )

returns a Babyon label for a command

getcvar( String name )


getentbyentnum( Integer ent_num )

Gets the specified entity.

getmedalnumber( Integer mission, Integer whichMedal )

returns 1 if a player has that medal, 0 otherwise

getmenuname( Boolean dummy )

Returns the name of the current top level menu

getnumallies( )

Gets the total count of Allies currently in the level.

getnumalliesalive( )

Gets the total count of living allies currently in the level.

getnumaxis( )

Gets the total count of Axis currently in the level.

getnumaxisalive( )

Gets the total count of living axis currently in the level.

getobjectivecount( Integer mission, Integer which_obj )

returns the amount of objectives based on the parameter (1 - primary; 2 - secret)

getobjectivecountcompleted( Integer mission, Integer which_obj )

returns the amount of objectives based on the parameter (1 - primary; 2 - secret)

givemedalnumber( Integer mission, Integer medalIndex )

Gives a specific medal for a mission

goto( String label )

Goes to the specified label.

hasallheromoments( Integer missionNum, Integer MaxHeroNumber )

Determines if all HeroMoments Have been Obtained

hasdiedinmission( Integer mission )

Get number of player deaths per missin

hasheromoment( Integer missionNumber, Integer heroNumber )

Determines if a HeroMoment Has been Obtained

havok_remove_objects_in_aabb( Vector mins, Vector maxs )

Disables physics objects within the specified aabb

hidemenu( String name, [ Integer bForce ] )

hide menu, with option to force it off


hide mouse cursor

huddraw_align( Integer index, String h_align, String v_align )

Sets the alignment of a huddraw element. Specified with 'left', 'center', or 'right'

huddraw_alpha( Integer index, Float alpha )

Sets the alpha of a huddraw element.

huddraw_color( Integer index, Float red, Float green, Float blue )

Sets the color for a huddraw element

huddraw_font( Integer index, String fontname )

Sets the font to use.

huddraw_rect( Integer index, Integer x, Integer y, Integer width, Integer height )

Specifies the position of the upper left corner and size of a huddraw element

huddraw_shader( Integer index, String shader )

Sets the shader to use for a particular huddraw element

huddraw_string( Integer index, String string )

Sets a string to be displayed. Clears the shader value.

huddraw_virtualsize( Integer index, Integer virtual )

Sets if the huddraw element should use virutal screen resolution for positioning and size

initgameinfocvar( String cvar_name )

initializes a blank cvar with the given name, with the GAMEINFO flag set, only if that cvar didn't exist before.


Initialize Player Stats information

int( Integer value )

Casts value to an int.

iprintln( String string, String optionalStrings )

Prints a localized string followed by a newline.

iprintlnbold( String string, String optionalStrings )

Prints a localized string followed by a newline in a bold/important way.

iprintlnbold_noloc( String string )

Prints a string.followed by a newline in a bold/important way with no localization conversion.

iprintln_noloc( String string )

Prints a string.followed by a newline with no localization conversion.

IsAlive( Entity ent )

Returns true if the specified entity exists and has health > 0.

islistener( Entity listener )

Returns back 1 if passed object is a listener

IsUndead( Entity ent )

Returns true if the specified entity is 'undead'.

isvector( Vector vector )

Returns back 1 if passed object is a vector

killclass( String class_name, [ Integer except ] )

Kills everything in the specified class except for the specified entity (optional).

killent( Integer ent_num )

Kill the specified entity.

killradius( Vector position, Float radius )

death to (currently) axis guys a radius from a position

kill_allies( Vector vfrom, Float radius, Integer max )

Kills max # of guys within the radius from the vector.

kill_axis( Vector vfrom, Float radius, Integer max )

Kills max # of guys within the radius from the vector.

landminedamage( Entity landmine, Float damage, Float radius )

radius damage at landmine

letterbox( Float time )

Puts the game in letterbox mode.

leveltransition( String next_map )

Transitions to the next Level. Map Loading, does not keep player data or game data.

loadstatsfromfile( String SaveGameName )

Loads player Stats from a file into the Player Object

locprint( Integer xoffset, Integer yoffset, String stuffToPrint, String optionalString )

prints the included message in the specified location of all player's screens

loc_convert_string( String in )

returns a localized version of the string.

make_loc_text( String babylonLabel, String babylonArgs )

returns a localized string constructed from Babylon Label and Args

map( String map_name )

Starts the specified map.

missionfailed( Integer novideofade )

Makes the player fail their mission, level restarts.

missiontransition( String next_map )

Transitions to the next Mission. Statistics to Main Menu, Next Level should be unlocked.

mprint( String string )

Prints a string.

mprintln( String string )

Prints a string.followed by a newline.

msg( String (user, String entity, String /, String team, String allies|axis, String /, String all), String Babylon, String Labels(, String fmt,, String args, String ) )

display localized message to users

msgbold( String (user, String entity, String /, String team, String allies|axis, String /, String all), String Babylon, String Labels(, String fmt,, String args, String ) )

display localized message to users

music( String current, [ String fallback ] )

Sets the current and fallback (optional) music moods.

musicvolume( Float volume, Float fade_time )

Sets the volume and fade time of the music.


Turns off cinematic.


Pauses the thread.

persistent_clear( String persistent_name )

Clears the passed persistent data.

persistent_get( String persistent_name )

Clears the passed persistent data.

persistent_set( String persistent_name )

Sets the passed persistent data.

PlayMovie( String name )

Play a Movie...

popmenu( Integer index )

pop menu

postfx_cc_add( Vector rFactor )

color correction add

postfx_cc_mul( Vector rFactor )

color correction multiply

postfx_cc_sat( Float 0.0-1.0 )

color correction saturation factor


Commit postFX settings to client

postfx_mode( Integer 0-7 )

Mode - default = 7

print( String string )

Prints a string to the qconsole.

print3d( Vector origin, String string, [ String [strings] ] )

prints a string in 3D space

println( String string )

Prints a string to the qconsole followed by a newline.

pushmenu( String name )

push menu

radiusdamage( Vector origin, Float damage, Float radius, Integer constant_damage )

radius damage at origin

randomfloat( Float max )


randomint( Integer max )



Release the player.

removeclass( String class_name, [ Integer except ] )

Removes everything in the specified class except for the specified entity (optional).

removeent( Integer ent_num )

Removes the specified entity.

resetcvar( String cvar_name )

Resets the value of the specified cvar to its default.

resetnumhittakenstats( Integer mission )

reset number of hit stats for a mission

restoremusicvolume( Float fade_time )

Restores the music volume to its previous value.


Restores the soundtrack to the previous one.



senddangeralert( Vector position, Float duration, Float min_safe_distance, Integer team )

Sends a danger notifcation out from ActorManager

server( [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Server only command.

setcurrentobjective( Integer objective_number, [ String team ] )

Sets the specified objective as the current objective [for the specified team]

setcvar( String cvar_name, String value )

Sets the value of the specified cvar.

setinvdefobjtext( String text )

Invader game type specific command, sets invader defender objective text cvars, applying word wraps as necessary

setlightstyle( Integer lightstyleindex, String lightstyledata )

Set up the lightstyle with lightstyleindex to the specified data

setobjectivecount( Integer mission, Integer num_primary, Integer num_secret )

Sets the amount of primary and secret(hidden) objectives for a mission

setoverridemaxstat( Integer array_index, Integer value )

Populates a value in the UI stat override array. Use in conjunction with setoverridestat and useoverride.

setoverridestat( Integer array_index, Integer value )

Populates a value in the UI stat override array. Use in conjunction with setoverridemaxstat and useoverride.

set_objective_pos( Vector pos )

Sets the position in the world of the current objective

set_objective_status( Integer index, Integer showhealth, Integer health, Integer showtext, String text, Integer showtimer, Integer updatetimer, Integer timer, Integer blinking )

Sets the content of a single line in the objective status HUD

set_radar_icon( Integer index, Integer in_use, Integer pulsing, Float x, Float y, String texture )

Sets the location and texture of a script radar icon (also enables/disables)

set_shadow_map( String texture_filename, String map_stage, Integer inset )

Dynamically load a new map for 'shadow1', 'shadow2', 'shadow3', or 'terrain'.

showmenu( String name, [ Integer bForce ] )

show menu, with option to force it on


show mouse cursor

sighttrace( Vector start, Vector end, [ Integer pass_entities ], [ Vector mins ], [ Vector maxs ] )

Performs a trace line from the start to the end, returns 0 if something was hit and 1 otherwise

sin( Float arg )

Sine of float (expects degrees not radians)

soundtrack( String soundtrack_name )

Changes the soundtrack.

spawn( String entityname, [ String keyname1 ], [ String value1 ], [ String keyname2 ], [ String value2 ], [ String keyname3 ], [ String value3 ], [ String keyname4 ], [ String value4 ] )

Spawn the specified entity.

spawn( String entityname, [ String keyname1 ], [ String value1 ], [ String keyname2 ], [ String value2 ], [ String keyname3 ], [ String value3 ], [ String keyname4 ], [ String value4 ] )

Spawn the specified entity.

spawnceg( String hagname, [ Vector origin ], [ Vector angles ], [ Float scale ], Float OR, String hagname, Entity refentity, [ Float scale ] )

Spawns a client entity group.

sqrt( Float arg )

Sqrt of float

string( Integer value )

Casts value to a string.

stuffcmd( [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Server only command.

tan( Float arg )

Tangent of float (expects degrees not radians)

teamwin( String axis_or_allies )

Sets that the 'axis' or the 'allies' have won the map.

terrain_height( Integer terrain-index, Float x-pos, Float y-pos )

Returns the z-height of the terrain at the specified XY location.

thread( String label )

Creates a thread starting at label.

thread( String label )

Creates a thread starting at label.

throw( String label )

Throws to the specified label.

timeout( Float time )

specifies script timeout time

tolower( [ String arg1 ] )

Convert string to lowercase.

toupper( [ String arg1 ] )

Convert string to uppercase.

trace( Vector start, Vector end, [ Integer pass_entities ], [ Vector mins ], [ Vector maxs ] )

Performs a Trace Line from the start to the end, returns the end or the position it hit at

trigger( String name )

Trigger the specified target or entity.

updateplayerstats( Integer mission, Boolean calculate_weapon_hits )

Update Player Stats information for a mission

varaction( String variable, Integer varvalue, [ String eventname ], [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ] )

Issue a specific command to all entities with the given variable and variable value.

var_and_classaction( String variable, Integer varvalue, String classname, [ String eventname ], [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ] )

Issue a specific command to all entities of the given class with the given variable and variable value.

var_and_targetaction( String variable, Integer varvalue, String targetname, [ String eventname ], [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ] )

Issue a specific command to all entities with the given target name and the given variable and variable value.

vector_add( Vector vector1, Vector vector2 )

Returns vector1 + vector2

vector_closer( Vector vec_a, Vector vec_b, Vector vec_c )

returns 1 if the first vector is closer than the second vector to the third vector

vector_cross( Vector vector1, Vector vector2 )

Returns vector1 x vector2

vector_dot( Vector vector1, Vector vector2 )

Returns vector1 * vector2

vector_length( Vector vector )

Returns the length of the specified vector.

vector_normalize( Vector vector )

Returns the normalized vector of the specified vector.

vector_scale( Vector vector1, Float scale_factor )

Returns vector1 * scale_factor

vector_subtract( Vector vector1, Vector vector2 )

Returns vector1 - vector2

vector_toangles( Vector vector1 )

Returns vector1 converted to angles.

vector_within( Vector position1, Vector position2, Float distance )

returns 1 if the two points are <= distance apart, or 0 if they are greater than distance apart

wait( Float wait_time )

Wait for the specified amount of time.


Wait for one server frame.

ScriptViewBox -> UIMultiLineView -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

Sentient -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

activatenewweapon( [ String handsurf ] )

Activate the new weapon specified by useWeapon. handsurf allows specifying which hand to use for the player

aid_banzai( Integer priority, Integer team, Boolean bypass )

Enemy banzai event, the enemy is mounting a banzai charge. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_combat( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy Combat event. The enemy is attacking. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_death( Integer priority, Integer team, Boolean bypass )

Death event, an ai has died. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_enadvance( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy advance event. The enemy is advancing. priority 1 will make the sound always play. (No other priority level is currently supported.).

aid_enemyencroaching( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy Encrouching Event. An enemy has decided to charge/melee attack a squadmate. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_enemygethelp( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy Get help event. Occurs when the enemy calls for help. This event is by axis squads to call out they are getting help. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_enemyheardnoise( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy heard noise event. Occurs when an enemy squad member hears a noise. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_enflank( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy Flanking event. The enemy is attempting a flanking manuver. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_enflback( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy fall back event. The enemy is falling back. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_enholdsteady( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy hold steady. The enemy is holding steady. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_enreinforcements( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy reinforcements. The enemy is calling for reinforcemetns. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_explosiveset( Integer priority, Integer team )

Explosive charge set event. The player has placed a explosive demo charge. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_ff( Integer priority, Integer team )

Friendly Fire event. Occurs when an allie is shot by the player, this is currenly handled in code. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_generic( Integer priority, String alias )

Generic aid event. Requires a priority, and sound alias to play.

aid_generic_closest( Integer priority, String alias )

Generic aid event that will pick the closest squadmate. Requires a priority, and sound alias to play.

aid_generic_random( Integer priority, String alias )

Generic aid Event that will pick a random squadmate. Requires a priority, and sound alias to play.

aid_grenincoming( Integer priority )

Grenade Incoming event. A grenade has just been thrown at the squad. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_grenoutgoing( Integer priority )

Grenade Outgoing event. A friendly has just thrown a grenade. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_grenrequest( Integer priority, Integer team )

Grenade Request event. A squad mate has decided to throw a grenade. We use this event to spawn off some dialog requesting a grenade. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_hits( Integer priority, Integer team, Boolean bypass )

Hit by enemy fire event, AI is being hit by enemy fire. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_hitsccs( Integer priority, Integer team )

Hit enemy event, AI hit an enemy. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_hldsprd( Integer priority, Integer team )

Hold and spread event, squad has received a hold steady, and spread out order. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_killedofficer( Integer priority, Integer team )

Killed Enemy Officer Event. A squad mate killed an enemy officer. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_leveltransition( Integer priority, Integer team )

Level Transition Event. Occurs right before transitioning levels. This is only called from script. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_lostenemy( Integer priority, Integer team )

Lost enemy event. A squad mate lost his enemy. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_lowhealth( Integer priority, Integer team )

Low Health Event. A squad mate was damaged and is now in low health. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_medarrive( Integer priority, Integer team )

Medic arrival event. Medic arrives at patient. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_medcall( Integer priority )

Call Medic event, in need of a medic. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_medcantreachplayer( Integer priority, Integer team )

Medic can't reach Player event. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_meddone( Integer priority, Integer team )

Medic complete event. Medic finishes healing. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_medfreeheal( Integer priority, Integer team )

Medic giving freebie event. Priority is a value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_mednoheals( Integer priority, Integer team )

Medic out of heals event. Medic has no heals for Player. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_medresponse( Integer priority, Integer team )

Medic response event. Medic responds to call. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_multikillbullet( Integer priority, Integer team )

Multi Kill Bullet event. A squad mate killed multiple enemies in (x)amount of time. (Default 5sec). Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_multikillgrenade( Integer priority, Integer team )

Multi Kill Grenade event. A squad mate killed multiple enemies in (x)amount of time. (Default 5sec). Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_playeradvance( Integer priority, Integer team )

Player Advance event. The player has advanced 2 squad nodes ahead of or behind the squad. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_playerbump( Integer priority )

Player is telling a squadmate to move. Priority 1 will make the sound always play

aid_playerkilledenemy( Integer priority, Integer team )

Player killed enemy. The player killed an enemy. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_playerorderadvance( Integer priority )

Player Order Advance Event. Occurs when the player gives the Advance order. priority 1 will make the sound always play. (No other priority level is currently supported.).

aid_playerorderassemble( Integer priority )

Player Order Assemble Event. Occurs when the player gives the Assemble order. priority 1 will make the sound always play. (No other priority level is currently supported.).

aid_playerordercoverfire( Integer priority )

Player Order Cover Fire Event. Occurs when the player gives the Cover Fireorder. priority 1 will make the sound always play. (No other priority level is currently supported.).

aid_playerorderfallback( Integer priority )

Player Order Fall Back Event. Occurs when the player gives the Fall Back order. priority 1 will make the sound always play. (No other priority level is currently supported.).


Player threw a satchel instead of planting it.

aid_reload( Integer priority, Integer team )

Reload event, called when an ai reloads. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sccskill( Integer priority, Integer team )

Killed enemy event, called when an ai has killed an enemy. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sight( Integer priority, Integer team )

Sight event, ai has sighted an enemy. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sight_barrel( Integer priority, Integer team )

Sighted Barrel Event, an enemy was spotted behind a barrel. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sight_bush( Integer priority, Integer team )

Sighted Bush Event, an enemy was spotted behind a bush. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sight_crate( Integer priority, Integer team )

Sighted Crate Event, an enemy was spotted behind a crate. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sight_high( Integer priority, Integer team )

Sighted High Event, an enemy was spotted above the actors position. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sight_low( Integer priority, Integer team )

Sighted Low Event, an enemy was spotted below the actors position. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sight_rock( Integer priority, Integer team )

Sighted Rock Event, an enemy was spotted behind a rock. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sqeliminated( Integer priority, Integer team )

Squad Eliminated event. An enemy squad has been eliminated. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sqmemberadvance( Integer priority, Integer team )

Squad Member advance event. A squad member is advancing. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sqmembercoverfire( Integer priority, Integer team )

Squad Member Cover Fire event. A squad member is providing covering fire. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sqmemberfallback( Integer priority, Integer team )

Squad Member fall back event. A squad member is falling back. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sqmemberflank( Integer priority, Integer team )

Squad Member flank event. A squad member is trying to flank. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sqmembergiveground( Integer priority, Integer team )

Squad Member give ground event. A squad member is giving ground. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sqmemberslowadvance( Integer priority, Integer team )

Squad Member slow advance event. A squad member is slowly advancing. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_sqregroup( Integer priority )

Squad Regroup event. The squad has not been fighting for a while call out to regroup. Takes priority to determine of the sound should play.

aid_squadmatedown( Integer priority, Integer team )

Squad Mate Down. A squad mate has gone down. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_tkcvr( Integer priority, Integer team )

Take Cover event, squad has received a take cover order. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_underfire( Integer priority, Integer team )

Under Fire event. A friendly is pinned down by enemy fire. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_vehiclegeneric( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy vehicle spotted event. Occurs when a squadmate see's an enemy vehicle. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_vehicleplane( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy plane spotted event. Occurs when a squadmate see's an enemy plane. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_vehicletank( Integer priority, Integer team )

Enemy tank spotted event. Occurs when a squadmate see's an enemy tank. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis

aid_voddone( Integer priority, Integer team )

Verge of Death done event. The player has just been healed while in Verge of Death. Priority is an value between 0 and 11. Each priority is a channel that is allowed to play every (x) seconds. There is also a global team based limiter.
0: None
1: Playe Always - will always play the event.
2: Squad Command
3: Enemy Attack Chatter
4: Friendly Fire
5: Squad Spammer
6: Squad Chatter
7: Enemy Squad Spammer
8: Killed Enemy
9: Grenade Chatter
10: Enemy Sighted Chatter
11: Player Advance
team represents the team this should be played on:
-1: NONE
0: Axis


Puts the sentient on the allied team.

allowmedicheal( Boolean bool )

States whether or not a medic can heal this sentient


Puts the sentient on the allied team.

ammo( String type, Integer amount )

Gives the sentient some ammo.

ammocountforcurrentweapon( Entity entity )

Returns the ammo count for the specified entity's current weapon

armor( String type, Integer amount )

Gives the sentient some armor.


Puts the sentient on the axis team.


In MP, name of sentient's backpack type


Is the end of the sentient's block.


Is the start of the sentient's block.


Call for a medic.

candropanything( Integer Enable )

Make the sentient not drop anything.

charge( [ String hand ], [ String mode ] )

Starts the charging of the weapon in the specified hand


In MP, name of sentient's combat class

compareuseslot( String slot )

compares the current slots priority with slot, returns -1 when slot has lower priority, 1 when priority is higher, 0 when they are equal

currentUseslotHasLowerPriority( String slot )

return 1 when argument has same or higher priority than players current useslot, 0 otherwise

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

damagemult( Integer location, Float multiplier )

Sets the damage multiplier for a particular body location

deactivateweapon( String side )

Deactivate the weapon in the specified hand.


Spawn a dead body

death_type( String sType )

Tell engine how this death anim ends up. (belly/back are valid params

death_type( String sType )

Tell engine how this death anim ends up. (belly/back are valid params

disableAID( Integer bDisableAID )

Disables AID for the entity

disableAID( Integer bDisableAID )

Gets the disableAID state for th entity

disableAID( Integer bDisableAID )

Disables AID for the entity

disableikonlefthand( )

Makes sure the left hand is detached via ik starting this frame. (NOTE: Currently works only when on a mounted weapon.)

disableikonrighthand( )

Makes sure the right hand is detached via ik starting this frame. (NOTE: Currently works only when on a mounted weapon.)


Make the sentient not drop weapons

dontremovewhendropped( Boolean bDontRemove )

Sets whether or not weapons will be removed when the sentient drops them

drawoverheadicon( Boolean draw_it )

Tells whether to draw the overhead icon


drops inventory items

enableikonlefthand( )

Makes sure the left hand is attached via ik starting this frame. (NOTE: Currently works only when on a mounted weapon.)

enableikonrighthand( )

Makes sure the right hand is attached via ik starting this frame. (NOTE: Currently works only when on a mounted weapon.)

EnableKickObject( Boolean enable )

Enables/disables the sentient from moving physics objects

enemy_nearby( Float radius )

Returns true if a live enemy is within the specified radius of the sentient. This can be a bit expensive.

fire( [ String hand ], [ String mode ] )

Fires the weapon in the specified hand.


Makes the sentient a German.


Get the sentient's current weapon type

give( String name )

Gives the sentient the targeted item.

givedynitem( String model, String bonename )

Pass the args to the item

hitdamage( Float damage )

Gets the hitdamage

hitdirection( Vector direction )

Gets the hitdirection

hitlocation( Integer location )

Gets the hitlocation


In MP, script can request a hover icon, but engine can choose not to use it

immortal( Integer bImmortal )

Sets the entity to be immortal

immortal( Integer bImmortal )

Sets the entity to be immortal

immortal( Integer bImmortal )

Sets the entity to be immortal


In MP, whether sentient is incapacitated


0 for normal character vs character repulsion, 1 to disable it

iswearinghelmet( Boolean bWearingHelmet )

Returns 1 if Sentient is wearing a helmet.


return whether the sentient is below the wounded threshold

item( String type, Integer amount )

Gives the sentient the specified amount of the specified item.

jumpxy( Float forwardmove, Float sidemove, Float speed )

Makes the sentient jump.

maxmouthangle( Float max_mouth_angle )

Sets the max mouth angle.


Is the end of the sentient's melee attack.


Is the start of the sentient's melee attack.


signals that this sentient should go into ragdoll mode (if and only if in multiplayer, and only when sentient is dead)


Pops a sentient's helmet off if he's got one

putawayweapon( String whichHand )

Put away or deactivate the current weapon, whichHand can be left, right or dual.

releasefire( Float fireholdtime )

Releases the attack in the time specified.

reloadweapon( [ String hand ] )

Reloads the weapon in the specified hand

removeuseslot( String current_slot )

remove the useslot if the current slot == current_slot


In MP, revive an incapacitated player

sethelmet( String modelfile, Float popspeed, Float dmgmult, String propname )

Gives the sentient a helmet and sets the needed info for it

squad( Entity eSquad )

Gets this guys squad object.

squad_leader( Integer bSquadLeader )

Sets sentient as the leader of his squad.

squad_leader( Integer bSquadLeader )

Sets sentient as the leader of his squad.


Returns if this guy is a squad leader.

squad_leave( Integer squadname )

Removes sentient from his squad.

squad_name( Integer squadname )

Adds sentient to passed squadname.

squad_name( Integer squadname )

Adds sentient to passed squadname.

squad_name( Integer squadname )

Gets the name of sentient's squad.

stopfire( [ String hand ] )

Stops the firing of the weapon in the specified hand.


Is the end of the sentient's stun.


Is the start of the sentient's stun.

take( String item_name )

Takes away the specified item from the sentient.


Clears out the sentient's entire inventory.


returns 'german' or 'american'

threatbias( Integer bias )

Sets the threat bias for this player / AI

threatbias( Integer bias )

Sets the threat bias for this player / AI


Gets the threat bias for this player / AI



Toggles the use of the player's item (first item if he has multiple)


gets the turret for the sentient if there is one

undead( Integer bUndead )

Is set to true if actor is 'undead'.

unlimitedammo( Integer bUnlimited )

Set/Get if this sentient has unlimited ammo

unlimitedammo( Integer bUnlimited )

Set/Get if this sentient has unlimited ammo

unlimitedammo( Integer bUnlimited )

Set/Get if this sentient has unlimited ammo

use( String name, [ Integer weapon_hand ] )

Use the specified weapon or item in the hand choosen (optional).


Activates the last active weapon

useslot( String slot )

set the use slot icon (none, dynamite, ammo, etc...)

useslot( String slot )

set the use slot icon (none, dynamite, ammo, etc...)

useslot( String slot )

set the use slot icon (none, dynamite, ammo, etc...)

useweaponclass( String weaponclass, [ Integer weapon_hand ] )

Use the weapon of the specified class in the hand choosen (optional).


Gets the depth of water at this Sentient's location.

weapon( String weapon_modelname )

Gives the sentient the weapon specified.

weaponcommand( String hand, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ], [ String arg7 ] )

Pass the args to the active weapon in the specified hand

weaponusenoammo( Boolean bool )

Sets the weapon use no ammo flag.

weaponusenoammo( Boolean bool )

Sets the weapon use no ammo flag.

weaponusenoammo( Boolean bool )

Gets the weapon use no ammo flag.

ShellCamera (func_shellcamera) -> Camera -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

cameraidle( Entity ent )

Makes the camera float when it's idle

lookat( Entity ent )

Makes the camera look at an entity.


Lets us know if the camera is done moving.

MoveTo( Entity ent )

Move the camera's position to that of the specified entities.

smoothflytoentity( Entity moveto, Entity lookat )

Smoothly flies over to an entity and looks at the specified entity

smoothflytoposition( Vector moveto, Vector lookat )

Smoothly flies over to a position and looks in the specified direction.


Updates the camera for the SmoothFlyTo commands.

turntoentity( Entity ent )

Makes the camera turn towards an entity.

turntoposition( Vector lookat )

Makes the camera turn towards a specified position.


Updates the camera for the TurnTo command.

SimpleActor -> Sentient -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Do not LERP to the next animation

SimpleArchivedEntity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

SimpleEntity -> Listener

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2


get the angles of the entity using just one value.
Gets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2

angles( Vector newAngles )

set the angles of the entity to newAngles.

angles( Vector newAngles )

set the angles of the entity to newAngles.

angles( Vector newAngles )

get the angles of the entity.


entity's centroid


get the forward vector of angles

is_committed( )

flagged as committed

is_locked( )


is_scattered( )

flagged as scattered


get the left vector of angles

Materialname( )


namedgroup( )

named group event


entity's origin

origin( Vector newOrigin )

Set the origin of the entity to newOrigin.

origin( Vector newOrigin )

Set the origin of the entity to newOrigin.


get the right vector of angles

target( String targetname_to_target )

entity's target


entity's target

target( String targetname_to_target )

target another entity with targetname_to_target.


entity's targetname

targetname( String targetName )

set the targetname of the entity to targetName.

targetname( String targetName )

set the targetname of the entity to targetName.

terrain_align( )

tells simpleentity to align with terrain.

terrain_hug( )

tells simpleentity to hug to terrain.


get the up vector of angles

SlidingDoor (func_door) -> Door -> ScriptSlave -> Mover -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2


Closes the door (special doors).

doopen( Entity other )

Opens the door (special doors).

lip( Float lip )

Sets the lip of the sliding door.

speed( Float speed )

Sets the speed of the sliding door.

SmokeGrenade (smokegrenade) -> EffectEntity -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

bouncefactor( Float factor )

sets how far smoke volumes bounce when they collide with something

fadedelay( Float time )

sets how long the entity waits until fading out from 1 alpha to 0 alpha, in seconds

fadein( Float time )

sets fadein time from 0 alpha to 1 alpha, in seconds

life( Float life )

sets how long the smoke emitter lives

maxalpha( Float alpha )

sets maximum opacity of an individual smoke particle, in 0-1 range

offset( Float offset_x, Float offset_y, Float offset_z )

sets offset of the smoke volume from the entity

scale( Float scale )

sets initial scale of each smoke volume

scalerate( Float rate )

sets how fast the smoke volume grows

spawnlife( Float life )

sets how long each smoke volume lives

spawnrate( Float rate )

sets how many smoke volumes are spawned per second

spin( Float avel )

sets the number of rotations per second for this entity around its z axis

velocity( Float vel_x, Float vel_y, Float vel_z )

sets how fast the smoke volume moves away, with x forward and z up

SoundPickerClass -> FilePickerClass -> USignal -> Listener

SplinePath (info_splinepath) -> SimpleArchivedEntity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

fadetime( Float fadeTime )

Sets the fadetime at this node.

fov( Float cameraFOV )

Sets the fov at this node.

loop( String loop_name )

Sets the loop name.

speed( Float speed )

Sets the path speed.


Creates the spline path from the target list.

triggertarget( String target )

Sets the trigger target.

watch( String watchEntity )

Sets the entity to watch at this node.

SquadPathNode (info_pathnode_squadpathnode) -> PathNode -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

StatsUpdater -> Listener


Update the stats on the missionLog

StraightLineBomb (straightlinebomb) -> Bomb -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

dropbomb( Float armtime,, Float speed )

Turns the physics on so the bomb will drop. Travels at initial speed, then arms in seconds, default is 0.0f

TempWaypoint -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

TestPlayerStart (testplayerstart) -> PlayerStart -> SimpleArchivedEntity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

ThrobbingBox_ExplodeFlak88 (ThrobbingBox_ExplodeFlak88) -> ThrobbingBox_Explosive -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

ThrobbingBox_ExplodeNebelwerfer (ThrobbingBox_ExplodeNebelwerfer) -> ThrobbingBox_Explosive -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

ThrobbingBox_ExplodePlayerFlak88 (ThrobbingBox_ExplodePlayerFlak88) -> ThrobbingBox_Explosive -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

ThrobbingBox_ExplodePlayerNebelwerfer (ThrobbingBox_ExplodePlayerNebelwerfer) -> ThrobbingBox_Explosive -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

ThrobbingBox_ExplodeType96Cannon (ThrobbingBox_ExplodeType96Cannon) -> ThrobbingBox_Explosive -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


ThrobbingBox_Explosive (ThrobbingBox_explosive) -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

ActivateSound( String ActivateSound )


destroyed_model( String Destroyed )

doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

sent to entity when it is used by another entity


Cause the explosion to happen.

explosioneffect( String effect )

Set the explosion effect model

explosionpos( Vector offset )

Set the explosion offset

ExplosionSound( String ExplosionSound )

notifyallies( Boolean bNotify )

Set this to 1 for Allies to run away if within the blast radius.

notifyallies( Boolean bNotify )

Set this to 1 for Allies to run away if within the blast radius.

notifyallies( Boolean bNotify )

Set this to 1 for Allies to run away if within the blast radius.

notifyaxis( Boolean bNotify )

Set this to 1 for axis to run away if within the blast radius.

notifyaxis( Boolean bNotify )

Set this to 1 for axis to run away if within the blast radius.

notifyaxis( Boolean bNotify )

Set this to 1 for axis to run away if within the blast radius.

Radius( Float Radius )

setcantusethread( String thread )

Set the thread to execute when this object is used but can not activate

SetDamage( Float Damage )

setthread( String thread )

Set the thread to execute when this object is used

setusethread( String thread )

Set the thread to execute when this object is used

StopWatchDuration( Float StopWatchDuration )

TickSound( String TickSound )

triggered( Integer 0 )

Set the triggered status

used_model( String Used )

ThrobbingBox_Generic (ThrobbingBox_Generic) -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

ActivateSound( String ActivateSound )


damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

destroyed_model( String Destroyed )

doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

sent to entity when it is used by another entity


Cause the explosion to happen.

explosioneffect( String effect )

Set the explosion effect model

explosionpos( Vector offset )

Set the explosion offset

ExplosionSound( String ExplosionSound )


returns the stop watch duration

knockback( Float knockback )

notifyallies( Boolean bNotify )

Set this to 1 for Allies to run away if within the blast radius.

notifyallies( Boolean bNotify )

Set this to 1 for Allies to run away if within the blast radius.

notifyallies( Boolean bNotify )

Set this to 1 for Allies to run away if within the blast radius.

notifyaxis( Boolean bNotify )

Set this to 1 for axis to run away if within the blast radius.

notifyaxis( Boolean bNotify )

Set this to 1 for axis to run away if within the blast radius.

notifyaxis( Boolean bNotify )

Set this to 1 for axis to run away if within the blast radius.

Radius( Float Radius )

setcantusethread( String thread )

Set the thread to execute when this object is used but can not activate

SetDamage( Float Damage )

setthread( String thread )

Set the thread to execute when this object is used

setusethread( String thread )

Set the thread to execute when this object is used

StopWatchDuration( Float StopWatchDuration )

throbbing_model( String Throbbing )

TickSound( String TickSound )

triggered( Integer 0 )

Set the triggered status

used_model( String Used )

ThrobbingBox_Stickybomb (ThrobbingBox_Stickybomb) -> ThrobbingBox_Explosive -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

sent to entity when it is used by another entity


Torpedo (Torpedo) -> Bomb -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

abovewaterexplosioninfo( String model, String sound )

Set the explosion model and sound when the torpedo detonates above water

enabletracesinwater( Boolean bool )

Enables/disables collision traces while travelling through water.

SetDepth( Float distance )

Sets how far under water the torpedo should travel at

SetInWaterSpeed( Float speed )

Sets how fast the torpedo should move through the water

SetTargetPosition( Vector position )

Sets the target the torpedo will aim at

timeout( Float fTimeInSeconds )

Seconds before the torpedo explodes (this prevents runaway torpedos).

TouchField -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )

Send event to owner of trigger.

TOWObjective (func_TOWObjective) -> Objective -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

AlliesObjNum( Integer AlliesObjNum )

Sets the objective number for the allies team

AxisObjNum( Integer AxisObjNum )

Sets the objective number for the axis team


Objective controller

ControlledBy( Integer ControlledBy )

Sets the team controlling the objective


Initialize object

SetCurrent( Integer TeamNum )

Set this objective as the current objective for the specified team.

TakeOver( Integer TeamNum )

Sets the team controlling the objective. 0 = Axis, 1 = Allies

Trigger (trigger_multiple) -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

activatetrigger( Entity triggering_entity )

Activates all of the targets for this trigger.

activateunfiltered( Entity activatingEntity )

Activate without checking respondto flags.

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2

cnt( Integer count )

Set the amount of times this trigger can be triggered

cone( Float newTriggerCone )

Sets the cone in which directed triggers will trigger.

delay( Float delay_time )

Set the delay time (time between triggering and firing) for this trigger

doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

General trigger event for all entities

doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

sent to entity when touched.

edgetriggered( Boolean newEdgeTriggered )

If true, trigger will only trigger when object enters trigger, not when it is inside it.


Initialize a Actor.


Makes this trigger a registered 'get help' trigger.

message( String babylon )

Set a message to be displayed when this trigger is activated

messagewithusekey( String babylon )

Set a message to be displayed when this trigger is activated with use key

model( String modelName )

set the model to modelName.

multifaceted( Integer facetDirection )

Make this trigger multifaceted. If facet is 1, than trigger is North/South oriented.
If facet is 2 than trigger is East/West oriented. If facet is 3 than trigger is Up/Down oriented.

noise( String sound )

Set the sound to play when this trigger is activated


Turn this trigger off

setthread( String thread )

Set the thread to execute when this trigger is activated

solid_trigger_solid( Integer onOrOff )

Puts trigger into dual mode to listen to gunfire and also touch

sound( String sound )

Set the sound to play when this trigger is activated


Turn this trigger back on


Start the trigger thread.

wait( Float wait_time )

Set the wait time (time bewteen triggerings) for this trigger

TriggerAll (trigger_multipleall) -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

General trigger event for all entities

doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

sent to entity when touched.

TriggerBox (trigger_box) -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

GetMaxs()( Vector GetMaxs() )

Sets the maximum bounds of the trigger box.

GetMins()( Vector GetMins() )

Sets the minimum bounds of the trigger box.

TriggerDropZone (trigger_dropzone) -> TriggerUse -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

sent to entity when it is used by another entity

TriggerFallthroughKillTrigger (trigger_FallthroughKill) -> TriggerAll -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

TriggerHurt (trigger_hurt) -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

damage( Integer damage )

Sets the amount of damage to do.

damagetype( String damageType )

Sets the type of damage a TriggerHurt delivers.

doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

sent to entity when touched.

triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )

Send event to owner of trigger.

TriggerLandmine (trigger_landmine) -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

damageable( Boolean isDamageable )

Makes the trigger able to take damage, but it is up to the script to watch this damage

isabandoned( Entity owner )

Returns true if the owner has abandoned the mine

isimmune( Entity entity )

Returns true if the given entity is immune to this landmine

TriggerMoraleOff (trigger_moraleoff) -> BasicTrigger -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

TriggerMoraleOn (trigger_moraleon) -> BasicTrigger -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

TriggerOnce (trigger_once) -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

TriggerPlane (trigger_plane) -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

TriggerPlaySound (play_sound_triggered) -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

channel( Integer channel )

Sets the sound channel to play on.

min_dist( Float min_dist )

Sets the minimum distance.

triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )

Send event to owner of trigger.

volume( Float volume )

Sets the volume.

TriggerRelay (trigger_relay) -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

TriggerSave (trigger_save) -> TriggerOnce -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

savename( String name )

Sets the name which is appended to the world.message for this specific autosave

triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )

Send event to owner of trigger.

TriggerSpeaker (sound_speaker) -> TriggerPlaySound -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

TriggerSquadNode (trigger_squadnode) -> BasicTrigger -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

squad_name( Integer squadname )

Adds sentient to passed squadname.

squad_name( Integer squadname )

Adds sentient to passed squadname.

squad_name( Integer squadname )

Gets the name of sentient's squad.

TriggerUse (trigger_use) -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

sent to entity when it is used by another entity

TriggerVehicle (trigger_vehicle) -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

TurretBombsite (TurretBombsite) -> TurretGun -> Weapon -> Item -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

aiming_dampening( Float dampning_factor )

How much to dampen input for aiming. Higher numbers mean more sluggish controls.

doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

sent to entity when it is used by another entity

reticule_boundries( Float VertLimit, Float HorizontalLimit )

Limit the positional offset of the reticule.

reticule_drift( Float scale, Float speed )

How much should the reticule drift

TurretBombsiteBase -> TurretGunBase -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

TurretGun -> Weapon -> Item -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


adds extra ammoclips to the turret gun

aianimationset( String animationsetname )

sets the name of the animationset used by AI on this mountedweapon

aianimationset( String animationsetname )

gets the name of the animationset used by AI on this mountedweapon

aibulletspread( Float bulletSpreadX, Float bulletSpreadY )

Set the spread of the bullets in the x and y axis

aimaxyawoffset( Float aiyaw )

Sets the max yaw offset from the turrets central facing direction (for AI only)

ainoticedist( Float fAINoticeDist )

How close AI has to be to automatically jump on this gun (0=don't ever).


Gets whether the turret is set to always see its target.

alwaysSee( Integer always )

Sets the turret to always see its target.

alwaysSee( Integer always )

Sets the turret to always see its target.


sets the number of ammoclips this turret gun has


sets the number of extra ammoclips this turret gun has

animpitchoffsets( Float pitchup, Float pitchdown )

maximum pitch the gun should be allowed to animate(value should be tied to animation). Relative to the base pitch

animyawoffset( Float yawoffset )

maximum yaw the gun should be allowed to animate(value should be tied to animation). Relative to the base yaw

badplacecount( Integer iCount )

Sets how many badplace circles to place in front of gun. They are placed next to each other 1 by 1.(default=1)

badplacecount( Integer iCount )

Sets how many badplace circles to place in front of gun. They are placed next to each other 1 by 1.(default=1)

badplacecount( Integer iCount )

Sets how many badplace circles to place in front of gun. They are placed next to each other 1 by 1.(default=1)

badplaceplayeronly( Boolean bPlayerOnly )

Set this to 1 to have bad place engage only if player is on the gun (default=1)

badplaceplayeronly( Boolean bPlayerOnly )

Set this to 1 to have bad place engage only if player is on the gun (default=1)

badplaceplayeronly( Boolean bPlayerOnly )

Set this to 1 to have bad place engage only if player is on the gun (default=1)

badplaceradius( Float fRadius )

Sets badplace radius to be placed in front of gun.(default=150)

badplaceradius( Float fRadius )

Sets badplace radius to be placed in front of gun.(default=150)

badplaceradius( Float fRadius )

Sets badplace radius to be placed in front of gun.(default=150)

badplacewarnall( Boolean bAll )

Set this to 1 to have gun notify both teams of the bad place. (default=0)

badplacewarnall( Boolean bAll )

Set this to 1 to have gun notify both teams of the bad place. (default=0)

badplacewarnall( Boolean bAll )

Set this to 1 to have gun notify both teams of the bad place. (default=0)


Returns the barrel angles.

barrelPitchOffset( Float offset )

Sets the pitch offset of the barrel relative to the user view pitch

burstFireSettings( Float mintime, Float maxtime, Float mindelay, Float maxdelay )

Sets the settings for burst mode firing

clearAimTarget( [ String target ] )

Makes the turret aim at an entity


Sets the enemy to nothing.

convergeTime( Float time )

Sets the convergence time

dojitter( Float (optional) )

Apply the jitter without firing

doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

sent to entity when it is used by another entity

eyebonename( String name )

Sets the name of the eye bone


Returns the barrel angles in model space.


gets the total ammo count including ammo_in_clip and supply ammo

idleCheckOffset( Vector offset )

Sets the offset to trace to for collision checking when idling


Drops the item to the ground.

laggedmotion( Integer islagged )

Should the turret use lagged motion

lockcamerapitch( Boolean lock, Float pitch )

Locks player's view to a specific world space pitch, and not with barrel (default = 0 degrees)

maxIdlePitch( Float offset )

Sets the offset to trace to for collision checking when idling

maxIdleYaw( Float offset )

Sets the offset to trace to for collision checking when idling

maxpitchchange( Float angle )

Sets the maximum change in pitch when the weapon is randomly choosing targets.

maxuseangle( Float maxuseangle )

Set max use angle to allow player to mount the turret.

maxyawchange( Float angle )

Sets the maximum change in yaw when the weapon is randomly choosing targets.

maxYawOffset( Float aiyaw, Float playeryaw )

Sets the max yaw offset (AI & player) from the turrets central facing direction, enter one value to set both as same value

mountedweapontype( Integer type )

sets the mounted weapon type of the turret

mountedweapontype( String type )

gets the mounted weapon type of the turret

pitchbonename( String name )

Sets the name of the pitch bone

pitchCaps( Vector caps )

Sets the pitch caps for the turret. First number is upward cap, second is downward cap, and the third just makes it nice little vector

pitchSpeed( Float speed )

Sets the turret's pitch speed

playermaxyawoffset( Float playeryaw )

Sets the max yaw offset from the turrets central facing direction (for Player only)

playerUse( String player )

tells a player to use the turret

playerzoom( [ Float change_fov ], [ Float change_time ] )

amount of fov to zoom, and ellapsed time for zoom completion

psetviewangles( Vector offset )

Sets the view angles.

setAimOffset( Vector offset )

Makes the turret aim with specified offset

setAimTarget( [ String target ] )

Makes the turret aim at an entity

setenemy( Entity eEnemy )

Overrides the turret's current enemy until it is dead or is removed. (You may also do a setenemy NULL to clear)

setPlayerUsable( Integer state )

Sets wether the turret can be used by players. 0 means no, 1 means yes.

setrestable( Integer state )

Sets whether the turret goes back to idle position when done using

setthread( String value )

Sets the name of the thread called when a player uses the turret

setusable( Integer state )

Sets whether the turret can be used as a weapon. 0 means no, 1 means by players and AI, 2 means Player only, 3 means AI only.

setUsableScriptOnly( Integer state )

Sets wether the turret can be used by script only, not automatically


Gets whether the turret is shooting fake bullets.

shoot_fake_bullets( Integer fake )

Sets the turret to shoot fake bullets.

shoot_fake_bullets( Integer fake )

Sets the turret to shoot fake bullets.

shouldhavereloader( Boolean yes/no )

sets whether the turret should have a reloader or not

SoundSet( String soundset )

Sets the Sound Set to use.


Makes the turret start shooting

startyaw( Float startyaw )

Sets the yaw to be used as the center of our allowed turn arc.


Makes the turret stop shooting

suppressHeight( Float radius )

Sets the vertical radius of suppression fire

suppressTime( Float time )

Sets the suppression time

suppressWaitTime( Float time )

Sets the suppression wait nonfiring time before turret returns to default position

suppressWidth( Float radius )

Sets the horizontal radius of suppression fire


Gets the target type

targettype( String value )

Sets the target type to be none, auto, or random

targettype( String value )

Sets the target type to be none, auto, or random

turnSpeed( Float speed )

Sets the turret's turn speed

turretbeginused( String player )

Sets up the turret for player use

turretfov( Integer fov )

Sets the FOV of the camera when using the turret

userdistance( Float dist )

Sets the distance the user should be placed at while using this turret

userleftoffset( Float offset )

Sets the distance the user should be offset in the 'left' direction while using this turret


gets the stance for using the turret (prone,crouch,stand)

viewangles( Vector newAngles )

set the view angles of the entity to newAngles.


get the angles of the entity.

viewjitter( Float amount )

Sets the amount that the owner's view should be jittered when fired

viewjitterpitchyawroll( Float Pitch,, Float Yaw,, Float Roll )

Sets the amount that the owner's view should be jittered when fired

viewOffset( Vector offset )

Sets the view offset to use for the turret

viewturnSpeed( Float speed )

Sets the turret's view turn speed

yawCenter( Float yaw )

Sets the yaw for the center of the turret's turning arc

TurretGunAmmoBox (turretgunammobox) -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Add a bone name. The order of the command should be the order to remove boxes

TurretGunBase -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Set the ammobox mode file, should be .hag

spawnammoboxes( Boolean true/false )

ontrols whether ammo boxes are spawned.

spawnturret( String model, String turretbonename, String reloaderbonename, String height )

Spawns a turret w/specified model, attached to bone, w/ reloaderbonename and stance needed for using it

TurretGunTandem (TurretGunTandem) -> TurretGun -> Weapon -> Item -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

linkturret( String name )

Sets the next turret in the link.

TurretMortar (TurretMortar) -> TurretGun -> Weapon -> Item -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

TurretMortarBase -> TurretGunBase -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

UIBigText -> UISimpleBox -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIBindButton -> UIButton -> UIButtonBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

any_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Any mouse button has been pressed

bindcommand( String cmd )

Command to bind

UIBuddyList -> UIListBox -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIButton -> UIButtonBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIButtonBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


make text displayed by linkcvar localized.

hovercommand( String string )

Set the command to execute when this button is hovered over

left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been released

mouseawaycommand( String string )

Set the command to execute when the mouse exits this button

mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse entered a widget event

mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse exiting a widget event

UIChatBox -> UISimpleBox -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIChatBuffer -> UIListBox -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UICheckBox -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

checked_command( String command )

Command to execute when checkbox is checked

checked_shader( String shader )

Set the shader of the small button when it is checked

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been released

linkcvar2( String cvar, Integer checked_value )

Set the cvar to checked value when checked

mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse entered a widget event

mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse exiting a widget event

unchecked_command( String command )

Command to execute when checkbox is checked

unchecked_shader( String shader )

Set the shader of the small button when it is unchecked

UIChildSpaceWidget -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIConsole -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

print( String string )

Print the string to the console


Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.

textpadding( Integer integer )

space in pixels between border and console text

UIDialog -> UIFloatingWindow -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIDMBox -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.

UIDMConsole -> UIConsole -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIDynamicPulldown -> UIPulldownMenuContainer -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIFakkBindList -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

filename( String filename )

Filename that holds bind definitions


stops trying to bind a key to a command

UIFakkBindListLabel -> UILabel -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

UIFakkLabel -> UILabel -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

classstat( String statName )

set classstat for layout

flash_color_change( Float percent_to_change, Float color_r, Float color_g, Float color_b, Float color_a )

sets a threshold to change colors for a stat_bar

itemstat( Integer itemstatValue )

set itemstat for layout

maxplayerstat( Integer maxPlayerstatValue )

set the playerstat that holds the max value for that stat. Used for statbars

modelangles( Vector angles )

Render model angles

modelanim( String anim, [ String alternate_pid ] )

Render model anim

modelname( String name )

set the name of the 3d model to render

modeloffset( Vector offset )

Render model offset

modelrotateoffset( Vector offset )

Render model rotation offset

modelscale( Float scale )

Render model scale

modelspin( Boolean spin )

spin the model or not

normal_color_change( Float percent_to_change, Float color_r, Float color_g, Float color_b, Float color_a )

sets a threshold to change colors for a stat_bar

playerstat( Integer playerstatValue )

set playerstat for layout

playerstatalpha( Integer playerstatValue )

set playerstat to control alpha for layout

playerstatconfigstring( Integer playerstatValue )

set playerstat for layout - will print out the corresponding configstring

playeruseslot( Integer index )

set useslot index to control alpha for layout

rendermodel( Boolean bool )

Render the model specified by the cvar.

statbar( String orientation, [ Integer min ], [ Integer max ] )

make this label present the stat using a graphical bar. Optionally specify a min and max value

statbar_alias_dimensions( String widget )

Use this widget for position calculations

statbar_endangles( Float startang, Float endang )

Sets the start and end angles for a circular stat bar

statbar_needlewidth( Float width )

Sets the width of the needle for a needle statbar

statbar_rotatorsize( Float width )

Sets the width of the needle for a needle statbar

statbar_shader( String shader )

set the shader for this statbar

statbar_shader_flash( String shader )

set the flash shader for this statbar

statbar_shader_marker( String shader )

set the marker shader for this statbar
This is drawn at the end of the status bar

statbar_tileshader( String shader )

set the tile shader for this statbar

statbar_tileshader_flash( String shader )

set the flash tile shader for this statbar

useoverride( Integer int )

Sets a stat override array number to use (must be less than NUM_BARS), and clears those array elements.

UIFAKKLoadGameClass -> UIListCtrl -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Delete the currently selected game... for real

listbase_item_doubleclicked( Integer index )

Signaled when an item is double clicked

listbase_item_selected( Integer index )

Signaled when an item is selected


Load the currently selected game


Delete the currently selected game... for real


Delete the currently selected game


Save the currently selected game

UIFAKKServerList -> UIListCtrl -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Cancel serverlist Refresh


Connect to the specified server

listbase_item_doubleclicked( Integer index )

Signaled when an item is double clicked

listbase_item_selected( Integer index )

Signaled when an item is selected


Refresh the serverlist


Cancel serverlist Refresh

UIField -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down


Set the field as an IP field.

SetMaxChars( Integer numChars )

Tells the field how many characters can be typed into the field.


Signal the field that it should only take numeric input.

UIFilterList -> UIListBox -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

deletefilterset( String name )

Delete the named filterset from the list

externalApply( Integer the )

apply the filter set at the specificed location in the lsit

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

savefilterset( String name )

Save the current set of filters under the specified name

UIFloatingConsole -> UIFloatingWindow -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Signal that the window was closed

UIFloatingDMConsole -> UIFloatingWindow -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Signals that the widget has been deactivated.


Signal that the window was closed

UIFloatingWindow -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Signals that the widget has been activated.


Signal that the window was closed


Signal that the window was minimized

left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been released


Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.

UIGMBox -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.

UIInstantAction -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Connect to the current server


cancel the server update


Refresh the server list


Reject the current server

UILabel -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


make text displayed by linkcvar localized.


Links the label's cvar to its shader

linkstring( Integer value, String BabylonLabel )

Creates a link from the specified value to a localized string.Use this if you want the label to display a string different from the value of the cvar

loopingsound( String soundName, Float start_volume, Float hold_start_time, Float ending_volume, Float ramp_time )

Set the sound to play

mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse entered a widget event

mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse exiting a widget event

oneshotsound( String soundName, Float soundTime )

Set the sound to play

outlinedtext( Integer outlined )

Set/clear outline text

shader( String shaderName )

Set the shader to draw on the background of the widget

tileshader( String shaderName )

Set the shader to draw tiled on the background of the widget

wraptext( [ Boolean boolean ] )

set boolean to wrap text (default : true)

UILabelWordWrap -> UILabel -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UILANGameClass -> UIListCtrl -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

infowidget( String widget )

Set the server info widget for the browser


Join the currently selected server

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

listbase_item_doubleclicked( Integer index )

Signaled when an item is double clicked

listbase_item_selected( Integer index )

Signaled when an item is selected

UILayout -> Listener

menu( String name, Float width, Float height, String direction, [ Float motion_time ] )

Sets up the layout of the menu.

UIList -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

additem( String itemname, [ String command ] )

Add an item to the list

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been released

UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIListBox -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

addconfigstringitem( Integer index, [ String command ] )

Add an item to the list that uses a configstring

additem( String itemname, [ String command ] )

Add an item to the list


Delete all the items from the widget

evenrowcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

color of even rows

font( String font )

Set the font of the widget

left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been released

oddrowcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

color of odd rows

rowtextcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

color of row text

selbgcarrycolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

Set the selected background color of the list item while being carried

selbgcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

Set the selected background color of the list

selbordercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

Set the selected border color of the list

selfontcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

Set the selected font color of the list

UIListCtrl -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

colorheaderbox( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

color of the header box

colorheaderboxtext( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

color of the header text

colorroweven( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

color of even rows

colorrowodd( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

color of odd rows

colorrowselected( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

color of seleted row

colorrowselectedtext( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

color of selected row text

colorrowtext( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

color of row text

disableheaderboxdraw( Boolean disable )

disable header box drawing

headerbordersize( Integer width )

size of header box border

headershader( Float width, Float height, String shader )

sets the header shader/size for the list control

left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been released

mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse entered a widget event

numdrawlines( Integer number )

sets the number of lines to draw

rowevenshader( Float width, Float height, String shader )

sets the even row shader/size for the list control

rowoddshader( Float width, Float height, String shader )

sets the odd row shader/size for the list control

setheaderfont( String font_name )

sets the font for the header


Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.

UIListIndex -> UIList -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIMapListBox -> UIListBox -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Refreshes the map list.

UIMapRotationListBox -> UIListBox -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

attachrightlist( String widget_name )

Attach a list on right side of this, sync scrollbar and selected.


Refreshed the gametype rotation list.


Refreshed the map rotation list.

UIModBrowser -> UIListBox -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Disables the currently selected mod


Enables the currently selected mod

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been released

mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse exiting a widget event

setdescbox( String widget )

Sets the widget describing the current mod

UIModInfoBox -> UIListBox -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

setdirectdownload( Integer setting )

Toggles whether the mod can be directly downloaded from the server

UIMPStatList -> UIListBox -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Refresh MP stats display

UIMultiLineEdit -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

edit( Boolean bool )

Set whether or not the text is editable

left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been released


Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.


Causes text box to update itself using the assigned cvar

UIMultiLineView -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been released


Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.

UINewsBuffer -> UIListBox -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIObjectiveStatus -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIPasswordField -> UIField -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIPlayerInfo -> UIListCtrl -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

UIPopupMenu -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Signals that the widget has been deactivated.

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been released

mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse exiting a widget event

mouse_moved( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse was moved in a widget with no buttons down

UIProfiler -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

cursorcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue )

set the color of the cursor line

headercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue )

set the color of the top and 'other' lines

recursablecolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue )

set the color of the entries which can be recursed into

UIPulldownMenu -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

highlight_bgcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b )

Set the background color of the highlighted text when a pulldown is used

highlight_fgcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b )

Set the foreground color of the highlighted text when a pulldown is used

left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been released

UIPulldownMenuContainer -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

addpopup( String menuname, String title, String type, String string )

Adds a popup to the list box.
menuname - the name of the menu to add this to
title - the string to display
type - type of item this is (command,cvar,event_name)
string - the data that corresponds to the correct type

highlight_bgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the highlight foreground color of the pulldown menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color

highlight_fgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the highlight background color of the pulldown menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color

menushader( String menuname, String shader )

Adds a menu to the container and sets the shader.
menuname - the name of the menu to add this to
shader - the string to display

popup_bgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the foreground color of the popup menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color

popup_fgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the background color of the popup menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color

popup_highlight_bgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the highlight foreground color of the popup menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color

popup_highlight_fgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )

Set the highlight background color of the popup menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color

selmenushader( String menuname, String shader )

Adds a menu to the container and sets the shader when it's selected.
menuname - the name of the menu to add this to
shader - the string to display

virtualres( Integer usevirtualres )

Set the widget to be modified horizontally or vertically across the screen to account for resolutions != 640x480

UIRadar -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIRadioButton -> UICheckBox -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been released

SelectedValue( Integer value )

sets the associated cvar to when the radio button is selected

UIRoommateList -> UIListBox -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIScoreboard -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

ablecolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue )

set the color which team able will be printed in

bakercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue )

set the color which team able will be printed in

clientcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue )

set the color which team able will be printed in

clientfontbig( String font )

set the big client font (the font which players and their scores will be printed in)

clientfontmedium( String font )

set the medium client font (the font which players and their scores will be printed in)

clientfontsmall( String font )

set the small client font (the font which players and their scores will be printed in)

defaultcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue )

set the color which team able will be printed in

ffaheadercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue )

set the color which the free-for-all players' team header will be printed in

spectatorsheadercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue )

set the color which the free-for-all players' team header will be printed in

teamheaderfontbig( String font )

set the big team header font (the font that Able or Baker or Spectators will be printed in)

teamheaderfontmedium( String font )

set the medium team header font (the font that Able or Baker or Spectators will be printed in)

teamheaderfontsmall( String font )

set the small team header font (the font that Able or Baker or Spectators will be printed in)

UIScrollLabel -> UIConsole -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

replaceText( Integer integer )

1 = replaces text; 0 = appends text

UISelectionLabel -> UILabel -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

addselection( String display_string, String value )

Adds a Selection value

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been released

mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse entered a widget event

mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse exiting a widget event

mouse_moved( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse was moved in a widget with no buttons down

selectioncvar( String cvar_name )

Sets the cvar to use for the value, not the display name, but the value linked to the name

UIServerBrowser -> UIListCtrl -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Bookmarks the current server

infowidget( String widget )

Set the server info widget for the browser


Join the currently selected server

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

listbase_item_doubleclicked( Integer index )

Signaled when an item is double clicked

listbase_item_selected( Integer index )

Signaled when an item is selected

netbrowser( String widget )

Set the net browser for the browser

onlybookmarks( Integer 1 )

Sets whether the browser should show only bookmarked servers


Refreshes the list of servers

UIServerInfo -> UIListCtrl -> UIListBase -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

playerinfowidget( String widget )

Set the player info widget for the browser

UISimpleBox -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

alliescolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue )

set the color which the allies will be printed in

axiscolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue )

set the color which the axis will be printed in

defaultcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue )

set the default text color

UISlider -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Used to auto decrement the slider


Used to auto increment the slider

leftshader( String shader, [ String depressed_shader ] )

Set the shader of the slider's left arrow

left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been released

mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse entered a widget event

mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse exiting a widget event

rightshader( String shader, [ String depressed_shader ] )

Set the shader of the slider's right arrow

setrange( Float min, Float max )

Used to set the range of a slider

slidertype( String sliderType(float|integer) )

Set the slider type to be floating point or integral

stepsize( Float stepsize )

Set the step size of the slider

thumbshader( String shader, [ String depressed_shader ] )

Set the shader of the slider's thumb

UIStatusBar -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Specifies that the widget has been realigned.


Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.

UIStatusBox -> UISimpleBox -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIVertScroll -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been released

mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse entered a widget event

mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse exiting a widget event

UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Activate this widget.

aliascache( String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Create an alias to the specified path and cache the resource

align( String alignment )

Set the side of the screen to align the widget(left right top bottom centerx centery)

bgcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

Set the background color of the widget

bordercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

Set the border color of the widget

borderstyle( String style, [ Integer Thickness ] )

Set the borderstyle of the widget(NONE, 3D_BORDER, INDENT_BORDER, OUTLINE)

clicksound( String soundName )

Set the sound to be played when the widget is clicked


dont allow text to be drawn outside the horz dimensions of the widget

direction( String direction, [ Float time ] )

Set the direction the widget will appear from on the screen
(from_top, from_bottom, from_left, or from_right)
Time is specified to determine how fast the widget will scroll in


enable the widget.

disabledcvar( String cvar_name )

Set the cvar to check to see if this button is disabled when the cvar not zero


flag to tell label not to draw in dm.


Disables localization for this widget


enable the widget.

enabledcvar( String cvar_name, String cvar_value )

Set the cvar to check to see if this button is enabled or not

fadein( Float fadetime )

Set the amount of time it takes for the widget to fade in

fadeout( Float fadetime )

Set the amount of time it takes for the widget to fade out

fadesequence( Integer fade_type, Float delay, Float fadein, Float hold, Float fadeout, Float start_alpha, Float end_alpha )

Set up for a delay/fadein/hold/fadeout sequence

fgcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

Set the foreground color of the widget

fghighlightcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

Set the foreground highlighted color of the widget

font( String font )

Set the font of the widget

fontdrop( String font )

Set the background font of the widget

fontdropcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

Set the color of the drop font widget


Hides the widget.

hidecommand( String command )

Set a command to be executed when the widget is hidden

hovershader( String shaderName )

Set the shader to on the background of the widget when the mouse is over the widget

hoversound( String soundName )

Set the sound to play when this widget is hovered over

inactiveshader( String shaderName )

Set the shader to on the background of the widget when it is selected

initdata( String datastring )

Set the linkcvar to be initialized to this value

linkcvar( String cvarname )

Set the cvar that will be updated when the widget is changed

linkcvardimension( Integer numDimensions, Integer DimensionIndex )

Set the dimension information for a linked cvar

name( String name )

Set the name of the widget


Set the widget to not be adjusted by the parent widget


Set the widget to not be clipped by the parent widget

ordernumber( Integer num )

Set the order the widget should be activated in

pressedshader( String shaderName )

Set the shader to on the background of the widget when it is pressed in

rect( Float x, Float y, Float width, Float height )

Set the rect of the widget

scalecvar( String cvar_name )

Set the cvar to check to scale this component

selectedshader( String shaderName )

Set the shader to on the background of the widget when it is selected

setalpha( Float alpha )

Set the origianl alpha widget

shader( String shaderName )

Set the shader to draw on the background of the widget

shadowtext( [ Integer X ], [ Integer Y ], [ Float red ], [ Float green ], [ Float blue ], [ Float alpha ] )

Set the shadow text, offset and color

showcommand( String command )

Set a command to be executed when the widget is shown

size( Float x, Float y, Float width, Float height )

Set the size of the widget

stopsound( String soundName )

Set the sound to be played when the widget stops moving

stretch( String stretchdir )

Set the widget to be stretched horizontally or vertically across the screen

stuffcommand( String command )

Set the command to be stuffed when the widget is clicked

text( String string )

Sets optional text which is used by some widgets

textalign( String alignment )

Sets the alignment of text for this widget

tileshader( String shaderName )

Set the shader to draw tiled on the background of the widget

title( String title )

Set the title of the widget to be displayed in the center of it

virtualdim( Float width, Float height )

virtual dimensions to use

virtualres( Integer usevirtualres )

Set the widget to be modified horizontally or vertically across the screen to account for resolutions != 640x480

visiblecvar( String cvar_name, String cvar_value )

Set the cvar to check to see if this button is enabled or not

UIWidgetContainer -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

bgfill( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )

Set a color to fill the entire background

fullscreen( Boolean fullscreen )

Set container to be fullscreen. This will disable the game rendering if it's active

vidmode( Integer vidmode )

Set container's vidmode to change to when it's active

UIWindowManager -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

UIWindowSizer -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been released

UIWinScreenChatbox -> UIConsole -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener

USignal -> Listener

Vehicle (script_vehicle) -> VehicleBase -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

aicanattack( Boolean bFlag )

Sets if the AI can/can't attack from the vehicle.

allowweaponsforpassengers( Boolean packin )

If true, allows passengers to fire their weapons (enabled for clients only)

AnimationSet( String animset )

Sets the Animation Set to use.

attachbomb( Integer index,, String joint,, String model,, Integer splinebombflag )

Attach 1 or more bombs to a joint.

attachbomb( Integer index,, String joint,, String model,, Integer splinebombflag )

Attach 1 or more bombs to a joint.

AttachDriverSlot( Integer slot, Entity entity, Integer bNothinker )

Attaches an entity to the specified slot.

AttachPassengerSlot( Integer slot, Entity entity, Integer bNothinker )

Attaches an entity to the specified slot.

AttachTurretSlot( Integer slot, Entity entity, Integer bNothinker )

Attaches an entity to the specified slot.

autopilot( Integer On )

If non-zero, causes vehicle to run a thinker. Otherwise it is a script slave

back_mass( Float weight )

Sets the mass of the back of the vehicle


Returns the number of bombs left.

bombexplosion( Boolean bRestoreVehicleCamera )

Notifies the vehicle that a bomb that was dropped has detonated.

camera_interpolation( Integer enable )

Used to enable or disable camera interpolation when getting in or out of vehicles.

canjump( Boolean jumpable )

Sets whether or not the vehicle can jump


Determine whether bombs can be dropped.

collisionent( Entity entity )

Gets the Collision Entity


Gets the Collision Entity

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot


Returns true when the vehicle receives damage

damagesounds( Integer on_off )

Makes the vehicle play damaged sounds.


Returns the angle from which the vehicle took damage

DetachDriverSlot( Integer slot, [ Vector exit_position ] )

Detaches an entity to the specified slot.

DetachGunnerFromTurretSlot( Integer slot, [ Vector exit_position ] )

Detaches an gunner from the specified slot.

DetachPassengerSlot( Integer slot, [ Vector exit_position ] )

Detaches an entity to the specified slot.

DetachTurretSlot( Integer slot, [ Vector exit_position ] )

Detaches a entity (gunner or gun if no gunner) from the specified slot.


Don't allow bombs to be dropped.

doBlocked( Entity obstacle )

sent to entity when blocked.


Sets whether to drop the actor to the ground when exiting the vehicle

doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

sent to entity when touched.

doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

sent to entity when it is used by another entity


Make the vehicle drivable

drive( Vector position, Float speed, Float acceleration, Float reach_distance, Float look_ahead, [ Vector alternate_position ] )

Makes the vehicle drive to position with speed and acceleration until reached_distance close to position

driveactorsaway( Integer range, Integer factor,, String view, Integer angle, )

Drive the actors out of way

driveNoWait( Vector position, Float speed, Float acceleration, Float reach_distance )

Makes the vehicle drive to position with speed and acceleration until reached_distance close to position, thread doesn't wait

driverholster( Integer 0/1 )

Set driver to automatically holster weapon when entering vehicle

driverunholster( Integer 0/1 )

Set driver to automatically unholster weapon when exiting vehicle

dropbomb( Integer index, Float bombspeed )

Drop a bomb (optional index and initial speed).


Allow bombs to be dropped.

exitmode( Integer exit_mode )

Sets the exit mode for the vehicle.

explosionmodel( String model )

Sets the TIKI to call when the vehicle dies.

front_mass( Float weight )

Sets the mass of the front of the vehicle


Make the Vehicle Stop Moving... Completely!


How many turrets are on this airplane.


Removes this listener immediately.


Initialize the vehicles wheels (if any).


Does the vehicle have positive health?

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

listenforcontactinfo( )

toggles the vehicles ability to listen to collision layers for sounds


Sets the vehicle to be locked


The Vehicle cannot move.

lockslot( String slot, Integer name,, String slot )

lock the specified slot. mode can be either 'player', 'actor', 'none' or 'both'

lock_shader_speed( Float shaderspeed, Boolean lock )

Set speed for animated shader

model( String modelName )

set the model to modelName.

modifydrive( Float desired_speed, Float acceleration, Float look_ahead )

Modifys the parameters of the current drive.

moveanim( String anim_name )

move the vehicle with an animation

name( String vehicleName )

Gets the name for the vehicle

name( String vehicleName )

Set the name for the vehicle

nextdrive( Entity next_path )

appends the specified path to the current path

noplayercamera( Boolean NoPlayerCamera )

If true, the player will not use a user camer when entering the vehicle


open slot. Usage: openslot slot_type slot_index tag_name enter_tag_name. slottype is one of driver/passenger/turret

playerfov( Float fov )

Sets the players fov on the vehicle

playerUse( String player )

tells a player to use the turret

QueryDriverSlotAngles( Integer slot )

Returns the angles of the specified slot on the vehicle.

QueryDriverSlotEntity( Integer slot, [ Boolean bMustBeInUse ] )

Returns an entity at the specified slot.

QueryDriverSlotPosition( Integer slot )

Returns the position of the specified slot on the vehicle.

QueryDriverSlotStatus( Integer slot )

Returns the status of the specified slot on the vehicle.


Returns a number that represents the first free driver slot on the vehicle.


Returns a number that represents the first free passenger slot on the vehicle.


Returns a number that represents the first free turret slot on the vehicle.

QueryPassengerSlotEntity( Integer slot, [ Boolean bMustBeInUse ] )

Returns an entity at the specified slot.

QueryPassengerSlotPosition( Integer slot )

Returns the position of the specified slot on the vehicle.

QueryPassengerSlotStatus( Integer slot )

Returns the status of the specified slot on the vehicle.

QueryTurretSlotEntity( Integer slot )

Returns an entity at the specified slot.

QueryTurretSlotGunner( Integer slot )

Returns the gunner at the specified slot.

QueryTurretSlotPosition( Integer slot )

Returns the position of the specified slot on the vehicle.

QueryTurretSlotStatus( Integer slot )

Returns the status of the specified slot on the vehicle.

removeondeath( Integer removeondeath )

If set to a non-zero value, vehicles will not be removed when they die


Removes all gunners, passengers, and drivers


Removes all bombs from the vehicle.


Removes all turrets from the vehicle.

runsounds( Integer on_off )

Makes the vehicle play running sounds.

seatanglesoffset( Vector angles )

Set the angles offset of the seat

seatoffset( Vector offset )

Set the offset of the seat

setcollisionentity( Entity entity )

Sets the Collision Entity.

setcontactlayersoundset( String strSoundSet )

Sets the vehicle's collision layer sound set.

SetRPMSoundParams( Float min_rpm, Float min_pitch, Float min_volume, Float max_rpm, Float max_pitch, Float max_volume )

Sets the pitch and volume parameters for the sounds based on rpm

SetSpeedSoundParams( Float min_speed, Float min_pitch, Float min_volume, Float max_speed, Float max_pitch, Float max_volume )

Sets the pitch and volume parameters for the sounds based on speed

setupphysics( )

Sets up the physics on this vehicle

setUsableScriptOnly( Integer state )

Sets wether the turret can be used by script only, not automatically

setweapon( String weaponname )

Set the weapon for the vehicle

shiftpassengerslot( Entity entity, Integer from_slot, Integer to_slot )

Shifts the entity from the one specified slot to another.


Set the weapon to be show in the view

skidding( Integer on_off )

Makes the vehicle skid around corners.

SoundSet( String soundset )

Sets the Sound Set to use.

spawnturret( Integer slot, String tikifile )

Spawns a turret with the specified model and connects it to the specified slot


Initialize the vehicle.

startsounds( Boolean on/off )

Sets whether to play door close and engine start sounds.

start_offset( Vector offset )

Offset applied to a vehicle when it is spawned.


Set the vehicle to turn in place


Make the Vehicle Stop Moving... FULL BREAKS!


Makes the vehicle slow down to a complete stop at the end of the path.

timetoarmbomb( Float time )

Time to arm bombs after they're released

turnrate( Float rate )

Set the turning rate of the vehicle


Make the vehicle undrivable


Sets the vehicle to be unlocked


The Vehicle can move again.

usedistance( Float distance )

Sets the 'use' distance.


Gets the 'use' distance.

usedistance( Float distance )

Sets the 'use' distance.

useplayerviewconstraints( Boolean Use )

Sets whether to use the players View constrains while in the vehicle

vehicleanim( String anim_name, [ Float weight ] )

Sets an animation to use in the LD Animation slot.
Weight defaults to 1.0

vehiclebouncy( Float bouncycoef )

Sets the Bouncy Coefficient for the shocks.


Driver is dead

vehicledrag( Float size )

Sets the Drag Factor


Initialized the Vehicle as the specified file

vehiclemass( Float weight )

Sets the mass of the vehicle (backmass = frontmass = mass/2)

vehicleradius( Float size )

Sets the radius of the wheels

vehicleRoll( Float min, Float max, Float coef )

Sets the Roll min and max and the acceleration coefficient for the shocks.

vehiclerollingresistance( Float size )

Sets the radius of the wheels

vehiclespeed( Float speed )

Set the speed of the vehicle

vehiclespringy( Float springycoef )

Sets the Springy Coefficient for the shocks.

vehicletread( Float size )

Sets the size of the wheels

VehicleWheelCorners( Vector size, Vector offset )

Sets the wheel trace corners.

vehicleYaw( Float min, Float max, Float coef )

Sets the Yaw min and max and the acceleration coefficient for the shocks.

vehicleZ( Float min, Float max, Float coef )

Sets the Z min and max and the acceleration coefficient for the shocks.

viewOffset( Vector offset )

Sets the view offset

VehicleBase -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Makes the vehicle neutral.


Puts the vehicle on the axis team.


Puts the vehicle on the axis team.

VehicleCamera (func_vehiclecamera) -> Camera -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

VehicleCollisionEntity -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot



VehicleFlyablePlane (VehicleFlyablePlane) -> PhysicsVehicle -> DrivableVehicle -> Vehicle -> VehicleBase -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

acceleration( Float acceleration )

Set the acceleration

attach_sound_emitter( String emitter_type,, String joint )

Attach a sound emitter to a joint

bulletattack( [ Float range ], [ Float damage ], [ Float penetration ], [ Integer tracerfrequency ], [ Integer tracertype ], [ Float knockback ], [ String meansofdeath ], [ Vector bulletspread ], [ Integer bulletsize ] )

Used to set the parameters for the plane's bullet attack.

can_turret_switch( Integer allow_switching )

Sets whether entities can move about turrets.

can_turret_switch( Integer allow_switching )

Sets whether entities can move about turrets.


Can entities move about turrets?

chase_camera( Boolean bEnable, Float fCameraDistance )

Enables/Disables the plane's chase camera

drawbombhud( Integer draw )

Used to turn the bomb HUD on/off (accepts 0 or 1).

EnableFiringPostFX( Float Blur, Float Value,, Float Fire, Float Delay, )

When the weapon fire, a post fx is played.

enable_flight_boundary( Integer enable )

0 - disables the flight boundary, 1 enables it. Default: 1.

fire_delay( Float rate )

Set the rate of fire.

flypath( Entity path )

Takes control away from the player and follows a path.


Freezes the plane in place and removes player control.


Simulates jitter when the plane gets hit.


Returns whether the plane is out of bounds

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot


Used to lock the bombs on the plane.

lock_speed( Float speed )

Locks the plane at the specified speed


Returns the plane's max speed


Move the plane and wait until finished.


How close to a node does a plane have to be to say it's hit it and to move on (takes into account angle of attack--i.e. must be facing the node to count. Used as an outer sphere).

node_proximity_dist( Float distance )

How close to a node does a plane have to be to say it's hit it and to move on (takes into account angle of attack--i.e. must be facing the node to count. This should be used as an outer sphere).

node_proximity_dist( Float distance )

How close to a node does a plane have to be to say it's hit it and to move on (takes into account angle of attack--i.e. must be facing the node to count. This should be used as an outer sphere).

node_proximity_dist_inner( Integer distance )

Sets the distance where a plane is considered to reach a pathnode (does not consider angle of attack or any other special params. This should be used as an inner sphere check)


Gets the distance where a plane is considered to reach a pathnode (Angle of attack isn't considered. Used as an inner sphere check)

node_proximity_dist_inner( Integer distance )

Sets the distance where a plane is considered to reach a pathnode (does not consider angle of attack or any other special params. This should be used as an inner sphere check)


Gets the origin of the plane.

origin( Vector vOrigin )

Sets the origin of the plane.

player_control( Boolean enable )

Adds the ability to enable or disable player control. Useful when following paths.

projectile( String model )

Sets the projectile's model


Releases a frozen plane and restores player control.

reset( Vector vOrigin, Vector vAngles )

Resets the plane's position and orientation.


Restores the vehicle camera

set_flight_boundary( Entity flight_boundary )

Sets the current active flight boundary.


Returns the plane's current speed


Stops the firing post fx.


Stops all sounds


Used to unlock the bombs on the plane.


Unlocks the plane's speed

vehicleflyablefire( Boolean bRightCannon )

Fires the turrets on the plane. If bRightCannon is 1 it fires the right cannon, otherwise fires the left


Alternates fire between the left and right cannons


Stops firing the plane's turrets


Fires the turrets on the plane


Alternates fire between the left and right cannons


Move the plane and wait until finished.

VehiclePoint (info_vehiclepoint) -> Waypoint -> SimpleArchivedEntity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

spawnflags( Integer spawn_flags )

Sets the spawn flags.

VehicleRidablePlane (VehicleRidablePlane) -> DrivableVehicle -> Vehicle -> VehicleBase -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

acceleration( Float acceleration )

Set the accleration

acceleration( Float acceleration )

Set the accleration


Get's the plane's accleration.

actor_targetable( Boolean bTargetable )

Labels this plane as a potential Actor AI target.

actor_targetable( Boolean bTargetable )

Labels this plane as a potential Actor AI target.

actor_targetable( Boolean bTargetable )

Labels this plane as a potential Actor AI target.


Is the plane an aggressive dogfighter.

aggressive_dogfighter( Integer is_aggressive )

Tells the plane it's an aggressive dogfighter.

aggressive_dogfighter( Integer is_aggressive )

Tells the plane it's an aggressive dogfighter.

allow_damage_to_self( Integer enable, [ Float amount ] )

Allows a turret on the plane to cause damage to the plane, and optionally specify how much damage to apply (default=25)

allow_friendly_fire( Boolean allow )

Use this to allow this plane to receive friendly fire

allow_shooting( Integer force_shooting )

Enables the ability to shoot.


Is shooting allowed?

allow_shooting( Integer force_shooting )

Enables the ability to shoot.


Get's the altleash's length.

altleash( Float leash )

Sets the altitude leash distance. (z distance)

altleash( Float leash )

Sets the altitude leash distance. (z distance)


What artificial altitude does the plane think the ground is at.

artificial_terrain_altitude( Float altitude )

Fools the plane into thinking the terrain is at this height; a performace improvement.

artificial_terrain_altitude( Float altitude )

Fools the plane into thinking the terrain is at this height; a performace improvement.


Get the plane's ascendpitch.

ascendpitch( Float ascendpitch )

Pitch to ascend using after attack. (default=-35)

ascendpitch( Float ascendpitch )

Pitch to ascend using after attack. (default=-35)

attach_sound_emitter( String emitter_type,, String joint )

Attach a sound emitter to a joint

attack( String target )

You can set the plane's current target with this.

attack( String target )

You can set the plane's current target with this.


Get's the plane's attacking altitude.

attackAlt( Float attackAlt )

altitude plane will start firing during attack. (default=2200)

attackAlt( Float attackAlt )

altitude plane will start firing during attack. (default=2200)


Returns whether this plane was hit by the player or the player's vehicle

attack_ground_object( String target )

You can set the plane's current target with this. The target argument can be an entity or a position (a vector).


You can get the plane's current target with this.

autopilot( Entity path )

Tells plane auto-pilot a spline path.

avoid_target( Entity entity, [ Float min_distance ] )

This plane will always try to avoid this target

bombtarget( Entity target, Float descpitch, Float ascendpitch, Float attackalt, Float bombspeed(opt), Integer do_rollover(opt), Integer accuracy(opt) )

Tells plane to bomb a target using specific values


Stop being a wingman

cannons_allowed( Integer cannons_allowed )

Allow cannons in this plane or only use MGs. 1 means allow cannons (default) and 0 means disallow cannons.

cannons_allowed( Integer cannons_allowed )

Allow cannons in this plane or only use MGs. 1 means allow cannons (default) and 0 means disallow cannons


Are cannons disabled in this plane? 1 means cannons are allowed and 0 means they are disabled

cannon_dist( Integer distance )

Set the distance at which the plane switches to cannons.


Set the distance at which the plane switches to cannons.

cannon_dist( Integer distance )

Set the distance at which the plane switches to cannons.

cannon_dist_2D( Integer 2D )

Tells the cannon distance caluclations to do 2d math, for strafing


Is the cannon distance caluclations using 2d math?

cannon_dist_2D( Integer 2D )

Tells the cannon distance caluclations to do 2d math, for strafing

can_turret_switch( Integer allow_switching )

Sets whether entities can move about turrets.

can_turret_switch( Integer allow_switching )

Sets whether entities can move about turrets.


Can entities move about turrets?

climb_roll( Float roll, Float roll_rate )

Tells the plane to perform a climb roll. Arguments are optional.

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot


Get's the plane's descend pitch.

descendpitch( Float descendpitch )

Pitch to Descend using before attack. (default=45)

descendpitch( Float descendpitch )

Pitch to Descend using before attack. (default=45)


Get the plane's desired speed.


Tells plane to use stop using fast player calculations when calculating flyby audio.


Returns the distance to the current target.

dogfight_player( Boolean bDogfightPlayer )

This means this plane will be dogfighting against the player.

dogfight_player( Boolean bDogfightPlayer )

This means this plane will be dogfighting against the player.

dogfight_player( Boolean bDogfightPlayer )

This means this plane will be dogfighting against the player.

dying_roll( Integer type, Entity entity, Integer force_explode )

Tells the plane to perform a dying roll. All arguments are optional.


Tells plane to use fast player calculations when calculating flyby audio.

evade( Entity plane )

Tells plane to evade the passed plane.

flypath( Entity path )

Tells plane auto-pilot a spline path.

flysplinepath( Entity path, Float speed, Float acceleration, Float lookahead )

Tells the plane to follow a spline path exactly.

flyto( Vector vPos )

Tells plane to fly to specified position. (pos can be an entity, or a vector)


This event returns the destination point a plane is trying to fly to.

flyto_node_proximity_squared( Integer distance )

Sets the square distance where a plane is considered to reach a flyto position (does not consider angle of attack or any other special params. This should be used as an inner sphere check)

flyto_node_proximity_squared( Integer distance )

Sets the square distance where a plane is considered to reach a flyto position (does not consider angle of attack or any other special params. This should be used as an inner sphere check)


Gets the distance where a plane is considered to reach a flyto position (Angle of attack isn't considered. Used as an inner sphere check)

follow( Entity plane )

Tells plane to follow the passed plane.

follow_distance( Float fDistance )

The distance to keep from the leader when following another plane.


Returns the distance to keep from the leader when following another plane.

follow_distance( Float fDistance )

The distance to keep from the leader when following another plane.

force_fire( Integer force )

Forces the plane to shoot.

force_fire( Integer force )

Forces the plane to shoot.


Is the plane forced to shoot.


This event gets called whenenver friendly fire has occured


This event gets called whenenver friendly fire has occured


Gets which engine is blown. 0 is starboard, 1 is port.


Gets which engine is damaged. 0 is starboard, 1 is port.


Returns the number index of the turret where the player is.

groundattack( Integer bForceGroundAttack )

Tells plane to attack as if target was ground based.

hit_jitter( Float force, Float decay_rate )

Shake the camera of the player to simulate a hit.

home( Vector vHome )

Sets the origin of the leash


Get's the position of the plane's home.

home( Vector vHome )

Sets the origin of the leash

hud( Integer HUD )

0 uses the player's default HUD, 1 uses the flight HUD

hud( Integer HUD )

0 uses the player's default HUD, 1 uses the flight HUD


Returns whether the wingman has reached its formation.


Returns whether this plane is a wingman


Returns whether this plane is a wingman

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

leash( Float leash )

Sets the leash distance. (2d space)


Gets the leash length,

leash( Float leash )

Sets the leash distance. (2d space)

match_speed( Entity eTarget )

Match the speed of the target.

maxpitchrate( Float pitchrate )

Set maximum pitch rate (degs/sec) (default=60)

maxpitchrate( Float pitchrate )

Set maximum pitch rate (degs/sec) (default=60)


Get's the plane's maximum pitch rate.

maxrollangle( Float max_roll_angle )

Sets the maximum angle the plane can roll to.

maxrollangle( Float max_roll_angle )

Sets the maximum angle the plane can roll to.


Gets the maximum angle the plane can roll to.

maxrollrate( Float rollrate )

Set maximum roll rate (degs/sec) (default=60)


Get's the plane's maximum roll rate.

maxrollrate( Float rollrate )

Set maximum roll rate (degs/sec) (default=60)

maxturnspeed( Vector max_roll )

Sets the maximum rates of change for roll, yaw and picth. Passed as a vector.

maxturnspeed( Vector max_roll )

Sets the maximum rates of change for roll, yaw and picth. Passed as a vector.


Gets the maximum rates of change for roll, yaw and picth.

maxyawrate( Float yawrate )

Set maximum yaw rate (degs/sec) (default=60)

maxyawrate( Float yawrate )

Set maximum yaw rate (degs/sec) (default=60)


Get the maximum yaw rate.


Get's the plane's minimum attack distance.

minattackdist( Float minattackdist )

Minimum distance the plane must be from target prior to commencing attack run. (default=8000)

minattackdist( Float minattackdist )

Minimum distance the plane must be from target prior to commencing attack run. (default=8000)

minimumAlt( Float minimumAlt )

altitude plane will pull up at during attack. (default=600)

minimumAlt( Float minimumAlt )

altitude plane will pull up at during attack. (default=600)


Get the plane's minimum altitude.


Get the plane's minimum speed.

minspeed( Float min_speed )

What is the minimum speed this plane should fly at.

minspeed( Float min_speed )

What is the minimum speed this plane should fly at.


Move the plane and wait until finished.


How close to a node does a plane have to be to say it's hit it and to move on (takes into account angle of attack--i.e. must be facing the node to count. Used as an outer sphere).

node_proximity_dist( Float distance )

How close to a node does a plane have to be to say it's hit it and to move on (takes into account angle of attack--i.e. must be facing the node to count. This should be used as an outer sphere).

node_proximity_dist( Float distance )

How close to a node does a plane have to be to say it's hit it and to move on (takes into account angle of attack--i.e. must be facing the node to count. This should be used as an outer sphere).

node_proximity_dist_inner( Integer distance )

Sets the distance where a plane is considered to reach a pathnode (does not consider angle of attack or any other special params. This should be used as an inner sphere check)


Gets the distance where a plane is considered to reach a pathnode (Angle of attack isn't considered. Used as an inner sphere check)

node_proximity_dist_inner( Integer distance )

Sets the distance where a plane is considered to reach a pathnode (does not consider angle of attack or any other special params. This should be used as an inner sphere check)

no_cannons( Integer cannons_disabled )

Disable cannons in this plane and only use MGs. 1 means disable cannons (default) and 0 means allow cannons. DEPRECIATED


Disables the ability to shoot.


Returns the distance to look ahead when autopiloting a path.

pathlookahead( Float fDistance )

The distance to look ahead when autopiloting a path.

pathlookahead( Float fDistance )

The distance to look ahead when autopiloting a path.

patrolalt( Float patrolalt )

altitude to patrol at. (default=height at time of 'fly' command)


Get the plane's patrol altitude.

patrolalt( Float patrolalt )

altitude to patrol at. (default=height at time of 'fly' command)


Returns the distance at which the plane will peel off during an attack.

peeloff_distance( Float fDistance )

The distance at which the plane will peel off during an attack.

peeloff_distance( Float fDistance )

The distance at which the plane will peel off during an attack.

peeloff_type( Integer Type )

The type of peeloff the plane must perform.


Returns the type of peeloff the plane will force to.

peeloff_type( Integer Type )

The type of peeloff the plane must perform.

procroll( Float rollamt )

Set the procedural roll amount.

procrollspeed( Float rollspeed )

Set the procedural roll speed.

setmaxrollangle( Float max_roll_angle )

Sets the maximum angles we can roll to. DEPRECIATED

setmaxturnspeed( Vector max_roll )

Sets the maximum rates of change for roll, yaw and picth. Passed as a vector. DEPRECIATED

setminspeed( Float min_speed )

What is the minimum speed this plane should fly at. DEPRECIATED


Set the damaged engine to the destroyed state

set_cannon_slot( Integer slot )

Tells the plane which weapon slots it has are cannons.

set_damaged_engine( Integer EngineNumber )

Which engine is damaged up? 0 is starboard, 1 is port

softturn( Float softturn )

The angle at which to make soft turns


Get the angle at which the plane makes soft turns

softturn( Float softturn )

The angle at which to make soft turns

speed( Float speed )

Set speed of the plane. (default=2000)

speed( Float speed )

Set speed of the plane. (default=2000)


Get speed of the plane.

strafeattack( Integer bDoStrafe )

Tells plane to do a strafing attacks or not.

strafe_length( Float length )

sets the length (radius) of the strafe attack.


Gets the plane's strafe length.

strafe_length( Float length )

sets the length (radius) of the strafe attack.

taxiing( Integer taxiing )

Sets the plane to taxiing mode.

taxiing( Integer taxiing )

Sets the plane to taxiing mode.


Gets whether the plane is taxiing.


Unlock the plane's turrets.

use_emergency_climb( Boolean boolean )

Disable the use of emergency climb

use_overhead_icon( [ Integer enable ] )

Enables/disables the use of the overhead icon


Move the plane and wait until finished.


Returns watercraft steering flag.

watercraft( Boolean boolean )

Sets/clears watercraft steering.

watercraft( Boolean boolean )

Sets/clears watercraft steering.

wingman( Entity leader, Vector offset )

This plane becomes a wingman of the specified leader

VehicleSoundEntity -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Updates the traces of a Vehicle Sound Entity


PostSpawn of a Vehicle Sound Entity

VehicleTank (VehicleTank) -> DrivableVehicle -> Vehicle -> VehicleBase -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

VehicleTankTandem (VehicleTankTandem) -> VehicleTank -> DrivableVehicle -> Vehicle -> VehicleBase -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

VehicleTurretGun -> TurretGun -> Weapon -> Item -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

aimoffset( Vector value )

Adjust aiming angles by offset.

aimtolerance( Vector caps )

Sets a tolerance for the angles.

collisionent( Entity entity )

Sets the Collision Entity


Gets the Collision Entity

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot

doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

sent to entity when it is used by another entity

firewarmupdelay( Float value )

Set the warmup delay before use after mounting the weapon.


Drops the item to the ground.

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot


The turret cannot be used.

reloaddelay( Float value )

Set a delay that implies a reload. Will also play a sound

reloadshots( Integer value )

Set the number of shots fired before forcing a reload

removeondeath( Integer removeondeath )

If set to a non-zero value, vehicles will not be removed when they die

setbaseentity( Entity base_entity )

Sets the base entity to take its orientation from.

setcollisionentity( Entity entity )

Sets the Collision Entity.

settargetentity( Entity ent )

Set the entity to point the turret at visually.


The turret can be used.

warmupdelay( Float value )

Set the warmup delay before use after mounting the weapon.

VehicleTurretGunTandem (VehicleTurretGunTandem) -> VehicleTurretGun -> TurretGun -> Weapon -> Item -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

linkturret( String name )

Sets the next turret in the link.

View3D -> UIWidget -> USignal -> Listener


Signals that the widget has been activated.


Signals that the widget has been deactivated.

left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )

Left mouse button has been pressed down

ViewHag (ViewHag) -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

viewhag_action( String action_name )

Tell the current view Hag to perform the named action

viewhag_addactiontosequence( String action_name )

Add the current action to the sequence

viewhag_angles( Float pitch, Float yaw, Float roll )

Set the angles of the current view Hag


Toggle between animating and paused

viewhag_attach( String jointname, String model )

Attach a model the the specified jointname

viewhag_blend( Float blend, String {axis} )

Set the blend factor of the current view Hag


Clear all bone transform overrides

viewhag_clearboneoverride( String bone_name )

Clear a bone transform override


Delete the current view Hag


Detach the current view Hag from its parent


Detach all the models attached to the current view Hag

viewhag_disableallik( )

Disable all IK chains

viewhag_disableik( String ik_chain_name )

Disable an IK chain

viewhag_dumpbone( String bone_name, String raw )

Print out a bone transform

viewhag_enableik( String ik_chain_name, String target_pos_ms )

Enable an IK chain

viewhag_enableik_ws( String ik_chain_name, String target_pos_ws )

Enable an IK chain, in world space

viewhag_hideallprops( Boolean true/false )

Hide (or show) all props

viewhag_hidebone( String bone_name, Vector true/false )

Hide (or show) a bone's geometry

viewhag_hideprop( String prop_name, Vector true/false )

Hide (or show) a named prop

viewhag_hint( String hint_name, Integer enable )

Enable or disable an ActionControl hint

viewhag_locomotion( Float cosine, Float sine )

Set the locomotion blend (cosine and sine of the angle between facing and motion dir)

viewhag_material( String mtl_name, String tex_stage_name, String texture_qpath )

Override a texture on one of the Hag's materials


Toggle between moving and not moving

viewhag_origin( Float x, Float y, Float z )

Set the origin of the current view Hag

viewhag_overridebone( String bone_name, Vector pos )

Override a bone transform

viewhag_partition( String partition_name )

Set or get the active partition


Pop up a list of available actions

viewhag_pickbone( String modelName )

Pop up a list of available bones

viewhag_pickpartition( )

Display a list of partitions from which to pick

viewhag_playbackrate( Float rate )

Set the animation playback rate of the current view Hag (1=normal speed, -1=reverse)


play a sequence for the current viewhag

viewhag_propset( String set_name )

Select the named prop set


play a sequence randomly for the current viewhag

viewhag_removeactionfromsequence( String action_name, Integer index )

Remove the action from the sequence

viewhag_renderable( Integer renderableIndex )

Pick a renderable to view

viewhag_scale( Float scale )

Set the scale of the current view Hag

viewhag_scrub( Float unit_time_index )

Scrub the unit time index for the currently-playing action

viewhag_setmodel( String viewhagModel )

Set the model of the current view Hag


Setup a sequence for the current viewhag

viewhag_showactions( String action_name )

Print out the action list for the current view Hag, or just one action if its name is passed

viewhag_showik( )

Show all IK chain names

viewhag_testik( )

Test interpolation of IK targets

viewhag_testoverrides( )

Test interpolation of overridden bone transforms

viewhag_unittime( Float unit_time_index )

Get or set the unit time index for the currently-playing action

ViewHagMaster -> Listener

viewhag_action( String action_name )

Tell the current view Hag to perform the named action

viewhag_addactiontosequence( String action_name )

Add the current action to the sequence

viewhag_angles( Float pitch, Float yaw, Float roll )

Set the angles of the current view Hag


Toggle between animating and paused

viewhag_attach( String jointname, String model )

Attach a model the the specified jointname

viewhag_blend( Float blend, String {axis} )

Set the blend factor of the current view Hag

viewhag_blendcurrandprev( Float x, Float y )

Synch up the prev and current viewhags according to the particular x,y blend factors


Clear all bone transform overrides

viewhag_clearboneoverride( String bone_name )

Clear a bone transform override


Delete the current view Hag


Delete all view Hags


Detach the current view Hag from its parent


Detach all the models attached to the current view Hag

viewhag_disableallik( )

Disable all IK chains

viewhag_disableik( String ik_chain_name )

Disable an IK chain

viewhag_dumpbone( String bone_name, String raw )

Print out a bone transform

viewhag_enableik( String ik_chain_name, String target_pos_ms )

Enable an IK chain

viewhag_enableik_ws( String ik_chain_name, String target_pos_ws )

Enable an IK chain, in world space

viewhag_fakemap( String fake_map_name )

Fake the system out into thinking the map name is 'fake_map_name'

viewhag_hideallprops( Boolean true/false )

Hide (or show) all props

viewhag_hidebone( String bone_name, Vector true/false )

Hide (or show) a bone's geometry

viewhag_hideprop( String prop_name, Vector true/false )

Hide (or show) a named prop

viewhag_hint( String hint_name, Integer enable )

Enable or disable an ActionControl hint

viewhag_locomotion( Float cosine, Float sine )

Set the locomotion blend (cosine and sine of the angle between facing and motion dir)

viewhag_material( String mtl_name, String tex_stage_name, String texture_qpath )

Override a texture on one of the Hag's materials


Toggle between moving and not moving


Change the active view Hag to the next view Hag

viewhag_origin( Float x, Float y, Float z )

Set the origin of the current view Hag

viewhag_overridebone( String bone_name, Vector pos )

Override a bone transform

viewhag_partition( String partition_name )

Set or get the active partition


Pop up a list of available actions

viewhag_pickbone( String modelName )

Pop up a list of available bones

viewhag_pickpartition( )

Display a list of partitions from which to pick

viewhag_playbackrate( Float rate )

Set the animation playback rate of the current view Hag (1=normal speed, -1=reverse)


play a sequence for the current viewhag


Change the active view Hag to the previous view Hag

viewhag_propset( String set_name )

Select the named prop set


play a sequence randomly for the current viewhag

viewhag_removeactionfromsequence( String action_name, Integer index )

Remove the action from the sequence

viewhag_renderable( Integer renderableIndex )

Pick a renderable to view

viewhag_scale( Float scale )

Set the scale of the current view Hag

viewhag_scrub( Float unit_time_index )

Scrub the unit time index for the currently-playing action

viewhag_setmodel( String viewhagModel )

Set the model of the current view Hag


Setup a sequence for the current viewhag

viewhag_showactions( String action_name )

Print out the action list for the current view Hag, or just one action if its name is passed

viewhag_showik( )

Show all IK chain names

viewhag_spawn( String model )

Create a view Hag with the specified model

viewhag_spawnceg( String hagpath, [ Vector origin ], [ Vector angles ], [ Float scale ], Float OR, String hagpath, [ Float scale ] )

Spawns a client entity group.

viewhag_testik( )

Test interpolation of IK targets

viewhag_testoverrides( )

Test interpolation of overridden bone transforms

viewhag_unittime( Float unit_time_index )

Get or set the unit time index for the currently-playing action

ViewJitter (func_viewjitter) -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener


Makes the view jitter only happen once

duration( Float time )

Sets the length of time it should last. 0 will be instantanious

edgeeffect( Float fraction )

Sets the fraction of the jitter to apply at the max radius

jitteramount( Vector jitterangles )

Sets the jitter angles to apply to the player

radius( Float radius )

Sets the max radius of the view jitter. 0 affects all

timedecay( Vector decayrate )

Sets jitter decay per second

triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )

Send event to owner of trigger.

ViewMaster -> Listener

viewangles( Float pitch, Float yaw, Float roll )

Set the angles of the current viewthing


Cycle through the animations modes of the current viewthing
No Animation
Animation with no motion
Animation with looping motion
Animation with motion

viewattach( String tagname, String model )

Attach a model the the specified tagname


Delete the current viewthing


Delete all viewthings


Detach the current viewthing from its parent


Detach all the models attached to the current viewthing

viewmodel( String viewthingModel )

Set the model of the current viewthing


Advance to the next frame of animation of the current viewthing


Advance to the next animation of the current viewthing

vieworigin( Float x, Float y, Float z )

Set the origin of the current viewthing

viewpitch( Float pitch )

Set the pitch of the current viewthing


Advance to the previous frame of animation of the current viewthing


Advance to the previous animation of the current viewthing

viewroll( Float roll )

Set the roll of the current viewthing

viewscale( Float scale )

Set the scale of the current viewthing


Decrease the scale of the current viewthing


Increase the scale of the current viewthing

viewscrub( Float animScrub )

Set the animation time based off a floating point value

viewsetanim( Float animNum )

Set the animation absolutely based off a floating point value

viewsetanim2( Float animNum2 )

Set the animation absolutely based off a floating point value

viewspawn( String model )

Create a viewthing with the specified model


Change the active viewthing to the next viewthing


Change the active viewthing to the previous viewthing

viewyaw( Float yaw )

Set the yaw of the current viewthing

Viewthing (viewthing) -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

exec( String script )

Don't execute the specified script for ViewThing.

viewangles( Float pitch, Float yaw, Float roll )

Set the angles of the current viewthing


Cycle through the animations modes of the current viewthing
No Animation
Animation with no motion
Animation with looping motion
Animation with motion

viewattach( String tagname, String model )

Attach a model the the specified tagname


Delete the current viewthing


Detach the current viewthing from its parent


Detach all the models attached to the current viewthing


Called when the view things last animation frame is displayed.

viewmodel( String viewthingModel )

Set the model of the current viewthing


Advance to the next frame of animation of the current viewthing


Advance to the next animation of the current viewthing

vieworigin( Float x, Float y, Float z )

Set the origin of the current viewthing

viewpitch( Float pitch )

Set the pitch of the current viewthing


Advance to the previous frame of animation of the current viewthing


Advance to the previous animation of the current viewthing

viewroll( Float roll )

Set the roll of the current viewthing

viewscale( Float scale )

Set the scale of the current viewthing


Decrease the scale of the current viewthing


Increase the scale of the current viewthing

viewscrub( Float animScrub )

Set the animation time based off a floating point value

viewsetanim( Float animNum )

Set the animation absolutely based off a floating point value

viewsetanim2( Float animNum2 )

Set the animation absolutely based off a floating point value


Called every frame to process the view thing.

viewyaw( Float yaw )

Set the yaw of the current viewthing

WaterManager -> Listener

hide_water( String water )

hides a water object

show_water( String water )

shows a previously hidden water object

Waypoint (info_waypoint) -> SimpleArchivedEntity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

Weapon -> Item -> Trigger -> Animate -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

additionalstartammo( String ammotype, Integer amount )

Gives some additional start ammo of the specified type

aimedfov( Float fov )

Set the fov used when the weapon is in aim mode


Sets an animation for aim idle

aim_pullout( String animation )

Sets an animation for aim pullout

aim_putaway( String animation )

Sets an animation for aim putaway

airange( String airange )

Set the range of this gun for the ai: short, medium, long, sniper

ai_event( [ String type ], [ Float radius ] )

Let the AI know that this entity made a sound,
type is a string specifying what type of sound it is.
radius determines how far the sound reaches.


returns percentage (0-100) of how full the weapon's internal ammo is

ammopickupsound( String name )

sets the weapon's ammo pickup sound alias

ammorequired( Integer amount )

Set the amount of ammo this weapon requires to fire

ammotype( String name )

Set the type of ammo this weapon uses

ammo_in_clip( Integer ammoInClip )

Set the amount of ammo in the clip

anim( String animName )

Exec anim commands on server or client.

assistaim( Integer on/off )

if 1 then the weapons spread is lessened, 0 turns this off

attachtohand( String hand )

Attaches an active weapon to the specified hand


Turn on auto aiming for the weapon

autoputaway( Boolean bool )

Set the weapon to be automatically put away when out of ammo

basename( String basename )

used for weapon-specific animation aliases

bayonet( Boolean bBayonet )

Specifies if this weapon has a bayonet attached or not.

bayonet( Boolean bBayonet )

Specifies if this weapon has a bayonet attached or not.

bayonet( Boolean bBayonet )

Specifies if this weapon has a bayonet attached or not.

bulletcount( Float bulletCount )

Set the number of bullets this weapon shoots when fired

bulletdamage( Float bulletDamage )

Set the damage that the bullet causes

bulletimpulse( Float bulletImpulse )

Set the physics impulse that the bullet causes

bulletknockback( Float bulletKnockback )

Set the knockback that the bullet causes

bulletlarge( Integer bulletType )

Set if the bullets fired are rifle bullets(1), artillery(2) or larger tracers(3)

bulletpenetration( Float bulletPenetration )

Used to determine if a bullet will penetrate a collision material type. Range 0.0 - 1.0

bulletrange( Float bulletRange )

Set the range of the bullets

bulletspread( Float bulletSpreadX, Float bulletSpreadY, [ Float bulletSpreadXmax ], [ Float bulletSpreadYmax ] )

Set the min & optional max spread of the bullet in the x and y axis


non-zero if the weapon needs more supplied ammo


Prevents the weapon from being reloaded part way through a clip

clipsize( Integer ammoClipSize )

Set the amount of rounds a clip of the weapon holds

clip_add( Integer ammoAmount )

Add to the weapons ammo clip with ammo from its owner


Empties the weapon's clip of ammo, returning it to the owner


Fills the weapons ammo clip with ammo from its owner

cooktime( Float cooktime )

sets weapons cook time.

crosshair( Boolean bool )

Turn on/off the crosshair for this weapon

crouchbulletspread( Float bulletSpreadX, Float bulletSpreadY, [ Float bulletSpreadXmax ], [ Float bulletSpreadYmax ] )

Set the min & optional max spread of the bullet in the x and y axis

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:
-1 General
0 Pelvis
1 Lower Torso
2 Mid Torso
3 Upper Torso
4 Neck
5 Head
6 RUpperArm
7 RForearm
8 RHand
9 LUpperArm
10 LForearm
11 LHand
12 RThigh
13 RCalf
14 RFoot
15 LThigh
16 LCalf
17 LFoot


Signals the end of the fire animation


Signals the end of the reload animation

dontremovewhendropped( Boolean bDontRemove )

Sets whether or not this weapon should be removed from the owner when dropped

EnableFiringPostFX( Float Blur, Float Value,, Float Fire, Float Delay, )

When the weapon fire, a post fx is played.


Explode when dead.

explosive( Integer iIsExplosive )

Sets whether or not this is an explosive


Adjusts the weapons angles as it falls to the ground

firedelay( Float fFireDelay )

Set the minimum time between shots from the weapon

firespreadmult( Float scaleadd, Float falloff, Float cap, Float maxtime )

Sets a time decayed multiplyer to spread when the weapon is fired

firetype( String firingType )

Set the firing type of the weapon (projectile or bullet)


Indicates if this weapon has a special anim for iron-sight firing.

has_aim_fire_anim( Integer has_anim )

Specifies if this weapon has a special anim for iron-sight firing.

has_aim_fire_anim( Integer has_anim )

Specifies if this weapon has a special anim for iron-sight firing.

has_aim_reload_anim( Integer has_anim )

Specifies if this weapon has a special anim for iron-sight reloading.


Indicates if this weapon has a special anim for iron-sight reloading.

has_aim_reload_anim( Integer has_anim )

Specifies if this weapon has a special anim for iron-sight reloading.

holsterangles( Vector angles )

Set the angles of this weapon when it is holstered

holsteroffset( Vector offset )

Set the positional offset when it is holstered

holsterscale( Float scale )

Set the scale of the weapon when it's attached to the holster

holstertag( String tagname )

Set the name of the tag to attach this to when the weapon is holstered.


Puts the weapon into an idle state


Puts the weapon into an idle state and clears all the anim slots

internalammo( Integer count, [ Integer supplysize ], [ Integer supplymax ], [ Integer supplycount ] )

Give the weapon it's own supply of ammo, and possible reservers

internalammoreplace( [ Integer maxammo ], [ Integer supplysize ], [ Integer supplymax ], [ Integer maxhealth ] )

Used when a weapon is reset on the ground from previous use

isSatchelPack( Integer iIsSatchelPack )

Specifies whether this is a satchel pack

item_pickup( Entity item )

Pickup the specified item.


Makes the weapon fire by looping the fire animation.; optional argument - if non-zero loops

mainattachtotag( String tagname )

Set the name of the tag to attach this to it's owner when being used.

makenoise( [ Float noise_radius ], [ Boolean force ] )

Makes the weapon make noise that actors can hear.

maxchargetime( Integer time )

Set the maximum time the weapon may be charged up

maxfiremovement( Float speedmult )

Sets the max speed the player can be moving to fire the weapon (fraction of weapon's running speed)

maxmovementsound( String name )

sets the weapon's movement fire prevention sound alias

maxrange( Float maxRange )

Set the maximum range of a weapon so the AI knows how to use it

meansofdeath( String meansOfDeath )

Set the meansOfDeath of the weapon.

minchargetime( Integer time )

Set the minimum time the weapon must be charged up

minrange( Float minRange )

Set the minimum range of a weapon so the AI knows how to use it

minswingtime( Float time )

Set the minimum time before the weapon can melee attack again

movementspeed( Float speedmult )

Alters the movement speed of the player when he has the weapon out

noammosound( String name )

sets the weapon's dry fire sound alias

notdroppable( Boolean bool )

Makes a weapon not droppable. bool defaults to true

numfireanims( Integer value )

Sets the number of fire animations this weapon uses.

offhandattachtotag( String tagname )

Set the name of the tag to attach this to it's owner's off hand.


used when the cookable weapon has been over cooked.


causes a warning sound to play that the grenade is about to be overcooked.

overheat( Float heat, Float cool, Float jam )

Indicate how quickly the weapon overheats, cools and jams

pickupable( Boolean bPickupable )

Specifies if this weapon can be picked up when dropped.


Returns if this weapon can be picked up when dropped.

pointblankaccuracy( Float fAccuracy )

Specifies how accurate weapon is from point-blank range. (0-100)

pointblankaccuracy( Float fAccuracy )

Specifies how accurate weapon is from point-blank range. (0-100)

pointblankaccuracy( Float fAccuracy )

Specifies how accurate weapon is from point-blank range. (0-100)


Get the minimum time between shots from the weapon's primary fire

projectile( String projectileModel )

Set the model of the projectile that this weapon fires

pronebulletspread( Float bulletSpreadX, Float bulletSpreadY, [ Float bulletSpreadXmax ], [ Float bulletSpreadYmax ] )

Set the min & optional max spread of the bullet in the x and y axis


Makes the weapon make no noise.

range( Float range )

Set the range of the weapon

rank( Integer iOrder,, Integer iRank )

Set the order value and power ranking for the weapon


Signals the end of the ready animation so the weapon can be used

readytofire( Boolean bReadyToFire )

Returns 1 if weapon is ready to fire (checks fire delay).

rechamber( Boolean bRechamber )

Set this to 1 to signify the AI needs to rechamber this weapon after shooting.


stock the weapon's internal ammo with one supply ammobox, returns the amount added


stock the weapon's external manually ammo supply

secondary( [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ], [ String arg7 ], [ String arg8 ] )

Set the secondary mode of the weapon, by passing commands through


Makes the weapon show its secondary ammo to the hud.


Sets the weapon to fire semi-auto

setaimanim( String aimAnimation, Integer aimFrame )

Set the aim animation and frame for when a weapon fires

setcurrentfireanim( Integer value )

Sets the current firing animation.

shareclip( Integer shareClip )

Sets the weapon to share the same clip between all fire modes

shoot( [ String mode ] )

Shoot the weapon

shootinmotioninterval( Integer shootinmotioninterval )

Specifies in ms how long to wait between shots when shooting in motion.

shootinmotioninterval( Integer shootinmotioninterval )

Specifies in ms how long to wait between shots when shooting in motion.

shootinmotioninterval( Integer shootinmotioninterval )

Specifies in ms how long to wait between shots when shooting in motion.

startammo( Integer amount )

Set the starting ammo of this weapon


Internal event used to give ammo to the owner of the weapon

startitem( String itemname )

Adds an item to the starting loadout of the weapon


Stops the firingpost fx.

stopWatchMaxTime( Float fStopWatchMaxTime )

Sets the minimum time for the stop watch

stopWatchMinTime( Float fStopWatchMinTime )

Sets the minimum time for the stop watch


return the current number of supply ammo boxes for this weapon

supplyammocount( Integer count )

set the current number of supply ammo boxes for this weapon


non-zero if the weapon has an external manually supplied ammo depot

tracerfrequency( Integer frequenct )

Set the frequency of making tracers

tracerspeed( Float speed )

Scale factor of how fast a tracer should travel (valid ranges 0-2)

tracertype( Integer type )

The type of the tracer 0 - default, 1 - green, 2 - red

usenoammo( Boolean bool )

Set the weapon to be able to be used when it's out of ammo

viewkick( Float pitchmin, Float pitchmax, [ Float yawmin ], [ Float yawmax ] )

Adds kick to the view of the owner when fired.

weapongroup( String weapon_group )

Sets the weapon group, a set of animations for actor animations scripts to use

weaponsubtype( Integer subtype )

sets the weapon's sub-type. Used by smoke grenades.

weapontype( String weapon_type )

Sets the weapon type

weapon_unlimitedammo( Boolean weapon_unlimitedammo )

Set the weapon to have unlimited or limited ammo (NOTE: overriden by event Sentient's 'unlimitedammo')


returns entity holding the weapon

worldhitspawn( String modelname )

Set a model to be spawned when the weapon strikes the world.

zoom( Integer zoomfov, [ Integer autozoom ] )

Sets fov to zoom to on a secondary fire

zoommovement( Float speedmult )

Sets the max speed the player can move while zoomed (fraction of weapon's running speed)

zoomspreadmult( Float scale )

Sets the spread multiplyer for when using the zoom on a zooming weapon

World (worldspawn) -> Entity -> SimpleEntity -> Listener

ai_visiondistance( Float vision_distance )

Sets the default AI Vision Distance

auto_farplane_bias_far( Float auto )

Set the auto farplane bias max value

auto_farplane_bias_near( Float auto )

Set the auto farplane bias min value

auto_farplane_far( Float auto )

Set the auto farplane max value

auto_farplane_layer( String auto )

Specify the auto farplane TGA filename

auto_farplane_near( Float auto )

Set the auto farplane min value

contactsounds_layer( String contactsounds )

Set AI Awareness of Player Contact Sounds (sounds triggered by player passing thru environment)


Get the distance of the far clipping plane

farplane( Float farplaneDistance )

Set the distance of the far clipping plane

farplane( Float farplaneDistance )

Set the distance of the far clipping plane

farplane_bias( Float farplaneDistanceBias )

Set the distance bias of the far clipping plane

farplane_bias( Float farplaneDistanceBias )

Set the distance bias of the far clipping plane


Get the distance bias of the far clipping plane

farplane_color( Vector farplaneColor )

Set the color of the far clipping plane fog


Get the color of the far clipping plane fog

farplane_color( Vector farplaneColor )

Set the color of the far clipping plane fog

farplane_color_blue( Float farplaneColorRed )

Set the blue component of the color of the far clipping plane fog

farplane_color_green( Float farplaneColorRed )

Set the green component of the color of the far clipping plane fog

farplane_color_red( Float farplaneColorRed )

Set the red component of the color of the far clipping plane fog

farplane_cull( Integer farplaneCull )

Whether or not the far clipping plane should cull things out of the world
0 - no cull
1 - normal cull

farplane_distance( Float farplaneDistance )

Set the distance of the far clipping plane


Get which terrain is being drawn

global_light_ambientcolor( Vector global_light_ambientcolor )

Set the color of the global ambient light

global_light_ambientdirectionalcolor( Vector global_light_ambientdirectionalcolor )

Set the color of the global ambient directional light

global_light_color( Vector global_light_color )

Set the color of global light

global_light_direction( Vector global_light_direction )

Set the direction of the global light

global_light_dosmooth( )

global light do smooth

global_light_shadow_direction( Vector global_light_shadow_direction )

Set the direction of the global light

global_light_smoothamount( )

global light smooth amount

gravity( Float worldGravity )

Set the gravity for the whole world.

hide_water( String targetname )

Hide the specified water object

invader_spawn_distance( Float distance )

min allowable visible spawn distance (defaults to farplane_distance)

lavaalpha( Float lavaAlpha )

Set the alpha of lava screen blend

lavacolor( Vector lavaColor )

Set the color of lava screen blend

message( String worldMessage )

Set a message for the world

nextmap( String nextMap )

Set the next map to change to

northyaw( Float yaw )

Sets the yaw direction that is considered to be north

obfuscation_layer( String obfuscation )

Set AI obfuscation map for this level

rain_filter_layer( String rain )

Specify the rain filter TGA filename

render_terrain( Integer render_terrain )

Set which terrain to draw

scatter_bitmap( )

scatter bitmap

scatter_rules( )

scatter rules

show_water( String targetname )

Show (unhide) the specified water object

sky_fog_far( Float Sky )

Sky starts fogging when this range is used

sky_fog_near( Float Sky )

Sky is completely fogged when this range is used

soundtrack( String MusicFile )

Set music soundtrack for this level.

sunflare_back_size( Float Sun )

The size of the sun flare in the background

sunflare_fade( Float Sun )

The speed at which the sun flare fades away

sunflare_size( Float Sun )

The size of the sun flare

wateralpha( Float waterAlpha )

Set the alpha of the water screen blend

watercolor( Vector waterColor )

Set the watercolor screen blend


(G) = Getter

            local.var = <object>.GetterEvent

            ex. local.acc = local.npc.accuracy

            //local.acc has the value of local.npc’s accuracy

(S) = Setter

            <object>.SetterEvent = local.var (or constant, or other variable, including Getters)

            ex. local.npc.accuracy = local.acc

(NN) = Not normal

            Unless specified as not normal (NN), all events can be called with the following syntax

            <object>[space]NormalEvent[space][parameters, if the event has any]

            ex. local.npc.accuracy 0.75

            //local.npc’s accuracy will be set to 0.75

            If an event is identified as (NN), you cannot use the above syntax

(R) = Returns a value

            local.var = <object>[space]ReturnEvent

            ex. local.isReadyToFire = local.npc ReadyToFire

            Similar to Getter event, except (R) uses a space instead of a dot (.) operator.


Events may have multiple legend entries.  (GS) means an event has both a getter and a setter.  Getters tend to not take arguments.  Special cases will be noted.

            ex. normal use of aimat looks like local.npc aimat $player

            getter use of aimat looks like = local.npc.aimat

            Note, getter version does not take any arguments, while normal version takes one argument.  Also, the type of a Getters value is most likely the type of a Setters parameter.  Similarly, the type of a Returners value is likely the type of a Normal parameter.


{DEPRACATED} = event doesn’t do anything really.  But it wont crash your script (maybe)


Parameters surrounded by brackets [] are optional.

ex. local.npc aimanimationlimits 30 is acceptable

ex, local.npc aimanimationlimits 30 5 is also acceptable





Operators are defined first, keywords next.



. – member operator, denotes the value on the right belongs to the parameter on the left. e.g. owner.myMember


= - assignment operator

            e.g. local.myVariable = 20


+ - addition operator for strings and numerical values

            e.g.       myVar = 20 + 5

                        myString = “hello “ + “world”


- - subtraction operator, see addition operator


!= - comparison operator

            e.g.  if ( counter != 0 )


{} – code block operators, used to lump sections of code together

            e.g.       if ( level.NumEnemies < 10 )


                                    thread SpawnMoreEnemies



[] – array operator



: - code block operator, simply put use it as the last character in the definition of your thread (thus, after the name of the thread and any parameters)


// --------------------------------------------------------

StartTimerToNextBoat local.time:

// If timer goes and and no new boat has launched, launch one

// --------------------------------------------------------


:: - scope operator, use this to call threads from other files

            e.g.  waitthread global/obj.scr::newhidden 2