Creating Brushes
  To create a brush, first click Brush Edit [Brush Edit]on the WorldEdit toolbar. Then in one of the orthogonal view panes point the cursor to a corner of [Orthogonal View Pane]your desired brush and press SPACEBAR. This creates the first vertex of the brush. Move the mouse and press SPACEBAR repeatedly until that face of the brush is defined. When you place a final vertex on top of the first vertex, the polygon is closed and the New Brush dialog box appears. Enter a value for the brush thickness, bearing in mind that you have defined only one face of the brush. Click OK; the brush appears in all four view panes and is selected.

Note that it is possible to create brushes in a Perspective View pane, but it can be very hard to see where a vertex will be placed when SPACEBAR is pressed. In an orthogonal view pane, you can always be confident of vertex placement and for that reason they are recommended for creating brushes.

An intuitive method of creating the rooms, hallways, and other spaces of your virtual world is to proceed as if you were creating buildings in the physical world. First create a brush that will be the floor, using a Top View pane. Then create brushes for each wall, using either a Top View pane or one of the side view panes. Finally, create a brush for the ceiling, again using Top View.

You can also create spaces by extruding polygons or hollowing brushes. Those methods are described in the following topics.

[New Brush Dialog]
Hint: After you create a room, you may wish to place brushes within it. If you create a brush within an existing enclosed space using the Top View pane, its thickness may extend down into the floor. You will not be able to see the new brush in a Perspective View pane if you are currently viewing the inside of the room. In that case, you will need to move it upwards in a Left, Right, Front, or Back view pane before it can be seen in the Perspective View pane.

When a new brush first appears, it is selected. Handles show at the center of each face and in the center of the brush. In an orthogonal view pane, move the brush to a new position by dragging the center handle. Change the size of the brush by dragging one of the face handles. For more information, see the Selection and Manipulation section.
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