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Ok I assume you know how to make a basic door. This Tutorial Will show how to do switches for them with a changing message in the LCD panel.

First we need a door when you have done this set it StateFlags in it Properties to

ActivateTrigger False
StartOpen False
TriggerClose True
RemainsOpen True
ForceMove False
AlienTearObject False

Set the doorlink to the other door’s name if it’s a double door like mine is in the example map.

First we need a switch, so first in your nodes create a new DIR and set it active parent (F3), I used the S3 textures in WorldTextures>Details>Detail03>S3-Switch-on. Make a basic brush I think I used 12*24*2 (width,hight,depth). Scale the texture to fit, then using the split tool separate it up so the LCD Part is on it own as shown below

Then duplicate the LCD part and apply the S3-switch-wait, the texture should already be lined up for you. Note Ive noticed the pro’s put the invisible texture on all none visible side’s of a brush not sure why but the will be a reason most properly reduces poly count.

Now duplicate the whole the switch i.e. every thing you see above. Now select both of the LCD panel’s with the Wait texture on it, and then bind them both to the same TWM (Translucent World Model) and name the TWM, I used S3-Wait. Go into the Waits TWM properties and set visible False, more on this later.

Then select both blank LCD panels and bind the both to the same TWM and name the TWM I used S3-Blank.

Anyway bind both keypads to the same switch (it can be found in subdirectory of a door). Then name it I used S3-Switch and go into the switches properties and set its

OnTriggerTarget S3-Door-Trigger (what ever your going to use)
OnTriggerMessage Trigger
OffTriggerTarget S3-Door-Trigger
(make sure it the same as the one above)
OfTriggerMessage Trigger

Dump the rest of the brushes into there own dir

Stick the Switch back together with one Wait and a blank LCD panel on top of each other.

Then place the switches where you want them.

We now have the switches and door setup we just need to the triggers to make it happen.

Add a Trigger and name it to what your switch refers to, I used S3-Door-Trigger. Now go into it properties and then Targets

TargetName1 S3-Blank
MessageName1 Visible 0
(This make the Blank Panel disappear)

TargetName2 S3-Wait
MessageName2 Visible 1
(This makes the Wait Panel Appear)

TargetName3 Westside
MessageName3 Trigger
(Tells the door to open)

TargetName4 S3-Switch
MessageName4 Lock
(Stops the door being activated while opening or closing)

TargetName5 S3-Door-Trigger-Delay
MessageName5 Trigger
(name it whatever just name your next trigger the same)

Also make sure the NumberOfActivations is set to 0

Now add another Trigger and name it to the one referred to in the last trigger, I used S3-Door-Trigger-Delay now in it properties set

SendDelay 2.0 set this to how long it takes for door to open or close

TargetName1 S3-Blank
MessageName1 Visible 1
(This make the Blank Panel appear)

TargetName2 S3-Wait
MessageName2 Visible 0
(This makes the Wait Panel disappear)

TargetName3 S3-Switch
MessageName3 unlock
(Allows the door to be activated again)

And set

NumberOfActivations is set to 0

Note there is loads ways to do this you can use less triggers and use more message syntax delay 1.0 (msg S3-Switch unlock). Etc.. If you use the basic trigger setup you can prefab this a lot easier as the engine will update all the name’s when you copy and past it, apart from the switch you just need to add the number to the end of the name and you may have to alter the door target name unless you copy it with the switch. Unlike using syntax you have to alter all the name’s in the syntax manually.

Also you do not have to use visible command you can use Hidden 1 / 0

If do use hidden set StartHidden in Wait TWM properties to True
Replace Visible 1 with Hidden 0 and swap Visible 0 with Hidden 1

Also this door will open and stay open you will need to add more 2 triggers similar to S3-Door-Delay-Trigger to make the door close again with the panels swapping appropriately.


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