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  Vehicle Animation
Ok it’s Cinematic Part 2 Vehicle Animation and movement

I will assume you have your environment done and you want a vehicle driving through your environment.
Create a new Dir in Node window and set it active parent (f3)

So now add a Prop and go into its properties

In Filename select a Model
I used models\vehicles\dropshipanim.abc

In Skin select that models skin (there can be more than one as for the dropship)
I used skins\vehicles\dropship_1.dtx;skins\vehicles\dropship_2.dtx;skins\vehicles\dropship_3.dtx;skins\vehicles\dropship_4.dtx

Give your Prop a name I used DropShipAni

You can Alter the Direction your model face by altering the rotation this can give you problems with your keys later if this is not taken in account

To find out which models have animation’s load up Model edit this will also tell you then name of the animations you can use. This was pointed out to me by Modmaker Doh!

Now add a brush and Texture it with the invisible (found in the base WorldTextures dir).

Now bind your brush to a door give it a name and go into the door properties I used DropShipMover

This Door can also act as you vehicle’s collision box as you can walkthrough Props

Set State Flags

ActivateTrigger = FALSE
StartOpen = FALSE
TriggerClose = TRUE
RemainsOpen = TRUE
ForceMove = FALSE
AlienTearObject = FALSE

Now Set

IsKeyFramed = True


Attachments = whatever your Props name is


Now you need to add a Keyframer

Give it a name I used DropShipKeyFramer

Now in properties


ObjectName =your Door name
BaseKeyName =your keys name to be added next

Also you can use
StartActive =if this is true then it will start as soon as the map is loaded

In my case

ObjectName =DropShipMover
BaseKeyName = DropShipKeys

StartActive =False

Ok create another dir in node window and give it a name this is going to hold your keys (path for your vehicle to follow)

Set it as active parent (f3)

Now add a Key where your Vehicle starts.

Name The Key with the Value of BaseKeyName in your Keyframer properties

I used DropShipKeys, so my first key will be named DropShipKeys0 then the next would be DropShipKeys01 then DropShipKeys02.etc

Go into your Keys properties and alter these according I can’t tell you how to do it, it’s all map specific

Rotation = Direction your Prop faces (if you altered you props dir this has to be taken into account)
TimeStamp =How long it takes to get to key from the last
SoundName =SoundFx to be played
SoundRadius =How far it can be heard from
Message Target = Your Props name or [null] if using message syntax
MessageName = anim then the animation name (Animation Name Found Model Edit THX ModMaker) you can use message Syntax
Bmessage = no idea
BezierPrev =Alters the path from previous key to this one. You need to be Object Editing mode (Ctrl+H) The hold down P to alter the path. You may need to add some vector values into the sub menu before the arrows show
BezierNext = as above but alter from this key to the next

Some example of what I did

Name DropShipKeys0
Rotation 0 0 0
TimeStamp 0
SoundName sounds\events\dropship_1.wav
SoundRadius 9000
Message Target DropShipAni
MessageName anim flying_open
BezierPrev 0
BezierNex 0

Name DropShipKeys02
Rotation 190 0 10
TimeStamp 5.000
SoundName sounds\events\dropship_1.wav
SoundRadius 9000
Message Target DropShipAni
MessageName anim Closing
BezierPrev 90.0 1.0 541.0
BezierNext -66.0 1.0 -531.0

Name DropShipKeys05
Rotation 270 0 0
TimeStamp 4.5
SoundName sounds\events\dropship_2.wav
SoundRadius 9000
Message Target [null]
MessageName msg DropShipAni (anim door_opening); msg Blocker-DropShip (hidden 0)
BezierPrev 256.0 168.0 1.0
BezierNext 0 0 0

Ok Anim command only plays the animation till the end and stop’s, which is great for the Drop Ship. However if your using the APC and you want its wheels to constantly rotating while it’s moving use the animloop command

MessageTarget APC
MessageName animloop cruise

Just remember to number your keys correct


To watch your vehicle move setup a trigger

Set Target to your KeyFramer Name
And message ON

In my case

TargetName1 DropShipKeyFramer
MessageName1 ON

This Tutorial is based on looking at the Alien sample Map provided by monolith Also Thanks goes to ModMaker for pointing out where to find the animation names

Also have a look at my ace sample map LOL


V 1.0


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