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Lift - Downaload the lift example and tutorial here
I will assume you have lift shaft and the outer doors at the top and bottom along with the switches done. Also you know how to do a door’s, as your lift car is in reality a door that moves up and down between two points.

First create a new node dir name it, and then set it to active node. Now we need a lift make your basic car, once done, bind the brushes to a door. Set the doors properties, move dir and how far you need to move and bounding box to false. Also make sure your lift state are set like this

ActivateTrigger False
StartOpen False
TriggerClose True

If you’re doing Glass or Grates wall’s for your lift car then bind them to a TWM (translucent world model). Also you will need to do a switch for inside the lift. Finally do a lift car door just treat it as a normal door.

Make sure none of the brushes bounded to an object are in sub dir of your LiftCar.

You should end up with Dir Structure like this

Now you got your lift done the shaft and the car door and the top and bottom doors as along with the switches in place.

(I decided to do two example’s one simple that just covers the basic triggering and one that builds on that and uses changing textures on the switches. Im only going to cover the basic lift you should be able to work out how to do the more complicated one from the example and with knowledge of how to do changing textures.)

Right you will need four triggers to control the movement of the lift, a lift up and delay for it also one for the lift going down and delay for that one to.

Note you don’t need four triggers; you can use two with a heavy use of syntax if you use four triggers it makes it easier to prefab. Also it allows you to add more features to it

Ok then set both your bottom and top switches to activate the lift-Switch. Setting OnTriggerTarget does this and OffTriggerTarget to your lift switches name set the message to trigger.

Now set your lift switch OnTriggerTarget to the trigger that will activate the lift’s up or down sequence. In the example I have done the lift goes up first so I set my OnTriggerTarget to the Lift-Up trigger. If you want your lift to go down first set you OnTriggerTarget to the Lift-Down trigger. Then set the OffTriggerTarget to the other trigger.

Now lets do the first trigger. The first trigger to be used is the Lift-Up or whatever you called it. So once the lift switch is triggered we need to lock it. This stops people from triggering repeatedly within a too short a space and literally causing your lift to fall apart.

So we make the first command

TargetName1 Lifts-Switch
MessageName1 Lock

Next we need to close the outer doors and the lift car door. Which outer door depends if the lift starts at the top or bottom mine starts at the bottom.

TargetName2 Bottom-EastSide
MessageName2 Trigger

TargetName3 Lift-Car-Door
MessageName3 Trigger

Ok we now need to tell the game to move the your lifts components together with the lift. This is done in the message syntax.

TargetName4 [NULL]
MessageName4 delay 1.5 (msg LIFTCAR (attachlist (LIFT-SWITCH;LIFT-CAR-DOOR;CAGE;)));

The message by 1.5 or the Lift-Car door would be bound to the lift before could shut fully.

msg LIFTCAR (attachlist

This tells the computer to binds the next objects to the movement of the LIFTCAR


These objects will move in relation the LIFTCAR

Ok now we can trigger the lift to move

TargetName5 [NULL]
MessageName5 delay 2 (msg LIFTCAR TRIGGER)

This trigger the Lift car after all the required objects are bound to the LiftCar

TargetName6 [NULL]
MessageName6 delay 7 (msg LIFTCAR (detachlist (LIFT-SWITCH;LIFT-CAR-DOOR;CAGE;)));

This unbinds all the objects once they reach the top delay time will depend on how far and how fast your lift travel’s. You will need to play around with this until you get it right too short and your lift falls apart and too long, people will be waiting about. And you don’t want to be waiting about with a load of aliens after you.

TargetName7 [NULL]
MessageName7 delay 7.5 (msg LIFT-UP-DELAY trigger)

This trigger’s the next load of triggered events which basically finish it off. The delay time should be just after your detachlist delay time. You can just do Lift-Up-Delay Trigger and then set the Lift-Up-Delay send delay property to 7.5 instead, I just forget half the time so I do it this way.

TargetName8 Top-Switch
MessageName8 Lock

Once the lift at the top you don’t want people pressing the switch to send it back down from the top do you?

Now where on to the Lift-Up-Delay Trigger

TargetName1 Top-EastSide
MessageName1 Trigger

Trigger’s the top Floors Doors to open

TargetName2 Lift-Car-Door
MessageName2 Trigger

This opens the lift cars door

TargetName3 Bottom-Switch
MessageName3 unlock

This Unlocks the bottom switch so people at the bottom can call the lift back down

TargetName4 Lift-Switch
MessageName4 Unlock

This unlocks the lift switch so it can be triggered again

Setting door properties

Floor the lift starts on set its doors properties along with the lift car door to this


ActivateTrigger False
StartOpen True
TriggerClose True
RemainsOpen True
ForceMove False
AlienTearObject False

The other door properties

Same as above but

StartOpen False

Now the switch on the floor where the lift starts also need’s to have

Locked True

Your lift should now work in one direction all you have to do is copy and paste and swap top with bottom and up with down.

So lift-up-delay would become lift-down-delay and it Target options will look like this

TargetName1 Bottom-EastSide
MessageName1 Trigger

TargetName2 Lift-Car-Door
MessageName2 Trigger

TargetName3 Top-Switch
MessageName3 unlock

TargetName4 Lift-Switch
MessageName4 Unlock

That should now give you lift that works between two floors. Thought you may need to mess around with the delay timing.

If you want to do a lift with changing textures on the switches I’ve done an example map using the S1-switch, which I copied and pasted from the marine Sp example map. Though Im not going to explain it for you cause you should be able to work it out for yourself.

Final Note if your lift descends to fast and the player jumps they may end up on the roof of your lift.


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