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Cinematic Camera Work
Right I thought I would write a tutorial on some thing a bit more fun. So for all you budding film directors Im going to cover Cinematic Triggers well a bit of them.

This part is going to show how to using the camera function.

I take it you have your room set up and what not so I’m going to jump straight in.

Add a cinematic trigger where you want your first camera to be.
Now in properties there are 3 options, which are self-explanatory

Canskip if true the play can skip it
OneTimeonly if true can only be played once
Start on if true the cinematic will start as soon as the map is loaded

The options we are interested in are

Camera see below
Keyframer see below
Waveform see below

In camera sub menu set

Createcamera True

The rest of the options are self explanatory so use at your free will

Ok in the Keyframer sub menu we need to set

CreateKeyframer to TRUE
BaseKeyName to Camera (this can be set to anything you like as long it the same as your Keys name which are added later on)

Waveform sub menu (I don’t use this)

In wave form you can set total length time the camera takes to travel the total length of
the path you set for It

Or you can set it in the keys properties. Setting times in the keys properties
gives you much more control over the speed of the camera on certain parts of the path
you set


Lets add some keys the keys will define the path your camera will follow.
In the Nodes window add a new container and name it camera or what ever you named
BaseKeyName set it as your active node (f3) ok add your first key in the same place as
your Cinematic Trigger.

Name your key to Camera0 or whatever you BaseKeyName. Right place you second key
where ever you like.
Note for you camera path to work numbering is important. If your numbers at the
end of name are not double digit (apart from the 0) it will not work so it should
numbering should look like this.

So if your BaseKeyName is ‘whatever’
your keys should be named like this


Go to your node window and highlight your node with your keys in RMB and setpath this
will give you a visual representation of your path

Keys Properties

Rotation This set the angle your camera is pointing
TimeStamp How long it take the camera to get to this point
MessageTarget If you want to trigger an event when the camera reaches this point
MessageName what the message is e.g. trigger,on,off
BezierPrev You can alter that path route by being in object editing mode (Ctrl+h) then holding down LMB+P this on alter the path between this node and the node before to get these arrow to show you may need to put in some values in the vectrors e.g. 1 1 1
BezierNext As above but alter the path between this point and the next

If you want your camera to jump about you need to set up more cinematic triggers about
Then when your cam reaches the last key on you path stick in the cinematic trigger name
in MessageTarget and the message should be ON.

For your camera path to work numbering is important. If your numbers at the end of name
are not double digit (apart from the 0) it will not work so it should numbering should look
like this.

So if your BaseKeyName is ‘whatever’
your keys should be named like this Whatever0



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