menus for the various tabs of the Project Window and for
the view panes in the World Editing window are described
in other sections of this document. This section
summarizes the standard menus in DEdit.
The File menu provides the following selections:
- New
: Select this item to
display a dialog box for locating or creating a
directory for a new project. Name the project and
click OK. DEdit creates a project file with a
name in the pattern project.dep, where project is
the name you specified. DEdit also creates a
Palette.dat file in the project directory.
- Open
: Select this item to
display an Open dialog box filtering for .DEP
files. Locate the desired file, select it, and
then click Open. DEdit opens the project.
- Save
Project: Select this item to save the
- Close
Project: Select this item to close the
- New
: Select this item to display
the New World dialog box. This function is
described in the World Items section.
- Close World:
Select this item to close the current world file.
- Create Rez
File: Select this item to create a
resource file for the project, comprising all of
the resources and allowing you to ship just one
file. DEdit creates a resource file with a name
in the pattern project.rez, where project is the
name of the project.
- Reload
Palettes: Select this item to force
DEdit to read the Palette.dat file.
- MRU list:
Select from among the four most recently used
project files to open your selection.
- Exit:
Select this item to quit DEdit.
The Edit menu provides the following selections:
- Copy:
Select this item to copy the current selection to
the clipboard.
- Paste:
When data in a DEdit format is on the clipboard,
select this item to paste it.
- Stamp:
Select this item to both copy the current
selection to the clipboard and paste a copy on
top of the selection. This function is more
easily performed from the WorldEdit toolbar.
- Undo:
When an action can be undone, select this item to
do so.
- Redo:
When the most recently undone action can itself
be undone, select this item to do so.
- Options
Select this item to display the DirectEdit
Properties dialog box. On the Options tab, select
Blurry Textures to improve Direct3D performance.
- Advanced
Select: Select this item to display the
Advanced Select dialog box. Use this dialog box
to select or deselect many nodes based on the
class name, or the name property in the Property
tab. Clear the Select Nodes check box to deselect
nodes. Check Nodes of Class or Objects with Name
and then the class or object name. Click OK. All
nodes matching your criteria will be selected or
The View menu provides the following selections:
- Color
Selection: Select this item to toggle
the display of the color-selection palette.
- Project
Window: Select this item to toggle the
display of the Project Window.
- Main
Toolbar: Select this item to toggle the
display of the Main Toolbar.
- NodeView
Toolbar: Select this item to toggle the
display of the NodeView Toolbar.
- WorldEdit
Toolbar: Select this item to toggle the
display of the WorldEdit Toolbar.
- Debug
Window: To be documented in a later
- Status Bar:
Select this item to toggle the display of the
Status Bar.
- ToolTips:
Select this item to toggle the use of ToolTips on
the toolbars.
The World menu provides the following selections:
- World
: Select this item to display
the World Info window. This window shows the name
of the world file and the number of brushes,
polygons, and points in the world.
- Process
: This item is discussed at
the end of this World Menu section.
- Run
: After processing a world,
select this item to run it in LithTech.
- Export
Quake MAP: Select this item to create a
text file with a name in the pattern
worldname.map, where worldname is the name of the
world being edited. This file can be used in
Quake™ from Id Software. The file is
created in the current project directory.
- Remove
Extra Edges: To be documented in a later
- Reset All
Texture Coordinates: To be documented in
a later release.
- Reset All
Textures: To be documented in a later
- Randomize
Textures: To be documented in a later
- Join Tagged
Vertices: To be documented in a later
- Import
Terrain Map: This item is discussed in
the Terrain Mapping section.
- Group
Selection: Select the multiple brushes
to be grouped. Then select this item to create a
new container node and move the brushes into it.
This item is not available when only objects are
selected, but objects may be included with
brushes in a grouping operation.
- Cleanup
Geometry: Select this item to remove
round-off errors from geometry. Math errors can
accumulate, especially when items are moved.
- Update
Planes: Select this item to re-calculate
the normals of all planes. Math errors can
accumulate, especially when items are moved.
Select this item if brush manipulation yields
unexpected visual results.
- Find
Concave Brushes: Select this item to
locate brushes with invalid polygon normals.
Located brushes are then selected and their
normals can be reset. A concave brush has one or
more normals pointing inward; the ordinary state
of a brush is to be convex, with all of its
normals pointing away from each other.
- Show World
Textures: To be documented in a later
- Add
: Select this item to
display the Select Object Type dialog box. This
function is discussed in the Brushes and Objects
- Place
objects at specified height
Select the objects to be moved. Then select this
item to display the Object Height dialog box.
Enter a value for the distance above the floor.
Click OK; the selected objects are moved to the
specified height. Each object retains its (x,y)
coordinate position.
- Add Box
: Select this item to
display the New Brush dialog box. Enter a value
for the height of the brush and click OK. DEdit
inserts a box-shaped brush in the world, centered
on the green marker.
- Add
Cylinder Primitive
: Select this
item to display the Cylinder Primitive dialog
box. Enter values for the number of sides (from 3
to 24), height, and radius, and then click OK.
DEdit inserts a cylinder-shaped brush in the
world, centered on the green marker.