Difficulty System
order to simplify the sometimes tedious and time-consuming work of balancing a
game for different difficultly levels, some of the basic stats and behaviors of
AI�s in MOHPA have modifiers applied to
them. This allows the designers to modify certain global properties of the game
by adjusting just a few parameters. This document is a brief explanation of how
to adjust the difficulty settings. All CVAR�s can be modified as normal. The
following are tweakable difficulty aspects.
AI Accuracy
these parameters will effect how accurate all
AI�s are when firing their weapons. The four CVAR parameters and their default
values are:
g_AIAccuracyEasy������������� -25
g_AIAccuracyMedium ���������� 0
g_AIAccuracyHard ������������ 25
g_AIAccuracyRealistic�������� -25
number is a scalar percent that enemy accuracy will use. For all levels of
difficulty except Realistic, friendly units will get the negated value. (E.g.
at Hard difficulty, Enemies will be 25% more accurate and friendly units will
be 25% less accurate.) At Realistic difficulty all AI�s will be 25% less
Grenade Awareness
����������� Adjusting these parameters effects how aware all AI�s are of grenades in their
proximity. The parameters and their default values are:
g_AIGrenadeAwarenessEasy����������� 25
g_AIGrenadeAwarenessMedium��������� 50
g_AIGrenadeAwarenessHard����������� 75
g_AIGrenadeAwarenessRealistic������ 50
����������� The
number is a percent chance that an AI will be able to notice a nearby grenade.
For example, at the Hard difficulty level, there�s a 75% chance that an AI will
be able to notice a grenade thrown near him. Note that this is just a chance to
notice a grenade, not a guarantee; other things factor into determining if the
AI will notice the grenade (e.g. proximity and line of site also figure into
AI Health
����������� Adjusting these CVARs will effect how much health AIs
get, provided the AI�s health isn�t explicitly set in script (in which case,
the AI�s health will not change based on difficulty settings.) The parameters
and their default values are:
g_AIHealthModifierEasy������� -25
g_AIHealthModifierMedium����� 0
g_AIHealthModifierHard������� 25
g_AIHealthModifierRealistic�� 0
����������� The
number is a percent modifier to apply against
enemy AI health. For all levels of difficulty, friendly AIs will get the negated
percent modifier applied to their health. For example, at the Hard difficulty
level enemy AIs will have 25% percent less health than their default, while
friendly units will get an extra 25% health.
Bullet Damage
����������� Adjusting these CVARs will effect how much damage is
applied by all AI�s. This modifies
only combat related damage (i.e. not falling damage) and does not adjust the
players applied damage. The parameters and their default values are:
g_BulletDamageScalarEasy����������� 50
g_BulletDamageScalarMedium��������� 100
g_BulletDamageScalarHard����������� 100
g_BulletDamageScalarRealistic������ 200
����������� The numbers are a percent of damage to apply. For
example, at Easy difficulty level all damage is cut in half and at realistic
levels, damage is twice as severe.
Notice Scale
����������� Adjusting these CVARs scales the time that enemy AIs will
take to notice friendly forces. The parameters and their default values are:
g_AINoticeScaleEasy���������� 200
g_AINoticeScaleMedium�������� 100
g_AINoticeScaleHard���������� 50
g_AINoticeScaleRealistic����� 100
���� The numbers are a percent chance modifier
that an AI will notice an enemey actors. For example, at Hard difficulty, AI�s
are only half as likely to notice enemies, while at Easy difficulty they are
twice as likely to notice an enemy.
����������� At the Easy difficulty setting, one third of enemies will
simply not spawn. There are some problems to simply not spawning one out of
three AI�s (e.g. what happens when an AI that is necessary for a gag doesn�t
spawn?) Therefore it is necessary for designers to tell the game which groups
of spawning enemies are ok to cull. This is accomplished by an optional
parameter on the spawnset, spawngroup and spawn calls in script. The parameter
is called �local.use_difficulty�. If it is set to non-zero, the actors spawned
from that call will be counted as one of the level-wide pool of enemies who
will not spawn. Every third actor marked as such will not spawn on difficulty
level Easy. All actors, friendly or enemy, on a level wide basis will count.