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Chrome site on 3dactionplanet 2003-07-23 00:00
The Chrome Network has officially launched on 3DActionPlanet. It's the best Chrome fan site out there and chock full of information and screenshots so give them a visit!
Chrome preview on 2003-07-21 00:00
Chrome preview 2003-06-13 00:00
To wrap up, Chrome shows a lot of promise as a developing title. It has some very exciting firefights, an innovative redesign of how players think about their character and character development in FPS games, as well as a unique inventory system that will add some strategy to the genre that didn't always exist. The graphics and environmental sounds are fantastic, the models look decent...
Chrome preview on 2003-05-30 00:00
Chrome preview on the Croatian website 2003-05-29 00:00
Click! o CHROME 2003-05-28 13:59
Chrome to rewelacyjny produkt. Chrome jest inny, realniejszy, bardziej zaawansowany technologicznie, bardziej realistyczny pod względem modelu rozgrywki i grafiki. Zainteresowanie Chromem jest bardzo duże, nie tylko w Polsce. Gracze z całego świata na łamach najpopularniejszych serwisów o grach porównują go z Halo, a nawet żartują iż jest to pogromca nadchodzącego Deus Ex 2, Project IGI 2 i Soldier of Fortune 2.

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Take-Two Interactive o CHROME o CHROME

Techland na targach - galeria

zdjęcia z prapremiery CHROME