Multiplayer UI Console Variables
UI Cvar Name Location Used Purpose Init Value Archived Server Side Equivalent Notes
ui_first_time_mp cl_ui.cpp does player need init setup screen? 1 yes none flow
ui_use_vet_welcome cl_ui.cpp basic or adv. Welcome? 0 yes none flow
ui_player_account cl_ui.cpp does the player have a MOHO act? 0 yes none flow
ui_logged_in cl_ui.cpp is the player logged in? 0 no none flow
ui_using_advanced_create cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files was the player using wizard || adv? 0 yes none flow
ui_using_advanced_find cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files was player using Cus. Play || Adv? 0 yes none flow
ui_name cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files player's dm nickname UnnamedSoldier yes name setup
ui_post_enlist_menu cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files what screen to push after login 0 no none flow
moho_auto_enlist cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files should the player be auto logged in 0 yes none moho
moho_user_email cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files email addy entered by user in UI "" no moho_email (internal) moho
moho_email cl_ui.cpp email addy autosaved by game "" yes none moho
moho_user_password cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files password entered by user in UI "" no moho_password(internal) moho
moho_password cl_ui.cpp password autosaved by game "" yes none moho
ui_remember_password cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files whether game saves the acct. psswd 0 yes none moho
ui_hostname cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files the name of the server Nameless Battle yes hostname server setup
ui_server_password cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files password lock on server yes server setup
ui_gametype cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files which gametype will be played 6 yes g_gametype server setup
ui_dmmap cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files which map will be played dm/gavutu_inv yes argument for map command server setup
ui_maxclients cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files maximum players in the game 16 yes sv_maxclients server setup
ui_timelimmit cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files timelimit on the game 0 yes timelimit server setup
ui_punkbuster cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files whether PB is enabled 1 yes punkbuster server setup
ui_fraglimit cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files frag limit 50 yes fraglimit server setup
ui_teamdamage cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files friendly fire 0 yes g_teamdamage server setup
ui_spawnmultiple cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files invader mode life pool -1 yes g_spawnmultiple server setup
ui_dedicated cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files whether the server is dedicated 0
ui_propagate_content cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files push news and updates to client? 1
ui_stat_tracking cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files whether the game should be tracked 1* *only if admin is enlisted
ui_show_enemy_names cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files whether enemy names "float" 0
ui_mute_spectators cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files can spectators speak? 1
ui_autobalance cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files auto assign teams? 1
ui_warmup_interval cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files how long is period b4 match start 1* *(1 minute)
ui_inactivespectate cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files inactive time b4 spectator mode 1* *(1 minute)
ui_inactivekick cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files inactive time b4 server kick does not count as "real" kick
ui_nodamage cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files post spawn invulnerable period -1 -1 '= default for map, 0 '= no limit
ui_votemajority cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files % needed to pass vote 50
ui_percent_soldier cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files max % to play Infantry 100 sv_restrict_infantry
ui_percent_medic cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files max % to play Corpsman 100 sv_restrict_corpsman
ui_percent_munitions cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files max % to play Ammo Tech 100 sv_restrict_ammotech
ui_percent_demolitions cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files max % to play Combat Engineer 100 sv_restrict_engineer
ui_percent_scout cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files max % to play Scout Sniper 100 sv_restrict_scout
ui_percent_closerange cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files max % to use close range wpn 100 sv_restrict_closerange
ui_percent_rifle cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files max % to use rifle 100 sv_restrict_rifle
ui_percent_smg cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files max % to use smg 100 sv_restrict_smg
ui_percent_machinegun cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files max % to use machine gun 100 sv_restrict_mg
ui_percent_sniperrifle cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files max % to use sniper rifle 100 sv_restrict_sniperrifle
ui_noclass cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files whether classes are allowed 0
ui_pingrestrict cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files ping at which players are locked out 0 sv_restrict_ping
ui_kickrestrict cl_ui.cpp, some mp_ urc files how many kicks b4 player is banned 2 sv_restrict_kicks