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This tutorial is going to cover how I setup D-Edit/Go-Edit before I even create a single brush.
First I start a new world the straight away in nodes I add a new container with at least 5-sub containers and do on for each room. The is done by left LMB on a Container to highlight it then RMB and selecting the appropriate option

My 5 main sub containers are called Shell, LvL1 Detail, Lights, Effects and Props
In the Shell container holds all my major walls, floors and ceilings that come into contact with the outside environment i.e. the null void. these brushes MUST have a detail level of 0, which is the default level for a brush.

In LvL1 Detail all my level 1 detail brushes go into this container. Detail 1 brushes are all your nice little brushes that make it your map look pretty. For example benches, pillars, pipes etc…

Lights go into lights container

Effects i.e. steam explosions into the effects container

Props into Props

Just Remember to select the container node before you start creating stuff that should go into it. This is done by LMB on the Container Node then RMB Select set active parent or short cut key F3 to set it as Active parent

Why do this you may ask? (well a mate at university did)

1. If you forget to set your lvl1 detail on some brushes you can select the whole container then go into properties and set it to 1 then you make sure you have.
2. Easier to find things
3. Makes it easier to map when your level starts to get big. As shown in the links (NEED TO ADD)
4. Allows you to process segments of your map so you don’t need to process the whole map and can save you loads of time
5. Loads more as you will find out

As you can see there’s a lot to see through when you mapping and you have each room in separate container it allows you to make them disappear by hiding node and children. This speed up the editor and means you don’t have to look through as much junk. Also when you hide a node and it children when you process the map, the hidden sections will not be which is great if you’re tweaking a single room saving loads of time.

Don’t just stick to the my 5 containers there just what I always use if you do a complex lift using switches with altering texture I always stick them in there own container.

Another key tip picked up from Reverse Engineering AVP2 maps Stick your start point in it own container in the base container so it easy to find no matter where on the map it is.


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