Creating and Controlling a Squad
In order to use a squad you need to place guys in a squad, make a guy a leader, and then use the threads in squad.scr.� Do not use the squad_XXXXX events or the order_XXXXX events as they are only for individuals.� These may already be removed from the code by the time you read this doc.
����� level waittill prespawn
����� waitthread global/squad.scr::SpawnSquad //spawn the
player squad
����� level waittill spawn
Squadnodes and Covernodes.� No
pathnodes here.
Squads do not follow pathnodes, rather squadnodes which also have to be attached to covernodes (which all have the same name as each other, but obviously a different name than the squadnode).� So in Radiant for each squadnode you put down, put down several covernodes around it, connect the squadnode (via Ctrl-K in Radiant) to one of the covernodes and it will then form a spiderweb shape which we call a squad area.� Basically, a squad area is all of that area in that spiderweb which squad members will take advantage of when using commands to move around like squad_advance, squad_retreat, etc.
The information displayed through the use of the cvar �g_entinfo 1� is as follows:
Line 1: �
Line 2: targetname (actorname)
Line 3: morale info
Line 4: current order
Line 5: Thinker that is currently running, and script that that thinker is executing
Line 6: the squad name and the order current being followed.
Please note that the squad name is different than the targetname, as everything in the game has a targetname, but a squad name is uniquely assigned by an event in squad.scr::InitSquad which allows all other squad behaviour to then be called on it.� By default in squad.scr, the squad name is (and always should be) �playersquad�.
Squad Thinkers:
There are several types of thinkers for squads.� A thinker being an object that�s created based on the state of the AI, e.g. a mover thinker, a shoot thinker, a leader thinker, or follow thinker.� The following events set thinkers:
����� self type_idle idlecover
����� self type_squad squad_mover
Hand Signals:
Due to code in ActorSquad::DoOrder, hand signals are only displayed by the captain and only when he�s not idle.
Hand signals are fired by calling squad_XXXX commands, which will make the captain issue the command, do the animation, and the icon will be displayed on your HUD as necessary.
squad_advance: captain does handsignal and squad runs to squadnode (e.g. $playersquad squad_advance $newnode)
squad_fallback: captain does handsignal and squad runs backward to squadnode provided by script (e.g. $playersquad squad_fallback $node1)
HALT: this animation has to be scripted as it is not a command or tactic. it will be displayed through global/squad.scr::SquadStop